Chronicles of the past 2024, September

Hygiene in the Middle Ages: customs that are difficult for a modern person to believe

Hygiene in the Middle Ages: customs that are difficult for a modern person to believe

Not so long ago, and by historical standards practically yesterday, people had no idea about hygiene, and their methods of caring for their health are perceived by us as something completely barbaric. Imagine using dead mice to treat a toothache, and chicken droppings to freshen breath. It's amazing how humanity managed to survive despite such wild customs

Diary of memory: why children should know about Tanya Savicheva

Diary of memory: why children should know about Tanya Savicheva

On January 23, 2020, the Leningrad schoolgirl Tanya Savicheva, who lost her whole family during the blockade, would have turned 90 years old. But she died at 14 in evacuation from dystrophy and nervous exhaustion. The girl left a short diary of nine pages, where she sparingly recorded how her relatives died one after another

Mysterious executions of fascists and partisan Tatiana Markus

Mysterious executions of fascists and partisan Tatiana Markus

In Kiev, she was considered a whore - she was often seen with various German officers. No one knew that meetings with this graceful "princess" ended for the Nazis with a bullet in the forehead. But the partisan Tatyana Markus herself was shot at Babi Yar

Decimania: brutal punishment in the army

Decimania: brutal punishment in the army

In ancient times, before the execution, the military unit was divided into groups of 10 people. Lots were drawn in every ten. For example, nine black stones and one white one were put into the bag. And the one who pulled out the white one was destined to die. The convict did not grumble, he believed that the gods decided his fate

Old Russian maps of the 17th, early 18th century

Old Russian maps of the 17th, early 18th century

Today we will talk about old Russian maps. The post will be short. Simply because they, in general, are, in fact, simply not there. I have seen thousands, if not tens of thousands, of foreign maps from this period. The stranger is the situation with our cards

TOP-8 buildings of antiquity: amphitheaters of Ancient Rome and ultra-modern sports arenas

TOP-8 buildings of antiquity: amphitheaters of Ancient Rome and ultra-modern sports arenas

Since ancient times, the stadium has been a place of worship for sports fans. From the original buildings of antiquity, they have turned into the most impressive objects of engineering and design, in which arenas not only sports competitions are held, they become the main venue for grandiose concerts and cultural events

Alaska: the truth and myths about the sale of "Russian America"

Alaska: the truth and myths about the sale of "Russian America"

There are thousands of myths about the sale of Alaska. Many believe that it was sold by Catherine II, some believe that it was not sold, but leased for 99 years, and allegedly Brezhnev refused to take it back. We tell how things really were

Evidence of Rus in Europe

Evidence of Rus in Europe

The evidence of the United Empire of the Slavic-Aryans, preserved in the names of cities and lands of Europe, in particular Germany and Great Britain, is given. Also presented is a fragment from the New Chronology, about the deplorable speech by Charles XI, written in Russian, but in Latin letters

Trojan horse as a virus that leads to brain frost in the torch

Trojan horse as a virus that leads to brain frost in the torch

New research from the author of the blog "Notes of the Kolymchanin". “So much has been written about the Trojan War that it would seem that there’s nothing to add. However, once you start writing about it, it’s impossible to stop. It turns out that the whole team of Regina Dubovitskaya won’t come up with so much in a hundred years.”

Mysterious card of Tsarevich Godunov

Mysterious card of Tsarevich Godunov

It is officially believed that the first maps of the territory of Russia were made by foreigners using Russian protographs that were lost later. Moreover, the first maps of the Russian state or Muscovy entered the cultural circulation of Europeans only in the middle of the 16th century

Tartars and Monguls in Chukotka

Tartars and Monguls in Chukotka

The question of the reliability of ancient maps and their dating is very acute, nevertheless, official historians do not dispute their authenticity. At the same time, they keep silent about very interesting things from these cards, for example, the mysterious Tartarus and Mongul

10 videos about Great Tartary. Independent researcher Sergey Ignatenko

10 videos about Great Tartary. Independent researcher Sergey Ignatenko

It has long been no secret that there was no "Tatar-Mongol yoke", and no Tatars with Mongols conquered Russia. But who falsified history and why? Who and why is hiding the real past of our country from us? What is this mysterious empire "Great Tartary"?

