Atomic warfare in the distant past
Atomic warfare in the distant past

Video: Atomic warfare in the distant past

Video: Atomic warfare in the distant past
Video: RUSSIA - 700 MILLION Living in EXTREME POVERTY as COST OF LIVING CRISIS Puts 70 MILLION More at Risk 2024, September

If this explanation is ruled out, the findings are simply inexplicable. These are, for example, the tektites of the Libyan Desert, Sinnear Desert and many other places. Tektites are pieces of rock that have melted and turned into a glassy mass of unknown origin, similar to sintered sand at ground-based nuclear tests. According to the official version, tektites are meteorites that underwent such high temperatures at the time of our atmosphere passing. The version is good for everyone, but only not a single meteorite was found. All tektites are of terrestrial origin.

Stones in the Gobi Desert, the walls of the Hittite capital city of Hattusa, Stonehenge in Europe, the wall of Babylon excavated in Asia - everywhere, on all continents, you can find similar evidence: in India, Turkey, Azerbaijan, etc. In many countries, ruins of prehistoric cities with clear traces of exposure to radiation have been found. According to research by independent scientists and esotericists, these wars happened about 13 thousand years ago.

The official science, of course, has its own explanation for such finds. This is either the effect of open fire, which for a long time affected the stones (which is absolutely implausible, but for most people this explanation is enough - how do they know at what temperature the stones melt), or an analogue of modern napalm. But then it remains unclear why this recipe has not survived to this day?

A whole group of traces are craters, similar to craters after the explosion of shells (not necessarily nuclear, but who said that other weapons were not used in a nuclear war of antiquity?). Such funnels are also found in different parts of the world. According to rough estimates, there are over a hundred craters on earth with a diameter of 2-3 kilometers, among which there are two huge ones: in South America (40 km in diameter) and in South Africa (120 km in diameter). If they were formed in the Paleozoic era (350 million years ago), as scientists say, they are traces of meteorite hit, then, firstly, where are the meteorites themselves? Disappeared? Dissolved in space? Secondly, why have funnels survived from those distant times? In theory, nothing should have been left of them for a long time, since the thickness of the Earth's upper layer increases by about a meter in a hundred years. And the funnels are still intact. This suggests that the nuclear strike occurred 13 to 35 thousand years ago.

Another proof of an ancient nuclear war is the coal deposits. Anyone who has not skipped lessons at school probably remembers that coal can be obtained by exposing wood to high temperatures without oxygen. We are taught that wood is petrified and turned into coal. This is partly true, but it was the wood that was knocked down by a shock wave during a nuclear explosion, then exposed to high temperatures, and only then was covered with earth and petrified. Simply petrified wood, due to the diffusion of the surrounding rock, will not burn.

One of the most striking examples of an area suspected of being hit by a nuclear attack is the city now called (after its location) Mohenjo-Daro. It is located in the Indus River Valley. The city ceased to exist immediately, and its inhabitants, whose skeletons were found in great numbers by archaeologists, were not buried either then or later, centuries later. For what reason is unknown. Analysis of the thousands of stones that also dotted the streets of Mohenjo-Daro showed that they were shards of pottery, sintered from instant heating to 1400-1600 degrees Celsius. Experts believe that three destructive waves took place in the city, spreading two kilometers from the epicenter (judging by the absence of skeletons lying further everywhere, people who were near the epicenter simply evaporated). Most importantly, the possibility of a volcanic eruption or a meteorite falling is completely excluded.

These wars left their mark in folk epics, for example, in the "Mahabharata" (about 6500 BC) - an epic poem of ancient India. There, in many places, episodes of a war are described, which, with modern knowledge, does not seem to be any, but nuclear. For example, these lines (translated into adapted Russian): "… the only projectile blamed for all the power of the Universe. A blazing column of smoke and a flame as bright as a thousand suns rose in all its brilliance … a perpendicular explosion with its billowing clouds smoke … a cloud of smoke rising after that explosion … "And it is true - in the Indus Valley (now the Thar Desert), to the west of Jodhpur, many areas with traces of radioactive ash were found.

Traces of ancient nuclear wars are found not only in epics, but also in the ground. So, just recently in South America, a huge underground structure was discovered, very much like a nuclear bomb shelter. The fact that this is a nuclear bomb shelter is evidenced by the traces of nuclear destruction around. The only problem that now prevents the publicity of these findings and further research is the dissertations and diplomas of scientists, which may be declared, if not invalid, then at least irrelevant.

