Chronicles of the past 2024, September

Number logic and number spelling

Number logic and number spelling

Among the many rarities that have preserved the memory of the real epic of humanity, there is an interesting document that completely rejects all the insinuations of God's chosen people about its antiquity

Battle dolphins and armored elephants. Wild animals in military armament

Battle dolphins and armored elephants. Wild animals in military armament

Throughout human history, humans have succeeded in finding new and unusual ways to kill each other. Often people turn to the animal kingdom to take from it what will help defeat the enemy on the battlefield. Sometimes they took animals

The pyramids were not nearby! The great secret of Arkaim

The pyramids were not nearby! The great secret of Arkaim

Many perceive it as an ancient cult center, where priests performed sacred rituals and monitored the position of the planets and constellations. Others describe Arkaim as a fortified military settlement, someone calls it an ancient smelter

Focuses of the war of 1812

Focuses of the war of 1812

Historical tricks are performed in the same way as the tricks of a swindler, an illusionist - the attention of the audience is concentrated, focuses on vivid little things in order to distract them from the main thing, the essence of what is happening and create the impression of authenticity

"Miracles" of technologies of Peter the Great or for whom the bell tolls

"Miracles" of technologies of Peter the Great or for whom the bell tolls

No one is left indifferent and the magnificent stone vases of the Hermitage will forever conquer with their beauty and fantastic execution. Jasper, granite, malachite - the variety of materials and colors is impressive

Inconvenient facts of the battle with Napoleon on the Berezina

Inconvenient facts of the battle with Napoleon on the Berezina

Russian troops defeated Napoleon's army at the Berezina. It is said that the retreat of the French Grand Army from Moscow was a series of its failures and Russian successes. However, the reality turned out to be more complicated: de facto Russian troops suffered large unjustified losses, and the overall result of the campaign was the flight of Napoleon from Russia, but not his capture

What were the penal units in the Soviet Union?

What were the penal units in the Soviet Union?

An incredible amount of myths about penal units in the Soviet Union during the Second World War were formed, not without the help of the domestic perestroika cinema. In fact, with these units, everything is far from the way individual citizens from the creative intelligentsia are used to portraying it

Pikelhelm: Strange World War I Helmet

Pikelhelm: Strange World War I Helmet

During the First World War, the helmet, which had a peak, or pickelhm, on the top, was a distinctive feature, a visiting card of the German military. But what is this peak, and was it even needed from a practical point of view?

Top 5 Resorts of the 19th century

Top 5 Resorts of the 19th century

Deauville, Cote d'Azur, Baden-Baden and many other resorts attracted tourists not only with healing springs, but also with gambling entertainment

Ho Chi Minh trail. Vietnamese road of life. Fights in Southern Laos

Ho Chi Minh trail. Vietnamese road of life. Fights in Southern Laos

A month and a half after Wang Pao launched his attack on the Valley of Jugs, known as Operation Kou Kiet, units of the VNA in southern Laos carried out an operation that, although unsuccessful, created a new front for the CIA and the royalist government of Laos. This front demanded people and resources, and also stimulated the Americans and their allies to continue the policy of dispersing forces into different, unrelated directions

Iultin - the mystery of the disappearance of the Soviet ghost town

Iultin - the mystery of the disappearance of the Soviet ghost town

There were many cities in the Soviet Union that gradually turned into ghosts. One of them is Iultin, who, though not for long, existed in Chukotka. The rapidly established large industrial settlement was just as quickly abandoned by its inhabitants. At the peak of its development, more than five thousand people lived in it

What did the retraining of left-handers in the USSR lead to?

What did the retraining of left-handers in the USSR lead to?

Those who studied in Soviet schools until the mid-1980s are familiar with one of the quirks of the system of this era - the retraining of left-handers. The methods, as well as the reasons, were different. For our contemporaries, some of them still remain strange and incomprehensible

Why do the Solovetsky Islands attract the attention of many scientists?

Why do the Solovetsky Islands attract the attention of many scientists?

The Solovetsky Islands are rich in their history, which keeps many secrets. Six Solovetsky Islands make up a large archipelago, which is located in the southern part of the White Sea at the entrance to Onega Bay

DARPA failure: one of the biggest mistakes in the history of science

DARPA failure: one of the biggest mistakes in the history of science

A bomb based on the hafnium isomer Hf-178-m2 could become the most expensive and most powerful in the history of non-nuclear explosive devices. But she didn't. Now this case is recognized as one of the most notorious failures of DARPA - the Agency for Advanced Defense Projects of the American military department

Development of the ball tank of the USSR and why it was not implemented

Development of the ball tank of the USSR and why it was not implemented

After the First World War, armored vehicles gained immense popularity in the ranks of military engineers. The number of developments on the creation of tanks did not stop

The first through voyage of icebreakers from Vladivostok to Arkhangelsk

The first through voyage of icebreakers from Vladivostok to Arkhangelsk

The world's first voyage from east to west along the northern shores of Russia was also remembered for the last great discoveries in the geography of the Earth. Later, one of these discoveries will make it possible to find the northernmost site of an ancient man - the northernmost in polar Yakutia, and in all of Russia, and in general on our planet. Alexey Volynets will tell about all these events, significant for the history of the Russian Far East, especially for DV

Unhurried Era: How did European soldiers without armor defend themselves?

