Chronicles of the past 2024, September

Bourgeois Science or Why Study Abroad?

Bourgeois Science or Why Study Abroad?

Previously, stories about the cheerful Munchausen were written and read like fairy tales. Tomorrow, it looks like they will be used to study the laws of physics and artillery work

Quiet, quiet West

Quiet, quiet West

If our society returned to the time of the real "Wild West", that is, to the American period from 1861 to 1901, then the pipe dream of universal security and peace of mind of citizens would come true for modern "civilized" megacities

About the dangers of science

About the dangers of science

What the word "rainbow" can tell you

What are the stones silent about or what is the true name of Tartary?

What are the stones silent about or what is the true name of Tartary?

Where to look for answers to the question "Where did Tartary come from, and we do not know about it by sleep or spirit"? How to find the answer if the history of us 300 years was written by the Germans by order of the victorious dynasty? How to distinguish a lie from a truth … And now you "wander" with suspended questions until you "stumble" over the necessary STONE

Spiraling towards the center to the ancestral home

Spiraling towards the center to the ancestral home

We practically stopped thinking in images enclosed in the ancient Slavic signs of our ancestors. How deep are the meanings of these signs at the first examination, second, third, but in a plane or in VOLUME? .. What could they give if we tried to think in these images and where can the answers lead?

"Arkaim" near Tomsk

"Arkaim" near Tomsk

Modern history claims that Siberia has no history. Everything around the perimeter has its antiquity, and such huge and fertile spaces were not inhabited by anyone and nothing happened here? .. I never believed in this and will never believe

Amur Evil Baba

Amur Evil Baba

For some time now, I really fell in love with looking at the beauty of our country, using the possibilities of the Internet. Examining the Amur pillars, at first I simply couldn’t believe my eyes: among them I SEE … A GREAT BABA

Ancient underground cities

Ancient underground cities

Recently in Turkey

Shards of Former Greatness, Part 2

Shards of Former Greatness, Part 2

This post is the result of joint activities of the Tomsk Research Group "Tiger". We are talking about an alternative interpretation of "isTORic" events

260 giant geoglyphs found in the steppes of Kazakhstan

260 giant geoglyphs found in the steppes of Kazakhstan

The satellite captured 260 geoglyphs on the territory of Kazakhstan - giant earthen geometric figures. Scientists are still at a loss in conjecture about the origin and meaning of these signs, but they may not have enough time to study them: some of the finds have already been destroyed during construction work

10 facts about World War II that are not covered in history books

10 facts about World War II that are not covered in history books

They talk about World War II even in high school in history lessons. Everyone knows about the tyranny of Hitler, the Holocaust, the attack on Pearl Harbor. But there are also facts about the war, which are known only to those who are seriously engaged in the study of the history of this period

Ancient artifacts that disappeared without a trace in the depths of history

Ancient artifacts that disappeared without a trace in the depths of history

There is no room for superstition and magic in science. Throughout history, no magical solution has been found to any scientific question, while the opposite is happening all the time

What Russians are silent about

What Russians are silent about

“The word is silver, silence is gold,” says a Russian proverb. In Russia there was a tradition to get away from the bustle of the world with the help of silence, choosing it as obedience. I propose to reflect on the peculiarities of Russian silence

Ancestors - up to the fifth generation! - have an impact on the development of children

Ancestors - up to the fifth generation! - have an impact on the development of children

A study carried out jointly with Georgian colleagues convinced us that certain ancestors are up to the fifth generation! - have an impact on the physical development of children. Unfortunately, information about ancestors is usually extremely scarce

Irish and Scandinavians - "emigrants" from Russia?

Irish and Scandinavians - "emigrants" from Russia?

An interesting hypothesis based on the analysis of Scandinavian myths is given by the Russian researcher of the history of our country N. Pavlischeva. The originality of this hypothesis lies in the fact that it completely "knocks the ground out of underfoot" among the pro-Western sycophants

The Third Reich invented the modern Olympics

The Third Reich invented the modern Olympics

The XI Olympic Games have become a kind of turning point in the history of modern mankind. Despite the very difficult political situation and the obvious aggressive intentions of Adolf Hitler, the international committee chose Berlin for the competition

Denisovskaya cave revealed its secrets

Denisovskaya cave revealed its secrets

Scientists from all over the world are closely following the finds found in the Denisova Cave, located in Altai. One of them, the most ancient artifact, a bracelet made of stone, which baffled all-knowing scientists

They say the toponyms: Paganism is the truth, the official izTORIA is a fake

They say the toponyms: Paganism is the truth, the official izTORIA is a fake

Perhaps the only thing that is most reliably recorded in the memory of a person is the name of his ancestors - father and mother, grandparents, great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers. Only a few, mostly criminals, change their names and the names of their ancestors

Pole Shift and Taxodium

Pole Shift and Taxodium

After the biblical flood, a rainbow appeared for the first time, indicating a change in the conditions of life on Earth. This flood was worldwide. But not the only one. The incredible strength of the hydroshock generated by the pole shift periodically ravages vast areas. And there is a lot of evidence for this

Ancient air conditioners - Badgirs - are more effective than modern

Ancient air conditioners - Badgirs - are more effective than modern

While we all toil from the heat and live only on air conditioners and fans, for a couple of thousand years there has been a device that is so effective that it makes even life in the desert bearable and cools the water almost to freezing point

The secret of the Black Prince's gold

The secret of the Black Prince's gold

The Black Sea is a storehouse of secrets and mysteries. Dozens of sunken ships rest at its bottom, which, to this day, keep tons of gold from the eyes of the inhabitants. Why did it happen? Despite its shallow depth, the Black Sea is still quite dangerous during storms.

