Chronicles of the past 2024, September

Jericho - the city of the Rus

Jericho - the city of the Rus

The very name "Jericho" is quite often found in scientific literature. Much less often, the scientific world recalls the established fact - Jericho was originally inhabited by Caucasian Indo-Europeans

Sevastopol antique

Sevastopol antique

The author continues to consider the architectural features of Russian cities and find many oddities in their official history. How were cities rebuilt under Catherine II and how many resources were spent on them?

1575 world map by François de Belfort

1575 world map by François de Belfort

An extremely curious map dated 1575 and drawn by a certain Frenchman named Francois De Belleforest. Click on the map to open it in full resolution, look at cities and towns and read the inscriptions. There are many interesting things on the map

The most sensational find of Russian scientists

The most sensational find of Russian scientists

Just the same sensational finds of ancient Russia are found by our geologists and archaeologists! Imagine this, they found an ancient tree in Moscow! Foreign burr-out historians were so worried whether they had made up too much of our past, they probably do not sleep at night, and here our shrews took a stone off their shoulders "you just nailed it"

What trophies did Soviet soldiers bring home?

What trophies did Soviet soldiers bring home?

War is always hard work, and therefore, after its end, the soldiers were entitled to trophies, which were supposed to be a reward and partial compensation for their inhuman efforts. What did the Red Army men bring home from Germany and how did they get these things?

Who are the "radium girls"?

Who are the "radium girls"?

They licked their brushes in order to more accurately apply paint to the dials with a pointed tip. For fun, they tinted their nails and teeth. And after the change, they literally shone. Not for joy - for radioluminescent paint. And no one told them this paint would kill them

Kiev antique

Kiev antique

The author's dating should be treated with caution, but this photo report from Kiev will be very useful to fans of alternative history, and first of all to those who already know about the oddities in the official history of St. Petersburg

Soviet Internet and supersonic passenger airliners

Soviet Internet and supersonic passenger airliners

We could live in a completely different country, according to the level of comfort, prosperity and freedom. With a developed economy and scientific and technical sphere. And there would be much more reasons for pride in our homeland

The Japanese have surpassed the Nazis for white women

The Japanese have surpassed the Nazis for white women

During World War II, the Japanese captured large areas in Asia and the Pacific. The Japanese became notorious in the occupied territories for their cruelty. Violence against women is only one aspect of their deeds

Slavic tales

Slavic tales

The Slavs called "a lie" an incomplete, superficial Truth. For example, you can say: "Here is a whole puddle of gasoline", or you can say that this is a puddle of dirty water, covered from above with a film of gasoline. In the second statement - Truth, in the first statement, not quite Truth is said, i.e. Lie. "Lies" and "bed", "bed" - have the same root origin

6 crystal tons of the USSR fountain for the World Exhibition

6 crystal tons of the USSR fountain for the World Exhibition

A fountain is depicted on the modern coat of arms of Konstantinovka. This is puzzling and surprising. Why a fountain? These events took place in the distant 30s

People on the ruins of the 1991 revolution

People on the ruins of the 1991 revolution

In 1991, a revolution took place, the old life collapsed, the rules of the game radically changed and, as after every revolution, ruins remained. But the "revolution" is over and it's time to revive everything, but on a new foundation

Construction of St. Isaac's Cathedral in 49 lithographs

Construction of St. Isaac's Cathedral in 49 lithographs

When he was the architect of St. Isaac's Cathedral, Auguste de Montferrand meticulously recorded on paper all the key moments of construction. In 1845, without waiting for the finishing work to be completed, he published in Paris a luxurious album with 49 lithographs depicting the unique construction site of his time:

Tsarist generals were behind the October coup

Tsarist generals were behind the October coup

The historical significance of the October Revolution

Why did the British kill Grigory Rasputin

Why did the British kill Grigory Rasputin

Recently, the British press called Rasputin a victim of Russia - the first in a series that ends with Litvinenko, Skripals and other of our contemporaries. However, Western historical sources indicate that he was killed by a representative of the British authorities. At first glance, this is absurd: Rasputin objectively did not threaten Great Britain with anything. Why was he destroyed by her?

