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Muscovites cleared minefields with Ukrainian live bait. Proven by Bandera psychics
Muscovites cleared minefields with Ukrainian live bait. Proven by Bandera psychics

Video: Muscovites cleared minefields with Ukrainian live bait. Proven by Bandera psychics

Video: Muscovites cleared minefields with Ukrainian live bait. Proven by Bandera psychics
Video: Why The EV Industry Faces A Global Nickel Shortage 2024, April

Modern Maidan Bandera extrasensory perception continues the old traditions of Goebbels' propaganda.

Like flies on shit, a bike goes through the minds that Zhukov cleared minefields with live bait. It was allegedly stated by some anonymous American general. Allegedly, Zhukov himself for some reason gave such a shameful state secret to him. He shot himself in the leg.

Before Maidania, I was not interested in politics and also believed in such nonsense, without thinking too much, but assuming that there is a newsreel with this sensational recognition of Zhukov. And I was interested, as you know, in the paranormal.

I liked the mysterious researcher Sergey Izofatov very much. But, unexpectedly, he also published a fairy tale about Zhukov on his VK wall. And he called it the great bitter truth. After the Maidan, I already knew that not everything that the liberals say is true. Therefore, I began to be critical of such statements. I quote our dialogue

Sergey Izofatov:

In to


nze war one of the American generals I shared with my Russian colleague Zhukov the problem: they both shchut and test different technical means of demining enemy minefields, because this is a real headache! And you, comrade Zhukov, how are you clearing the enemy's minefields? With their bodies. Sep 14, 2015 at 12:58 pm

Leo Slim:

What did you write this for? Are you laughing or seriously?

Sergey Izofatov answered Lev Khudy:

Leo, no it's really bitter

Lev Khudoy replied to Sergei Izofatov:

Sergei, why is there no such truth, for example, the name of an American general? What kind of truth is this with the expressions "one of the American generals"? This is usually how fairy tales begin. In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there was one queen … do you know the name of the general? I think Solzhenitsyn. Or Nemtsov. Or Renzun

Sergey Izofatov replied to Lev Khudy

Lev, Alexander Nikonov

Leo Slim:

And one general said that Zhukov showed his bare ass.

Sergey, Alexander Nikonov is a good American generalissimo


The fact is that I have already mentioned Alexander Nikonov in my study of Russophobia. For many years he has been publishing schizophrenic anti-Russian nonsense. Moreover, not so much political, but nationalistic. He denigrates not StalPutin, but Russians in general. For example, Tsiolkovsky, Mendeleev, Lomonsov, Korolev, even in the Soviet space program, he picked up such nasty things as Tereshkova dumped in orbit or got drunk, Gagarin did not land correctly, etc. In general, a zoological hatred of everything Russian. Alexander Nikonov is famous for his belief that parents should have the right to kill a seriously ill child from birth.

And this Nikonov surfaced in this story of slandering Zhukov.

I stated all this in my research "The reason for pro-Ukrainianism and anti-Putinism is a pathological animal hatred of everything Russian."

The answer to the origin of the story about Zhukov came from an unexpected end. I came across a Ukrainian post-Maidan film about Ukrainian military psychics. And these ukro-psychics suddenly remembered that the Muscovites checked their curses, too, for live bait and also in a minefield. The real psychic came out of him alive, and the fake one died. I almost fell out of bed when I saw this. That is, nothing has changed for the Russophobic bastards. The same standard program of idiotic lies.

Little of. When Chernobyl happened, then, according to the memories of ukro-psychics that suddenly appeared after the Maidan, the cursed Muscovites drove them into a radioactive place in the exclusion zone and also tested their ability to create paranormal protection from radiation. He who could not and died. For nothing. They forgot that then their beloved Gorbachev was in power.

Happy viewing:

"Zhukov cleared mines alive Ukrainians. Ukroextrasens proved"

In VK there is a page of an ukro-psychic Yuri Kozlov. And even his photo with his mother on the day of the oath in 1983:


There is also his advertising page where, among other things, the following is written:

in addition to curing diseases, it is able to remove the restless souls of ancestors from their homes

Sergey Izofatov can help to take Bandera's soul out of his house.

