Chronicles of the past 2024, September

Diamond technologies of the USSR and encrypted radiogram of geologists

Diamond technologies of the USSR and encrypted radiogram of geologists

In the twentieth century, due to technological progress in industrial sectors, diamonds began to be used more and more often. Prior to this period, the diamond was associated with expensive jewelry. In fact, it was so. But in the process of carrying out various studies, scientists and specialists came to the conclusion that this gem is indispensable in other spheres of human activity

Exchange of 17 USSR submarines for Pepsi syrup. Deal of the century or curiosity?

Exchange of 17 USSR submarines for Pepsi syrup. Deal of the century or curiosity?

In 1989, in exchange for a concentrate for the production of the Pepsi-Cola carbonated drink, the Soviet Union handed over a whole fleet of 17 decommissioned submarines and several ships to the owner of the famous brand. This gave rise to PepsiCo CEO Donald McIntosh Kendall jokingly saying that he is disarming the USSR faster than the government of George W. Bush

On the benefits of an agent network, or What technologies appeared in the USSR thanks to intelligence officers

On the benefits of an agent network, or What technologies appeared in the USSR thanks to intelligence officers

Back in the early 1920s, the young state of the USSR was in dire need of technology upgrades, especially in the context of unfolding industrialization. However, exhausted by the First World War and the Civil War, the power simply could not provide itself with such developments on its own

How in the Middle Ages, warriors withstood the siege of fortresses so as not to give up to the enemy

How in the Middle Ages, warriors withstood the siege of fortresses so as not to give up to the enemy

From time immemorial, people not only worked for survival, but sometimes took a cudgel in their hand in order to hit the worker in the neighborhood on the head and take away everything he had. It was this “beautiful” part of human consciousness that pushed people to the idea that something needs to be done to protect the fruits of their labor and their lives

Japanese guerrilla fighter continued to fight in the jungle for 30 years after the end of the war

Japanese guerrilla fighter continued to fight in the jungle for 30 years after the end of the war

The junior lieutenant of the Imperial Japanese Army, Hiroo Onoda, waged a guerrilla war for almost 30 years against the Philippine authorities and the American military on Lubang Island in the South China Sea. All this time, he did not believe the reports that Japan was defeated, and regarded the Korean and Vietnamese wars as the next battles of World War II. The scout surrendered only on March 10, 1974

The bombing of Hiroshima. Questions that have remained unanswered

The bombing of Hiroshima. Questions that have remained unanswered

On the morning of August 6, 1945, an American Enola Gay bomber, a specialized version of the B-29 Superfortress, dropped an atomic bomb on the city. It is customary to say that at this moment “the whole world has changed forever,” but this knowledge did not become generally known instantly. The article describes how scientists in Hiroshima studied the "new world", what they learned about it - and what still remains unknown

Near Port Arthur: falsifications in the defense of the fortress of the Russo-Japanese War

Near Port Arthur: falsifications in the defense of the fortress of the Russo-Japanese War

The importance of Port Arthur in Russian military history, and in general in the history of Russia, is very great. Books and films are devoted to this episode, and in general, the epic with the defense of Port Arthur became one of the central events in the Russo-Japanese War

Why did Soviet tank crews draw white stripes on the towers?

Why did Soviet tank crews draw white stripes on the towers?

In a number of photographs from the Second World War, you can see that on some T-34 tanks

Mysteries of Kitezh-grad, hidden under the water of Lake Svetloyar

Mysteries of Kitezh-grad, hidden under the water of Lake Svetloyar

This article will focus on the legendary city of Kitezh, which took refuge from enemies at the bottom of Lake Svetloyar

The Dead Water Phenomenon: How Did Cleopatra's Powerful Ships Die?

The Dead Water Phenomenon: How Did Cleopatra's Powerful Ships Die?

