Chronicles of the past 2024, September

Moscow tsars and princes in the opinion of foreigners of the early 18th century

Moscow tsars and princes in the opinion of foreigners of the early 18th century

In the library of the University of Bern, I accidentally found the genealogy of the Moscow tsars and princes, as seen at the beginning of the 18th century. The document is called: LinkGenealogie des czars de Moscovie ou empereurs de la grande Russie

Who are the Russians?

Who are the Russians?

Your show on Saturday, documentary this time. If you do not have the time or opportunity to get acquainted with the main provisions of the New Chronology, then this video is an excellent version of a detailed two-hour review of NH from, oddly enough, bodybuilder Denis Borisov

They shot at their own: 5 common misconceptions about the Red Army during the Second World War

They shot at their own: 5 common misconceptions about the Red Army during the Second World War

In the war and after it, it is customary to compose legends, distort or conceal the truth. Of course, after so many years, many events and facts of those terrible days are forever lost, but not everything is forgotten. Many stupid legends were invented about the Red Army during World War II, which is high time to destroy, well, or at least some of them

How the 524 meter tsunami led to cataclysms in Alaska

How the 524 meter tsunami led to cataclysms in Alaska

On July 9, 1958, an unusually violent disaster struck Lituya Bay in southeastern Alaska. There was a strong earthquake at the Fairweather Fault, which caused the destruction of buildings, the collapse of the coast, the formation of numerous cracks. And a huge landslide on the side of a mountain above the bay caused a wave of a record height of 524 m, which swept at a speed of 160 km / h over a narrow, fjord-like bay

The life of beggars in Tsarist Russia

The life of beggars in Tsarist Russia

Popular wisdom says that one should not excuse himself from prison and from the bag. If in the first case everything is obvious, then the second part of the saying is debatable. Before the revolution, begging was for many a profitable business that did not require investment and made it possible to live better than those who earned money by labor

Map of St. Petersburg 70 years before it was founded by Peter I

Map of St. Petersburg 70 years before it was founded by Peter I

Compiled between 1635 and 1645. In fact, the city was founded back in 1611 by the Swedes and was the city of Nien

The Iron Mask: Who the Mysterious Prisoner Really Was

The Iron Mask: Who the Mysterious Prisoner Really Was

The Man in the Iron Mask is the most mysterious prisoner during the reign of Louis XIV, whose secret has not been fully solved to this day. The only reliable information about him is the number under which he was held in captivity - 64489001. This man was born approximately in the 1640s, and died in 1698. It was also kept in Pignerola, Esquila, on the Isle of Saint-Marguerite and the Bastille, where he ended his days

Tsarist Russia - Unknown Empire

Tsarist Russia - Unknown Empire

Tsarist Russia in the 16th - 18th centuries was a great Empire, surpassing all other countries in its wealth and power

The secret of the Bronze Horseman's niece

The secret of the Bronze Horseman's niece

Readers familiar with my miniature "The Iron Mask of the Russian Tsar" remember that my comrades and I conducted an investigation and found that the famous prisoner who died in the Bastille under the name "Iron Mask" is the Russian Tsar Peter the First, who was stolen during the Great Embassy

Thunder stone, questions answered

Thunder stone, questions answered

In the footsteps of the publication of April 21, 2017

Thunder stone

Thunder stone

Thunder was puzzled by a stone. This is where the Bronze Horseman stands. In St. Petersburg. I understand that under Catherine the Great no one dragged him from any Lakhta to any St. Petersburg, this is a fairy tale. But the official version of how he was dragged along the water became interesting. I decided to make calculations

"Unwashed Europe": what the unsanitary conditions of the Middle Ages looked like, about which there is so much talk

"Unwashed Europe": what the unsanitary conditions of the Middle Ages looked like, about which there is so much talk

When people talk about medieval Europe, pictures of gloomy, dirty streets of cities, massively lousy people, knights who have not been washed for years, and "lovely" ladies with rotten teeth are sure to be presented. Popular culture has given rise to a myriad of hygiene myths in medieval Europe. Finally, in the domestic open spaces one can often hear a mocking prejudice that baths were only in Russia at that time. It's all wrong

5 legendary swords and axes found in Proto-Russia

5 legendary swords and axes found in Proto-Russia

Immediately it is necessary to stipulate that the phrase "Viking sword" is not entirely correct, if, in general, we mean swords like those that will be discussed below. It so happened that swords of the Carolingian type began to be called Viking swords, although, of course, they were common not only among northern sailors