Unhurried Era: How did European soldiers without armor defend themselves?

The 17th century was the peak of global changes in the life of Europe. This fate has not spared the military industry. The final decline of the phenomenon of medieval knights and the invention of new tactics of warfare led to the transformation of not only the composition of the army, but even the appearance of the soldiers, who got rid of heavy armor - the "unarmored era" began. But this does not mean at all that the army men, dressed in multi-colored uniforms, were left without protection

The origin and genetic ties of the Alans

The origin and genetic ties of the Alans

S. Yatsenko came to the opinion that there are seven concepts of the origin of the Alans. These are the Scythian, Aorian, Massagetan, Alanian, Yuechzhian-Tocharian, Usun, and the seventh, which considers the Alans to be an interethnic squad organization

About the first harems of Tartary

About the first harems of Tartary

Each of the Khans, and in Russian princes, as small governors of small territories of a large kingdom, undertook, as a sign of his oath of allegiance to the ruling dynasty, to send the eldest of his daughters to the capital upon reaching the age of "first growing up"

Struggle for the throne of Basil III: the princely contribution to Russian history

Struggle for the throne of Basil III: the princely contribution to Russian history

540 years ago, the sovereign and Grand Duke of All Russia Vasily III was born - the son of Ivan III and the father of Ivan the Terrible. He pursued a policy of centralization and unification of the Russian lands, returned Smolensk, was actively involved in urban planning and strengthened the autocracy

"The Legend of the INDIAN KINGDOM" by priest Ivan, or the Imaginary Utopianism of the ANCIENT WORLD

"The Legend of the INDIAN KINGDOM" by priest Ivan, or the Imaginary Utopianism of the ANCIENT WORLD

"The Legend of the INDIAN KINGDOM" priest Ivan Localization, Investigation, Proofs of the REALITY of the character

Russian palaces and estates, mutilated by the Nazis during the Great Patriotic War

Russian palaces and estates, mutilated by the Nazis during the Great Patriotic War

“The question of whether a given nation is flourishing or dying of hunger interests me only insofar as we need the representatives of this nation as slaves for our culture; otherwise, their fate is of no interest to me, "- with this brutal phrase, Hitler very clearly described the whole essence of the fascist regime, which, in addition to hatred of humanity, demonstratively humiliated Russian culture

Roman intelligence services or how the intelligence of ancient Rome worked

Roman intelligence services or how the intelligence of ancient Rome worked

Throughout its history, the Roman state faced enemies, external or internal, who threatened from the sea or from land. It, like in the air, needed complex fortification systems and powerful mobile armies

Consumer fever in the USSR in the mid-1930s

Consumer fever in the USSR in the mid-1930s

In 1934-35 in the USSR, unexpectedly for many, a consumer fever began. Restaurants opened, shops filled with food and clothing. Fashion magazines promoted hedonism. The consumer paradise began to be imposed on the intelligentsia: it acquired housemaids, cars, new apartments

"No wars, no pain, no suffering" - the coming XX century in the forecasts of writers

"No wars, no pain, no suffering" - the coming XX century in the forecasts of writers

On December 31, 1900, the publisher Suvorin himself described the coming XX century in his newspaper Novoye Vremya: “Crime will sharply decrease and completely disappear, no later than 1997; ; "would Cain raise his hand against his brother if he had a cozy house with a warm water closet and the opportunity to get in touch with a phonographic miracle"

The most dangerous and secret objects of the USSR

The most dangerous and secret objects of the USSR

After the collapse of the USSR, the most dangerous and secret facilities were blown up, mothballed and evacuated, while many others were simply abandoned. They were left to rust: after all, the economy of most of the newly formed states simply could not afford their content, they turned out to be of no use to anyone

TOP-5 world inventions against which science fought and lost

TOP-5 world inventions against which science fought and lost

It just so happened that humanity is afraid of everything new. Even the great minds of the past at one time did not recognize such great inventions as the camera and telephone. But you shouldn't blame anyone for this, as they say, everything has its time

