Chronicles of the past 2024, September

Aryans - who are they?

Aryans - who are they?

Who are the Aryans? Modern science confidently says that these are related tribes that lived a hundred thousand miles ago in the territory of Persia and India. Okay, at least she partially recognizes geography

The wreck of the Titanic: seditious versions

The wreck of the Titanic: seditious versions

More than a century has passed since the sinking of the most famous ship in the world, but there is still debate about why the Titanic suffered such a sad fate. Not everyone is satisfied with the official version of an accidental collision with an iceberg. The Kramola portal offers you alternative options

The honesty of historians is in doubt. Who benefits from distorting history?

The honesty of historians is in doubt. Who benefits from distorting history?

Falsification of events in history books is one of the types of hybrid war against Russia. Events are distorted in such a way as to eradicate in our children a sense of pride in their ancestors and homeland, and to instill in them a sense of inferiority and guilt

Scientists about the mythical Tatar-Mongol yoke

Scientists about the mythical Tatar-Mongol yoke

The term "Tatar-Mongols" is not in the Russian chronicles, neither is V.N. Tatishchev, nor N.M. Karamzin … The term "Tatar-Mongols" itself is neither a self-name nor an ethnonym of the peoples of Mongolia

Mavro Orbini - a historian who wrote the truth about the Russians

Mavro Orbini - a historian who wrote the truth about the Russians

Confirmation of the claims that the history of Europe was rewritten in the interests of the Vatican and the ruling Romano-Germanic elites is the work of the Dalmatian historian Mavro Orbini

Siberia. Irrigation canals of the Tagar culture

Siberia. Irrigation canals of the Tagar culture

This article examines further evidence that Siberia was the birthplace of the White Race, and not the Mongoloid one, as historians are trying to convince us. For more information on this topic, see our movie "China's Fake Antiquities"

What was Napoleon looking for in Egypt?

What was Napoleon looking for in Egypt?

At the end of the 18th century, France was covered by the shadow of a new national idol - Napoleon Bonaparte. A brilliant artillery officer within a short period declared himself as an outstanding commander, capable of solving the biggest tasks, the main of which was the defeat of the worst enemy of Republican France - Britain. But instead of implementing this plan, Napoleon suddenly set out to conquer Egypt for some reason

We disassemble the album of Montferrand in St. Isaac's Cathedral

We disassemble the album of Montferrand in St. Isaac's Cathedral

20 drawings from the Montferrand album with signs of inconsistency

A little about the Kazan Cathedral

A little about the Kazan Cathedral

Today there was nothing to do, I went to the Kazan Cathedral. For the first time in my life, to shame. :) Immediately struck a huge amount of pagan symbolism, when I came home I looked at reference books and Wikipedia, and it turns out that the history of its construction is also muddy

Columns of Isaac and more. Part 2

Columns of Isaac and more. Part 2

Analysis of technologies of the interior decoration of the cathedral

Columns of Isaac and more. Part 1

Columns of Isaac and more. Part 1

Analysis of the columns of St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg

What forests grow on the outskirts of St. Petersburg

What forests grow on the outskirts of St. Petersburg

Analysis of humus thickness below the Baltic klint

Scythians speak. Or about Crimea

Scythians speak. Or about Crimea

Observations and conclusions on Evpatoria

Vorontsov Palace

Vorontsov Palace

Details about one of the most mysterious palaces in the world

Fort Paul I

Fort Paul I

02.24.17 visited one of the forts, which can only be reached by ice or by boat. I was going for a long time, and now it finally happened

Inhumans of besieged Leningrad

Inhumans of besieged Leningrad

The Russian proverb "to whom the war, and to whom the mother is dear" reflects well what is happening in the besieged Leningrad. The results of searches of thieves, speculators and other social parasites surprised even seasoned operatives

Where is the city from? Part 1

Where is the city from? Part 1

My history teacher recently told me: “Do not take away the crumbs that are left to us, the faith in what we were taught. I’m tired of believing in the party, Lenin and Stalin, but you swung at Peter I himself, at the splendor of Russian history. my last tale, or people like me will trample you. "

How historians composed the Mongol Empire. Part 2

How historians composed the Mongol Empire. Part 2

As Montaigne said, "People believe in nothing more firmly than in what they least know." Historical knowledge, or rather ignorance, is the same. Most people are fanatically confident in the existence of Ancient Hellas, Ancient Rome, Ancient Babylonia and Ancient Rus

Published a Soviet non-aggression pact between the USSR and Germany

Published a Soviet non-aggression pact between the USSR and Germany

The Historical Memory Foundation has published scans of the Soviet originals of the non-aggression pact between the USSR and Germany, concluded on August 23, 1939

Peaceful Germans about the soldiers of the Red Army in 1945

Peaceful Germans about the soldiers of the Red Army in 1945

It was no less difficult for ordinary German citizens to see people in Soviet soldiers than it was for those to renounce hatred. For four years the German Reich waged a war with disgusting subhumans led by the blood-drunk Bolsheviks; the image of the enemy was too familiar to immediately abandon it

