Amur Evil Baba
Amur Evil Baba

Video: Amur Evil Baba

Video: Amur Evil Baba
Video: A Trip Down to Memory Lane: Henry Danger Edition | Henry Danger 2024, September

For some time now, I really fell in love with looking at the beauty of our country, using the possibilities of the Internet. Examining the Amur pillars, at first I simply couldn’t believe my eyes: among them I SEE … A GREAT BABA!..

I have come across a description of a certain stone and gold woman "in the form of an idol" by S. Herberstein, a "statue" by A. Gvagnini, and even as "a rock of an old woman in rags with a child on her knees and another child standing next to him" by D. Fletcher, who was allegedly once in Obdorye (the coastal area of the Ob), from where she was then supposedly taken away somewhere. But that would be just like flipping through and looking at photos from the Internet to suddenly see this legendary BABU, similar to the old descriptions of the chronicles of the conquest of Siberia by Yermak. True, it is not golden in our usual sense, it is also "split" into three parts and "lies on its back." And yet,.. it is perfectly visible even from the side a head in a kokoshnik, with a large smiling mouth from ear to ear (its appearance resembles a tattoo around the mouth of women of the Ainu people), "a wrinkled face with a huge potato-shaped crooked nose like Baba Yaga's", below the face the child sitting on her lap, and even lower at the level of the "abdomen" of the first child, the second child is seen standing.

Image of the Golden Baba on old foreign maps.


These and similar descriptions can be found if desired, they are still available today.

Moreover, I once studied the ancient North Russian embroideries of the goddess Makosha and I can say with confidence that one of them is absolutely similar in essence, although her child and the child's child are hidden inside. According to the description, anyone can quite find her and, if desired, check my assumptions: a red pattern is applied to the edge of the headdress - a white towel, divided into four reports absolutely identical, the very figure of the first Goddess is divided (even, I would say, cut) exactly in half, instead of heads - a rhombus and inside it a cross, "handles like matches" are directed upward from the conditional shoulder of a cone-shaped figure, inside the figure-cone itself there is another similar figure (hidden inside a child), also divided in half with a "tip" between the legs, and in a cut the second figure sometimes placed a third (if there was enough space), then a large rhombus with 9 equal rhombuses inside and dots in each in the center was placed inside (according to legend, future children are hidden inside). Each pattern report is divided by a twisted thread-like pillar (twisted long and short threads), in the upper edge of the drawing above the head of the elder Goddess there is a bold cross, again in each drawing report. And, I want to note the most important thing once again, on the belly of the last child there is a ROMB, which caught my eye somehow at once, and then the Goddess herself "manifested". Not knowing such an ornament, I would hardly have paid attention to this miracle rock at all.

An example of a similar ornament-embroidery of three ancient Goddesses.


In the old days, the rhombus stone was used as a template for marking North Russian embroideries, which were very abundant in rhombuses, triangles and zigzags. "For those who hold their stone in their bosom …" - it was once sung in a song about such stones kept by craftswomen in amulet around the neck.


If I were a sculptor, then, having such a scheme with three Goddesses, I would depict Makosh in stone in about the same way as it looks now among the stone pillars of the Amur Region. And if I were a turner, I would have carved the Goddess Makosh from a tree with a child and a child in a child in the form of a nesting doll.

Somewhere near the stone Baba there MUST BE ANCIENT SPIRAL-SHAPED STONE CIRCLES (-G) - the annual sign of the movement of the rays (hair) of the sun above the crown of the earth, around its axis!

What a cruel joke in the "fate" of the GOLDEN BABA was played by her own name. "Lovers of easy money" and bearers of the new religion at that time began to chase after her. Actually, it has never been made of pure gold. Local admirers of the cult of Makoshi called her EVIL TA BABA (see "Notes on Muscovite Affairs" by the Austrian diplomat Baron Herberstein, he most accurately recorded "ZLATA BABA", though without a space between the words "evil" "ta"). But she was EVIL not because she was evil, but because "evil", it is "kosh", it is "whooping cough" or the more familiar "spindle" for us, she always had with her: SHE IS THE GODDESS OF EVERYONE. She was very often depicted with a protruding tip of a spindle between her legs, which caused confusion in our time with the determination of gender (however, its presence or trace was precisely determined by the graphic design: rhombuses, cones, zigzag "hands" or threads-hair of light falling on her body - spindle). For some time, forgetting that Makosh is primarily the GREAT SPRING OF FATE with "evil" in itself, concealing and winding the thread (hair) of life around him, you can often find the male name Mokosh, drawings of the end of the spindle between her legs were played with her for the second time cruel joke!


The view from the other side of the Rock-Goddess more clearly indicates the presence of a spindle behind her.


It should be noted that the letter "A" was not always widespread throughout Russia: somewhere more "O" -kali, in some regions more "I" -kali or "E" -kali, even "U" -kali, speaking Mighty.

So you can not even doubt at all that WE HAVE IN THE AMUR REGION IT IS EXACTLY "EVIL" - THAT BABA, THE GREAT GODDESS MAKOSH with her two children - Half-born and Half-born. At her feet is a diamond-shaped stone - a symbol of special (additional) days of the Old Russian calendar, it appears everywhere with drawings on old icons of Mother Mary with a baby and embroideries by Mokos.