The history of the persecution of traitors to the USSR, who sold themselves to the Nazis

The history of the persecution of traitors to the USSR, who sold themselves to the Nazis

One and a half thousand victims, more than 30 years on the run and no remorse - 40 years ago, on August 11, 1979, Antonina Makarova, the notorious executioner of the Lokotsky district, was shot by the verdict of a Soviet court. Tonka the machine gunner is one of three women executed in the USSR in the post-Stalin era

Great Depression of America. How the largest crisis in US history began

Great Depression of America. How the largest crisis in US history began

On October 24, 1929, in the USA there was a strong collapse of the stock market, called "Black Thursday" and which became the beginning of the Great Depression

The history of bodybuilding and fitness in the USSR

The history of bodybuilding and fitness in the USSR

There was a real cult of sports in the USSR. In the courtyards, yard athletes played the "sun" on horizontal bars, in apartments women mastered aerobics on TV, and in factories there was always industrial gymnastics

Legendary hero of the Great Patriotic War. Complete reconstruction of the feat of Alexander Matrosov

Legendary hero of the Great Patriotic War. Complete reconstruction of the feat of Alexander Matrosov

It was the 616th day of the war. On February 27, 1943, the Red Army soldier Alexander Matveevich Matrosov, covering the embrasure of the enemy bunker with his chest, became a legendary hero of the Great Patriotic War. In the USSR, everyone knew about his feat and, it seems, everything was known. But recently declassified documents from the Central Archives of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation make it possible not only to reconstruct that day in detail for the first time, but also to make important adjustments to the well-known picture of the battle

The exploits of the 7-dimensional shot pioneer heroes, which are not talked about at school

The exploits of the 7-dimensional shot pioneer heroes, which are not talked about at school

In January 1943, seven boys were shot by the Nazis in the village of Devitsa, Voronezh Region. Kolya, Vanya, Tolya, Mitrosha, Alyosha, and one more Vanya, and one more Alyosha … Children were killed in front of their fellow villagers and their parents. When the Germans started shooting, Mitrosha managed to shout: "Mom!", But immediately fell down dead

Our gold-silver

Our gold-silver

It turns out that the land of the Kama region contains a huge amount of gold and silver things that our ancestors used. This historical heritage belongs to us by right. Who benefits from not knowing anything about this?

Schoolchildren in the USSR and Russia: how the younger generation has changed in 50 years

Schoolchildren in the USSR and Russia: how the younger generation has changed in 50 years

Psychologists named the main features that distinguish schoolchildren in the USSR and in Russia

The best photo selection of a carefree childhood in the USSR

The best photo selection of a carefree childhood in the USSR

Many did not find such a state - the USSR, and such a country - the Soviet Union. But everyone who does find it will be useful to digitize their own photo archive of those years so that it can be shown to descendants. In the meantime, let's look at Soviet childhood through the eyes of other photographers

How the first Soviet TV contributed to the development of television technology

How the first Soviet TV contributed to the development of television technology

Television is so firmly and tightly entered into our life that the life of a modern person is simply impossible to imagine without a TV

Tara: an old Russian outpost

Tara: an old Russian outpost

Tara is a quiet and calm town. But this is now. And 425 years ago, at the end of the 16th century, the founding of a city by the Russian state in the center of the opposing Siberian Khanate was a kind of adventure. In our time, the history of the fortress is being restored bit by bit by archaeologists

The Yima Myth: The Expansion Of The Earth And The Pole Shift

The Yima Myth: The Expansion Of The Earth And The Pole Shift

With pole shifts, the Earth expands. Each time there is some cooling with a decrease in the average annual temperature and a slight decrease in atmospheric pressure. The expansion of the Earth is spoken of in the Avestan myth of Yima

Nuclear explosion over Moscow or Who is to blame for the fire of 1812?

Nuclear explosion over Moscow or Who is to blame for the fire of 1812?