Black Sea Atlantis

Black Sea Atlantis

A series of programs "Conspiracy Theory" is devoted to the study of the traces of the Black Sea flood, mentioned in the works of ancient historians. Six half-hour meaningful films eloquently show that we have mysteries under our noses that are in no way inferior to the overseas artifacts of Egypt and the Americas

Execution of the Veche Bell

Execution of the Veche Bell

An interesting story about the traditions of the mop, or veche law in the Pskov Republic. According to legend, the veche bell was ritually destroyed during the replacement of "pagan outdated norms" with supposedly progressive Moscow innovations

Twenty-two against one. The feat of tanker Kolobanov, which should not be forgotten

Twenty-two against one. The feat of tanker Kolobanov, which should not be forgotten

A strange incident occurred with the main feat of the Soviet tanker Zinovy Kolobanov - they simply refused to believe in him

Divisional gun ZIS-3: biography of the record holder

Divisional gun ZIS-3: biography of the record holder

On February 12, 1942, the ZIS-3 divisional gun was adopted. Designer Vasily Grabin managed to create a weapon that became the most massive in the history of world artillery

How were the Red Army men rewarded for heroism and bravery?

How were the Red Army men rewarded for heroism and bravery?

In fact, it is impossible to win a war without heroic deeds, and every valiant soldier, even nameless, will remain in the history of a great victory. And, of course, the Red Army soldiers fought not for awards, but for their country, relatives and future. But, nevertheless, no one canceled the material awards for heroism shown during the hostilities, and? as history shows, courage and bravery were well paid

Submarine front: the best submarines of WWII

Submarine front: the best submarines of WWII

During World War II, fierce battles were fought not only on land, in the air and on water, but also under it. Combat submarines carried a tremendous danger to the enemy fleet. It was a big mistake to underestimate the power and potential of submarines, which were ideal vehicles of war

Alex Kurzem: a Jewish boy raised by the Nazis

Alex Kurzem: a Jewish boy raised by the Nazis

"The youngest Nazi of the Reich" Alex Kurzem became a favorite hero for German propaganda. Few knew who he really was

The last living liberator of Auschwitz: how the Poles fell out of love with the Red Army men who saved them

The last living liberator of Auschwitz: how the Poles fell out of love with the Red Army men who saved them

On the eve of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the concentration camp and the 5th World Holocaust Forum, WWII veteran Ivan Martynushkin told KP how and why the Poles loved and stopped loving the Red Army men who saved them, and what to do about it

How a monument to the soldiers of the Red Army was opened in Berlin

How a monument to the soldiers of the Red Army was opened in Berlin

70 years ago, on May 8, 1949, in Berlin's Treptower Park, the grand opening of the monument to the soldiers of the Soviet army who died a heroic death during the storming of the capital of the Third Reich took place. Izvestia recalls how it was

How life was in Ukraine during the years of occupation by Nazi Germany

How life was in Ukraine during the years of occupation by Nazi Germany

After the seizure of the territory of Ukraine by Hitlerite Germany, millions of its citizens ended up in the zone of occupation. They actually had to live in a new state. The occupied territories were perceived as a raw material base, and the population as a cheap labor force

From New York to China in just 2 hours! Pneumatic trains and tunnels of the past

From New York to China in just 2 hours! Pneumatic trains and tunnels of the past

The most accurate and reliable proof of the use of pneumatic transport for moving objects and people in the days of a bygone civilization was an attempt to return to these technologies immediately after the Great Catastrophe. But alas, this attempt was thwarted by bankers interested in maintaining their power over humanity. In our time, we, in fact, do not invent anything new, but go back to the technologies of the not so distant past

Ancient civilizations that you are unlikely to find in history textbooks

Ancient civilizations that you are unlikely to find in history textbooks

The stories of these ancient civilizations are unlikely to be found in history textbooks. But nevertheless, they deserve our attention

10 little-known facts about lost Atlantis

10 little-known facts about lost Atlantis

We have all heard about Atlantis, the legendary island that sank under water in one day. Who was the first to know about this? Did Atlantis Really Exist? What else do we not know about her? The history of Atlantis came to us in the retelling of the Greek philosopher Plato. More precisely, from two of his works, "Timaeus" and "Critias". It is believed that these books were written in 360 BC. eh

Simon Bolivar is a sneaky coward. US pseudo-national hero

Simon Bolivar is a sneaky coward. US pseudo-national hero

Simon Bolivar is the most famous and famous of the leaders of the war of independence of the Spanish colonies in America. His army liberated Venezuela from Spanish rule, Colombia Audiencia Quito

The most catastrophic shipwrecks in the history of the fleet

The most catastrophic shipwrecks in the history of the fleet

Since ancient times, ships have been shipwrecked. Scientists estimate that today more than two million ships are buried at the bottom of the sea ocean. Some of them managed to become cultural heritage and are under the protection of UNESCO. Unfortunately, many maritime accidents were accompanied by a large number of casualties. Whatever one may say, but a person against the sea element is powerless