Previously inexplicable braking and shaking of fully operational ships in the so-called dead water finally received a scientific explanation

Route number 30: How the Soviet expedition died on the way to the Black Sea

Route number 30: How the Soviet expedition died on the way to the Black Sea

Sometimes the hardest questions have the simplest answers. It is not easy to admit that the cause of this or that tragedy was not the intervention of aliens or the actions of the special services, but mistakes, lack of will, lack of discipline among specific people, including those who themselves ended up among the victims

Third Reich. Hitler's underground secret buildings

Third Reich. Hitler's underground secret buildings

If a person is obsessed with the idea of managing the planet, then he behaves like a master on it. Adolf Hitler's manic globalism manifested itself not only in military operations, but also in how he was going to hold the conquered positions, as well as preserve his own life and the necessary entourage. Massive top-secret underground complex known as the Riese Project

Faustpatron: the first anti-tank grenade launcher

Faustpatron: the first anti-tank grenade launcher

The last reliable of the crumbling Nazi state was the people's militia - the Volkssturm, whose activities are primarily associated in the mass consciousness with teenagers from the Hitler Youth and, of course, the faust patrons

Military donkey and saboteur turtle: how animals helped the Red Army

Military donkey and saboteur turtle: how animals helped the Red Army

In war, each fortification and combat zone is unique in its own way. But the bridgehead on Malaya Zemlya can even be called specific. In such difficult conditions, it was extremely difficult to fight. And sometimes inventive Soviet soldiers enlisted the help and support of the local fauna

How the SS brigade went over to the side of the Russians

How the SS brigade went over to the side of the Russians

The Soviet government did not know how to deal with the chastisers from the SS brigade "Druzhina" who had gone over to their side when the war was over. The problem suddenly resolved by itself

How tankers warmed up in winter during the Second World War

How tankers warmed up in winter during the Second World War

Every "Kolya from Urengoy" these days is well aware that almost all Wehrmacht tanks were fully equipped with standard heaters, while the defenders of the "totalitarian socialist" Motherland were forced to freeze on long winter nights! But if you read the memoirs of Soviet and German tankers, then the situation looks completely different

Alaska was not sold to the United States

Alaska was not sold to the United States

Two very interesting videos about the fictitious sale of Alaska. The recent report of Ivan Borisovich Mironov, Candidate of Historical Sciences, read at the conference "Questions of falsification of Russian history" in the Russian State Library and video cutting on the same topic

History - a high society lady or a corrupt girl?

History - a high society lady or a corrupt girl?

History is a strange word. But I’m not about the meaning of this word, now it can be easily found on the Internet, I’m about history, as a science, which, like a corrupt girl, every time adjusts to the powerful. The one who pays the most gets the brightest and most colorful option

The mystery of the sacred mountains of China

The mystery of the sacred mountains of China

The Chinese have a saying: "If you have visited the five sacred mountains of China, then you can not go to other mountains." We are talking about Mount Huashan - the center of Taoist religious practices and a place for practicing alchemy. It is said that Lao Tzu himself lived here. Not so long ago, a complex of mysterious caves was discovered in the depths of the Blooming Mountain

Huge megaliths of Mountain Shoria

Huge megaliths of Mountain Shoria

Mysterious stones in Gornaya Shoria have knocked scientists and ordinary people together. In the mountains in the south of the Kemerovo region, geologists have discovered a "wall" of rectangular stones piled on top of each other. The find has already been dubbed "Russian Stonehenge". According to one version, the structure appeared during the time of ancient civilization

Top 10 magical writings of antiquity

Top 10 magical writings of antiquity

The human race has long indulged in various mysticism, promising to give the lucky one power or enlightenment. Some texts are devoted to this practice, where complex and mysterious rituals are set out - supposedly the key to long and fruitful communication with otherworldly forces

How to raise Mikhailo Lomonosov

How to raise Mikhailo Lomonosov

While modern parents are testing the most progressive technologies for raising children on their children, let's remember Russian folk pedagogical traditions

Misplaced "White Gods" or briefly about falsifying Chinese history

Misplaced "White Gods" or briefly about falsifying Chinese history

The participation of the Vatican and secret societies in the total falsification of history covers not only Europe, but also Asia, where the Jesuits essentially wrote a new history of China, inventing its antiquity and trying to destroy all references to the civilization of "white gods" from which the Chinese received all their unique " achievements "and" inventions "

Why does Kiev demand compensation for the invasion of Khan Batu?

Why does Kiev demand compensation for the invasion of Khan Batu?