From under the stone (top view) "sticks out" sharper; from the side, the diamond-shaped stone looks like the head of a rooster. In Old Slavonic, the rooster is "kokosh", according to the records of ethnographers, who gave the name to kokoshnik (in fact, in Old Slavonic, the rooster was called "KOCHET" and there is some mistake from ethnographers). Its meaning is MUCH COMPLEX AND DEEPER: "kokosh" = "womb" = "cave" - the belly of a pregnant woman; "KOKSHA" is an identical sister. "KO-kosh-nik" - to the spindle (axis of rotation) NIK; or, as an option, "KOKOSH-nik" - to a pregnant woman … It is no coincidence that only a pregnant woman had the right to wear a "kokoshnik" headdress. Only in the first case we mean celestial events, in the second - earthly and even mundane.


Sometimes you come across comparisons of Makosha with the constellation - the Big Dipper's bucket, Ma-Kavshch. The contours of the rock are indeed similar. From a certain point one can observe how at night the ancient Goddess is "hiding" with a heavenly ladle, as if with a star blanket. In general, I am not at all surprised that it was this constellation that was chosen for the heavenly embodiment of the "Evil" -th Baba - "The Cup was stolen (from Old Russian, queen)" from heaven. Her ancient zoomorphic image of a bear is another name for the stellar bucket.

"Oh, evil bee, but why are you buzzing?" sang once in a Russian folk song … The bee also conceals "Evil" in itself, but at the same time she is a great toiler and has never really been gold, gold is her work and the product of her activity - HONEY. So the great Goddess MACOSH was golden in essence: gold was her work - the YARN OF THE LIFE GIVEN TO US!

And the Goddess lies on her back is not at all accidental, since in this part of the earth (Amur region) HAIR OF LIGHT MUST WRAP ON HER SPINNY-BODY IN THIS POSITION parallel to the rotation of the axis of the earth … Take a closer look at the photo above, people are standing exactly at the end of a giant spindle for some understanding of its true size! Ma-Kosh, Mother Spindle - a symbol of the axis of rotation.


The shamans of the local (Amur) places worship the spirit-master of the great staff, and the name of the spirit sounds generally disgusting: they pronounce it in the Old Russian dialect "NEKA MA-PA" (translating into modern language "a certain mother-father") !!! … will the great staff of a SOME MAPA differ from the GREAT SPINNER OF THE GODDESS MAKOSH, who was always depicted with the end of a spindle between her legs, violating all the current traditional ideas about a woman?.. This is how a lying God (and not a Goddess) Buddha appeared in Japan and other places of worship of this deity, in Laos there is already a couple - Buddha and his mother Matreya smiling at him in front of him …

According to the legends about the GOLDEN BABA, there were several such statues …

The essence of Zlotoy Baba with two children is as follows: our ancestors believed that every 18 months the Goddess of time Mokoshi-Mara or simply Mara had a Baby-slice or a second of time (except for 1/4 of a day in each year) and one second of time once every 3600 years. The birth time of the first day-child is 129600 and the 10th day-child is born simultaneously with the appearance of the body of the time of the Goddess, which corresponds to - 1.296.000 years - the full rotation of the sunrises observed on the day of the winter solstice not south of the 62nd parallel, that is, inside the North Pole circle. This is the only place on Earth that does not require the most accurate watch for observation. The polar day and night are arranged in such a way that a sighting stone and a stone throne are sufficient here, as a clearly fixed tracking point for the luminary on December 21-25, waiting for the "Rise of the Black Sun". Every 72 years, the sunrise on the winter solstice shifts by the size of its disk. The second baby day was born in 311.040.000 years, which corresponds to 240 "Rise of the Black Sun". This time also corresponds to the appearance of the body of time of the Goddess Mokosha herself. In reality, it corresponds to the full rotation of the sunrises of the constellation Cygnus (aka Ptah, Rooster or Dove) around the Earth, when its "beak" touches the sighting stone in the glow of the rays of the "Black Sun". The fusion of two symbols of the bird and the virgin-goddess of time in the folk tradition was often expressed in embroideries and tales about the Bird-maiden, the winged Virgin. The photo was taken on December 21, 2012 on the Kuzov archipelago.


Born children were "lowered from heaven" and placed in a special way in three earthly circles of time: "Circle-Sun", "Circle-Moon" and "Circle-indict". Such we had in the old days a complex terrestrial calendar of the first level - triple. His memory is preserved in the Explanatory Paley - the Russian Bible of the 15-16th century.


The time of birth of an unborn child meant the end of the countdown of the circle of time and the beginning of the countdown of a new one. Conditionally meant the end of the great circle and the death of the very day-child, born once in 31.104.000 years.

It was a real mathematical calculation of the change in the speed of rotation of the Earth!

Interpretations about HER came and went, Her names, the appearance of the area, historical epochs changed … And she turns the Spindle-axis with her great power, merging into one with Mother Earth. Mother of earthly days, symbolizing the circle of TIME …

All photos are provided from the Internet for illustration purposes only.
