Chronicles of the past 2024, September

The Life and Being of the Christian Antichrist (part 3) Epilogue

The Life and Being of the Christian Antichrist (part 3) Epilogue

Completion of the trilogy - Death of Elena; Poisoning of the Antichrist; Church ruled by secular authority; The incipient division of the church; The enmity of the sons of Constantine

Visiting the Tsar Peas

Visiting the Tsar Peas

Having evidence from the monastic chronicles, the alternative versions set forth above, I argue that Tsar Pea is the real ruler of Russia, who ordered the Russian people to grow and consume peas, who loved this tsar and treated him a little with humor. Qatar

KOB, prison and planet Nubiru

KOB, prison and planet Nubiru

Many gentlemen on the web should think about it. If Putin and Trump have already started talking about the rules for using the Internet, then the hour will not be long when the law will have to answer for their words. By the way, I will tell you another interesting aspect of this problem. Keeping prisoners is very expensive

Folk proverbs and sayings about the month of January

Folk proverbs and sayings about the month of January

Folk proverbs about January. Briefly and succinctly about the winter month

6 rules of self-development Leo Tolstoy

6 rules of self-development Leo Tolstoy

6 rules of Leo Tolstoy following which a person will develop. And this is important in the new year

Give a horse to drink

Give a horse to drink

The reader should also understand the following: water is one of the three forms represented in God. In the process of creating the world, only three terms are written with a capital letter: God, the Spirit of God and Water. So it is in the legends of many nations, including in the Holy Scriptures, but not in the Bible

Welcome to Paradise

Welcome to Paradise

Have you ever heard about dead and living water, about the memory of water, about the information it contains? Finally, that a person is just a vessel of water? And do you continue to believe that God is the Thunderer sitting on the heavenly throne? But what if its likeness is WATER?

Is it worth believing in folk omens?

Is it worth believing in folk omens?

To believe or not to believe in omens is your own business. But, however, according to many of the signs, with a little brain strain and connecting the information spaces of the Internet, it is easy to find a scientific, well, or at least an understandable explanation for many of them. Let's look at a few examples



The magi brought three gifts to the newborn messiah: frankincense, gold and myrrh

Prekrasa Sobakina

Prekrasa Sobakina

Many questions are asked about the appearance in modern Russia of the High Priestesses, who identify themselves as the descendants of Princess Olga. To begin with, according to Russian Law, we cannot have descendants along the female line, since in Russia there is a right by patronymic or paternal. The Jews have maternal right

Window to Russia

Window to Russia

Only boundless gullibility and compliance, as well as the lack of awareness of the need for a constant, strong bond of all members of the state, not only during the war, destroyed all the conquests of the Ukrainians every time. Therefore, they lost their "independence" early and live now near Lithuania, now near Poland

Slavs, do not go to the bathhouse with the priest

Slavs, do not go to the bathhouse with the priest

According to canon law, the Russian Orthodox Church, and the customs of the Russ before the adoption of Christianity, if an Orthodox goes to a bathhouse, then he must see if there is a Jew nearby. After all, according to canonical rules, an Orthodox cannot wash in a bath with a Jew

Descendant of Antichrist

Descendant of Antichrist

Do we know our history? It seems to many of us that it is sorted out on the shelves and pundits know everything that happened under the eternal stars. However, it is not. Modern history is not in its essence a science, it is rather a mythology, moreover, it was composed by not the most successful author

Secrets of the Great Catechism

Secrets of the Great Catechism

The author has seen this literature and is ready to testify that several pages of the Tale concerning the moment of establishing statehood in Russia have been replaced by others. Moreover, there is a problem with the numbering of sheets - the numbers are stupidly corrected or simply torn off

The truth about the Pilots or the story from the Torah

The truth about the Pilots or the story from the Torah

The Eternal Jew - a Jew-artisan, past whose house Jesus Christ was taken to the crucifix, carrying His Cross, refused Jesus and pushed Him away when He asked permission to lean against the wall of his house to rest, and for this he was condemned to wander the earth until the Second coming and everlasting contempt

In the shadow of an eagle and the field marshal's guard

In the shadow of an eagle and the field marshal's guard

The laurel wreath became a sign of Caesar in imperial Rome and was used by priests on state celebrations, which gradually gave the wreaths the meaning of signs of honor. In other works, I wrote that Rome is one of the names of Byzantium. There were three Romes: Old or First Rome, with the capital in Alexandria

Atlas of Abraham Ortelius 1570

Atlas of Abraham Ortelius 1570

Well, now the most important thing in Ortelius's atlas is ETRURIA. The most famous Etruria, which was the progenitor of the culture of both the Romans and the entire Western world



The mother of the Russian cities, which were built on the model of Byzantium, is not Kiev on the Dnieper. Modern Kiev is generally the Khazar city of Sambat. Kievan Rus, this is Byzantium

The global world of the past millennia - the full identity of the cultures of the Old and New Worlds (arguments - archeology, artifacts)

The global world of the past millennia - the full identity of the cultures of the Old and New Worlds (arguments - archeology, artifacts)

Archaeological similarity, in the excavations of the Old and New Worlds. / One land - one people / Many millennia of the Globality of the World. / Christians lived quietly in America before Columbus !! / With whom and what games does God play?

