Chronicles of the past 2024, September

Why the columns of St. Isaac's Cathedral began to be produced before the project of the cathedral was approved

Why the columns of St. Isaac's Cathedral began to be produced before the project of the cathedral was approved

The confusion about the timing of the felling, delivery and installation of the columns of St. Isaac's Cathedral is explained by the start of construction of the deferred project of 1818

The Mystery of the 1961 Monetary Reform

The Mystery of the 1961 Monetary Reform

Monetary reform of 1961 is often tried to be presented as an ordinary denomination, like the one that was carried out in 1998. In the eyes of the uninitiated, everything looked extremely simple: the old Stalinist "footcloths" were replaced with new Khrushchev "candy wrappers", smaller in size, but more expensive at face value

Even larger megaliths (up to 2000 tons) were dug up in Baalbek, and the Southern stone (1000 tons) was sawn off from below in an unknown way

Even larger megaliths (up to 2000 tons) were dug up in Baalbek, and the Southern stone (1000 tons) was sawn off from below in an unknown way

The largest artificial bricks in the world in Baalbek have been known for 150 years. New excavations have revealed even larger megaliths below them

Isaac's columns are NOT HOLLOW

Isaac's columns are NOT HOLLOW

If you look into the gap in the columns of St. Isaac's Cathedral, it may seem that they are hollow, but no one measured the depth of the gap

The picture that flipped the planet in 1839 - part 4

The picture that flipped the planet in 1839 - part 4

“Why is he jumping from right to left?” - will be asked by those who have not yet read part 1, part 2 and part 3 of my research. Those who have familiarized themselves with it will ask: "What does your church picture have to do with the rotation of the earth?" Well - the fairy tale is a lie, but the hint in it is not "reverse rotation"

1914: The Second World War - that's what the contemporaries called the First World War. Who changed this name and why?

1914: The Second World War - that's what the contemporaries called the First World War. Who changed this name and why?

Thoroughly hidden Past of the Once Global Peace .. WHAT DO WE KNOW about our PRESENT HISTORY?

Where did Robinson Crusoe visit, or Where did Tartary go?

Where did Robinson Crusoe visit, or Where did Tartary go?

Where did Robinson Crusoe travel in the original English and Russian "translation"

Dora supercannon: the largest and most useless weapon of the Third Reich

Dora supercannon: the largest and most useless weapon of the Third Reich

According to the Chief of the General Staff of the Ground Forces of Hitlerite Germany, Colonel-General Franz Halder, the Dora supercannon, although it was a real work of art, was a useless weapon in terms of combat effectiveness. According to many experts, "Dora" is the most expensive mistake in the entire history of the development of artillery

Fake antiquity of modern Japan, or how the island of Yapan "tore" in the 17th century

Fake antiquity of modern Japan, or how the island of Yapan "tore" in the 17th century

Investigation of the circumstances and clarification of the time of the emergence of the Japanese archipelago, based on the analysis of ancient maps of the region

The weapon of the Russian hero

The weapon of the Russian hero

The Russian hero, as you know, fought close combat. One on one, or one for all. What helped the hero to win the ultimatum victory over the enemy? Contact weapon

Mary Magdalene. Orthodox and Catholic versions

Mary Magdalene. Orthodox and Catholic versions

Why delve into the legends of a thousand years of antiquity, when you do not know for certain what was happening just a century ago

The Hans Nilser Diaries or What is the Vatican Hiding?

The Hans Nilser Diaries or What is the Vatican Hiding?

Selected quotes from the diaries of Hans Nilser 1899, which describe the secrets of the Vatican, the ancient manuscripts with which the author worked. Unknown manuscripts of the Gospels and accounts of the life of Jesus Christ. Vedas and many other things that are so carefully hidden from people

Empire path

Empire path

"The path of the empire"

Ancient Russian society

Ancient Russian society

Today we would like to consider the topic of our distant ancestors and the relationship of our ancestors to their Gods. According to some experts, the nature of the relationship between the ancient Russians and their Gods was fundamentally different than in Christianity

How a penny copper ring killed nearly 40 submariners

How a penny copper ring killed nearly 40 submariners

A catastrophe struck the Norwegian Sea 50 years ago: an explosion on board the first Soviet nuclear-powered submarine, Leninsky Komsomol, on September 8, 1967, claimed the lives of 39 people. It was only thanks to the resourcefulness and courage of the commander and crew that even more dire consequences were avoided

Esoteric knowledge of ancestors

Esoteric knowledge of ancestors

Some experts believe that our ancestors knew much more than you and me. They possessed esoteric knowledge. They were convinced that in addition to the physical visible to the naked eye, there are many other levels around us that are as important to us as the physical world

Help identify the type of dinosaur trampled by the Bronze Horseman

Help identify the type of dinosaur trampled by the Bronze Horseman

The Bronze Horseman tramples a dinosaur-headed snake. Help identify the type of this dinosaur

Architectural wonders of the ancient world

Architectural wonders of the ancient world

Most of the historical sites on our planet are besieged by millions of tourists every year. However, aside from the well-trodden paths, there are monuments of antiquity that deserve the closest attention

Top 5 battle axes

Top 5 battle axes

An ax is a weapon of war and peace: it can cut both wood and heads equally well! Today we will talk about which axes won fame and were the most popular among warriors of all times and peoples

Traditional religion of Russia before Baptism

Traditional religion of Russia before Baptism

According to some reports, the "enlightened men", carrying the "light of Christ's truth," then destroyed three-quarters of the population of Russia. It turns out that numerous armed detachments were operating, about which, for some reason, not a word in the annals … And did Jesus bequeathed such bloodshed and genocide in his own name?