But when did the nuclear war of antiquity take place? Maybe official science can help find the answer to this question? (Itself, however, not wanting to …) So, relatively recently, in March 2001, Richard B. Firestone, a scientist from the famous center for atomic research in Berkeley, made a sensational statement. In his opinion, the radiocarbon dating of many historical monuments and artifacts is incorrect due to the fact that many areas of the planet, according to his research, were bombarded by streams of neutrons and other particles, which are known to arise from a nuclear explosion. "These neutrons converted the residual nitrogen in the dated charcoals to radiocarbon, thus giving anomalous dates. Some North American dates are thus erroneous by at least ten thousand plus years downward." As evidence of this, he cites examined samples from Janey in Michigan, Fedford and Zandra in Ontario, Shup in Pennsylvania, Elton in Indiana, Leavitt in Michigan and the northern tip of Lake Grant, and southwest Baker, New Mexico. He also points to anomalous amounts of uranium and plutonium in the areas he investigated. And although the scientist cautiously explains these anomalies by "radiation from a nearby supernova that exploded about twelve and a half thousand years ago" (about the same date as given by independent researchers), a supernova explosion does not explain traces of plutonium, an element that does not occur in nature. at all, but arising only in nuclear reactions of uranium, produced by man in special conditions - in a nuclear reactor. All this suggests that a global nuclear war actually took place on Earth 13 thousand years ago. Perhaps it was a war between Hyperborea and Atlantis. But this is all from the area of assumptions. It could just as well be argued that the war was fought between Atlanteans (or Hyperboreans) and aliens from outer space.


By the way, those civilizations that entered this war were not the first either. Otherwise, how can you explain the finds, the age of which is determined not at 13 thousand years, but at hundreds of thousands and millions of years? Michael Baigent talks about such finds in his book Forbidden Archeology. It contains many stunning facts known to science, but subsequently subjected to "knowledge filtration". These findings run counter to modern understanding of human evolution. Here are some of them.

Let's start with the age of the Earth. According to geology, it is slightly more than 4 billion years old. Scientists believe that life began almost a billion years later, along with bacteria and algae, whose traces can be seen in ancient rocks. For a long time it was "peaceful and calm", then suddenly new species of plants and animals appear in the form of an "explosion". For example, this was the case with the "Cambrian explosion" about 530 million years ago. Suddenly, all known species of complex animals and plants appeared. No transitional stages of their development are found among the early fossil evidence. Animal species appeared fully formed, developed - as if they were simply "released" from some giant test tube.

In 1880, J. D. Whitney, a California geologist, published a list of stone tools found in California gold mines. Among them were spearheads, stone mortars and pestles. In general, there was nothing surprising in the finds of these instruments, except where they were found. And they were found deep in the shafts of mines, under thick undamaged layers of lava, whose age is 9-35 million years. (At the same time, the mines were, as you might guess, made in the same 1880. If these ancient tools were found in the same ancient mines, then one could simply assume that someone just threw them there a long time ago.)

In the early 1950s, archaeologist Thomas B. Lee of the National Museum of Canada found advanced stone tools in glacial deposits at Sheguyandah (Manitoulin Island in the north of Lake Huron). According to geologist John Sanford of Wayne State University, the oldest Sheguyandakh tools are 65,000 to 125,000 years old. Science believes that people came to America from Siberia about 12 thousand years ago.

The works of the French Academy of Sciences (published in April 1868) provide information by F. Garigot and H. Filho about the discovery of mammalian bones in Sansan in the layers of the Middle Miocene (about 15 million years ago). Some of the bones were clearly broken by humans (in particular, the broken bones of a small deer of the species Dicrocerus elegans). Garigo is convinced that the bones of the animals were broken by humans when the marrow was removed. These findings were presented at the Congress of the International Congress of Prehistoric Anthropology and Archeology, held in Bologna in 1837. These publications then went unnoticed - mankind was clearly not ready to admit that it has been living on Earth for much longer than everyone used to think. And even now it is not yet ready for this.

In Siberia, too, many stone tools were found, about two million years old. For example, in 1961, near Gorno-Altaysk on the Utalinka River, hundreds of rough pebble tools were found, but the world community did not know in which layer they were found for more than twenty years. Only in 1984 scientists A. P. Okladnikov and L. A. Ragozhin reported that these tools were found in layers one and a half to two and a half million years old. Another Soviet scientist, Yuri Molchanov, found stone tools similar to European eoliths (stone fragments with cutting edges) at a parking lot near the Lena River near the village of Urlak. According to the potassium-argon and magnesium methods, the age of the formations with the found tools is about 1.8 million years.

