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The substance "Nagalase" from vaccines stimulates the development of cancer
The substance "Nagalase" from vaccines stimulates the development of cancer

Video: The substance "Nagalase" from vaccines stimulates the development of cancer

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Nagalase, a substance that gets into the body with vaccines, blocks our natural defenses against cancer and stimulates the development of cancer, which allows the cancer industry to flourish.

Cancer industryIs one of the most profitable industries in the world with hundreds of billions of dollars in profits. Cancer drug costs have grown 6.5% annually over the past five years and are expected to continue to grow 8% each year through 2018, according to figures provided by the IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics. … Almost two-thirds of these costs are concentrated in the United States and the five largest European countries. This means billions and billions of dollars in profits are generated by Americans who are diagnosed with cancer. This is an extremely profitable area of the economy, which, however, will be completely destroyed by one single thing - a cure for cancer.

As Mike Adams recently noted:

"A generic drug would end the profitability of the lucrative cancer industry and destroy the American Cancer Society, hospitals, cancer clinics and pharmaceutical companies that depend on chemotherapy revenue to stay profitable."

This means that anyone who gets close to developing a cure for cancer will be considered an extreme threat to the medical establishment and will surely be stopped at all costs.

Given this point, the mysterious deaths and disappearances of several naturopaths in Florida raise some suspicion and give rise to thought.

If anyone came close to discovering a universal cancer cure and made it available to the general public, they would most likely be natural medicine doctors or naturopaths, as they are less likely to prescribe drugs and are more likely to try to heal the body naturally. using holistic medicine and non-toxic treatment options.

The breakthroughs achieved in this kind of medicine are extremely "controversial" because they threaten everything that the medical industrial complex supports, namely, expensive chemotherapy sessions and anti-cancer drugs.

Scientists and doctors conducting such research are regularly visited and curtailed by the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and then treated like criminals, which tarnishes their reputation. Such measures are typically organized against scientists and medical professionals deemed to be a threat to the medical establishment.

A renowned holistic doctor is found dead a week after the FDA raided the clinic

This seems to be the case with Dr. James Jeffrey Bradstreet, who was recently found dead. His body was found in a river in North Carolina with one bullet wound to the chest. Bradstreet, a renowned physician famous for his skepticism about immunization (in particular the MMR vaccine) and his progressive research on autism, was visited by FDA officials a week before his mysterious death. The details of the raid are still largely unknown.

Dr. Bradstreet, who was personally affected by autism because his own and adopted sons were diagnosed with this disorder, devoted a significant part of his writings to this problem. He testified twice before the US House of Representatives about the relationship between vaccines and autism.

As Natural News reported, before his death, Dr. Bradstreet worked with a little-known molecule produced in the human body - the protein GcMAF (Globulin Macrophage Activating Factor), which, after it binds vitamin D in the body, has the potential to become a universal cure for cancer. It is also believed to be able to treat and reverse autism, HIV, diabetes, kidney and liver diseases.

Dr. Bradstreet has been working on this naturally occurring compound, which may be the only effective thing in the entire immune system to kill cancer cells.

In an interview on the Hagmann Report, Dr. Ted Broer, an internationally recognized expert on healthy and healthy eating, also based in Florida, describes how innovative Dr. Bradstreet's work and discoveries were his immense danger and become the motive for his eventual assassination.

Missing or murdered naturopathic doctors have reportedly been linked through intensive research on autism and what causes it by Dr. Bradstreet and Dr. Gonzales, according to Dr. Broer.

Dr. Gonzalez, a renowned pioneer in holistic cancer treatment, has helped thousands of people overcome the disease through alternative medicine, died of a mock heart attack a month after Dr. Bradstreet's body was found in a river.

An internationally recognized health food doctor reveals possible motives for Dr. Bradstreet's death.

Dr. Broer stated in an interview:

The information that I am going to tell you now is extremely contradictory, and several people who were related to it disappeared from the face of the earth. This information has already been known for some time. They knew what they were working with, and basically, I guess they were very, very careful. Some of them were accused of using GcMAF, and the FDA apparently raided some of their offices in the weeks before they "committed suicide" or "died unexpectedly."

What follows may sound complicated, but I will try to break it down today into the simplest details. When you first hear these terms, they can sound creepy to you.

Gc proteinIs a protein in the human body used by macrophages. Macrophages are cells that kill cancer cells, they stop cytokine storms …

After describing what GcMAF is and how it is obtained, Dr. Broer reiterates that it is "probably the only potent thing in the entire immune system that kills cancer cells."

However, Dr. Broadstreet and his colleagues found that the immune system was compromised by a compound called nagalase.

Nagalase is an enzyme / protein produced by cancer cells and viruses that cause immunodeficiency syndromes, and has been linked to autism and "a host of other problems," explains Dr. Boer.

Doctors, later found dead or missing, believed that nagalaza was injected into the human body along with vaccines.

“This is such incredibly damaging information for the medical community, and especially for the immunologists and the guys who vaccinate, so it's understandable that they are getting in the way of such enthusiasts,” said Dr. Broer.

"I can't say for sure what happened to these people, I just say that they are no longer on this planet."

Dr. Broer compares cancer-causing nagalase to the Stealth bomber

Nagalase blocks the Gc protein, preventing it from joining vitamin D, thus interfering with the immune system from doing its job and thus causing cancer and other serious diseases. In the absence of an active immune system, cancers and viral infections can spread rapidly.

Surprisingly, there is a significant body of research on nagalase and GcMAF protein available. Quoting an excerpt from Dr. Tim Smith's book on GcMAF, Dr. Broer said:

Nagalase is akin to the stealth bomber, the nagalase enzyme, synthesized and secreted by cancer cells or a virus, detects GcMAF protein molecules on the surface of your T- and B-lymphocytes and simply destroys them with an incredibly high-precision bomb.

How high precision? Nagalase locates and attacks one specific bond between two electrons, found only at the 420th position in the amino acid on a huge protein molecule made up of tens of thousands of proteins, each containing millions of electrons.

It's like bombing a park bench in a major city from 6,000 miles away. Even more striking, Nagalaza never misses its target, so there is no collateral damage.

Nagalase is found in ultra-high concentrations in autistic children

Dr. Bradstreet and his colleagues also found that the protein nagalase was absent in babies at birth, but was somehow introduced into the body of autistic children, in their opinion, during the vaccination process.

Before his death, Dr. Bradstreet had worked on treating 1,100 patients with GcMAF with an 85% positive response rate - which is considered impossible in the medical community.

After the introduction of GcMAF (which was initially blocked by nagalase), 15% of Bradstreet's autistic patients ceased to be autistic and all symptoms of their disease completely disappeared.

Since 1990, 59 studies have been published on the healing effects of GcMAF, 20 of which related to cancer treatment. Research suggests that GcMAF can also cure or effectively treat Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, rheumatoid arthritis, and reduce breast, prostate and kidney cancers.