Scythians of Southern Siberia in the State. The Hermitage

Scythians of Southern Siberia in the State. The Hermitage

The State Hermitage Museum houses the world's largest collection of Scythian objects; this collection is known primarily for artifacts preserved in permafrost, which preserves organic matter well

Transferable ruble - the secret weapon of the USSR

Transferable ruble - the secret weapon of the USSR

The transferable ruble was the first large-scale project to create a supranational monetary unit. Other supranational monetary units appeared later. So in this matter, our country was ahead of the rest of the world

The British admitted that King Arthur was a Russian prince

The British admitted that King Arthur was a Russian prince

The legendary King Arthur, who is the standard of Western European chivalry, was a Russian prince who arrived in England with his retinue in agreement with the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius. This sensational statement was made by the famous British historian Howard Reid

A trap at Slobodzeya

A trap at Slobodzeya

On the military genius of Kutuzov: how the Russians defeated the Turks - the golden page of Russian history

Fortress Osovets. Permanent sentry

Fortress Osovets. Permanent sentry

The Russian soldier, who stood on guard for nine years, remained faithful to the oath

Heroes of the Great Patriotic War in color photographs. (82 images)

Heroes of the Great Patriotic War in color photographs. (82 images)

Congratulations to all on Victory Day! Works by Olga Klimbim, who reconstructs historical photos. I dedicate the selection to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War

Duet with a she-wolf

Duet with a she-wolf

The story of the power of the Russian song that saved the family during the Second World War

Dersu Uzala

Dersu Uzala

The film is a masterpiece about Vladimir Klavdievich Arseniev, a Russian traveler, geographer, ethnographer, explorer of the Far East and Dersu Uzala, a brave and astute Nanai hunter who lives alone in the taiga. The picture was taken based on the works of V.K.Arseniev in the USSR

500 Russians versus 40,000 Persians

500 Russians versus 40,000 Persians

Colonel Karyagin's campaign against the Persians in 1805 does not resemble real military history. It looks like a prequel to "300 Spartans"

Found the World Tree, and the Alatyr stone (Grail)

Found the World Tree, and the Alatyr stone (Grail)

The basis of the structure of the World among the Slavs was such concepts as: the World Tree, the Allatyr stone

Who and When Discovered America Before Columbus

Who and When Discovered America Before Columbus

This video article contains numerous facts that show exactly who, and by what routes, was the first to discover and populate America. America was discovered and inhabited long before Columbus, and this happened precisely thanks to the population of Siberia

Tartar Empire (until the 19th century) heiress of Scythia (5600 years ago)

Tartar Empire (until the 19th century) heiress of Scythia (5600 years ago)

Our ancestors fully corresponded to the concepts of the Mighty - All the Mighty, since they perfectly knew the basic laws of the functioning of nature, which allowed them to use them, for example, when building the Pyramids, which can be read in more detail in my previous articles:

Alexey Dorofeev. Secrets of the Ahnenerbe. Megaliths Externstein. Part 1. Unknown technologies

Alexey Dorofeev. Secrets of the Ahnenerbe. Megaliths Externstein. Part 1. Unknown technologies

According to local legends, the devil created them in just one night. There are many hypotheses about the true purpose of the sanctuary, but, despite the research of many generations of researchers, none of them has been fully confirmed. The Externstein cliffs are riddled with a large number of passages, steps and caves, and only a few of them do not give rise to doubts that they were used as chapels

Ruins of past civilizations

Ruins of past civilizations

A selection of videos telling about the forgotten past of our civilization

Mysteries of the northern country

Mysteries of the northern country

What was revealed to the eyes of the researchers of the RUFORS group defies any logical explanation. As if a huge powerful creature lowered a "spoon" uphill and mixed all the rocks, adding to the "dish" a seasoning from a variety of outlandish minerals

Alchemists of the NKVD

Alchemists of the NKVD

A secret state alchemical laboratory appeared in Kraskovo, which was supposed to discover the secret of the Philosopher's Stone, but in full measure to obtain precious metals, and to create an elixir of prolonging the life of the ruling elite of the USSR

Alexey Kungurov. Distortion of history as a way to control the mind

Alexey Kungurov. Distortion of history as a way to control the mind

Lecture by Alexei Kungurov "Distortion of history as a way to control the mind. Results of 4 years of research". Various artifacts of history. The current level of technology (advanced technologies) at the end of the 19th century. The facts and consequences of their application.

Oatmeal, sir

Oatmeal, sir

The worst of the evil spite of the day - New Year's chores and expenses

Old Russian cuisine

Old Russian cuisine

It is no longer a secret for anyone that our entire history is falsified and some historical episodes and facts are filled with complete nonsense and nonsense, many of them are outright lies. There is no side of public life that has not been touched by the pen of the covetous from history

Whose will killed Nicholas II?

Whose will killed Nicholas II?

"Do not make condemnation without reasoning" Russian proverb