In addition to bones and tools dating back millions of years, archaeologists have also found ancient images of people wearing modern clothes. For example, in 1937, two researchers - Leon Pericar and Stephen Lvoff - opened a "prehistoric library" in France. The find was made in the grotto de la Marche in Lussac-le-Château. This would be a truly fantastic event in world history, which could turn the entire modern pseudo-scientific paradigm of the "fixed history" of the planet Earth, if it were officially reported. But the scientists, as always, followed the beaten path: "I see nothing, I hear nothing, I will not tell anyone anything."

What were these images? These are drawings, engraved stones. Their age is about 15-20 thousand years. That is, they are three to four times older than the ancient Egyptian civilization with its pyramids and the Sphinx. The men and women depicted in these stone carvings were dressed practically in modern clothes - in manner and style. More than 130 such images were found in total. On one of them sits a young girl in trousers, a jacket, boots and a hat. On the other - a well-groomed man in a coat, trousers, a wide belt with fasteners. On the face - a neat beard and mustache. Another man is wearing a shirt with drawings, gloves on his hands, and a beret on his head.

It is noteworthy that such images of modernly dressed people were found from South-West Africa to Australia, but such finds were immediately classified. The main feature characteristic of all the images is that men and women on them - with light hair, men with light beards, white skin.

Modern pundits do not comment on this finding at all. There are not even claims that this is a falsification, a hoax or an incorrect date.

As for the alleged nuclear war in prehistoric times, such a war with the use of fantastic weapons, aircraft and deadly rays, when cities and mountains disappeared, exploded with giant lightning, the traces of which are still visible, say the legends of the whole world. But they speak somehow vaguely. Why? Researchers have speculation on this topic. When the last highly developed civilization was destroyed as a result of the war and a cold snap set in - such as a nuclear winter, most of the people, naturally, died. And the few who survived plunged into barbarism and, one might say, ran wild. Over the centuries of savagery, knowledge was lost, although the memories of ancient wisdom were preserved from generation to generation by priests who passed on secret knowledge within their corporations in all countries and on all continents. This knowledge was either in the form of encrypted messages, the meaning of which was sometimes not understood by the priests themselves, but in most cases they came down to us in the form of fairy tales, epics, legends …

At first, these were real memories, but over the centuries, less and less details remained, more and more layers, fantasies and other things, naive hopes and beliefs were intertwined with epics, aggravated by the constantly decreasing level of being and consciousness of people of the post-Hyperborean era. Distorted memory represented the heroes and leaders of the lost world as gods and demons with supernatural powers, no one remembered that they were just people who controlled aircraft and had weapons and technologies, in some ways similar to ours, and in some even them and superior. And the hardships of being gave rise to dreams of a serene, blissful life, projected into the distant past. And as a result, we have what we have: vague memories, interesting only with amazing details that must be fished out of thousands of pages of text, like golden grains of sand from tons of empty rock of religious nonsense.

One of the examples of such "grains of sand" is the work of the ancient Indian astrologer Bhashara "Siddhanta-shiromani", which was made public for the scientific community quite recently. It includes, among other units of time measurement, "trutti", which is 0.3375 seconds, and in an even earlier Sanskrit text, "Brihath Sakatha", there is a unit of time "kashta" equal to one three hundred millionth of a second! Specialists who study the works of ancient Indian scientists are lost in conjectures: for what purpose was such a unit needed in those days and how was it measured? After all, "kashta", like any other unit of measure, can make sense only if there is a practical need for it and there are means for measuring with such precision.

It would be possible to puzzle over this question if modern researchers did not put forward hypotheses about a bygone highly developed civilization and if they did not constantly receive evidence of the existence of such a civilization. Knowledge about "kashta" and other similar things was simply passed on from generation to generation in the hope of preserving knowledge in an elementary way. Those who kept and passed on this knowledge knew perfectly well that they would not be useful for the next thousand years, but they still kept it carefully. For example, the American writer Andrews, being in Madras, heard from a yoga teacher - pandit Kanyakhi - such a confession: "Scientists-Brahmins from time immemorial were obliged to store a lot of information, the meaning of which they themselves did not understand. Even their distant ancestors knew that matter consists of countless atoms, that most of the space in the atoms themselves is not filled with matter. " The task of the Brahmins, as well as other occultists of all continents from time immemorial, from the beginning of their esoteric traditions, was simply not to lose the heritage passed on to them, to preserve it for future generations, to pass it on from one generation to another, even if you don’t know anything about what is being transmitted.

