Chronicles of the past 2024, September

Russian democracy of gold miners: the law is taiga, the bear is the master

Russian democracy of gold miners: the law is taiga, the bear is the master

In the 19th century, a lot of gold was found in the border regions of China and Russia. De jure, this territory was Chinese, but there was no power there - taiga. And pretty soon a real republican state appeared there

Veda Slavyan - Bulgarian pre-Christian epics

Veda Slavyan - Bulgarian pre-Christian epics

In the book of S. I. Verkovich "Veda of the Slavs"

4 military projects of the Third Reich that could change the course of history

4 military projects of the Third Reich that could change the course of history

The Second World War was not just the largest military conflict in the history of mankind. It also became the largest training ground for the creation and introduction of new types of weapons. Much of what is used in modern armies was tested and put into service in those troubled years. As you might guess, it was Germany that paid the most attention to its weapons program

Why was Lomonosov sentenced to death?

Why was Lomonosov sentenced to death?

Few people know that Mikhail Lomonosov was sentenced to death by hanging and spent a year in prison awaiting the verdict until the royal pardon came? Who was interested in the persecution of the great Rus, in the theft of his scientific library and in hiding, and, most likely, in the destruction of his numerous manuscripts, on which he worked throughout his life?

Why did Soviet soldiers get rid of military equipment?

Why did Soviet soldiers get rid of military equipment?

War is a difficult time, and therefore requires maximum concentration from those who take part in it. But the Red Army men sometimes thought that their own uniforms create more problems for them than help them serve. And they considered some of their things to be superfluous

Portraits of prominent people. Part 1

Portraits of prominent people. Part 1

Mikhail Volk examines portraits of historical figures that were created just a few centuries ago. Why are many rulers of Asia and the East depicted in the portraits of those years by the people of the White Race? Where did the tartars get the Scythian headdresses? The text is presented in the author's edition

The first electric vehicles

The first electric vehicles

Electric vehicle - a car driven by one or more electric motors powered by an autonomous power source

Electric cars and hybrids are over 100 years old

Electric cars and hybrids are over 100 years old

The first usable internal combustion engine was constructed by the Belgian-born French inventor Etienne Lenoir in 1860. The power of this engine was 12 horsepower, it worked on a mixture of air and lamp gas with electric spark ignition. The electric motor appeared earlier: in 1841, a cart was equipped with it. Earlier, in 1828, Hungarian Anjos Jedlik used an electric motor to power a tiny skateboard-like car

Stones of pre-split Russia. Part 2

Stones of pre-split Russia. Part 2

The author continues to research the inscriptions on stones that have been preserved in some Russian monasteries since pre-Christian times. Signs of different time can be seen on them, some of them resemble cryptography, and some writings are very close to the writing of the Veles Book and ancient Sanskrit

Stones of pre-split Russia. Part 3

Stones of pre-split Russia. Part 3

The publication of a series of articles "Stones of pre-split Russia" aroused the interest of our readers. We are publishing some of the materials sent, which, among other things, contain a photo of an amazing stone, the letters on which are made by the speakers. How realistic was it to do something like that with a chisel and hammer?

Stones of pre-split Russia. Part 1

Stones of pre-split Russia. Part 1

Finally, hands got around to show in detail the amazing artifacts found in 1999-2000 when clearing the territory of the Luzhetsky Ferapontov Monastery in Mozhaisk

Misunderstood signs and knowledge of our ancestors

Misunderstood signs and knowledge of our ancestors

There is more and more evidence that our ancestors possessed knowledge, which we are still only beginning to guess today. Why was the ornament applied to the clothes? What do these intricate signs conceal and what effect do they have on a person?

Pestilence, severe famine and epizootics: how they fought epidemics in Russia

Pestilence, severe famine and epizootics: how they fought epidemics in Russia

The centralization of the Russian lands around Moscow, which took place in the XIV-XV centuries, was accompanied not only by civil strife and the struggle against foreign expansion: regular epidemics killed from a third to half of the urban population

Superiority in inventions

Superiority in inventions

Who was the first to call on the phone? Who was the first to transmit the radiotelegram? Who was the first to take off on a plane? Who invented the bicycle? Different countries will give you different answers. Let's try to establish primacy among the great scientists-inventors

Why did the Soviet officers armed the pistol on the right on the belt, and the German on the left?

