Chronicles of the past 2024, September

The false historian Karamzin. Part 2

The false historian Karamzin. Part 2

So, the famous journey of N.M. Karamzin, sent by the "best people" of Russia - Russian Masons to the "best people of Europe" - their fellows abroad. Since entire periods in Karamzin's life remain completely dark for us, let's turn to his overseas wanderings

Shrovetide 2014

Shrovetide 2014

Why was there confusion about the dates of the traditional Russian holidays "Maslenitsa" and "Komoeditsa", the ancient Slavic New Years? The fact is that there were several calendar systems in Russia, and most were divided into solar and lunisolar systems, each of which had its own characteristics

Shrovetide and Komoeditsa - history of origin

Shrovetide and Komoeditsa - history of origin

Our ancestors worshiped the Sun, professed the cult of the Sun - the cult of Life, and their calendar was based on the solar calendar, according to which today is the vernal equinox. This article contains the author's version of how the sunny Komoeditsa turned into a Christian Maslenitsa

Inconsistencies in the death of Prophetic Oleg

Inconsistencies in the death of Prophetic Oleg

The death of Oleg is shrouded in the same impenetrable mystery as his life. The legend about the "coffin snake", which inspired Pushkin to write a textbook ballad, is only part of this riddle. Concerning the deadly snake bite, doubts have long been expressed - in the Dnieper region there are no such snakes whose bite in the leg could lead to death

Thousands of Russians fled from Russia after the Bolsheviks came to power

Thousands of Russians fled from Russia after the Bolsheviks came to power

Many of those who left Russia during the Civil War considered the coming to power of the Bolsheviks as a temporary annoying misunderstanding. They were confident that they would soon return to their homeland

Songs of Tsarist Russia, captured by the Bolsheviks

Songs of Tsarist Russia, captured by the Bolsheviks

We bring to the readers' attention the text of the conversation between Vyacheslav Marchenko and the historian, writer Valery Shambarov, the author of the book "Songs of Tsarist Russia Captured by the Bolsheviks", published in the "St. Basil the Great Russian Publishing Center"

Mysteries of ancient Chinese artifacts

Mysteries of ancient Chinese artifacts

In the village of Sanxingdui, located in the Chinese province of Sichuan, a discovery was made that immediately attracted widespread attention and prompted a rewrite of the history of Chinese civilization. Two giant sacrificial pits were excavated containing thousands of gold, bronze, jade, ceramic and other artifacts that were very different from those found before in China. Archaeologists realized that they opened the door to the world of an unknown ancient culture

Ancient images of dinosaurs and people

Ancient images of dinosaurs and people

Dinosaurs are officially believed to have become extinct about 65 million years ago. That is, long before the appearance of human ancestors. The reason for their extinction was most likely a sharp cooling after a large asteroid 10 km wide fell to Earth. After this cataclysm, all lizards and 75% of mammals became extinct

Vices of the 19th century of the Great British Empire, which are not accustomed to mention

Vices of the 19th century of the Great British Empire, which are not accustomed to mention

What could be more charming good old England, its neo-Gothic architecture, rigor of etiquette, sea majesty and inner vicissitudes of passions that Shakespeare described to us? But what do we know about the true way of life of the British?

"Garden City": the unrealized master plan of Moscow in 1950

"Garden City": the unrealized master plan of Moscow in 1950

In 1909, the "Old Moscow" society was founded. It developed the first General Plan of Moscow. The leaders of the society were architects Alexey Shchusev and Ivan Zholtovsky. In the First World War, there was no time for the General Plan, work on it continued in 1922, and in 1923 the first outlines of New Moscow were published

Who built the Colosseum and why?

Who built the Colosseum and why?

Who does not know the visiting card of Rome, but when, by whom and for what the Colosseum was built in Rome - Italy? The history of the Roman Colosseum or how it turned from the Flavius amphitheater into the Colosseum. But too much in the history of ancient Rome does not fit together so as not to think about this new wonder of the world and its origin

God’s bag: why is there a strange accessory in all cultures?

God’s bag: why is there a strange accessory in all cultures?

