Chronicles of the past 2024, September

How the first passenger car was invented in the USSR

How the first passenger car was invented in the USSR

Exactly 90 years ago, the first sample of the Soviet passenger car NAMI-1 was born. Despite the fact that the serial production of the small car lasted only three years, this car is considered a cult

12 paintings by Russian artists that you won't see in textbooks

12 paintings by Russian artists that you won't see in textbooks

A short excursion into the history of Russian painting will introduce you to a dozen paintings that will never make it to the pages of school textbooks

Who paid for the welfare of the West? Indian pearl in the British crown

Who paid for the welfare of the West? Indian pearl in the British crown

Recently, the image of the West as the bearer of "freedom and democracy" has somewhat faded for any person who does not belong to clinical democracies

Afanasy Nikitin's Walking Beyond the Equator or India in the Southern Hemisphere

Afanasy Nikitin's Walking Beyond the Equator or India in the Southern Hemisphere

A person who does not correspond to his personal beliefs or generally accepted ideas is inclined to ignore. Or he finds an explanation for this, drawing attention from the area of objective fact to the area of subjective playing around. At school we learn about Afanasy Nikitin's walking across the three seas. And here is what he walked about

Localization of historical events. Part 1. Introduction

Localization of historical events. Part 1. Introduction

The draft version of the book "Beginnings. Localization of Historical Events" is devoted to the criticism of the existing system of the history of the ancient world and the creation of a fundamentally new system of history of the ancient world

Glazed Arkaim stove - a forgotten technology

Glazed Arkaim stove - a forgotten technology

The article describes an interesting design of the Arkaim stove. In it, when the hearth and the well were combined, a natural and strong air draft was created. Air entering the well column

Statistics of what was done under Stalin's leadership

Statistics of what was done under Stalin's leadership

During the Stalinist leadership, for 30 years, an agrarian, impoverished country dependent on foreign capital turned into a powerful military-industrial power on a world scale, into the center of a new socialist civilization. The poor and illiterate population of tsarist Russia has become one of the most literate and educated nations in the world

Pole Shift and Soil Map of the USSR

Pole Shift and Soil Map of the USSR

What can a map of soils on the territory of the Soviet Union tell us apart from the composition of soils and their location? A lot - for an attentive gaze, and many times more - for a specialist. But, nevertheless, in this article, the map is read in a way that no one has ever read

Slavic amulet traditions

Slavic amulet traditions

Slavic pre-Christian culture is very rich, much of this wealth remained in the life of Russian peasants until the twentieth century, emphasizing the Vedic roots of the spiritual tree of the Slavs destroyed by Christianity. Amulets - one of the components of this culture, were important in the life of every person

Did you know?

Did you know?

Quite recently, a new educational rubric "Did you know?" Was opened on the portal of the First Museum of Slavic Mythology. What does it mean to go nuts, why is a rattle a weapon against evil spirits, how many years has humanity been eating porridge, what is a kitschka?

Vedic traditions have always been

Vedic traditions have always been

Paganism did not at all revive from the ashes after a millennium, but existed all this time "underground" and had its own followers. The so-called Orthodox Christianity in our land has the form of dual faith, half consists of Slavic paganism, and very quickly goes to naught

The symbolism of water among the Slavs

The symbolism of water among the Slavs

Water, one of the creative elements, is very interesting from the Slavic point of view, it has a lot of sacred aspects, which cannot but be reflected in its symbolism. Firstly, water for a Slav is what gives life to all living things

It was under King Peas, or a little about antediluvian geography

It was under King Peas, or a little about antediluvian geography

The author of the blog "Notes of a Kolymchanin" cites his observations of the architectural features of St. Petersburg. Where are the main streets of the Northern Capital directed? On what basis can one say that this city was built before Peter I?

Fires, you say?

Fires, you say?

Three hundred years for a cedar is Carlson's age. Even more so for larch. For Scots pine, these are already venerable years. But it is impossible to see such a tree not on the top of a forest hill, but in the middle of a forest plain. This is usually explained by the fires methodically devastating the taiga. Is it really?

The oldest culture in folk life

The oldest culture in folk life

I have always written and will write - pay attention to the little things! They are in full view of everyone, but because of the blinkeredness of the people, certain dogmas and postulates hammered into them from the school bench, the obvious even to a small child becomes completely non-obvious. And today I will show you how by looking at a hat you can see

Western European maps in Russian. Anton Vid. Antonio Jenkinson

Western European maps in Russian. Anton Vid. Antonio Jenkinson

While the fundraising for the transfer of the Fra Mauro card is nearing completion, we continue to make transfers. And this time two interesting maps of Muscovy, Russia and part of Tartary by Anton Vid and Antonio Jenkinson

Popular fundraising for the transfer of the Fra Mauro card

Popular fundraising for the transfer of the Fra Mauro card

Hello dear Seekers! I organized a large fundraiser for the transfer of the card of 1459 Fra Mauro

About portals

About portals

About portals, their connection with ports and forts, as well as porticos and triumphal arches

Growing Russia. Part 1

Growing Russia. Part 1

A small selection of photographs of S.M. Prokudin-Gorsky in comparison with modern landscapes. The difference is 100 years. The official history explains the desolation of the territories by grazing livestock, cutting down trees for firewood and overpopulation of the European part of Russia

Maldivian riddle

Maldivian riddle

Thor Heyerdahl spent many years solving the question of who were tall people with blue eyes and brown hair - the most ancient people on the islands of the Maldives. He did not find the answer, unlike Anatoly Klyosov, who proved their genetic relationship with the ancient Aryans