Even if the story is falsified, as the myth of the Holocaust of the Jewish people has shown, with due impudence, such fakes often bring a good deal. Kiev is actively engaged in monetizing fake history

The last line of defense of Tartary

The last line of defense of Tartary

The author under the nickname kadykchanskiy gives some reconstruction of the times of Great Tartary. The amazing and numerous traces of this Great Empire are in front of everyone's eyes, but our blinkeredness and malicious intent of forgers does not allow us to see the obvious

Petersburg war of 1854

Petersburg war of 1854

Students are still taught that Russia was defeated in the Crimean War, and not a word is said about the siege of St. Petersburg and the St. Petersburg war of England against Russia. In practice, the Russian Empire in the 19th century won two then world wars of the West against its state

New mysteries of the "Malachite Chronicle"

New mysteries of the "Malachite Chronicle"

Two years after the publication of his article in the magazine "Vokrug Sveta" about the unique malachite tiles, A.A. Malakhov replied with another article to the letters of readers. "Malachite cryptography" was also found on another piece of art - a malachite egg

Slavic traditions

Slavic traditions

There are many beautiful, wise rituals and traditions of our people. It would be unwise to simply copy the life of ancestors living in harmony with nature. But learning about our heritage, and on the basis of this knowledge, to change the surrounding reality is important for all of us

Great and Chinese Tartary

Great and Chinese Tartary

The article provides a brief reconstruction according to the "New Chronology" in relation to the Great Tartary, the Pugachev uprising and the role of the Romanovs in these events. The second part is a study of Russian toponymy in the territory of modern China and Tibet

Day of the goddess Lada

Day of the goddess Lada

Of course, the veneration of Lada left a deep mark on Slavic culture. This includes the controversial interpretations of V. Chudinov, where the inscriptions "temple of Lada" are very often found, and the cult-inversion of the Mother of God in Christianity, which replaced Vedic Slavic concepts and culture

Megaliths of the Urals. Part 2

Megaliths of the Urals. Part 2

The world's oldest Ural Mountains keep many secrets of the ancient history of our Earth and civilizations that preceded today's. And only recently the Urals began to reveal their secrets to us. The morning of Svarog is flaring up brighter and brighter, little by little highlighting the amazing life of our ancestors

Ancient civilizations covered with sand

Ancient civilizations covered with sand

The author draws attention to several interesting evidences in favor of the recent planetary catastrophe, which led to the formation of deserts, the destruction of forest cover on the territory of Russia, and, possibly, to such an anomalous "cultural" layer, into which old buildings plunged

Tatar-Mongol yoke, Horde and Tartary

Tatar-Mongol yoke, Horde and Tartary

We continue to publish articles by the author under the nickname RareMan, the first two parts of which were published under the title "Vedic knowledge in the lines of Pushkin". In the third part, we will talk about Tartary, or the Horde, as it was also called. And it is no coincidence that the word order

Goodbye unwashed Europe

Goodbye unwashed Europe

The bath came to Europe only in the 18th century, when Peter I, who visited Amsterdam and Paris, ordered to build baths there for the soldiers accompanying him. And after 1812, the Russian army built baths in all countries liberated from Napoleon

Carols Dar summer 7521

Carols Dar summer 7521

Currently, we use the dating of the years from the birth of Christ and the Gregorian calendar. Not forgotten and the Julian calendar, and even the Chinese, Japanese, Thai and others. But who has heard about the most ancient tradition of chronology of the Slavic peoples - the Daarius Circle of Chislobog?

The origin of the Slavs quarreled Polish geneticists and archaeologists

The origin of the Slavs quarreled Polish geneticists and archaeologists

Polish scientists from the Copernicus University, in Bydgoszcz, proved on DNA analysis that the first Slavs inhabited the territory of Central-Eastern Europe four thousand years ago

Criticism of Zadornov

Criticism of Zadornov

Film by Mikhail Zadornov “Rurik. Lost Bye”caused quite a violent reaction in many quarters. Let's try to make a small review of the criticism of Zadornov's film, which can be found on the Internet. This film caused a great resonance in society, and not only among scholars, in whose sphere of activity the satirist intervened, but also among an audience well acquainted with both the Russian and Jewish issues

Celtic tomb refutes the savagery of ancient peoples

Celtic tomb refutes the savagery of ancient peoples

Even the official Western scientific world creakily admits that the Celts, who were a Slavic people, were not savages, but had a highly developed culture. Here are their words: "You will have to part with the image of the Celts as dumb barbarians from the comic" Asterix and Obelix "once and for all"

"Head off our shoulders and eat our heart": religious sacrifices in Mayan culture

"Head off our shoulders and eat our heart": religious sacrifices in Mayan culture

Medical and archaeologist Vera Tiesler explores how the human body was woven into religion, tradition, and politics in Mayan culture

When mysticism intervenes in hostilities

When mysticism intervenes in hostilities

Closely connected with the subconscious, with the depths of the human psyche, mysticism sometimes brings such surprises that the hairs on the head stand on end