Chronicles of the past 2024, September

The Koran and the Finns - the war for the Jordan. Part 1

The Koran and the Finns - the war for the Jordan. Part 1

Gardens grew in the Russian north. The pole was in Greenland. If the northern ocean was not ice-covered, but was Mediterranean, then it connected all the continents by the shortest route. All the riches of the world, all of its culture, all power, might and power, simply had to focus on the Russian North

The fate of the disappeared continent or - and so, where did Daariya go

The fate of the disappeared continent or - and so, where did Daariya go

Daarija on the globe Martinus de Bohemia 1492 .. The oldest globe in the world .. Analytical review - discoveries, versions, hypotheses, reflections

How American and European Corporations Organized World War II

How American and European Corporations Organized World War II

It was with Kurt von Schroeder that the head of the Bank for International Settlements McKittrick had to solve the problems of relations between the United States and Germany in the event of a war, while on a visit to Berlin in the early 40s [338]

Walking the Three Seas

Walking the Three Seas

From the school history course, I think, absolutely everyone knows the work "Walking the Three Seas" - a literary monument in the form of travel records made by the merchant from Tver Afanasy Nikitin during his trip to the Indian state of Bahmani in 1468-1474

Deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphs

Deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphs

There were over 5,000 ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. Only about 700-800 were used in writing. The proportions of use are about the same as in the Chinese script. But what do we know about this ancient writing system?

Real Shrovetide - comedian - not soon

Real Shrovetide - comedian - not soon

The Russian spring holiday Komoeditsa should be celebrated from 21 to 28 March. This is a strict holiday. It does not "float" according to the calendar, because it is astronomical, that is, the day of the vernal equinox

The picture that flipped the planet in 1839 - part 3

The picture that flipped the planet in 1839 - part 3

In part one and in part 2, we analyzed in detail the change of east and west and proved that there is no other explanation for Duran's engraving. Now I propose to consider the question of how the change in the rotation of the earth changed our entire world. Why did the dark forces begin their triumphant march across the planet?

The picture that flipped the planet in 1839 - part 2

The picture that flipped the planet in 1839 - part 2

As we found out in the first part, until the beginning of the 19th century, the earth rotated in the other direction. consider some evidence and deal with the consequences

History is not science

History is not science

History is an offshoot of Literature

1000-ton South stone in Baalbek was sawn off from below, but not completely

1000-ton South stone in Baalbek was sawn off from below, but not completely

The 1000-ton South Stone at Baalbek was sawn off from below, but not completely. Therefore, the concrete and natural hypotheses of the occurrence of a cut disappear

The picture that flipped the planet in 1839 - part 1

The picture that flipped the planet in 1839 - part 1

While people argue about all hundreds of versions of the true history of mankind, the answer to all questions has always been right in front of them. No one hid it or hid it. Was there a nuclear war? Where does the 5-meter cultural layer in cities come from? Why did people spank megaliths like cakes and suddenly stopped?

War of the Worlds 1812

War of the Worlds 1812

Another deep and factual analysis from Sergei Ignatenko about the war with Napoleon in 1812. And in his investigation, Sergei no longer hints, but makes it clear that the war is between whom and whom

Sequoia - the winner of disasters

Sequoia - the winner of disasters

The rise in soil level usually occurs due to, as a rule, mudflow masses. The root system of most plants suffocates and trees die. The sequoia grows another lateral root system and continues to enjoy life! Detection of such systems provides information about disasters

Buildings covered with soil. Excavations

Buildings covered with soil. Excavations

Another selection of photographs of excavations in different parts of the world, provided by blogger by_enigma

Soviet era in photographs

Soviet era in photographs

Interesting and rare retro photos

Who are the Fists?

Who are the Fists?

This conversation will focus on fists and such a phenomenon as the kulaks

Russian Empire in postcards 1856

Russian Empire in postcards 1856

In order not to get lost in the vast expanses of the Russian Empire, in 1856 a souvenir set of eighty-two illustrated cards was issued in St. Petersburg

Ellora Caves

Ellora Caves

When I show you this object, I am amazed once again and once again I can’t even believe that such majestic structures could have been built a long time ago. How much labor, effort and energy was invested in these rocks

How to catch a FLOOD red-handed

How to catch a FLOOD red-handed

There has already accumulated enough information about the extreme flood, which was collected bit by bit by enthusiasts. You can already draw some conclusions, so to speak, as a first approximation

Pole Shift and Taxodium. Part 2

Pole Shift and Taxodium. Part 2

After the biblical flood, a rainbow appeared for the first time, indicating a change in the conditions of life on Earth. This flood was worldwide. But not the only one. The incredible strength of the hydroshock generated by the pole shift periodically ravages vast areas. And there is a lot of evidence for this

