Table of contents:

Localization and chronology (part 1)
Localization and chronology (part 1)

Video: Localization and chronology (part 1)

Video: Localization and chronology (part 1)
Video: TEMPOREX - Numbers 2024, May

We will set the tone of the article with a quote from an Israeli scientist Shlomo Sand:

So far, my articles have mainly used the generally accepted chronology.

But let's beat Chronology on the other side.

We will find information on chronologies and their correspondence to each other, at first the most basic ones.

anno Creatione Mundi / anno Mundi

- according to Tanakh, - according to the Vulgate, (Euro-Pars, Western Catholics)

- according to the Septuagint. (Tsar Matiya, Eastern Catholics)

And we will be pedantic.

First, we already have a question in the previous article: "WHEN was the" Bible "written?"

Let me remind you that this question arose during the discussion malicious distortion of the localization of Babylon.

The correct location of Babylon is well known but hidden from the crowd:


Babylon is Cairo

And what can the ancient historians know about this?

- Since this is the World Trade Center, it will not be difficult to find out. We take the cards and look (there are a lot of cards, so as not to litter I show only two):

1447 year


1500 year


Babylon - the trade gateway between the Mediterranean and the Red Seasand also … - next to Giza with pyramids

Now let's go through history, in its official form:

- as we have already seen on the map of Al-Idrisi, in 1154 Cairo / Babylon - Land of the Great Horde,

- in 1168 it belonged to the CATHOLIC ORDER

- in 1250 he was liberated by the Horde Army and from 1250 to 1500 he was again under the rule of the Great Horde. (We already remembered who were the kings in Egypt), - Persia - until 1504 is part of the Great Horde, - from 1504 to 1540 - the collapse of the Great Horde occurs, - Babylon wiped off the face of the earth and in 1517 the "Turkish" Empire began to plunder it (again I put it in quotation marks, put it in memory), and then the plundering and DESTROYING of the cultural heritage will be continued by the French and the British.

As a result, we get a question for biblical experts:

- guys, and WHEN was this book actually written?

To answer it, you need to make a primary division ELITE / CROWD, respectively:

Religion of the ELITE,

Religion of the CROWD

(We do not touch on the religion of those who stand ABOVE "Elite")

How would you comment on this ?:


There is something similar on the map 1602_Abraham_Ortelius, only without the hat.


text on the right: Horum regionum incole Solem, vel rubrum pannum pertica suspensum adorant. …

This picture was posted to first remind:

- Vladimir (Red Sun) - Great KOGAN.

- High Church Ministers in "Christian" Churches - CUT OFF.

- a few lines from the entertaining book "Tamerlane and the Jews":


As the Matrix of Possible States, one should remember the following options:


And secondly, to compose some kind of theoretical basis for the Historical Process:

- Originally Yahweh:


which completely coincides with the Vedic understanding - Sun = Goddess of Law / Law (Righteousness)

Praise-Glory = Glorification of the Law / Right (Law above all) = Glorification of the Sun

and taking the Beth Alpha synagogue we see Vedic Quadriga, with the Sun Goddess at the head:


- then the SECOND Law is introduced (they talked about it).

- and at some point, for the goyim, a process begins, the Key Figure of which is someone John the baptist, known in our country as John the Baptist:


Let's try to determine the number in the last picture.

If the numbers are stylized in Hebrew, then literally 1 (7) 883.

If this is Gematria, then, if there are no errors in decoding, it turned out (_דדגדג_ך_) 518

Those. if we make the most logical assumption that this is the year of the "Gymnast on the Crossbeam", then we cannot put it into any known to us system of Summer Reckoning.

So, the first thing we do:

- we create a virtual "Point X"denoting the chronological point of the virtual birth of the Abrahamic Jesus Christ … She will help us in the further conversation.

Now back to AM.

AM = Anno Mundi - Summer Reckoning starting from the "Creation of the World" according to the Jewish Old Testament (TANAKH).

Other names used for it:

- Jewish AM, - Jewish Era.

From the beginning of Anno Mundi's SummerCalculation to PointX - 3761 year.

Let's move on to Julian Calendar (we discard discrepancies in 1 year).

Julian calender created BEFORE Points X for 45 years (according to the official version).

Caesar reduced the week to 7 days, introduced Shabbat (Saturday), and took for the beginning of the Summer of Reckoning Jewish Anno Mundi.

Thus, SummerCalculation:

Julian AM = Jewish AM

From the beginning of Julian Anno Mundi's SummerCalculation to PointX - 3761 year.

It took some time and appeared Catholic Churchusing TRANSLATION OF TANAKH Vulgate, and it seems, Julian AM.

But we have already seen:


from Western Catholic Anno Mundi = ab Orbe Condito to Point X 1901 + 2100 = 4001 year

And yes, the official history confirms to us that James Ussher, on the basis of the Julian calendar, calculated from the Jewish Creation of the World to Point X - 4004 years.

And these numbers, after some hesitation to and fro, calmed down at exactly 4000 years.

That is, TRANSLATION of the Hebrew text into Latin brought additional 4000-3761 = 239 years.

But the turn came to another translation, into Cohen-Greek (Septuagint), which gives

from Eastern Catholic Anno mundi to Point X 5509 years (like, Byzantine calendar - about him a little later)

TRANSLATION of the Jewish text into Cohen-Greek brought additional 5509-3761 = 1748 years.

(but also the chronology of the TANAKH itself has already been questioned by us, at least on the example of Babylon).

As a result, only translation of the same Jewish book brought the MORNING of the same events FROM TORA, in different languages, according to different chronological points, with a maximum scope of almost 1800 years.

But recounting the Abrahamic Russian Chronicle, we found the minimum scope:


We look and analyze:

1. "Russian land" (according to their version) became known from the summer of 6360 (since 852 in modern chronology) - NB! … (conditionally, as if we don't know any other options yet).

2. Checking the numbers:

6360 - 852 = 5508 years

see compliance with OUR chronology, end-to-end, never interrupted and not reformed until January 1, 1700.

3. Next comes the insertion of the Abrahamic Tales.

- which initially causes confusion. The chronicle is positioned as "Russian", what have other people's legends and myths to do with it?

4. There are numbers in Abrahamic Bikes, which means there is a calculator at hand:

2242 + 1082 + 430 + 601 + 448 + 318 + 333 = 5454 years

!!! 5454 is NOT equal to 5508 !!

5508-5454= 54 years

As a result, it is not difficult to draw the first conclusion:

- The chronology of events is distorted.

And since Historical and Chronological Priority of Management is one of the Highest, directly leading to Management at the level of the Worldview, it is imperative to take steps to correct it.

And here, whatever one may say, we should pay attention to the most famous person in the Russian Information Space, who is engaged in "correcting" the Chronology - Fomenko (and Nosovsky).
