Chronicles of the past 2024, September

Who was Tutankhamun and what treasures he kept in a secret tomb

Who was Tutankhamun and what treasures he kept in a secret tomb

Due to the sudden death of the pharaoh, they did not have time to prepare a worthy tomb, and therefore Tutankhamun was buried in a modest crypt, the entrance to which eventually turned out to be hidden under the huts of Egyptian workers

Soviet pilots fought under Chinese names

Soviet pilots fought under Chinese names

Who is the pilot who shot me down? - I asked one Vietnamese. The slanting one who commanded the interrogation answered me: Our pilot Li Si Tsin shot you down

Medieval genocide, or why feudal families were so resilient

Medieval genocide, or why feudal families were so resilient

An interesting point of view of Klim Zhukov on the stability of the feudal family in the Middle Ages. As usual with humor

Civil War and Revolution from American Photo Archive 1917-1918

Civil War and Revolution from American Photo Archive 1917-1918

Discovered a huge archive of excellent quality photographs from this period. The only problem is that the signatures to them are either inaccurate or downright ridiculous. Gradually I select the appropriate signatures for them, if you find jambs, then write. There are also famous ones, but here all the pictures are simply huge. Who needs it, download the original from Flickr

The first Soviet helicopter was created long before Sikorsky

The first Soviet helicopter was created long before Sikorsky

There is a misconception that the first Soviet helicopter was invented by aircraft designer Igor Sikorsky in 1939, but this is not entirely true. The first functional model was the TsAGI 1-EA experimental apparatus of Alexei Cheremukhin, which made its first flight back in 1930. Unfortunately, due to the fact that the development was carried out in strict secrecy, no one knew about the helicopter for a long time

To play off and destroy: how the West raised Hitler against the USSR

To play off and destroy: how the West raised Hitler against the USSR

In the 1920s – 1930s, Germany occupied a special position in the foreign policy of the USSR. The beginning of Soviet-German relations was laid by the international Genoa conference of 1922. During a conference between Soviet Russia and Germany, a peace treaty was signed

A colony of settlers on Venus: the USSR was implementing a giant project

A colony of settlers on Venus: the USSR was implementing a giant project

Back in the 60s and 70s. of the previous century, the USSR with a serious intention wanted to master Venus. The Soviet Union planned to organize a colony of settlers on it

Who Built the Railways in Tsarist Russia?

Who Built the Railways in Tsarist Russia?

According to the official history in tsarist Russia, men, with the help of a pick and a shovel, built railways faster than, with the help of modern technology, they built the BAM - the largest construction project in the USSR. Is this possible?

Why did Moscow imitate Byzantium, but did not become the Third Rome?

Why did Moscow imitate Byzantium, but did not become the Third Rome?

Where did we get the tradition of opposing the West? What did Russia take from Constantinople, in addition to domes on churches, Orthodoxy and the Old Bulgarian language? Why did Moscow constantly imitate Byzantium, but did not become the Third Rome? Why did the Byzantine emperors let go of their beards? In which region of present-day Russia was the last fragment of Byzantium preserved? Andrey Vinogradov, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Higher School of Economics, told about all this

Soviet Union - Empire of Positive Action

Soviet Union - Empire of Positive Action

How the Soviet melting pot was arranged. A Harvard professor, while researching nomenclature internationalism, came to unexpected conclusions that few people in Russia know about

Unfinished Colossal: Germany's Mobile Fortress

Unfinished Colossal: Germany's Mobile Fortress

During the First World War, armored vehicles were already actively plowing the vastness of the battlefield. And it was during this period that among the military engineers of a number of European countries the idea was to create a "mobile fortress" - a super-heavy tank of huge dimensions. Among these dreamers was Germany, which as a result practically finished its project - "Kolossal-Wagen". But the war ended, and the story of the "colossal tank" ended with it

The oldest skyscrapers in the world: the clay city of Shibam

The oldest skyscrapers in the world: the clay city of Shibam

Untreated structures such as dugouts and adobe huts are symbols of extreme simplicity and unpretentiousness for most of us. And yet, centuries ago, colossal structures were erected from ordinary unbaked clay in different parts of the world, which still amaze our imagination to this day. And we are afraid of losing them