“Two officers settled down in one of the Kremlin buildings, from where they had a view of the northern and eastern parts of the city. it collapsed … The information brought by the officers who had come from all sides coincided with each other

Eerie Jewish ghetto: theaters, restaurants, cafes

Eerie Jewish ghetto: theaters, restaurants, cafes

Why don't Jews explore life in the ghettos of Chernivtsi, Proskurov, Kremenchug, Vinnitsa, Zhmerinka, Kamenets-Podolsky, Minsk and dozens of other cities? Is it because the Jewish Judenrates and the Rabbinate collaborated with the Nazis, and the Jews were terrorized not by the Germans, but by their own Jewish police?

Forbidden history of Kazakstan

Forbidden history of Kazakstan

The huge territory of Eurasia, which was previously part of the Russian Empire and the USSR, since 1991 Russia no longer belongs to … Kazakhstan. Interesting name, isn't it? It sounds even more interesting in an early arrangement - KazaKstan

TOP 4 liberal myths about the Bolsheviks in the Soviet state

TOP 4 liberal myths about the Bolsheviks in the Soviet state

Among the many liberal myths about the Soviet state, one is in special demand, especially against the background of the general clericalization of society

Wisdom, secrets and secrets of the Russian hut

Wisdom, secrets and secrets of the Russian hut

The secrets of the Russian hut and its mysteries, little wisdom and traditions, the basic rules in the construction of a Russian hut, signs, facts and the history of the emergence of the "hut on chicken legs" - everything is very brief

Study of the methodology of raising children in the USSR

Study of the methodology of raising children in the USSR

Following the example of the character in the story by A.P. Chekhov, some of them repeated: "This cannot be, because this can never be."

Children as a parcel: how children were sent by mail in the USA

Children as a parcel: how children were sent by mail in the USA

Sometimes parents want to rest. They can send their children for the summer before grandparents: take them by car or bus, escort them by train or plane. Could you send your child by mail? Unlikely. But in the USA, at the very beginning of the last century, parents did just that - they sent their children to grandparents by mail

Russian fortress in America

Russian fortress in America

The largest number of studies on the colonization of North America is devoted to the activities of the French and British. The Dutch and Germans are also attributed to them. However, less often there are references to the development of America by the Russians

Original examples of ancient Russian architecture in the vastness of Karelia

Original examples of ancient Russian architecture in the vastness of Karelia

The first thing that comes to mind when Karelia is mentioned is a picturesque northern forest, rocky shores and, of course, wooden churches. People are poisoned here not only for recreation or hunting, but also in order to feed themselves with spiritual energy, because it is on its prayed ground that you can still find samples of ancient Russian architecture in its original form

Space travel of the Dogon

Space travel of the Dogon

Since 1931, a group of French ethnographers, led by Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlin, conducted research on the customs and beliefs of the African Dogon people living in Western Sudan

How terrible epidemics in the South of Russia won in the Civil War

How terrible epidemics in the South of Russia won in the Civil War

The civil war in Russia was not only a military and political confrontation. Reds, whites, greens, self-styled civilians, civilians had one common enemy that struck everyone indiscriminately. People died from infectious diseases more often than on the battlefields

Secret operation "Z": Soviet pilots invented kamikaze tactics

Secret operation "Z": Soviet pilots invented kamikaze tactics

During the Sino-Japanese War, the USSR began to provide military assistance to China. The covert operation was codenamed "Z". So, in 1937, a detachment of Soviet pilots was sent to the PRC, who in the spring of 1938 collided with Japanese fighters. Many believe that it was this event that served as an example for future units of Japanese kamikaze, who became famous at the end of World War II

Tutankhamun is a genetic European

Tutankhamun is a genetic European

DNA analysis of nearly a hundred Egyptian mummies shocked scientists. It turned out that the ancient Egyptians were not from Africa at all

China's white civilization

China's white civilization

Thousands of white people's mummies have been found in China. All finds speak of the most ancient, developed culture of the white race living in China. Even official historians, under the pressure of facts, are forced to admit that it was white people who gave impetus to the development of Chinese civilization