Chronicles of the past 2024, September

Lost History: Ruins of an Ancient Civilization in Old Paintings

Lost History: Ruins of an Ancient Civilization in Old Paintings

Various archaeological and other finds, one way or another falling outside the framework of the officially approved history of the world, are defamed, destroyed and ridiculed. Therefore, I invite everyone to decide for themselves whether the story that is presented to us is true. And for this purpose, I ask you to take a look at the collection of paintings by artists of the eighteenth, early nineteenth century

Stolen stone architecture of Russia

Stolen stone architecture of Russia

We laugh at the stereotypes that are firmly rooted in the minds of foreigners about Russia and about Russians. And we are not even aware of the fact that we ourselves are in captivity of similar cliches about ourselves. For example, what picture is drawn in your mind, an average resident of modern Russia, when you mention the phrases "Vladimir Rus", or "ancient Rus"? I will not sin against the truth if I say that for the most part, we represent Russia as follows:

"Ancient Moscow" was built by St. Petersburg in the 19th century

"Ancient Moscow" was built by St. Petersburg in the 19th century

The author considers the transport accessibility of Moscow as a medieval city with a predominantly water connection, compares Moscow with other cities of those years and comes to the conclusion that the real ancient Moscow was located in Kolomna, 100 km away. from today's Moscow

Cryptoenergy in the past. Part 2

Cryptoenergy in the past. Part 2

Cryptoenergy, by analogy with cryptocurrency, is the same thing that everyone can create for themselves if they have certain knowledge and capabilities. And it can be developed to a very high level, and this thing does not depend on morally outdated superstructures in the form of a political regime, a central bank, an oil needle and other things, around which passions are boiling and some of the mighty of this world are overcome by a shiver

What money did Russia fight for in the 19th century

What money did Russia fight for in the 19th century

After each of the three great wars of the 19th century - with Napoleon, the Crimean and the Balkans - it took 20-25 years for Russia's finances and economy to recover. At the same time, Russia during the two won wars did not receive any preferences from the defeated opponents

How in the USSR they fought hooliganism and suppressed crime

How in the USSR they fought hooliganism and suppressed crime

Today it is generally accepted that in the "totalitarian" Stalinist times, absolute order reigned in the USSR, and everyone kept pace. However, this is not the case. Not all citizens of a great country built, created, mined coal, smelted iron and steel, reaped crops, stood guard over state borders. There were also those who continued to "live by the standards", break the law, commit criminal offenses, or even just hooligan

TOP-5 super-heavy artillery guns of the First World War

TOP-5 super-heavy artillery guns of the First World War

The First World War was the era of the heyday of the gigantic weapon. Each country participating in the armed conflict sought to create its own super-heavy cannon, which would be superior in all respects to the enemy's weapon. The weight of such giants could reach 100 tons, and the mass of one projectile could exceed 1000 kilograms

Who and how invented the Jewish people

Who and how invented the Jewish people

It should be remembered that, although nation states began to form even before the introduction of the universal compulsory education system, only with its help they were able to take root and gain strength. The highest priority of state pedagogy from the very beginning was the dissemination of the transplanted "national memory", and its heart is national historiography

Intercontinental underground tunnels

Intercontinental underground tunnels

It is possible to disagree with the dating by which the author attributes the intercontinental tunnels to many millions of years ago, some of the described cases are clearly misleading, however, a large amount of evidence and found fragments of tunnels eloquently refutes the official history of our planet

The culture of sacrifice in ancient Egypt

The culture of sacrifice in ancient Egypt

On the one hand, it seems that everyone knows about the religion of Ancient Egypt. Gods with human bodies and animal heads, the heavenly boat Ra, the afterlife where the heart is weighed on the scales - these elements of Egyptian mythology have long been included in popular culture. But is it true that their faith was terrible, gloomy and constantly demanded bloody sacrifices?

Scythian animal style

Scythian animal style

Scythian culture is the original culture of the vast world of agricultural, nomadic and semi-nomadic tribes that lived in the 1st millennium BC. e. in the Northern Black Sea region, in the Balkans, in Thrace, in the Kuban, in Altai and in southern Siberia, that is, on a huge territory stretching from the Danube to the Great Wall of China

How much was a peasant in Russia?

How much was a peasant in Russia?

