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Slavic tales
Slavic tales

Video: Slavic tales

Video: Slavic tales
Video: The Scientific Method: Steps, Examples, Tips, and Exercise 2024, May

The Slavs called "a lie" an incomplete, superficial Truth. For example, you can say: "Here is a whole puddle of gasoline", or you can say that this is a puddle of dirty water, covered from above with a film of gasoline. In the second statement - Truth, in the first statement, not quite Truth is said, i.e. Lie. "Lies" and "bed", "bed" - are of the same root origin. Those. what lies on the surface, or on the surface of which you can lie, or - a superficial judgment about the subject.

And yet, why is the word "lie" applied to Tales, in the sense of superficial truth, incomplete truth? The fact is that the Fairy Tale is really a Lie, but only for the Explicit World, manifested, in which our consciousness now resides. For other Worlds: Navi, Slavi, Pravi, the same fairy-tale characters, their interaction, are the true Truth. Thus, we can say that the Fairy Tale is all the same Fairy, but for a certain World, for a certain Reality. If the Fairy Tale conjures up some Images in your imagination, it means that somewhere these Images came from before your imagination gave them to you. There is no fiction divorced from reality. Any fantasy is as real as our explicit life. Our subconscious, reacting to the signals of the second signaling system (to the word), "pulls" Images from the collective field - one of the billions of realities among which we live. In the imagination, there is only one thing around which so many fairy-tale plots are twisted: "Go There, you don't know Where, Bring That, you don't know What." Can your fantasy imagine something like this? - For the time being, no. Although, our Many-Wise Ancestors also had a completely adequate answer to this question.

"Lesson" among the Slavs means something that stands at the Rock, i.e. some fatality of Being, Destiny, Mission that any person embodied on Earth has. The lesson is what needs to be learned before your evolutionary Path continues further and higher. Thus, a Tale is a Lie, but it always contains a Hint of the Lesson that each of the people will have to learn during their Life.


Ras Deva asked: - Bake me a gingerbread man. The Virgin swept over the Svarog barns, scraped and baked the Kolobok along the Devil's bottom. The Kolobok rolled along the Track. Rolling and rolling, and towards him - Swan: - Gingerbread man-Gingerbread man, I'll eat you! And he nipped off a piece from Kolobok with his beak. The Kolobok rolls on. Towards him - Raven: - Kolobok-Kolobok, I'll eat you! He pecked Kolobok by the barrel and ate another piece. The Kolobok rolled further along the Track. Then the Bear met him: - Kolobok-Kolobok, I'll eat you! He grabbed Kolobok across the stomach, and squeezed his sides, forcibly Kolobok took his legs away from the Bear. Rolling Kolobok, rolling along the Svarog Way, and then towards him - Wolf: - Kolobok-Kolobok, I'll eat you! Gripped the Kolobok with his teeth, so the Kolobok barely rolled away from the Wolf. But his Path is not over yet. It rolls on: a very small piece of Kolobok remains. And here the Fox comes out to meet Kolobok: - Kolobok-Kolobok, I'll eat you! - Do not eat me, Fox, - only Kolobok managed to say, and the Fox - "am", and ate it whole.

The tale, familiar to everyone from childhood, takes on a completely different meaning and a much deeper essence when we discover the Wisdom of the Ancestors. The Slavs have never had a gingerbread man, nor a bun, nor "almost a cheesecake", as the most variegated bakery products, which are given to us as Kolobok, are sung in modern fairy tales and cartoons. The idea of the people is much more figurative and sacred than they are trying to imagine. Kolobok is a metaphor, like almost all Images of the heroes of Russian fairy tales. It is not for nothing that the Russian people were famous everywhere for their figurative thinking.