Few people think that on all continents in the images of gods there is a strange accessory in the hands of a god. In many cultures, various gods hold some kind of bag, usually in the left hand. The question arises: why do the gods need a bag? Now we will analyze the most interesting hypotheses on this issue

Rome is a small small town

Rome is a small small town

Rome is one of the oldest cities in the world, the ancient capital of the Roman Empire. Back in Antiquity

TOP 10 common misconceptions about the Middle Ages

TOP 10 common misconceptions about the Middle Ages

The Middle Ages lasted about 1100 years

The reason for the murder of P.A. Stolypin, the brutal punishment of Nikolai and his family

The reason for the murder of P.A. Stolypin, the brutal punishment of Nikolai and his family

In a fairly short period of time, from 1905 to 1911, 11 assassination attempts were planned and committed against Pyotr Arkadievich Stolypin, the last of them achieved its goal

How "civilized" Europe killed the people of Easter Island

How "civilized" Europe killed the people of Easter Island

Until now, historians have tried to somehow justify the sad ending of this story: they say, the Polynesians cut down the trees and led themselves to decline. A new study, meanwhile, shows that the natives lived, albeit in their own way, but relatively well - until that very unfortunate day, which for some reason coincided with the great Christian holiday

Forbidden lace: what kind of underwear did Soviet women wear?

Forbidden lace: what kind of underwear did Soviet women wear?

In the Soviet Union, the concept of aesthetics in clothing was very specific. Simply put, in most cases, beauty was simply neglected in favor of practicality. And the tradition of sewing underwear is fully consistent with this trend. Therefore, Soviet women experienced many difficulties in acquiring and wearing these elements of clothing, and even attempts to sew on their own did not save the situation - after all, the styles of the lingerie were too few, and lace was generally banned

Superstitious names of the USSR: why the children were called Dazdraperma and Lunio

Superstitious names of the USSR: why the children were called Dazdraperma and Lunio

Everyone knows the phrase: "what you call a boat, so it will float." Names of people are not an exception. Many people believe in this theory. That is, the fate of a person directly depends on the name chosen for him

The myth of the age-old poverty of Russian peasants exposed

The myth of the age-old poverty of Russian peasants exposed

A century ago, the peasantry constituted the absolute majority of the population of Russia and could rightfully be considered the foundation of the country. The life of peasants in pre-revolutionary Russia has long been the subject of political speculation. Some argue that it was unbearable, the peasants vegetated in poverty and almost died of hunger, were the most disadvantaged in Europe

TOP-5 highly paid professions of the USSR, which they were proud of

TOP-5 highly paid professions of the USSR, which they were proud of

Each Soviet citizen had a different income. But the distribution of public money in the Soviet Union was fundamentally different from what we can observe today. Ordinary workers in factories and factories could have an order of magnitude higher wages than their immediate superiors. A similar phenomenon and distribution of funds was observed in connection with the presence of a planned economy in the state, in which the government regulates the movement of funds

Shaving eyebrows - a tradition of European women in the middle ages

Shaving eyebrows - a tradition of European women in the middle ages

A detail as simple as eyebrows can completely change our appearance. We spend time trying to shape them, tint them, go to professional eyebrows, not even guessing how many secrets and amazing traditions are associated with this part of the human face

Hitler attacked the USSR on orders from the West

Hitler attacked the USSR on orders from the West

The twentieth century went down in history with many events that influenced the development of our civilization

1974 in color. What the world was like 43 years ago

1974 in color. What the world was like 43 years ago

01/30/1974 General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev

Who needed to distort the Soviet merits of the Second World War? (Part 2)

Who needed to distort the Soviet merits of the Second World War? (Part 2)

Europe celebrated the 75th anniversary of the Normandy landings. The celebration brought together the President of France, the Queen of England, the President of the United States and the leaders of other countries participating in the Normandy operation: Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Belgium, Poland, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, Greece, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Germany was also invited, represented by Angela Merkel. For the first time in the past 15 years, Russia was defiantly not invited to this event

Towards the Sun with the help of atomic engines: The USSR wanted to move the Earth

Towards the Sun with the help of atomic engines: The USSR wanted to move the Earth

In the early 1950s, on a wave of euphoria from the "domestication of the atom", the famous Soviet scientist general, an admirer of Tsiolkovsky's ideas, Georgy Pokrovsky, figured out how to improve life on Earth. He proposed to install nuclear power plants at the South Pole or at the equator, which would knock our planet out of orbit and send it into free flight

Re-education of the Russian elite. A new breed of people from the end of the 18th century

Re-education of the Russian elite. A new breed of people from the end of the 18th century

Educational institutions that began to appear in Russia in the second half of the 18th century were distinguished by their severity: children from the age of six were taken from home, and until the age of 17-20 they lived in educational buildings, and they could see their parents only on fixed days and in the presence of a teacher

"Umbrella" - military protection of a Soviet tank from enemy attacks

"Umbrella" - military protection of a Soviet tank from enemy attacks

The appearance of tanks on the battlefield created a furor. Fully revealed their potential and demonstrated themselves in all their glory, these are combat vehicles in World War II. At the same time, the process of the rapid evolution of anti-tank weapons was launched. In response to this, the tank designers began to think about how else it would be possible to protect the combat vehicle so as not to "drop" its characteristics