Teotiukan - the city of ancient mysteries

Teotiukan - the city of ancient mysteries

The city of Teotihuacan existed near the current Mexican capital Mexico City from the 2nd century BC to the 7th century AD. Unlike other modern Central American cities with a rather chaotic arrangement of buildings, in Teotihuacan they were concentrated along a four-kilometer central highway 400 meters wide, paved with huge stone slabs

Mechanism for the construction of Roman roads that exist to this day

Mechanism for the construction of Roman roads that exist to this day

It would be nice to build a road that will not fall apart, crack and not be covered with holes during 5 years of operation. Better yet, 10 years. One can only dream of a road for a century or even a century. What about a road that will last two thousand years? You think this is impossible. But the Romans were actually able to do something similar. Let's find out all the "dirty" secrets of antique road construction

How was food kept fresh in ancient times?

How was food kept fresh in ancient times?

Archaeologists have discovered techniques that kept food fresh and used long before refrigerators

Unique find of Kalgut petroglyphs

Unique find of Kalgut petroglyphs

In Altai and Mongolia, very similar petroglyphs were found. Archaeologists concluded that they can be attributed to the same style, which has much in common with the rock art of the classical European monuments of the Paleolithic. Scientists called the style Kalgutin and described its main features. An article about this was published in the journal "Archeology, Ethnography and Anthropology of Eurasia

Symbolism in the Russian hut

Symbolism in the Russian hut

The village house is a kind of cradle of peasant Russia. At the beginning of the 20th century, most of the country's population lived in villages and numerous villages in wooden houses. In village huts, tens of generations of ordinary Russian people were born and lived their lives, whose work created and augmented the wealth of Russia

About the Soviet superfactory Russian Dream

About the Soviet superfactory Russian Dream

Only in the USSR did a whole super-factory of the Russian Dream emerge. Great fantastic literature, intertwining with popular science magazines, books and films, immersed the citizen of the Soviet Union in the amazing worlds of the future, where he wanted to live and work

How the US built fake cities in an idealistic race

How the US built fake cities in an idealistic race

Quite unusual cities appeared in the United States during the Second World War. Looking at the black and white photographs where the townspeople are quietly walking, the girls on the lawn chatting sweetly, you will not immediately guess that this is the most dummy, and such settlements have never existed. So what prompted the country, which was thousands of kilometers from hostilities to take such a radical step, let's try to understand our today's material

Why Vladimir Ulyanov called himself Lenin

Why Vladimir Ulyanov called himself Lenin

The most famous pseudonym of Vladimir Ulyanov was only one of one and a half hundred options. What is behind the famous surname?

How and from what soldiers died in the Middle Ages

How and from what soldiers died in the Middle Ages

As part of this popular article, I want to talk about wounds and the ways they were inflicted. This topic is not very popular in Russian historiography, as, in general, and other issues that consider the "face of war"

History of the Black Confederates

History of the Black Confederates

Actual, in the light of the next Confederate fall in the United States, an article about the Negroes who fought on the side of the Confederation against the Northerners. The article, of course, is overly apologetic in relation to the Confederation, but contains an interesting texture on the black supporters of the Confederation

History in color

History in color

A selection of colorized photographs dedicated to the Russian Empire and the USSR

Why did the USSR army not tolerate "Shrapnel" as the main dish?

Why did the USSR army not tolerate "Shrapnel" as the main dish?

Not every person loves barley porridge. Moreover, as the harsh reality shows, many soldiers are not delighted with it. However, the Ministry of Defense of the Soviet Union never reckoned with this "feature" of the perception of a food product, and not at all because it hated its fighters. Simply - you need to eat porridge! So why exactly barley was the "main dish"?