The Tale of Kolobok is an astronomical observation of the Ancestors over the movement of the Month across the sky: from the full moon (in the Palace of Race) to the new moon (the Hall of the Fox). Kolobok's "kneading" - the full moon, in this tale, takes place in the Hall of Virgo and Race (roughly corresponds to the modern constellations of Virgo and Leo). Further, starting from the Hall of the Boar, the Month begins to wane, i.e. each of the meeting Halls (Swan, Raven, Bear, Wolf) - "eat" part of the Month. Nothing remains from Kolobok to the Fox Hall - Midgard-Earth (in modern terms - the planet Earth) completely closes the Moon from the Sun.

We find confirmation of just such an interpretation of Kolobok in Russian folk riddles (from the collection of V. Dahl): A blue scarf, a red bun: rolling on a scarf, grinning at people. - This is about Heaven and Yarilo-Sun. I wonder how modern fairy-tale remakes would depict the red Kolobok? Blush in the dough?

There are a couple of other mysteries for the kids: A white-headed cow looks into the driveway. (Month) He was young - he looked good, when he was old he was tired - he began to fade, a new one was born - he was merry again. (Month) A turntable is turning, a golden bobbin, no one will get it: neither the king, nor the queen, nor the red maiden. (Sun) Who is richest in the world? (Land)

It should be borne in mind that the Slavic constellations do not correspond exactly to the modern constellations. In Slavic Krugolet there are 16 Halls (constellations), and they had different configurations than the modern 12 Signs of the Zodiac. Hall Race (Feline family) can be roughly correlated with

zodiac sign Leo.


Everyone probably remembers the text of the tale from childhood. Let us examine the esotericism of the tale and those gross distortions of imagery and logic that were imposed on us.

Reading this, like most other supposedly "folk" (ie pagan: "language" - "people") fairy tales, we draw attention to the obsessive absence of parents. That is, children are presented entirely with incomplete families, which instills the idea from childhood that an incomplete family is normal, "everyone lives like this." Only grandparents raise children. Even in a complete family, it has become a tradition to "hand over" a child to the elderly for upbringing. Perhaps this tradition took root in the days of serfdom as a necessity. Many will tell me that the times are no better, too. democracy is the same slave system. "Demos", in Greek, is not just a "people", but a well-to-do people, the "top" of society, "kratos" - "power". So it turns out that democracy is the power of the ruling elite, i.e. the same slaveholding, only having an erased manifestation in the modern political system. In addition, religion is also the power of the elite for the people, and also actively participates in the upbringing of the flock (that is, the herd), for its own and the state elite. What do we bring up in children, telling them fairy tales to someone else's tune? Do we continue to "prepare" more and more serfs for demos? Or servants of God?

From an esoteric point of view, what kind of picture appears in the modern "Turnip"? - The line of generations is interrupted, joint good work is broken, there is a total destruction of the harmony of the Clan, Family, well-being and joy of family relationships. What kind of people grow up in dysfunctional families?.. And this is what the newly appeared fairy tales teach us.

Specifically, according to "REPEK". Two of the main heroes for the child, the father and the mother, are absent. Let us consider which Images make up the essence of the tale, and what exactly was removed from the tale on the symbolic plane. So, the characters: 1) Turnip - symbolizes the Roots of the Family. She is planted

Ancestor, the Most Ancient and Wise. Without him, Repka would not have been, and joint, joyful work for the Good of the Family. 2) Grandfather - symbolizes Ancient Wisdom 3) Grandma - Tradition, House 4) Father - protection and support of the Family - removed from the tale along with figurative meaning 5) Mother - Love and Care - removed from the tale 6) Granddaughter (daughter) - Offspring, continuation of the Family 7) Bug - the protection of prosperity in the Family 8) Cat - the blissful atmosphere of the House 9) Mouse - symbolizes the well-being of the House. Mice are turned on only where there is an excess, where every crumb is not counted. These figurative meanings are interconnected like a nesting doll - one without the other no longer makes sense and completeness.

So think later, knowingly or not knowingly, Russian fairy tales have been changed, and for whom they "work" now.