Ways of development of civilization from the past to the present

Ways of development of civilization from the past to the present

Have you ever wondered why modern civilization has become the way we see it today, and was it a smooth gradual development along the only correct path?

The underworld is not a fairy tale

The underworld is not a fairy tale

The dungeon has always attracted a person with its mystical mystery and mystery. Throughout human history, there have been many legends and myths about the existence of entire civilizations deep underground. And today scientists, together with adventurers, are trying to find the answer to the most important question:

The secrets of the knowledge of the great ancients

The secrets of the knowledge of the great ancients

During scientific research expeditions around the world, scientists discover evidence of the existence of highly developed ancient civilizations. For example, the ancient Egyptian mercury lamps and transformers, the prototype of the Inca supersonic aircraft, the most complex precision technologies in construction and ancient surgical transplantations depicted on the ancient collection of engraved stones from Peru, irrefutably prove that these civilizations were not primitive.

What is a man?

What is a man?

The story is cruel and varied. Human civilization as a whole from the beginning of time to the present day has passed a long and painstaking path of development. One year gave way to another, important discoveries were made, philosophers and thinkers were born and died - but no one could even come close to giving an answer to Socrates' question "

Are monkeys the heirs of the gods?

Are monkeys the heirs of the gods?

Modern science offers many theories and hypotheses of the origin of mankind. Some of them are frankly absurd, some are more like fairy tales, but some still have a scientific basis. Relatively recently, a very interesting hypothesis has appeared, according to which the heroes of the famous epic work "

Reflections on the topic "There are no forests on the land"

Reflections on the topic "There are no forests on the land"

"About how many wonderful discoveries we have, Prepare the spirit of enlightenment, And experience, the son of difficult mistakes, And a genius, friend of paradoxes." About the Moon, Earth and Silicon Life

Women's duels - "A matter of honor"

Women's duels - "A matter of honor"

Traditionally, the showdown with the help of weapons was considered a non-feminine occupation. When men fought a duel, defending the honor of a lady, it was a noble act. But how to qualify such a model of behavior among women? Women's duels were, albeit more rare, but much more brutal

Antarctic ice survivors

Antarctic ice survivors

In 1914, 28 people were trapped among the Antarctic ice. The photographer managed to capture the months-long struggle of people for survival

Atomic warfare in the distant past

Atomic warfare in the distant past

In various places around the globe, archaeologists find strange artifacts that make one think that, perhaps thousands of years ago, wars were raging on earth with the use of weapons similar to modern nuclear weapons. Moreover, these nuclear wars were going on almost everywhere

Manuscript Historia de proelis

Manuscript Historia de proelis

Everyone has heard about the exploits and merits of Alexander the Great, but few know that in his victorious wanderings this heroic man, with the help of his army, destroyed a myriad of ancient monsters, which can be read in the manuscripts describing his adventures

Voynich Manuscript - The most mysterious manuscript in the world

Voynich Manuscript - The most mysterious manuscript in the world

In the collection of the Yale University Library

Pole shift and endemics

Pole shift and endemics

The endemicity of the fauna is usually explained by the long-term isolation of the territory for thousands or even millions of years. This post has a slightly different perspective. and at the time of isolation and at the rate of natural selection

The Alexander Column with ancient megaliths is united by a combination of ancient reliable granite foundations and modern fragile clay bricks

The Alexander Column with ancient megaliths is united by a combination of ancient reliable granite foundations and modern fragile clay bricks

The Alexander Column with ancient megaliths has many features. Now let's consider one of them - a combination of ancient reliable granite foundations and modern brittle bricks as a superstructure

The rate of soil formation on the example of dredging dumps

The rate of soil formation on the example of dredging dumps

The rate of soil formation is deliberately underestimated tens of times. This allows soil science as a science to keep pace with traditional history. This is corruption. But not all scientists are covered by it

20 witty jokes of Stalin

20 witty jokes of Stalin

Comrade Stalin liked to joke a little Georgian joke. Appreciate your sense of humor

The last city of Tartary

The last city of Tartary

Is it possible only on the basis of the presence of solar symbols and ancient Vedic signs on the wooden houses of Tomsk, to assert that this is the last city of Tartary?

Rome - ruins of the 19th century

Rome - ruins of the 19th century

The author examines the first photographs of objects that are now considered world sights. Where does such a large number of ruins of the ancient world come from, as in the paintings of Piranesi and other artists? What did they look like in the second half of the 19th century?

Say a word about the forgotten "Stork"

Say a word about the forgotten "Stork"

Sometimes details, mailboxes or doorknobs can communicate more about a country than landmarks. In Estonia, weather vane on the roofs not only show where the wind is blowing from, but also symbolically tell its difficult story