The sun cannon and other giant projects of the Third Reich

The sun cannon and other giant projects of the Third Reich

Nothing promotes human engineering like another major war. In any case, it is precisely this impression that is created when studying the history of the 20th century. Three major power conflicts from World War I to the Cold War have fueled scientific and technological breakthroughs. At the same time, Germany reached special heights in the design of weapons during the Second World War

Top-secret atomic plant of the USSR or the "Skala" facility

Top-secret atomic plant of the USSR or the "Skala" facility

In the spring of 1950, something strange began to happen on the banks of the great Siberian river Yenisei. In a remote taiga corner 40 kilometers north of Krasnoyarsk, thousands of builders, mostly prisoners, began to storm an unnamed mountain

Jomon - mysteries of the ancient culture of the Japanese archipelago

Jomon - mysteries of the ancient culture of the Japanese archipelago

Archaeologists from Novosibirsk are investigating the origin of the ancient culture of the Japanese archipelago - the jomon, which existed in the Stone Age for almost twelve thousand years. One of the main mysteries of that era was the high technological and cultural level achieved without reliance on agriculture and livestock raising. It is hypothesized that Jomon is an alternative civilizational path

Ritual sacrifices of ancient China

Ritual sacrifices of ancient China

In ancient times, human sacrifice was considered the most effective way to reach heaven

Steel beams in antiquity

Steel beams in antiquity

Why do ancient structures not stand up to detailed analysis? Examples of building technologies that do not coincide with the level of development of technology according to historical dogma

10 famous artifacts of ancient civilizations

10 famous artifacts of ancient civilizations

Skeptics say that in the past there were no civilizations with advanced technologies and incredible structures. They try to explain every strange artifact or trace of the past from their point of view - they say, this is done by hand, and this is a natural formation. However, there is such convincing evidence of the existence of advanced civilizations in time immemorial that even the most convinced skeptics and rational scientists cannot refute them

Slavic artifacts in Europe

Slavic artifacts in Europe

This letter-review of Oleg Gusev's book "Ancient Russia and the Great Turan" contains interesting evidence of the destruction of the Slavic roots of modern Europe: Etruscan atrefacts, a ribbon with Russian letters "Adversary" in the tomb of Joan of Arc and other hushed up facts

Expertise in Egyptian Technology

Expertise in Egyptian Technology

We bring to the attention of the readers of the Kramola portal "a comprehensive construction, technical and traceological study" of construction technologies in Egypt, published in the scientific journal of builders. The set of signs leads to the conclusion that the blocks of the Cheops pyramid were made by casting into a formwork

The Great Trans-Volga Wall on the Kramolny maps

The Great Trans-Volga Wall on the Kramolny maps

Our service "Crumple cards" is reaching a new level. Among other things, with its help, you can trace the remains of a grandiose structure, known in historical science as the "Zavolzhsky Historical Wall", and stretching for more than 2500 kilometers

Sungir. Russia 25,000 years ago

Sungir. Russia 25,000 years ago

Sungir is an Upper Paleolithic site of an ancient man on the territory of the Vladimir region. The parking lot is located on the eastern outskirts of the city of Vladimir at the confluence of the stream of the same name into the Klyazma River, a kilometer from Bogolyubovo

The history of the legendary radio plant. A.S. Popov "Radio Engineering"

The history of the legendary radio plant. A.S. Popov "Radio Engineering"

For some, interest in this topic is generally incomprehensible. What kind of plant? What kind of radio engineering? So what! But who had such a tape recorder at home as in the photo and who knows how it was mined in the USSR and how then they were proud of it, there is interest in this topic. And it was also written - "Radiotehnika", generally cool at that time

TOP 10 fascinating facts about computers in the USSR

TOP 10 fascinating facts about computers in the USSR

More than 12 years ago, DataArt engineers began to collect their own museum of rare and simply interesting obsolete devices. When the material in the development center in St. Petersburg had accumulated more than one exhibition and the collection required professional cataloging, the museum project got its own curator. Alexey Pomigalov was previously a researcher at the Hermitage and the Faberge Museum, and was also responsible for the replenishment and description of the historical collection of the football club Zenit

The Magnificent Eight: How NATO's Counterweight Was Created

The Magnificent Eight: How NATO's Counterweight Was Created

On May 14, 1955, in Warsaw, eight states of "socialist orientation", led by the USSR, signed the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation, which gave rise to one of the most famous military alliances in history. Izvestia recalls the history of the Warsaw Pact