More than 150 years ago, in 1860, the preparation of the peasant reform was in full swing in the Russian Empire, which primarily provided for the liberation of serfs. That is why the ransom of peasants into the wild, which flourished only a year earlier, practically stopped - and thus, human trafficking in Russia actually ended

Peasant bank and people in the Russian Empire

Peasant bank and people in the Russian Empire

On April 10, 1883, the Peasant Land Bank started operating in Russia. The new financial institution was called upon to solve the land issue, helping peasants to acquire plots for private ownership. Over the 35 years of the bank's existence, with his help, land was purchased with a total area of one and a half modern Bulgaria, but on the scale of the tsarist empire, this turned out to be not so much

What grew in the Russian garden before potatoes?

What grew in the Russian garden before potatoes?

Potato? Back in the middle of the 19th century, it occupied only 1.5% of the country's agricultural area. Tomatoes? They appeared on the beds and tables in Europe only by the end of the 19th century. Carrot? Yes, it was actively eaten in Russia, but not at all the Dutch bright orange variety that is now widespread. The Kramola portal restores historical justice and tells about what grew in the old Russian vegetable garden

What did a 14-year-old boy do in Russia 100 years ago?

What did a 14-year-old boy do in Russia 100 years ago?

For a long time in Russia, the education of children in peasant work took place according to a certain system, well thought out by many generations of people. Children were taught to do it no later than from the age of seven, believing that "a small business is better than a big idleness." not included in the village work, then he will not have the "diligent ability" to cross in the future

10 food items that have undergone historical metamorphosis

10 food items that have undergone historical metamorphosis

We treat products like the most mundane things. And often we don't even think about how they looked before. Many fruits and vegetables a few hundred years ago looked completely different from what they are today. But because of the desire to tailor food to personal needs, humanity has changed certain types of vegetables and fruits beyond recognition. Examples from this material will surprise anyone

Traditions of Ancient Rus. Part 3

Traditions of Ancient Rus. Part 3

Who does not inhabit the ancient world of Slavic pagan legends, keeping thousands of secrets and mysteries! "There are miracles, there is a goblin wandering …" And not only him: good brownies and dangerous water animals, miracle birds, werewolves, field workers, beregini … And, of course, the Gods are harsh, but fair

Why do some Russian surnames end with "-in" and others with "-ov"?

Why do some Russian surnames end with "-in" and others with "-ov"?

Originally Russian surnames are those that end in "-ov", "-ev" or "-in"

Why women in Russia never cut their hair

Why women in Russia never cut their hair

For a long time, women of all ages and all classes in Russia and in the Moscow state knew one and only hairstyle - a braid. Girls decorated their braids with ribbons or braids, women - covered them with a warrior. However, the braid was not just a hairstyle

About Siberian Lukomorye

About Siberian Lukomorye

Studying the early Western European maps, which depict the Ob and Altai, M.F. Rosen noticed the words Lukomoria. Russian historical cartography did not know such a toponym, but Western European cartographers replicated it with enviable persistence

Top secret about the origin of Russians

Top secret about the origin of Russians

The scientific data below is a terrible secret. Formally, these data are not classified, since they were obtained by American scientists outside the sphere of defense research, and even published in some places, but the conspiracy of silence organized around them is unprecedented

Where did Europeans come from? Are Russians and Europeans just similar or have common roots?

Where did Europeans come from? Are Russians and Europeans just similar or have common roots?

Asking such questions, you inevitably come to the conclusion that we have more in common than differences. Where does antagonism and fear of each other come from?

Peasant War 1773-1775 Where are the peasants?

Peasant War 1773-1775 Where are the peasants?

In the article, the author examines the Pugachev uprising from the point of view of official history and Pushkin's works. An attentive researcher, even in official materials, can find an analogy between the confrontation between the punitive troops of the Romanovs and the Pugachev "militias" with modern events in the Donbass

"Ancient ukry" - the ancestors of the Germans or Slavic place names of Prussia

"Ancient ukry" - the ancestors of the Germans or Slavic place names of Prussia

Slavicisms firmly "rooted" in the Germanic land - how could this be, given such an "ancient" history of the German people? Who is older - Slavs or Germans?