Why did the Soviet officers armed the pistol on the right on the belt, and the German on the left?

German and Soviet officers differed not only in the color of their uniforms and headdresses. The equipment of the commanders of the two armies had many small and very interesting differences. One of these is the choice of the side of the belt for carrying the pistol holster. So, the officers of the Wehrmacht held it to the left, while the officers of the Red Army preferred to carry a pistol under their right hand

The ancient idol of the god Vishnu (Vyshen?) Found in Old Main

The ancient idol of the god Vishnu (Vyshen?) Found in Old Main

The ancient idol of Vishnu was found during archaeological excavations in the village of Staraya Maina, founded in the 7th-10th centuries AD in the Volga region of Russia. This find casts doubt on the view that is widespread among historians on the origin of ancient Russia. Old Russian village Staraya Maina in Simbirsk province

Falsification technology on the example of Hitler's secret diaries

Falsification technology on the example of Hitler's secret diaries

In the early 80s, the loudest media sensation in the history of Germany broke out: Hitler's diaries, which began to be published by the magazine "Stern"

German superiority: invention of the giant aircraft Messerschmitt 323

German superiority: invention of the giant aircraft Messerschmitt 323

A captured French tankette Renault UE Chenillette retracts from the inside of a giant Messerschmitt Me 323 aircraft. Tunisia, January 1943

Homosexual Hitler or How Soviet Propaganda Worked in 1941

Homosexual Hitler or How Soviet Propaganda Worked in 1941

In July-August 1941, the German eugenic professor, expert on sexual deviations and political emigrant Arthur Kronfeld wrote a propaganda brochure "Degenerates in Power" in Moscow. In it, he describes the leaders of Nazi Germany as physical and mental degenerates, as well as sexual perverts

The history of the female figure kakona: fashion trends of the last 10 thousand years

The history of the female figure kakona: fashion trends of the last 10 thousand years

Let's be frank: the female priest is always under the gun of the male gaze, whether it is a Renaissance artist or a completely outsider on the street. But neither Michelangelo nor the impudent uncle know that the canons of the beauty of the female priests are dictated not by them, but by History. In this material - an overview of the most stupid and most reasonable from an aesthetic point of view canons of the gluteal part in the history of mankind

Mysterious Dogons and aliens from Sirius

Mysterious Dogons and aliens from Sirius

Paleokontakt is a theory according to which, in ancient times, our planet was visited by aliens from other worlds. Some researchers believe that aliens came into contact with terrestrial inhabitants, giving them valuable scientific information. This hypothesis could have remained only a plot for science fiction, if not for the very real evidence of the veracity of paleocontact

Piri Reis Map Mysteries

Piri Reis Map Mysteries

The year is 1929. At Istanbul's Topkapi Palace

America's white slaves were 10 times cheaper than blacks

America's white slaves were 10 times cheaper than blacks

On August 1, 1619, the first batch of black slaves was delivered to the British colonies of North America: the British recaptured them from the Portuguese. Slavery will pass "by inheritance" to the United States, and will be abolished only in 1863

How should history be taught in schools?

How should history be taught in schools?

Many remember from childhood what a boring subject history was at school. A huge list of dates, wars, unnecessary facts and names, moreover, unreliable, as shown by recent studies. But it's not at all difficult to make History become an interesting and fascinating subject, showing the grandiose process of the development of civilizations

Construction of the Parisian metro on the site of old tunnels

Construction of the Parisian metro on the site of old tunnels

Once again looking through old photographs, I drew attention to the fact that the builders, laying the branches of the future Parisian metro, are doing earthworks in the existing tunnels with stone vaults, which they could not have laid before this construction began

Who and why erases Russian names from maps

Who and why erases Russian names from maps

For thousands of years, enemies have worked tirelessly to cut small pieces from the great Rus Empire, which included Eurasia, North Africa and North America. This article provides a short episode of this process. How did the Russ River become the Neman and the Porusye - Prussia?

Why do Musketeers need such gorgeous hats?