Muscovites cleared minefields with Ukrainian live bait. Proven by Bandera psychics

Muscovites cleared minefields with Ukrainian live bait. Proven by Bandera psychics

Modern Maidan Bandera extrasensory perception continues the old traditions of Goebbels' propaganda. Source

Rodokon wedding of the Law of the Russian spirit

Rodokon wedding of the Law of the Russian spirit

About thirty years ago, scientific thought in the Russian scientific school of ethnologists of the city on the Neva came to the conclusion that the Russian folk wedding lasts a year. After 25 years, it was recognized by the scientists of the city on the Moscow River

Ancient pyramids of the Luhansk region

Ancient pyramids of the Luhansk region

In the Luhansk region, they discovered megalithic structures in the form of pyramids, the age of which is much older than the well-known Egyptian pyramids. These structures were relatively difficult to identify due to the presence in the territories of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions of hundreds of mounds of Trypillian civilization

Collection of Voldemar Dzhulsrud. Part 1. Facts versus myths

Collection of Voldemar Dzhulsrud. Part 1. Facts versus myths

Andrey Zhukov. Scientists against myths. Collection of Voldemar Dzhulsrud. Part 1. Facts versus myths



Do you know the word grasp? You may have heard it more than once. But do all of you have any idea what it looks like and what it is for? Of course, this question only applies to those who live in the city, in modern houses. The villagers cannot but know what a grip is, which is so necessary when cooking in a Russian oven

Andrey Zhukov. Gate of the Gods

Andrey Zhukov. Gate of the Gods

In the mountainous region of Howie Marka in southern Peru, located 35 kilometers from the city of Puno, on the western shore of Lake Titicaca in an area called Ayia Marka, there is an amazing rock named Amaru Meru

Tartar money

Tartar money

A fragment of the book by G.V. Nosovsky and A.T. Fomenko "Empire", where the so-called "Russian-Tatar" coins are considered, the very existence of which, like everything connected with them, to put it mildly, does not fit into the version of history, recognized traditional

Global Show: The Oldest Man in the World

Global Show: The Oldest Man in the World

Why are people being inspired with the idea that it is impossible to live longer than 120 years, and if you reach this venerable age, then only as a "vegetable" and a decrepit burden for relatives?

Dowry in peasant families

Dowry in peasant families

According to the peasant tradition, her dowry was recognized as the property of a woman. It was seen as a reward for a family member who left the family forever. Girls began to cook it in the village at the age of 12. Contents of the chest

A few more facts about Tartary

A few more facts about Tartary

Someone Guthrie William in the middle of the 18th century published a book in which he verbally described the state of Tartary and its parts, and also directly describes a short history of this state

Winter fun with a history of thousands of years

Winter fun with a history of thousands of years

Winter has long been a time of entertainment and fun in Russia: all seasonal field work was completed, and more free time appeared, so young people invented various ways to have fun and delight everyone else

Shards of Former Greatness, Part III

Shards of Former Greatness, Part III

Another part of the work of the Tomsk research group "Tiger" in which a well-grounded question is raised: - How could such a powerful Power as Great Tartary allow itself to be smashed and destroyed?

Imperial standard construction of Tomsk

Imperial standard construction of Tomsk

Tomsk has not escaped development in the global style, so to speak. Why, it would seem, in the distant and God-forgotten Siberia, were houses built the way they were built all over the world?

Mystery in Vologda lace

Mystery in Vologda lace

Each piece of Vologda lace is a whole work of art. But the very technology of making lace contains SOMETHING more important. Not everyone can afford such beauty, but the value of the inherent knowledge is not commensurably more expensive

Evil Baba - Old Slavic calendar

Evil Baba - Old Slavic calendar

If you ever want to know the meaning of the North Russian ornaments, then first you have to understand the Old Slavic calendar, since they are inseparable in meaning from each other

The outline of a giant statue at the site of the Alexander Column

The outline of a giant statue at the site of the Alexander Column

In Gagarin's drawing "The Adeksandrovskaya Column in the Woods" some kind of huge statue can be seen - a head from above, in the middle of a torso with an arm bent at the elbow, as in the classic depiction of Alexander Nevsky

12 inflatable columns of St. Isaac's Cathedral rolled under the table. Officials are not flattered

12 inflatable columns of St. Isaac's Cathedral rolled under the table. Officials are not flattered

Decembrist Bestuzhev reports that the columns weighed 600 times less and he does not have enough 12 columns at all

Questions to official confidants Masterk and Ikuv about their delight with absurd and contradictory pictures of alleged witnesses of the official version

Questions to official confidants Masterk and Ikuv about their delight with absurd and contradictory pictures of alleged witnesses of the official version

Officials again admire a new portion of controversy and idiocy about the rise of the Alexander Column. Maybe this time they will answer new questions about their admiration?

Why were there so many lame and yellow among the Roman emperors?

Why were there so many lame and yellow among the Roman emperors?

Historians prefer to hush up the fact that there were many lame and yellow among the Roman emperors. Whole dynasties. In this article we will try to figure out where so many lame and yellow Roman emperors came from

Our antiquity - TROYA (Chapter 4. The gray-haired giant)

Our antiquity - TROYA (Chapter 4. The gray-haired giant)

When you read the Iliad, one involuntarily creates the feeling that the place from where the gods flew to Troy to observe the events taking place there is located somewhere nearby