History and death of Great Tartary

History and death of Great Tartary

Research by the author Oleg Pavlyuchenko. How many floods were there? Have nuclear weapons been used in the distant past? Who fought with whom? Was there a global power-Tartary? We also present our chronology of events in the world from the beginning of the 16th to the beginning of the 19th centuries

Capital of Great Tartary. Part 1. Khambalyk

Capital of Great Tartary. Part 1. Khambalyk

Among many researchers of Great Tartary, one important misconception is quite common. It concerns the capital of the country. There is an opinion that Tobolsk was the main city of Tartary. It is not true. Tobolsk was the capital of Siberia and Moscow Tartary as a whole, and even then not for long. The original and real capital of independent Tartary was the city of Hambalyk, or Khanbalu. What happened to the great Scythian city will be discussed in a series of articles about the capital of Great Tartary

Flag and coat of arms of Tartary

Flag and coat of arms of Tartary

It is no secret to anyone that the mysterious Tartaria freely spreads on the maps of bygone times, in the vastness of Eurasia. On various maps, it is depicted as a country - with borders and cities, and on some of them you can see the coats of arms and flags of this Empire

Capital of Great Tartary. Part 2. Shambhala

Capital of Great Tartary. Part 2. Shambhala

When it became clear to me that Hanbalu was the capital of Tartary, I was struck by

Pyramids in China: a private trip

Pyramids in China: a private trip

Chinese pyramids. They were first discovered by an American military pilot in 1945, the first European archaeologist approached them in 1994, I found out about them in 2008 - I was amazed, such a grandiose phenomenon, and I did not know anything about it all my life

Capital of Great Tartary. Part 3. Disappearance

Capital of Great Tartary. Part 3. Disappearance

Is in the French book of 1683

7 proofs of fake Nefertiti bust

7 proofs of fake Nefertiti bust

Experts argue about the origin of the queen, about what kind of family she was, however, for ordinary people, disputes about the authenticity of the famous artifact are more interesting. They have been going on for a long time, and the last heavy blow to the defenders of the version of its authenticity was dealt by the Swiss art critic Henri Stirlin

Tartary. Unanswered questions

Tartary. Unanswered questions

So, it's time to draw the line, briefly formulate what we have been able to prove so far, and separate versions from assumptions. Although this work does not pretend to be a scientific one, nevertheless, when writing it, I tried as rarely as possible to use such a logical definition as Assumption. I did not take into account the works of modern researchers with a dubious reputation, who, by their deliberate or unintentional actions, cause colossal harm to science, placing

Why Novgorod letters are one of the main discoveries of the twentieth century

Why Novgorod letters are one of the main discoveries of the twentieth century

Everyone has heard about birch bark letters, but they know much less about the extent to which they have changed our ideas about Russian history. But thanks to the letters, scientists were not only able to imagine in detail the economic life of the ancient city, but also learned how Novgorodians spoke, and at the same time found out that literacy was not only the lot of the social upper classes, as it seemed before, but was widespread among the townspeople

Missing letter

Missing letter

There is an "official point of view" that Cyril and Methodius brought literacy and writing to the Slavs. Is this so? It turns out that this is not the case. By the time the brothers came to the Slavs, the Slavs already had a written language. On many manuscripts, the Glagolitic alphabet has been scraped off and the new text is written in Cyrillic

Literacy and literary knowledge of the ancient Russians

Literacy and literary knowledge of the ancient Russians

On July 26, 1951 in Veliky Novgorod, a birch bark letter No. 1 was discovered. Today, more than a thousand of them have been found; there are finds in Moscow, Pskov, Tver, Belarus and Ukraine. Thanks to these findings, we can say with confidence that the overwhelming majority of the urban population of Ancient Rus, including women, was literate

Airplanes of the Gods

Airplanes of the Gods

The Colombia Gold Museum contains unusual items. The figures, made of solid gold, are about 4 centimeters in size and resemble birds, flying fish and airplanes at the same time. It is the similarity with flying machines that attracts the attention of researchers from all over the world to the unusual figures, and the collection itself was even called "Colombian airplanes of the gods"

Flag and coat of arms of Tartary. Part 3

Flag and coat of arms of Tartary. Part 3

We continue to understand what was depicted on the flags of Tartary, which are present in many reference books of the 18th-19th centuries. Griffins, Amazons, the Slav Achilles, Dazhdbog, who was turned into Macedonian - all this is in the final part of the article about the symbols of Tartary