Middle Ages: the first measurement of the speed of light

Middle Ages: the first measurement of the speed of light

As is often the case in science, its calculation was a by-product of other actions that made much more practical sense. The end of the Middle Ages, European ships sail the oceans in search of new lands and trade routes. Newly discovered islands need to be mapped, and for this it is important to know more or less exactly where they are. There were noticeable problems with this

Carpet drawings of the Soviet Union and what is their meaning

Carpet drawings of the Soviet Union and what is their meaning

Every person who was born and raised in the Soviet Union remembers the carpets on the walls with intricate pictures depicted on them. In these drawings, if you look closely, you can see the faces and figures of people, birds and animals, plants. In the USSR, almost all houses and apartments had similar carpets. Therefore, all the children of that time periodically studied the ornaments depicted on them, looking for fairy-tale characters

Neoplatonic interpretation of the numerology of numbers

Neoplatonic interpretation of the numerology of numbers

In this article, we will give a modern, based on the neoplatonic tradition, interpretation of the numerology of numbers, broken down into 10 levels with an application to astralogy and magic. And although this numerology is also used by Kabbalah, nevertheless it is worth paying attention to it, because apparently it also has more ancient roots. After all, the main thing is with what inner attitude we study this

What books accompanied our soldiers during the war

What books accompanied our soldiers during the war

"Literature in the days of the war becomes a truly popular voice of the heroic soul of the people." The truth of these words of Alexei Tolstoy - in many facts and documents of the Great Patriotic War

Exposing the myth of the "mirrors of Archimedes" that burned the Roman fleet

Exposing the myth of the "mirrors of Archimedes" that burned the Roman fleet

The ancient era gave history a huge number of smart and talented people who, with their genius, changed the lives of their contemporaries and descendants. One of them is the renowned Greek engineer and mathematician Archimedes of Syracuse. We still use many of his discoveries today. However, there is an invention, the existence of which raises doubts among skeptics, no matter how many experiments are carried out to confirm its efficiency. We are talking about the legendary "mirrors of Archimedes"

Secret "kaitens" - the history of Japanese underwater kamikaze

Secret "kaitens" - the history of Japanese underwater kamikaze

The popularized and highly distorted image of the Japanese kamikaze actually has little to do with reality. In the eyes of most, the kamikaze is a desperate warrior with a red band on his forehead, who is ready to win at the expense of his life. But few people know that Japanese suicide soldiers fought not only in the air, but also under water. During World War II, the Imperial Army operated secret "kaitens" - single-seat submarines that rammed enemy ships

Secrets of the Khmer Empire

Secrets of the Khmer Empire

Since prehistoric times, the Indo-Chinese peninsula has been inhabited by the Mon-Khmer peoples, who, most likely, themselves came here at an even earlier period from Indonesia and Polynesia. The territory of their settlement was much wider than the area of present-day Cambodia, and occupied the south of present-day Myanmar, almost all of Thailand, southern Laos, all of Cambodia and most of Vietnam. These peoples were at a very high stage of development

Combat railway missile system of the USSR

Combat railway missile system of the USSR

The entire Cold War era is strongly associated with the arms race, which culminated in the 1960s. Indeed, at that time, the opposing superpowers were actively looking for ways to "reach" the opponent through a distance of thousands of kilometers

The erection of the "Tower of Babel" - a grandiose structure in Samarra

The erection of the "Tower of Babel" - a grandiose structure in Samarra

Samarra is a city in the central part of Iraq, 120 km north-west of Baghdad, lying on the eastern bank of the river. Tiger

High-tech renaissance mechanisms. Part 1

High-tech renaissance mechanisms. Part 1

Many researchers and those simply interested in the topic of antiquities argue that in the past there was a highly developed civilization on Earth. This is evidenced by traces of mechanical processing of granite and other solid rocks, on which traces of mechanisms inaccessible even to us are visible. Namely: sawing discs with a thickness of 1-2 mm, high-quality vessels with a wall thickness of a few millimeters, etc

German suicide pilots against the Red Army

German suicide pilots against the Red Army

Like the Japanese in the Pacific, the Germans in Europe had their own suicide squadron. The last hope of the Third Reich, they also could not change the outcome of the war

Industrial giants of the Soviet Union

Industrial giants of the Soviet Union

The USSR was an industrial superpower. Not commercial, not agricultural, but industrial. Industrial giants were the pride of the USSR. Many of them disappeared in the flames of reforms, but there are some that have survived