Secrets of ancient Angkor

Secrets of ancient Angkor

How this capital of the mighty and mysterious Khmer state perished, no one knows. According to one of the legends, the son of one of the priests dared to object to the cruel emperor, and he ordered to drown the impudent one in the Tonle Sap Lake. But as soon as the waters closed over the youth's head, the angry gods punished the lord. The lake overflowed its shores and flooded Angkor, washing away the despot and all his subjects from the face of the earth

Proof of the Great Forgery - Fake Royal Remains

Proof of the Great Forgery - Fake Royal Remains

Japanese genetics proved 100% that the examination carried out in 1998 by Nemtsov's team was pure hack. But the DNA analysis carried out by the Japanese is only a link in a whole chain of evidence that the Yekaterinburg remains were not involved in the family of Nicholas II

Mausoleum - "ominous ziggurat" or a sacred symbol of our history?

Mausoleum - "ominous ziggurat" or a sacred symbol of our history?

Perhaps they wanted to preserve Lenin's body not only in order to give everyone the opportunity to say goodbye to the leader, but also with the secret hope that someday science will be able to resurrect a person

Love for fatherly coffins

Love for fatherly coffins

Yegor Karlovich von Lode is a nobleman who devoted his whole life to serving the Fatherland. Buried in the Cheremenets Monastery in the Leningrad Region. Is it so ?

Wooden counting tags from excavations in Staraya Russa

Wooden counting tags from excavations in Staraya Russa

Wooden tags have been fixed on the territory of Europe since the times of Antiquity. During the Middle Ages and Modern Times, they became ubiquitous and were one of the integral elements of everyday life. The scope of use of tags was extensive: from the way of recording simple calculations and teaching the account to using them as bills of exchange and the equivalent of non-cash money

Mysterious place in Russia - Samarskaya Luka

Mysterious place in Russia - Samarskaya Luka

An amazing discovery awaited researchers almost near Samara - on the spit of the Volga and Usa rivers, near the village of Zhiguli. Locals have long been talking about strange circles, clearly distinguishable only from a great height. In the very heart of Samarskaya Luka there is a classic sanctuary for sun and moon worshipers

Why was there milk in triangular bags?

Why was there milk in triangular bags?

How did this original milk package come about? How did you come up with such a thing at all?

Belyany - unique Volga giants

Belyany - unique Volga giants

If you ask what is Belyany, then few will answer this question. But just some 100 years ago, these giant ships sailed along the Volga and Vetluga. Beliany is perhaps the most unique river boats in the world. These were huge, even by current measures, ships. According to some reports, there were belyany up to 120 m long.The board height could reach 6 meters

Restoration of antiquities

Restoration of antiquities

Someone from the LAI group continues to make comparisons of cultural buildings, ruins from the past with their modern appearance. We just watch and draw conclusions

Grandiose architectural projects of the past that have never been realized

Grandiose architectural projects of the past that have never been realized

Sometimes it is difficult to draw a clear line between dream and reality. These twenty buildings can serve as an excellent confirmation of this. Some of them were not built due to a lack of funds, some were just pipe-dreaming utopian dreams ahead of their time, while others can still be realized in one form or another. One thing is for sure - these iconic projects literally make you turn on the imagination and dream

The apogee of the era of stagnation! What life looked like in the USSR in 1981

The apogee of the era of stagnation! What life looked like in the USSR in 1981

Photography is time frozen on film. Looking at historical photographs, you involuntarily begin to imagine a participant in those events. This is especially felt when you are not in front of newspaper photo reports, but shots taken by amateurs

How Americans Weathered Their Most Devastating Crisis, The Great Depression

How Americans Weathered Their Most Devastating Crisis, The Great Depression

The United States entered the Great Depression, one of the most devastating economic crises in history, in the late 1920s, and throughout the 1930s, most Americans were teetering on the brink of survival. Only with the outbreak of World War II did the United States manage to get out of a protracted financial peak

Leningrader who solved the mystery of the Mayan civilization

Leningrader who solved the mystery of the Mayan civilization

The man who made a miraculous discovery, glorified Soviet science and became a national hero of Mexico, at the end of the "dashing 90s" died alone in a hospital bed exposed in the corridor

Blavatsky on Jewish history: no trace

Blavatsky on Jewish history: no trace

The famous E.P. Blavatsky, who traveled half the planet, spent her whole life communicating with many Jews. Starting with the wife of the Rothschild puppet S.Yu. Witte, who was her cousin. Nevertheless, look how soberly the creator of the "Theosophical Society", the indefatigable researcher of secret meanings and knowledge, Blavatsky writes in a letter to her aunt about Jewish tales

What was the food basket in the Russian Empire

What was the food basket in the Russian Empire

During periods of crisis for the Russian economy, the term "food basket" becomes a popular term. It is interesting to see what the people had for their livelihood in past eras. For example, before the revolution

Map of old trees of Russia about the time of the pole catastrophe

Map of old trees of Russia about the time of the pole catastrophe

By the age of the oldest trees, one can approximate the time of the catastrophe that destroyed the forest. And if you look more broadly - across the country !? Let's try to make a map

The story of a communal apartment (the tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it )

The story of a communal apartment (the tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it )

Chapter from the book by Andrey Zorin - Sinking the "Icebreaker"

How the captured Germans lived in the USSR

How the captured Germans lived in the USSR

The captured Germans in the USSR rebuilt the cities they destroyed, lived in camps and even received money for their work. 10 years after the end of the war, former Wehrmacht soldiers and officers "exchanged knives for bread" at Soviet construction sites

What is Pole Shift?

What is Pole Shift?

Introductory article to the topic "Periodic pole shift". It uses the formal scientific understanding of the Earth's structure to understand the pole shift model