It seems - well, what nonsense: beat, beat, and then a mouse, bang - and the fairy tale is over. What is this all for? Indeed, only to children who are unintelligent to tell …

This tale is about Wisdom, about the Image of the Universal Wisdom, contained in the Golden Egg. Not everyone and not at any time is given to cognize this Wisdom. Not everyone can handle it. Sometimes you have to settle for the simple wisdom contained in the Simple Egg.

When you tell this or that fairy tale to your child, knowing its hidden meaning, the Ancient Wisdom contained in this fairy tale is absorbed "with mother's milk", on the subtle plane, on the subconscious level. Such a child will understand many things and relationships without unnecessary explanations and logical confirmation, figuratively, with the right hemisphere, as modern psychologists say.

ABOUT Kaschey and Baba Yaga

In the book written after the lectures of P. P. Globa, we find interesting information about the classic heroes of Russian fairy tales: "The name" Koschey "comes from the name of the sacred books of the ancient Slavs" blasphemer. "These were wooden tied tablets with unique knowledge written on them. this immortal inheritance was called “koshchey.” His books were passed down from generation to generation, but it is unlikely that he was truly immortal, as in a fairy tale. (…) And into a terrible villain, a sorcerer, heartless, cruel, but powerful, … recently, during the introduction of Orthodoxy, when all the positive characters of the Slavic pantheon were turned into negative ones. Then the word "blasphemy" arose, that is, following ancient, non-Christian customs. (…) And Baba Yaga is a popular personality … But to the end to blacken they could not find her in fairy tales. Not just anywhere, but it was to her that all the Ivans-tsarevichs and Ivans-fools came to her in difficult times. She laid down on the stove in order to show the right path in the morning, helped to unravel their most difficult problems, gave a magic ball, which itself leads to the desired goal. The role of "Russian Ariadne" makes our grandmother surprisingly similar to one Avestan deity … I am clean. This woman-purifier, sweeping the road with her hair, driving away the beast and all evil spirits from her, clearing the road of fate from stones and debris, was depicted with a broom in one hand and a ball in the other. … It is clear that with such a position, she cannot be torn and dirty. Moreover, we have our own bathhouse. "(Man - the Tree of Life. Avestan tradition. Mn.: Arctida, 1996)

This knowledge partly confirms the Slavic concept of Kashchey and Baba Yaga. But let us draw the reader's attention to a significant difference in the spelling of the names "Koschey" and "Kaschey". These are two fundamentally different heroes. That negative character that is used in fairy tales, with whom all the characters are fighting, led by Baba Yaga, and whose death is "in the egg" is - KASHCHA. The first rune in writing this ancient Slavic word-image is "Ka", meaning "gathering inside oneself, union, unification." For example, the runic word-image "KARA" does not mean punishment as such, but means something that does not radiate, ceases to shine, blackened, because it has collected all the radiance ("RA") inside itself. Hence the word KARAKUM - "KUM" - a relative or a set of something related (grains of sand, for example), and "KARA" - those who have gathered radiance: "a collection of shining particles." This already has a slightly different meaning than the previous word "punishment".

Slavic runic images are unusually deep and capacious, ambiguous and difficult for an ordinary reader. Only the Priests possessed these images in their entirety, since writing and reading a runic image is a serious and very responsible matter, it requires great accuracy, absolute purity of thought and heart.

Baba Yoga (Yogini-Mother) - Ever-beautiful, Loving, Kind-hearted Goddess-Patroness of orphans and children in general. She wandered across Midgard-Earth either on the Fiery Heavenly Chariot, then on horseback through the lands where the Clans of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Clan lived, gathering homeless orphans from cities and towns. In every Slavic-Aryan Vesi, even in every populous city or settlement, the Patron Goddess was recognized by the radiating kindness, tenderness, meekness, love and her elegant boots, decorated with golden patterns, and she was shown where the orphans live. Ordinary people called the Goddess in different ways, but always with tenderness. Some - by Grandmother Yoga with Golden Foot, and who, quite simply - by the Yogini-Mother.