Venice stands on Permian piles

Venice stands on Permian piles

In the twelve-volume history of Venice, written by the famous Italian historian Tentori in the 17th century, there are the following lines: "The well-being of the population of Venice is ensured by world trade and the strength of the pile structures of the city on the islands - the Perm Karagai"

"Always ready!": What role did pioneers play in the history of the USSR

"Always ready!": What role did pioneers play in the history of the USSR

Pioneer Day, alas, ceased to be a holiday in our country a long time ago. Some remnants of the children's organization still exist, but this is just a pale shadow of the mass movement that embraced the entire younger generation

Halloween and the paraphernalia of death: dark origins

Halloween and the paraphernalia of death: dark origins

Halloween. This word came into use quite recently. And relatively recently, they began to celebrate this day, the meaning of which no one really knows. For some, this is an extra reason to have fun, for someone it is a holiday that has a sacred meaning, and for someone it is just an extra reason to get poisoned with alcoholic poison. But for most, this is some kind of funny ritual that

All of the Torah-I of great Israel is a lie

All of the Torah-I of great Israel is a lie

In the history of Israel there was no biblical period, there was no Exodus from Egypt, no wanderings in Sinai, no great empire of David and Solomon. This lie, built on Babylonian sources, allows Zionism to keep in check the metastases of the Jewish diaspora - the "fifth column" of most countries

Find the differences ABC of Tolstoy and ABC of the USSR

Find the differences ABC of Tolstoy and ABC of the USSR

Studying the history and development of our language, I came across information that before the Soviet regime, the first to cut off the alphabet was L.N. Tolstoy. "Alphabet" is a school manual written by Leo Tolstoy to teach children to read, write and arithmetic. Literary and pedagogical work, consisting of four books and first published in 1872

How child homelessness was eliminated in the Soviet Union

How child homelessness was eliminated in the Soviet Union

85 years ago, a resolution was adopted by the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party

Woman's porridge

Woman's porridge

Babi porridge - the day of the national calendar, celebrated by Russians and Belarusians on December 26

Jewish history of Armenians

Jewish history of Armenians

The Jewish history of Armenia is over 2,000 years old and begins long before the emergence of modern Armenia. Already in antiquity there were settlements of Jews in all large cities and capitals of Armenia. Assyria, which seized control of Israel and Urartu / Armenia in 700 BC, deported Jews to these lands

Unwashed Russia and black PR

Unwashed Russia and black PR

"Goodbye, unwashed Russia!" - once said ……….., and after it all Russophobes from the Balts and Poles to the Georgians and the so-called “Ukrainians” were repeated and repeat. The label of dirt, unwashedness in relation to the Russians is glued firmly enough. He is synonymous with uncivilizedness and cultural backwardness

How Soviet steel destroyed the Italian auto industry

How Soviet steel destroyed the Italian auto industry

As part of the agreement on the licensed release of FIAT 124, the USSR paid the Italian side not only with currency, but also with industrial materials

What do official history books teach our children?

What do official history books teach our children?

One of my friends accompanied his congratulations on Victory Day with a sign, which contained the answers of modern residents of Western European countries to the question of who played a decisive role in the victory over Nazi Germany and its allies

Khrushchev's myth about the "brilliant" Marshal Tukhachevsky

Khrushchev's myth about the "brilliant" Marshal Tukhachevsky

In June 1937, the Soviet people had to learn about, as the press of the time put it, "the savage betrayal of the Tukhachevsky gang." A special judicial presence of six senior military leaders sentenced Marshal of the Soviet Union Mikhail Tukhachevsky and the "group of traitors" to capital punishment

King Arthur - Sarmatian warrior

King Arthur - Sarmatian warrior

Slavic-Aryans in ancient times lived on the territory of foggy Albion and had a decisive influence on the culture and customs of the local people. In recent years, historians of the United Kingdom have had to admit this

The first state

The first state

It is believed that the first state in the history of mankind is Sumer. But this is, to put it mildly, not so. Earlier states are known. The only reason why historical science does not recognize them is that they were created not by the Semites, but by our ancestors, the Rus

Official archeology admitted that the ancestral home of the Europeans is Russia

Official archeology admitted that the ancestral home of the Europeans is Russia

National Geographic Russia magazine published material with interesting photographs of archaeological excavations in the village of Kostenki

Musical instruments of the Rus

Musical instruments of the Rus

The history of the emergence of Russian folk instruments goes back to the distant past. Frescoes of St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev, iconographic materials, miniatures of handwritten books, popular prints testify to the variety of musical instruments of our ancestors