But, unfortunately, they coped with this badly, stuffing the transmitted heaps of religious-magic nonsense. This, in general, is understandable: all the unknown, all the strange and mysterious people have always tried to explain based on the level of their today's knowledge. If a medieval person is shown a plane and asked to describe it, the description will look like this: "a magic flying carriage", "a fire-breathing flying kite" or, in extreme cases, provided the creative thinking of this very "medieval man", "a cart with a flock of birds hidden inside and so the carriage flies."

On the other hand, the ancient memory was spoiled by “the eternal human craving to settle down in a universal way,” as Dostoevsky wrote. And to her - an eternal shadow - the constant horror of death, unwillingness and unwillingness to accept the evidence that with death everything ends and that we are alone in the Universe. The first does not require proof: "flesh is separated from bones" - although so many hallucinations are perpetrated by those who cannot accept it. Proving the second is also easy - or so, at least, it is believed. While there are about ten strong pieces of evidence, the most obvious is this. If we know that the laws of nature in the entire Universe are the same, this means that any other civilization, whatever it may be, - even talking dogs from Sirius, will be obliged to use radio waves for long-distance communication and, by necessity, most of the used wavelength range will be ultra-short ones, having the advantages of low cost, quality and accuracy, but also a disadvantage - going into space through the ionosphere. And this means that such a planet in the radio range will look from the outside as a huge, not less than Vega in volume, the most powerful star - with complete invisibility in the optical range. This is exactly what our planet looks like from space. In this case, the modulations of this radiation will be complex and non-periodic - for we are the planet not of beeping radio beacons, but of thousands of television and radio stations. There is nothing like it anywhere else. Since the 60s of the last century, radio astronomers have been listening to the Universe and come across only natural space "beacons" - like quasars. So it turns out that we are alone! (But, as you yourself understand, the postulate that the laws in the Universe are always the same can be challenged, and quite successfully. Which, by the way, is happening now.)

But this was a loop of philosophical thought, so let's return to the alleged nuclear war of antiquity. And in this regard, the inevitable question: where did this secret knowledge come from, these amazing legends about the last war, all the more confirmed by inexplicable (so far) archaeological finds? And out of nowhere - these are our legends and our history. It's time to admit to ourselves that we are not the first civilization on Earth, and if we don’t have enough intelligence, then we will not be the last.

At the same time, it should be clearly understood that the absence of direct evidence of the existence of an ancient machine civilization does not refute this existence, although it is precisely the absence of material evidence that orthodox scientists refer to, and if they are found - these evidences - they simply turn a blind eye to them. Or they are skeptical about reports of such finds, considering them falsifications in order to attract attention. True, it is not clear to what - from their point of view - attention is being drawn here? Although it is attention to such events that are out of the usual chronology that needs to be attracted, and the more, the better. We know so little about what lies under our feet that we are simply amazed! Troy was lost for millennia, until Schliemann dug up the Trojan walls, and before that, for 30 centuries, illiterate pastoralists grazed their goats over this wealth. Nebuchadnezzar's shining Babylonia was buried under the sand of Sinnear, as was Pompeii under volcanic ash, until their excavations began. How many cities are being washed away on the ocean floor today, and how many once populous metropolises lie beneath the desert sands? Nobody knows this, but one should find out. Instead, scientists around the world are spending huge, fantastic funds for the exploration of near space. We would have to deal with what is underground and under water, and then look into the heavens!

And when brave loners begin their searches, they are either mocked, as over Schliemann, or crowds of schizophrenics cling to them, seeing in the evidence of antiquity confirmation of their religious mania or esoteric "revelations", although archaeological finds least of all confirm the "transmigration of souls" that is coming the end of the world or the "necessity" of a vegetarian diet. For they were abandoned by people who subordinated (and subordinated) physical nature to their will, and therefore - materialists.

If the "nuclear summer" takes place, after several millennia cavemen can crawl out of their underground burrows near the ruins of Moscow or New York and build new cities over them, having no idea about our lost world. Future historians will ask themselves: could an arrogant "global" civilization ever exist, the arrogant leaders of which are going to solve, as it seems to them, issues of the world order, and from our enlightened century nothing will remain but distorted memories of flying machines and fantastic magic weapons that will tell children like fairy tales for centuries until the culture rises again. Only adherents of the Secret Wisdom will keep in their secret teachings, gradually degenerating into a parody of themselves, the traditions of our lost century …


Are we doomed to fight forever and destroy the achievements of civilization, acquired by such labor over such long centuries?