The Yogini delivered orphaned children to her foothill Skete, which was located in the thicket of the forest, at the foot of the Irian mountains (Altai). She did this in order to save the last representatives of the most ancient Slavic and Aryan Clans from inevitable death. In the foothill Skete, where the Yogini-Mother led the children through the Fiery rite of dedication to the Ancient Highest Gods, there was a Temple of God Kin, carved inside the mountain. Near the mountain Temple of the Roda, in the rock there was a special depression, which the Priests called the Cave of Ra. From it protruded a stone platform, divided by a ledge into two equal depressions, called Lapata. In one recess, which was closer to the Cave of Ra, the Yogini-Mother laid sleeping children in white clothes. Dry brushwood was put into the second depression, after which LapatA moved back into the Cave of Ra, and the Yogini set fire to the brushwood. For all those present at the Fiery Rite, this meant that orphans were dedicated to the Ancient Highest Gods and no one would see them in the mundane life of the Clans. Strangers, who sometimes attended the Fire Rites, very colorfully told in their area that they watched with their own eyes how little children were sacrificed to the Old Gods, thrown alive into the Fiery Furnace, and Baba Yoga did this. The strangers did not know that when the paw-platform moved into the Ra Cavern, a special mechanism lowered the stone slab onto the paw ledge and separated the depression with the children from the Fire. When the Fire lit up in the Cave of Ra, the Priests of the Sort carried the children from the paws to the premises of the Temple of the Sort. Subsequently, Priests and Priestesses were raised from orphans, and when they became adults, young men and women created families and continued their lineage. The strangers did not know any of this and continued to spread tales that the wild Priests of the Slavic and Aryan peoples, and especially the bloodthirsty Baba Yoga, sacrifice orphans to the Gods. These foreign tales influenced the Image of the Yogini-Mother, especially after the Christianization of Russia, when the Image of a beautiful young Goddess was replaced by the Image of an old, angry and hunchbacked old woman with matted hair who steals children. roasts them in an oven in a forest hut, and then eats them. Even the Name of the Yogini-Mother was distorted and began to frighten the Goddess of all children.

Very interesting, from an esoteric point of view, is the fabulous Instruction-Lesson accompanying more than one Russian folk tale:

Go There, you don't know Where, Bring That, you don't know What.

It turns out that not only fabulous fellows were given such a Lesson. This instruction was received by each descendant from the Clans of the Holy Race that ascended along the Golden Path of Spiritual Development (in particular, mastering the Steps of Faith - the "science of imagery"). A person begins the Second Lesson of the First Step of Faith by looking inside himself in order to see all the variety of colors and sounds within himself, as well as to experience that Ancient Ancestral Wisdom, which he received at his birth on Midgard-Earth. The key to this great storehouse of Wisdom is known to every person from the Clans of the Great Race, it is contained in the ancient instruction: Go There, not knowing Where, Know That, you do not know What.

This Slavic Lesson is echoed by more than one popular wisdom of the world: To seek wisdom outside of oneself is the height of stupidity. (Ch'an dictum) Look inside yourself and you will discover the whole world. (Indian wisdom)

Russian fairy tales have undergone many distortions, but, nevertheless, in many of them the essence of the Lesson, laid down in the fable, remained. It is a fiction in our reality, but reality is in another reality, no less real than the one in which we live. For a child, the concept of reality is expanded. Children see and feel much more energy fields and currents than adults. It is necessary to respect each other's realities. What is Fiction for us is Real Life for the kid. That is why it is so important to initiate a child into "correct" fairy tales, with truthful, original Images, without layers of politics and history.

The most truthful, relatively free from distortions, in my opinion, are some of Bazhov's tales, the tales of Pushkin's nanny - Arina Rodionovna, written by the poet almost word for word, the tales of Ershov, Aristov, Ivanov, Lomonosov, Afanasyev … Seems like Tales from the 4th book of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas: "The Tale of Ratibor", "The Tale of the Clear Falcon", given with comments and explanations according to words that came out of Russian everyday use, but remained unchanged in fairy tales.