Why do Musketeers need such gorgeous hats?

Understanding why the musketeers had such strange hats

Kostenki. Ancient civilization near Voronezh

Kostenki. Ancient civilization near Voronezh

A discovery that shook the scientific world. Our ancestors lived on the Russian Plain 45,000 years ago. Kostenki is an archaeological site located in the village of the same name on the right bank of the Don, in the Voronezh region. First discovered in 1879, but the first excavations began in the 1920s

Who are you? Horse Trojan

Who are you? Horse Trojan

The second part of a wonderful study by the author of the blog "Kolymchanin's Notes". This is the so-called Emperor Trajan in traditional history. Once again, we are faced with a forgery, when the Slavic past of Europe is smeared with "ancient Roman" events

Someone else's "relatives"

Someone else's "relatives"

The author draws attention to the Vedic heritage of Tomsk. Why are solar symbols so common on wooden buildings? Where does a large number of dungeons come from in Tomsk? Why were entire districts of Tomsk built up at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries, although the official date of the city's foundation was 1604?

Scalps were removed from the Indians, not the other way around

Scalps were removed from the Indians, not the other way around

In many historical writings about the Wild West, Indians are portrayed as savages scalping defenseless American settlers. The absurdity of this statement lies in the fact that most of the scalps were removed not by the Indians, but from the Indians. And they were filmed by the very same defenseless American settlers organized into marauding gangs

The origin of persistent phrases

The origin of persistent phrases

Often, simple words are not enough to achieve a certain speech effect. Irony, bitterness, ridicule, your own attitude to what is happening - all this can be expressed much more succinctly, more precisely, more emotionally, with the help of phrases, the origin story of which is now known to few people

Estonian national tragedy

Estonian national tragedy

What the Russians have been talking about for so long has happened! Grief and sadness covered the Estonians with their gray shroud. There is a national tragedy in Estonia … Estonians turned out to be not "relatives" of Finns, but descendants of Russians

The Scythians did not disappear anywhere, but simply began to be called Rus

The Scythians did not disappear anywhere, but simply began to be called Rus

Many of the "traditional" historians completely unreasonably adhere to the version, absolutely not proven by practical archeology, that the Scythians were supposedly Asians with characteristic signs of Mongoloidism. But who, in fact, were the representatives of this people, whose lands stretched from Eastern Europe to the Far East? To clarify this, let us turn to specific archaeological finds

Birch bark letters

Birch bark letters

In 1951, apparently, in payment for the won war - they found ancient birch bark letters, instead of those already found and destroyed during the revolution. The non-Russian scientists did not dare to destroy the new certificates or hide them in storage. This is how Russian researchers got a strong trump card

Kazan historian: Slavs lived on the territory of Tatarstan even before the Bulgarians

Kazan historian: Slavs lived on the territory of Tatarstan even before the Bulgarians

Honest people are everywhere. Even among historians. For this reason, Kazan historian A. Ovchinnikov, debunking the myth that Tatars have always been at home, and Russians are aliens, may have to change jobs: any such information in Tatarstan is destroyed

How the Germans gave the go-ahead to the Belarusian Republic

How the Germans gave the go-ahead to the Belarusian Republic

During the war, the Germans tried to rule the occupied territories. In particular, in order to control the captured Belarus, the Germans divided the territory into 9 districts, which were then called gebits. Each of them is headed by the then gebitcommissar and the district administration

The origins of fairy tales that we consider ours

The origins of fairy tales that we consider ours

Blogger Maxim Mirovich reveals in LJ the foreign origins of children's fairy tales, which we all consider ours. Shot from the movie Doctor Dolittle



RODOLAD is an ancient Slavic Vedic art, which was used by our ancestors the Aryans-Trypillians to create the space of accordion and love. Rodolad teaches a person to be a source of love and order in the world

Traditions of Ancient Rus. Part 1

Traditions of Ancient Rus. Part 1

Who does not inhabit the ancient world of Slavic pagan legends, keeping thousands of secrets and mysteries! "There are miracles, there is a goblin wandering …" And not only him: good brownies and dangerous water animals, miracle birds, werewolves, field workers, beregini … And, of course, the Gods are harsh, but fair