Battle of Mtsensk: the collapse of the Wehrmacht division thanks to 50 Soviet tanks

Battle of Mtsensk: the collapse of the Wehrmacht division thanks to 50 Soviet tanks

On October 6, 1941, a significant tank battle took place near the city of Mtsensk. The fourth tank brigade under the command of Colonel Mikhail Katukov defeated the fourth tank division of General Heinz Guderian, which was almost ten times superior in combat power

Volga famine. Cannibalism and shocking footage of 1921-1922 (18+)

Volga famine. Cannibalism and shocking footage of 1921-1922 (18+)

The famine in the Volga region of 1921-1922, according to official statistics, covered 35 provinces

TOP 5 fantastic grenades of world wars

TOP 5 fantastic grenades of world wars

Prototypes of modern garnets appeared hundreds of years ago. This is not surprising, with the help of "pocket" explosives it was possible to invisibly hit the enemy from around a corner or a trench. It took a lot of time and effort of military designers for the grenade to take on a modern look and design. Even during the First and Second World War, there were unusual and sometimes frankly strange specimens of "pocket artillery"

What did the twists of the Soviet soldiers actually contain?

What did the twists of the Soviet soldiers actually contain?

The light slung over the shoulder is one of the most recognizable attributes of a soldier of the Soviet Union during the Second World War. Without this mysterious object, it is almost impossible to imagine an infantryman of those times, and more importantly, the soldier would have had a very difficult time without it. What is it?

Who is Santa Claus? Semantic images of fairy tales and epics

Who is Santa Claus? Semantic images of fairy tales and epics

Authors storytellers: Leonid Ivanovich Karpenko, Kapitolina Vasilievna Nechaeva-Zubets. Program host - Yulona Stoyanova

Pole shift according to Neymeier and Nathhorst. Hypotheses of scientists of the late 19th century

Pole shift according to Neymeier and Nathhorst. Hypotheses of scientists of the late 19th century

Information obtained in the 19th century about the extreme addresses of finds with fossils of Miocene plants prompted famous scientists to put forward and consider hypotheses about the polar shifts that occurred in the past, which caused the death of these plant forms in their former habitats

US political propaganda in World War I

US political propaganda in World War I

The United States entered World War I only in 1917. Therefore, they learned military propaganda from their "cousins" - the British. Nevertheless, it was the American agitators of those years who are considered the founders of modern PR, sociology and political science. RIA Novosti tells how the Americans, having discovered the propaganda mechanism, began to use it to "turn" the world

Great Russian scientists who left their homeland and migrated to the USA

Great Russian scientists who left their homeland and migrated to the USA

The revolutionary events in Russia in 1917 became one of the most controversial, complex and confusing moments in the country's history. The worst thing is that at this time there was a colossal outflow of the country's population, including due to migration. Among those who left their historical homeland there were many outstanding minds who later worked in the United States and helped make our world the way we know it today

King David in Israel's History: Myth or Reality?

King David in Israel's History: Myth or Reality?

King David is the second leader of the Kingdom of Israel, who made Jerusalem a center of spiritual pilgrimage. David was a God-fearing and wise ruler who, like all mortals, was prone to make mistakes: the monarch committed a crime for which he had to pay for a long time

Mighty inventive incarnations of the Soviet Union

Mighty inventive incarnations of the Soviet Union

In the Soviet Union, a huge number of unique objects and samples of sophisticated equipment were created. All this was done with the sole purpose of serving for the good of the Motherland. Unfortunately, with the collapse of the country of the Soviets, the accumulated technical and architectural wealth remained useless to anyone, fell into oblivion, becoming the prey of marauders

Dodgy murder weapons from around the world

Dodgy murder weapons from around the world

In the world there is a huge number of weapons that are very interesting in their form and execution. Some examples of such tools for killing their own kind look so incredible that it can be difficult to believe in their existence and practicality. However, each of these designs was widely used by people at one time

Legendary Wokou - the history of the Japanese pirates

Legendary Wokou - the history of the Japanese pirates

Piracy is not only about boarding sabers, caravels and rum, but also katanas, junks and rice wine. Here you will learn about who the wokou are, why the pirates of the Far East were considered more dangerous and evil than the Mongol conquerors, and how Obama and Murakami are associated with medieval piracy

Cryptoenergy in the past. Part 1

Cryptoenergy in the past. Part 1

Cryptoenergy, by analogy with cryptocurrency, is the same thing that everyone can create for themselves if they have certain knowledge and capabilities. And it can be developed to a very high level, and this thing does not depend on morally outdated superstructures in the form of a political regime, a central bank, an oil needle and other things, around which passions are boiling and some of the mighty of this world are overcome by a shiver