Terra Incognita

Terra Incognita

A huge area southeast of Asia was marked as "terra incognita", and earlier maps contain images of Great Tartary, with all the details. And nevertheless, this country is the real Terra Incognito - the Land of the Unknown, Mysterious and unexplored

Isaac Newton's Law of Universal Lies

Isaac Newton's Law of Universal Lies

The Vatican not only governs science, but also prepares “discoveries” at the right time, when society becomes aware of the failure of certain dogmas in science. So it was with Galileo, Copernicus, Einstein and others. They all appeared at the right time

He was not a liar

He was not a liar

Peter and Catherine The second uncle and niece from the Anhalt family. The real Peter was replaced during the Grand Embassy to Europe and ended his life in the Bastille under the name of the Iron Mask. False Peter destroyed the entire Romanov family, who themselves destroyed the Ruriks during the Time of Troubles. The Romanovs are over

Romans, laymen, gamayun and phoenix

Romans, laymen, gamayun and phoenix

But the majority, having passed earthly trials, will renounce Evil and return to ROME, or the house of the Most High God Kind, repenting of their deeds. The soul is not created under the body, it is eternal, since the angels are immortal. This is how our ancestors - Old Believers understood the structure of the universe

600th miniature

600th miniature

Jesus written with two "I" - Jesus. So they began to write only after the Nikonian reform. That is, the one who ruled the name of Irina on Uriah and Jesus on Jesus lived no earlier than the 17th century! After all, until that time, no one in Russia knew any Jesus. Everyone knew Jesus

The Front Chronicle of Tsar Ivan the Terrible - Source of Truth

The Front Chronicle of Tsar Ivan the Terrible - Source of Truth

For the first time in open and free access on the DLDP website

Under the leadership of the Chosen

Under the leadership of the Chosen

"" IN THE BEGINNING THERE WAS A WORD "… why IN THE BEGINNING? … why THERE WAS? …. why WORD? …" Well, dear programmers, are you ready with an answer?

The Parisian absurdity of the Elders of Zion

The Parisian absurdity of the Elders of Zion

CONTINUED MINIATURE "The Secret of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion"

Localization and chronology (part 1)

Localization and chronology (part 1)

We already have a question in the previous article: "WHEN was the" Bible "written?" Let me remind you that this question arose in the discussion of the malicious distortion of the localization of Babylon. The correct location of Babylon is well known, but is hidden from the crowd: Babylon is Cairo

Sharaga dreamer

Sharaga dreamer

The investigation clearly established that none of the events described in Solzhenitsyn's book "The Gulag Archipelago" personally happened to him, but is only an author's retelling of processed prison tales heard by the writer from other prisoners. He spent a third of his imprisonment in the wild … Qatar

Paleya Explanatory on a Jew

Paleya Explanatory on a Jew

What scientists today do not understand at all, our ancestors were clearer than clear. I absolutely do not understand the desire of people to confuse the knowledge of the ancestors, it seems that one day, someone forbade people to think sensibly

Holy Scripture before the introduction of the Bible

Holy Scripture before the introduction of the Bible

Most of these books were destroyed by the priests, some of them ended up in the Apocrypha. However, the Old Believers managed to preserve the heritage of their ancestors and the ancient books are gradually seeing the world again. The author of the miniature has the opportunity to read them, being an Old Believer of the Semeysk clan Christianity of the Cathars of the Languedoc and the Kulugurs of the cup

The last prediction of the Carpathian Molfar Nechai

The last prediction of the Carpathian Molfar Nechai

The last prediction of the Carpathian molfar Nechai - this miniature appeared on the network on 09/05/2014 What came true from the written …?

Russian language as a form of expression of thought (Bylina. Author Commissioner Qatar)

Russian language as a form of expression of thought (Bylina. Author Commissioner Qatar)

The Russian language as a form of expression of thought is simply a unique phenomenon. As an example, I would like to cite the story of a veteran of the Great Patriotic War N.A. Frolova

Domes of St. Basil's Cathedral - symbols of the planets of the solar system?

Domes of St. Basil's Cathedral - symbols of the planets of the solar system?

The secret knowledge of astrologers and alchemists, as well as the advanced achievements of the first astronomers, were embodied by the ancient builders in the main symbol of Moscow and Russia - St. Basil's Cathedral

Why did airships disappear?

Why did airships disappear?

The abandonment of airships was not due to the disaster with the "Hindenburg" in 1937 or the high cost of helium

The last fall of Rome, the calling of the Vandals. Cross-sectional analysis of four ancient sources of information about one event

The last fall of Rome, the calling of the Vandals. Cross-sectional analysis of four ancient sources of information about one event

The fall of Rome - the difference between the information in the original source and later annals. An illustrative example of how an event becomes more detailed over time. Forming your own point of view on the event

The Koran and the Finns - the war for the Jordan. Part 3

The Koran and the Finns - the war for the Jordan. Part 3

They have suffered a loss! Did they really not hear About those who keep the memory of centuries undying - the Peoples of Noah, Abraham, about the Magyana, Ada and Thamud turned into dust by God, the shame of the cities that have lost?