Here is a snippet of his autobiography from the official website:

I was born on April 12, 1964 in the Dnepropetrovsk region. Father is a musician, mother is a catering worker. In 1968 the whole family moved to the city of Debaltseve, Donetsk region.

After school, I entered the radio engineering school in the city of Happiness in the Luhansk region.

I was in love with radio engineering, it can be seen on the subconscious, I already understood then that vibrations are the basis of the universe. He defended his diploma with honors. Then he served in the ranks of the Soviet army. I planned to continue my studies at the Kharkov Institute of Radio Electronics. But I understood that I had received the basis of knowledge in radio electronics and it was necessary not to continue, but to look for new directions.

By the will of fate, I came to the city of Astrakhan.

From time to time I began to feel incomprehensible sensations inside me. Once I was riding a tram and noticed that while standing next to a woman, I began to feel discomfort in my side and realized that it was her pain, and I feel it. Then I did not attach much importance to this case. Then more and more often I began to see some kind of haze on the human body. I got scared. The fact is that by the end of the eighties, almost nothing was known about extrasensory perception; Kashpirovsky and the charger Chumak were on TV. I had no one to talk to about this topic. Friends laughed, loved ones began to look askance.

So, the first manifestations of extrasensory abilities appeared AFTER THE ARMY in the late 80s. And he served in the early 80s. But in the film he told something completely different. About a minefield.

Moreover, the military unit 10003 mentioned in the film, where military psychics were trained, was created in 1989 after the war in Afghanistan. Here's an overview of her from Wikipedia:

Let's go back to the autobiography of Bandera psychic Yuri Kozlov:

Then I opened a page of the Bible at random, and with my eyes closed I put my finger on the text, opened my eyes and read: "Do not stop there, improve further"After that, I became interested in other teachings, religions, anatomy, biology, astrology.

The funny thing is that there is no such phrase in the Bible. Besides Google, there are Bible search sites. Here is one of them - Check who does not believe.

In general, nonsense, mnya-mnya!


The first in the film about testing psychics for live bait was Alexei Matukhno, who was also a participant in those events. Ukrainian reserve officer, head of the center for extraordinary abilities.

Strange affair. In the film, he is a Russophobe-schizophrenic, since he seriously declares paranoid Russophobic idiocies. And on his page in contact, he publishes Russian anti-Bander materials.

All this experimental training of Soviet military psychics in military unit 10003 was commanded by the aforementioned General Alexei Yuryevich Savin.

Believe it or not, Savin also mentioned checking psychics in a minefield, but not in the Bandera film, but in his usual video interview on BalanceTV. And he said in the 22nd minute of the video that the mines were training and, of course, no one exploded:

"Savin Alexey Yurievich on Balance TV"

A short autobiography of Savin from his official website:


Aleksey Yuryevich Savin - Lieutenant General of the Reserve, Honored Military Specialist, Doctor of Technical Sciences and Doctor of Philosophy.

Commander of military unit 10003, head of department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation from 1989 to 2005.

Head of programs "Brain Wars" (in American terminology).

Participant in hostilities.

He was awarded many orders and medals, including the Order of Courage.

Honorary Doctor of the European University.

Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, European Academy of Natural Sciences, International Academy of Sciences, Italian Academy of Economic and Social Sciences.

Since 1989, General Savin A. Yu. He was the head of the program for the development of new special weapons and military equipment, methods and means of non-traditional types of combat training and education, management of human psychophysical resources.

Alexey Yuryevich Savin is the author of the methodology of military unit 10003, which allows to reveal the extraordinary abilities of people of different ages and professional activities. A. Yu. Savin's technique has been tested many times and allows you to get excellent results. Developer of training programs for the elite of the Armed Forces and structures of departmental and state administration systems.

The creator of a new complex science - noocosmology, synthesizing the achievements of many social and natural disciplines.

Savin and Aleksey Matukhno are friends on this topic, and in 2013 they even appeared on a radio broadcast together

Live broadcast on Veda-RA on April 17, 2013 at 20-00 Moscow time.

Main co-hosts Alexey Yurievich Savinand Alexey Grigorievich Matukhno.

Methodology, secret military programs of Russia! Disclosure of extraordinary human capabilities (methodology of combat general A. Yu. Savin)

As you can see, Matukhno says the opposite of what his more authoritative interlocutor Savin says. Blatant lie. He must have been forced to talk this nonsense.

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