Someone else's "relatives"
Someone else's "relatives"

Video: Someone else's "relatives"

Video: Someone else's
Video: GENETIC ENGINEERING EVIDENCE | Enki made us in the image of the Anunnaki | Enki and Ninmah tablet 2024, April

I looked at the TV screen on which there was a documentary about the "Holy Land" in Israel, and could not help thinking about some incredible process going on in my mind. The process of rethinking all my previous views on life and Israel in particular. I also could not get rid of the feeling of a split consciousness.

The presenter spoke about the “center of the world” and “the place where all civilizations began”, and carried some other non-sanctuary about “the beginning of time and the beginning of history”. I looked at other people's landscapes, stones, houses, but in my heart there was not a single drop of feeling of kinship or unity with the land of Israel. Everything on the screen was alien. But after all, I myself was baptized into the Christian faith, which is based on the faith of Israel. Then why is there no sense of kinship? I suddenly realized that I could not give an answer to my own question. Pictures of the land of Israel, on which Christ's feet walked, did not stir up the blood. Maybe you still need to be in place at least once in your life? To be there?

I have heard many reviews about the Holy Land in my life. These were mostly euphoric rave reviews. There were, however, disappointments. Although there were very few such disappointments. But they were. In the "humble" silence of such disappointments, I did not notice the sober heartfelt comprehension of the fact of being in the Holy Land before. As if people regretted that they did not realize the sanctity of their native land: Holy Russia. And instead of looking for God on their land, they "went across the three seas" in search of illusory happiness and "the truth of God." We went to a foreign land. They were looking for holiness somewhere “out there,” without seeing holiness under their own feet. The sanctity of their native land. Not seeing, not realizing and not thinking once.

This is exactly the feeling I had when watching this documentary. What's happening? I wanted to ask myself a dumb question. Why did such thoughts and sensations come to me a long time after my churching? I will not hide, and at one time I raved about the desire to visit the Holy Land. Make a pilgrimage to where Jesus Christ was born. Was born, grew up and carried out his ministry. Even now I am ready to repeat after the Apostle Peter his words: “You are truly the Christ, the Son of the living God”. But the feeling of belonging and kinship to the biblical places disappeared. As it actually disappeared to the orthodox Christian faith.

I looked at the screen and realized that everything was alien there. Stones of strangers, strangers' houses, strangers and even cattle. We study someone else's faith, study someone else's heritage, alien traditions and often sincerely admire them. Or have they imposed a stereotype on us to admire someone else's heritage? Apparently, the latter is true.

The question arises, why are Old Testament characters remembered at the services of the Russian Orthodox Church, such as, for example, Tsar David? After all, we are being told that the Russian Orthodox faith has absorbed only the New Testament. Covenant of God's highest love. The Old Testament, truth does not reject, just as Christ did not reject it, but does not rely on it either. Why then remember the Old Testament patriarchs, kings, etc.? It should be borne in mind that commemoration at services is one of the main duties of a single church community. With what community, we Russian people, are they diligently trying to intermarry? Roots, what kind of people are they trying to betray on our roots? It is unambiguous that any roots, just not the roots of the Slavic people. There are such words during the evening service, for example: "Lord remember the meekness of King David." Where is the meekness of King David asked? A cowardly, deceitful, treacherous, vengeful and vile king. What is the meekness of this bloody murderer and molester? Almost all Jewish, so-called "heroes", and their actions, and the life of the entire Jewish people in general, are so vile that not everyone can read the Old Testament from beginning to end. The parishioners of the Russian Orthodox Church who regularly attend both evening and morning services know how often Israel is remembered, and how often songs of praise are sung to Israel during the service. Another question is, why is Holy Russia not remembered? Why don't we sing songs to our Motherland? Everyone who considers himself an Orthodox person, let him ask himself this question. Why? Maybe because the entire structure of the ROC has long ago become orthodox Judeo-Christian? And to be more precise, the Orthodox Jewish, hidden and camouflaged diligently and skillfully under the Orthodox faith, strongly distorted of course?

In one of the books by Georgy Alekseevich Sidorov: "Chronological-isoteric analysis of the development of modern civilization", I read how he himself walked along the Moscow highway area (there is such a street in the Siberian city of Tomsk) and observed solar Vedic symbols on wooden houses that are still preserved in our city. It must be said that Tomsk is deservedly famous for its still preserved wooden architecture. Much has really been destroyed, but there is also a miraculously preserved Slavic heritage. I went to explore my hometown. His eyes refused to believe, and his heart pounded with joy. First, I went to the Moscow tract area and walked around Tatarskaya, Istochnaya, Gorky and Mussa Jalil streets. These are mainly buildings of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. On apparently especially valuable houses there are signs stating that this or that house is protected by the State.


There are more than two dozen such protected objects. Special thanks to the Tomsk authorities for this concern. This is indisputably true. Some houses are completely dilapidated. Some are even more, less alive. The unique wooden carving of window frames has also been preserved.


Preserved and completely unique specimens.


Or, for example, such as this house with pronounced Vedic solar symbols.


There are not many such houses. No more than a dozen. But they stand. True, I did not find a sign on any of them: "Protected by the State", but that is another question. It is important that the development of these streets dates back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It turns out that even by this time the era of dual faith in Russia had not ended? Nearby were houses built for people professing both the Christian and Vedic faith? It turns out so. And that was quite recently. Before the 1917 revolution. I asked myself, how did I not notice this before? After all, I have walked these streets since childhood. I didn’t notice, because I didn’t know the history and the roots of my truth. There is no other answer. There are houses where the solar symbols have been lost, but there are traces of burnout in the sun. There are symbols that are half broken. There is and like this one is also very well maintained. And all this is near. Right under your feet.