Queen of the Wild France - Anna Yaroslavna

Queen of the Wild France - Anna Yaroslavna

We are all taught to consider the Russians a wild people, almost beasts … It's time to remove the distorting mirrors and find out the truth about the great history of the Rus and other indigenous peoples of Russia

The West does not want to admit that the Roman civilization was founded by the Slavs

The West does not want to admit that the Roman civilization was founded by the Slavs

Ask any Western historian a question about the antiquity of European peoples, and you will hear that the history of the Germans, Italians and French goes back many millennia. The Slavs appeared in the 6th century AD. and against the background of Europeans - mere babies, just yesterday crawled out of diapers

Golden Gate. Krivda about Russian architecture

Golden Gate. Krivda about Russian architecture

A small article from the author of the blog "Notes of a Kolymchanin", in which Andrei Golubev examines the issue of wooden and stone construction in Russia and draws attention to the established clichés in the murky waters of historical reconstructions

Catherine's shift in 1168 years

Catherine's shift in 1168 years

It seems that the history of "Ancient Rome" was copied from the history of Russia, moving it back by 1168 years. They are similar in the smallest detail, like two cars of the same series, produced by the same plant, albeit with a gap of 1168 years

Fake Troy Schliemann

Fake Troy Schliemann

Heinrich Schliemann who unearthed ancient Troy is yet another lie. Having started his fraudulent activities in the Russian Empire, he moved to Europe and turned a scam with a fake find of Homeric Troy. After that he even wanted to return to Russia, but Alexander II replied: "Let him come, we will hang him!"

A fictional history of Europe. Three Prosecutors

A fictional history of Europe. Three Prosecutors

The thesis that Christianity is a European creation that arose no earlier than the 10th century of the new era, with all its obviousness and a huge number of supporters, still needs a certain explanation

Modification of domestic armored trains from the Russian Empire

Modification of domestic armored trains from the Russian Empire

The history of domestic armored trains began in the Russian Empire and ended in the Soviet Union. Despite the fact that this type of unusual weapon was used for an extremely short time

The Green Ghost phenomenon: the Wehrmacht against the Soviet armored train

The Green Ghost phenomenon: the Wehrmacht against the Soviet armored train

The battles for Sevastopol were one of the most difficult and dramatic in the history of the Great Patriotic War. Both sides suffered colossal losses, and none of them thought to retreat. However, among other things, the Red Army had a force that the Wehrmacht feared like fire. We are talking about the "Green Ghost" - a Soviet armored train, which turned out to be one of the most formidable opponents of the German army

Decomposition of the army and society. Consequences. 1914-1917 g

Decomposition of the army and society. Consequences. 1914-1917 g

Interesting factual material about the causes and consequences of the fall of discipline and the decomposition of the organizational structure of the army on the eve of the February revolution

Written history is a big lie

Written history is a big lie

For many centuries, history has guarded the political interests of this or that state. Today, as a result of new scientific research, it has become obvious that the entire world history is monstrously distorted and, often, deliberately

5 seditious facts about the Roman Empire

5 seditious facts about the Roman Empire

Historians have taught us that in the first millennium A.D. more than 500 years there was a so-called. Roman Empire: 30 BC to 476 A.D. Based on the "scientific" information, there were only a few centuries for the spread of "Roman civilization"

Clay and witchcraft: who created the "Terracotta Army"

Clay and witchcraft: who created the "Terracotta Army"

In 1974, an incredible archaeological find was made in China - while drilling an artesian well, workers found several thousand clay statues. Archaeologists confidently stated that this is the tomb of the founder of the Qin dynasty, erected in the third century BC

The myth of the Renaissance artists

The myth of the Renaissance artists

According to the official version, at the turn of the 14th-15th centuries, a sharp change took place in painting - the Renaissance. Around the 1420s, everyone suddenly became much better at drawing. Why did the images suddenly become so realistic and detailed, and in the paintings there was light and volume?

The loudest tragedy of Soviet mountaineering

The loudest tragedy of Soviet mountaineering

28 years ago, on one of the highest peaks of the Soviet Union, a tragedy occurred, which is still remembered with shudder by climbers all over the world. Then, in the midst of summer, an international group of 45 climbers, who were spending the night in a camp on a mountainside, was suddenly covered by an avalanche. After a sudden blow of the elements, only two managed to survive