Geographic anomalies on old maps

Geographic anomalies on old maps

As a result of the research project, a number of previously unknown anomalies were discovered on old geographical maps. These anomalies do not correspond to modern geographic realities, but show a close correlation with paleogeographic reconstructions of the Pleistocene

Amazing map of Russia from 1614. River RA, Tartary and Piebala Horde

Amazing map of Russia from 1614. River RA, Tartary and Piebala Horde

This map is of great interest to researchers and not passing controversy among historians. In the lower left corner, we see that the card belongs to the period of the reign of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich. The date of 1614 confirms that this is the first year of the Romanov dynasty, who ascended the throne in 1613

Questions to Masterk and Ikuv about the official version of the construction of the Alexander Column

Questions to Masterk and Ikuv about the official version of the construction of the Alexander Column

Officials again admire a new portion of contradictions and idiocy about the rise of the Alexander Column. Maybe this time they will answer new questions about their admiration?

I knew from childhood that ours are the best

I knew from childhood that ours are the best

December 30 is the birthday of the USSR, the largest state in the world in terms of area, the second in economic and military power and the third in population. The USSR occupied the eastern half of Europe and the northern third of Asia

Geography of Paradise

Geography of Paradise

The location of Paradise can only be determined if our religious worldview does not contradict our scientific worldview



Lukomorye was not found, since researchers of the historical mystery drew conclusions based not on the entire set of facts, but only on individual, selective phenomena, without taking into account the historical processes that took place and the worldviews of contemporaries of those events. Such conclusions were wrong

Atlantis, Atlyan Taa Ida - god of the Atlyan river in the land of Ida

Atlantis, Atlyan Taa Ida - god of the Atlyan river in the land of Ida

Atlantis was not found due to ignoring the linguistic theory, the theory of the Neolithic revolution, data from paleozoology, areology, indicating the details and inaccuracies in the translation of ancient evidence

An article about the primordial lands of different peoples

An article about the primordial lands of different peoples

Ecological and geographic referencing of the events of the Neolithic revolution. An integrative approach

Carthage, Tibet and Kolyma - what do they have in common? Who used to be?

Carthage, Tibet and Kolyma - what do they have in common? Who used to be?

In Virgil's Aeneid, Dido fled to Libya after being defeated in a power struggle. Here, according to legend, she founded the city of Carthage

Notebooks of Soviet students

Notebooks of Soviet students

Calligraphy was taught in Soviet schools until the mid-70s. Until the age of 68, schoolchildren were taught to write with a pen, and after that the pen was replaced by a ballpoint pen. Although the subject itself was still in the program, it was no longer the same. Beautiful handwriting depends not only on the student, but also on the pen with which he writes

Achievements of the Soviet Union under the leadership of Stalin

Achievements of the Soviet Union under the leadership of Stalin

During the Stalinist leadership, for 30 years, an agrarian, impoverished country dependent on foreign capital turned into a powerful military-industrial power on a world scale, into the center of a new socialist civilization. The impoverished and illiterate population of tsarist Russia has become one of the most literate and educated nations in the world

Do you know how to rub glasses? Expressions You May Not Know Originated

Do you know how to rub glasses? Expressions You May Not Know Originated

These expressions are familiar to us from childhood, but where did they come from?

Methods of falsification of objects of culture and art - 7

Methods of falsification of objects of culture and art - 7

Recording of the broadcast on October 26, 2016 at 20:00 Moscow time, on the People's Slavic radio "Methods of falsification of objects of culture and art - 7". Co-host author - Leonid Grigorievich Fedenko

Say a word about the red people

Say a word about the red people

Once a single people, the Lemurians, now scattered across the planet, under different names

Ancient civilization near Voronezh

Ancient civilization near Voronezh

A discovery that shook the scientific world. Our ancestors lived on the Russian Plain 45,000 years ago. Kostenki is an archaeological site located in the village of the same name on the right bank of the Don, in the Voronezh region. First discovered in 1879, but the first excavations began in the 1920s

Kangaroo in South America of the 5th century AD?

Kangaroo in South America of the 5th century AD?

How did the Mayan civilization know about the existence of animals endemic to another continent 1500 years ago? Or who is wrong: zoologists or paleontologists / archaeologists?

How Europe stole Russian gold

How Europe stole Russian gold

70 years after the Second World Bank of England admitted that it had helped the German fascists to sell the Czechoslovak gold they had plundered. The British press forgot to point out that this gold, in turn, was stolen by the White Czechs in Russia during the Civil War launched with the help of England and the United States

Who and how could build the impossible Vorontsov Palace?

Who and how could build the impossible Vorontsov Palace?

It turns out that the Vorontsov Palace is built of a superhard material that cannot be processed, but itself is a tool for processing granites

Turnip - the gold of Russia

Turnip - the gold of Russia

Everyone, young and old, knows the tale of how grandfather planted a turnip. Many already know that this fairy tale, like many others, folk who have come to us from the depths of time, has a hidden sacred meaning