What faith and what religion was in Russia before the revolution of 17, that’s the question? Rather, in what format was the Orthodox faith expressed? Or here are photographs of platbands from the famous Krasnoarmeyskaya Street, which clearly express the story of two floods: 40 and 12 thousand years ago. And all this is "encrypted" in clear form in our ancestral heritage. These two waves just tell about the tragedy of Oriana, the ancestral home of our ancestors.


On Krasnoarmeyskaya Street, I also found houses with pronounced solar symbols. However, I saw the security plate only on three houses that have recently undergone restoration. There are no security signs on houses with solar symbols. The construction of houses also in the XIX-XX centuries.


When, after awakening my self-awareness, I suddenly began to look closely at my city, I began to notice interesting things in my hometown of Tomsk. For example, the Profitable House of the merchant A. F. Vtorov, built in 1905.


And these are griffins from the coat of arms of Great Tartary on the same house.


How did I not notice them before? Maybe because before the restoration, this panel was simply painted with white paint? I only remember my childhood feeling at the level of intuition that such a large semicircle cannot be empty. The child's consciousness cried out to the mind and tried to add the missing element to this empty space. What's in there? Unknown. To understand, you first need to open the panel.

Finishing the article, I suddenly realized that I can now respond to my own feeling at the level of genetic memory: for some reason, since childhood, I did not associate myself with the Russian land beyond the Urals. No, he did not separate himself from the rest of the country. Rather, did not connect. At some genetic level, I understood that I was not a descendant, not of another people, but of a different kind. This is how the genetic belonging to the Siberian ancestral roots was evidently manifested. Now the realization has also come that my homeland is Great Tartary. The ancestral home is Great Oriana. That blessed Northern Land, about which, albeit meager, but reliable and convincing testimonies have been preserved.

I also answered one more question of my own: where did I get such pride in the Siberian divisions, which turned the tide of the battle near Moscow, and the offensive of the Soviet troops began, albeit difficult, but already in 1941? This is genetics. This is pride in their kin.

I also understood one more thing: having started my exploration of my hometown, I can’t quit as soon as I started. Moreover, many not open, but rather unnoticed facts lie right under our feet. Several questions are already before me that I can try to answer:

1. What is Tomsk underground? These are the so-called Tomsk slums.

2. Why are the forests of Siberia not more than 150-200 years old?

3. Why were entire districts of Tomsk built up in the late 19th and early 20th centuries? After all, Tomsk was founded in 1604 by the Cossacks. For more than two, or even almost three centuries, Tomsk should have already been densely built up. Maybe everything burned out? Or was it destroyed in some other way? The jail at the site of the foundation of Tomsk was solid. Why hasn't it survived? Burned out? What then is the cause of the fire? Is this why the Tomsk residents were buried underground or simply began to use the dungeons already dug by someone earlier? Is it because little survived on the surface? And isn't it because, isn't it for this reason, at the beginning of the 20th century, wealthy Tomsk citizens began to build stone houses everywhere? Questions, questions and questions.

If you become attached to the age of the Siberian forests, then everything can suddenly turn into an integral and understandable chain of cause-and-effect relationships and events, but this needs to be studied, rechecked and conducted research. The fact that Tomsk still preserves the ancient heritage is indisputable. This legacy just needs to be raised. This is also understandable as a clear day. Then answers to questions may and will appear, which now simply do not arise in the minds of a common man in the street, and if they do arise, they often do not find an answer.

As, for example, a world outlook question: judging by the development of Tomsk, which is quite often the end of the 19th, the beginning of the 20th centuries, then what happens? After some natural cataclysm or man-made catastrophe, or for some reason that is still unknown and inexplicable to us, whole city blocks were rebuilt and rebuilt, including Vedic "sun worshipers", and in other words, Orthodox people? And nobody destroyed these houses or burned them down. He did not deliberately knock solar symbols from houses, guided by his religious Christian fanaticism. I didn’t forbid to build that way.

As you can see, entire streets of the city of Tomsk tell us that Vedic Orthodoxy was not destroyed in Russia to the ground even by the end of the 19th century. Was not destroyed and was not obsolete. And on the Tomsk land, people of the Orthodox Vedic and Orthodox, or rather the Orthodox Christian faith, peacefully coexisted and coexisted together? It turns out that, no matter how Patriarch Nikon tried to exude the concept of "Orthodox" from the consciousness of the Russian people with his church reform, replacing the word "Orthodox" with the word "Orthodox" in the name "Russian Orthodox Church", it did not work to reformat the consciousness of the Russian people.

No matter how hard some forces tried to erase the heritage of our ancestors into powder, even at the beginning of the 20th century, the people still remembered and knew about their homeland, Great Tartary. So he knew and remembered that, without fear or doubt, he used the symbols of the previous civilization in his construction. What is happening with the faith of the ancestors on our Russian land? And what happened after perestroika? After 70 years of religious oblivion, what format of faith have they slipped to us again ?! If you believe your eyes and rely on your inner feelings, then the format is apparently more orthodox and Jewish than even the Old Believer orthodox “pre-Nikon” format or the “Orthodox” format of the late 19th early 20th century or, for example, the renovation post-revolutionary format after the October Revolution of 1917 … Without making any serious conclusions yet, one has, at least, to think seriously.

Tolmachev Oleg Yurievich, teacher-theologian, sociologist, Orthodox anthropologist, Tomsk, January 23, 2015.

Other articles on the site on this topic:

How did Tartary die? Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8

Death of Tartary

Why are our forests young?

Methodology for checking historical events

Nuclear strikes of the recent past

The last line of defense of Tartary

Distortion of history. Nuclear strike

Films from the portal