Izborsk miraculous = Slovensk legendary

Izborsk miraculous = Slovensk legendary

The author of the blog "Notes of a Kolymchanin" continues his research into the not-so-distant past of our ancestors. The article will focus on the mysterious Izborsk. What do the princes Sloven and Rus have to do with it? What legends about past events have local residents preserved? About this and much more in the author's article

"Madame Penicillin", which saved thousands of lives during the Second World War

"Madame Penicillin", which saved thousands of lives during the Second World War

Today we will talk about the quiet feat of the biologist Zinaida Ermolyeva. She was the first in the USSR to develop penicillin, which saved thousands of lives during the Great Patriotic War, and was able to stop the spread of cholera in the conditions of besieged Stalingrad

The deadly wave of epidemics in Russia in 1918-1921

The deadly wave of epidemics in Russia in 1918-1921

During the Civil War in Russia, more than 700 thousand people died from typhus alone. A deadly wave of epidemics swept across the country

Post-war years: fighting hunger and crime, wage growth and mortgages at 1%

Post-war years: fighting hunger and crime, wage growth and mortgages at 1%

The first year without a war. It was different for the Soviet people. This is a time of struggle against devastation, hunger and crime, but it is also a period of labor achievements, economic victories and new hopes

Siberian shaman who became one of the best snipers of the Second World War

Siberian shaman who became one of the best snipers of the Second World War

How an illiterate Tungus became one of the best snipers of the Great Patriotic War

Why did the Red Army men tie a Mosin rifle to the barrel of artillery guns

Why did the Red Army men tie a Mosin rifle to the barrel of artillery guns

The Red Army men have always been rich in inventions. Today, very few people remember this, but during the Second World War, the artillerymen of the Red Army came up with the idea of tying Mosin rifles to the barrel of the guns. This system worked flawlessly. Why was it necessary to do this at all? This is a very good and correct question. It's time to see everything for yourself and figure out how it was

How General Ermolov built fortresses and transformed the Caucasus

How General Ermolov built fortresses and transformed the Caucasus

Alexey Petrovich Ermolov was born on May 24

Military art in Russia or how our ancestors fought

Military art in Russia or how our ancestors fought

The land on which our distant ancestors lived was rich and fertile and constantly attracted nomads from the east, Germanic tribes from the west, besides, our ancestors tried to develop new lands

The exploits of Russian solats and sailors in the Russo-Japanese War

The exploits of Russian solats and sailors in the Russo-Japanese War

The bravery of Russian soldiers and sailors during the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905 could not compensate for the mediocrity of the military command and the shortsightedness of the leadership of the Russian Empire. These circumstances led the country to a bitter defeat

Banner over the Reichstag: The photo for which Viktor Temin was almost shot

Banner over the Reichstag: The photo for which Viktor Temin was almost shot

One of the most famous photographs of the Great Patriotic War was taken on May 1, 1945 - it captures the banner of Victory waving over the Reichstag. The military photojournalist of the Pravda newspaper Viktor Temin took this picture at his own peril and risk and promptly delivered it to the editorial office, after which the photo was distributed throughout the world

How the allies wanted to steal victory in 1945

How the allies wanted to steal victory in 1945

The British planned to capture Berlin and claim victory in World War II. The Americans invaded the regions of Germany and the Czech Republic that were retreating to the Russians in order to take possession of German nuclear technologies in order to defeat Russia this way

The ancient Slavs did not know not only vodka, but also wine

The ancient Slavs did not know not only vodka, but also wine

“The ancient Slavs did not know not only vodka, but also wine. They drank honey, the scale of production of which cannot be compared with the production of wine from grapes. No wonder "it flowed down the mustache, but did not get into the mouth"

To the 75th anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Stalingrad

To the 75th anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Stalingrad

One of the largest and most tragic battles in history lasted exactly 200 days: from July 17, 1942 to February 2, 1943. Pre-war Stalingrad, the secrets of the Motherland and the piercing memories of children about the Battle of Stalingrad

Killer Tomatoes. How it was

Killer Tomatoes. How it was

The path of the tomato to the stomachs of Europeans was long and thorny. The hearts of these plants conquered immediately, firmly registered in greenhouses and on window sills. In Russia, pots with tomatoes on the windows could be seen as early as the beginning of the 18th century: they delighted with yellow flowers and red fruits. But only suicides could eat tomatoes, for the whole Old World knew: there is no poison stronger than lycopersicum - a wolf peach

The missing products of the USSR, which are so lacking

The missing products of the USSR, which are so lacking

Human memory is structured in a very peculiar way. Many have already forgotten everything about the Soviet Union, but the taste of an ordinary ice cream has remained the standard