Chronicles of the past 2024, September

The secret of the Tatar-Mongol myth. Continuation

The secret of the Tatar-Mongol myth. Continuation

The Time of Troubles, it did not arise from scratch, this is not a new home, it is a breaking of old traditions and the establishment of new ones. At the turn of these times, a religious split took place and consideration of this period can reveal the "secret of the Tatar-Mongol yoke" and "pagan" Russia

Silk Loop Neck Stories Part 2

Silk Loop Neck Stories Part 2

“There is no country like it in Khorasan and Maverannahr

Historical dregs in the waters of the Amu Darya

Historical dregs in the waters of the Amu Darya

Did you know that not a single army in the world crossed the Amu-Darya River either in the ancient or in the Middle Ages. The campaign of Darius, Cyrus, Alexander the Great, and even more so the conquests of the Arabs, the "campaigns" of the mythical Genghis Khan are nothing more than inventions of chroniclers

Silk noose around the neck of history

Silk noose around the neck of history

"COMMERCE fills the State with diligent and useful inhabitants, revives sciences, arts and crafts, spreads sailing, brings distant lands into useful acquaintance and alliance, reveals the dearest treasures of nature and makes the state strong in itself, and noble among neighbors."

Military-historical jokes. Part 4

Military-historical jokes. Part 4

In the final article, the author examines those artifacts and archaeological finds that do not fit into the "canonical version of history", but, thanks to journalists, still end up in the information space. For example, facts about the pyramids of China, or the Slavic past of Europe

Military-historical jokes. Part 2

Military-historical jokes. Part 2

The author, a professional military man, continues to analyze the blatant blunders and falsifications in history, in this part we are talking about "ancient" artillery. Could throwing siege engines, catapults, incendiary projectiles exist? Technical analysis gives an unambiguous negative answer

Once again about the claims of Japan to our Kuril Islands

Once again about the claims of Japan to our Kuril Islands

Japan a hundred years ago took away our Russian lands - half of Sakhalin and all the Kuril Islands as a result of Russia's defeat in the 1905 war. Since that time, the famous song "On the Hills of Manchuria" has remained, which to this day in Russia reminds of the bitterness of that defeat

7 "luxurious" things from the USSR that now seem wild

7 "luxurious" things from the USSR that now seem wild

And again, on Kramol, a dialogue between the modern generation and the "scoops" from the USSR. The dialogue, which began in the article "Habits from the USSR, which seem wild to the modern generation," continues, only now grandfather will discuss the topic of "luxury and wealth" from the USSR with his grandson. Who is more convincing?

Viewing interesting ancient monuments and sculptures

Viewing interesting ancient monuments and sculptures

The author considers a very strange from the point of view of common sense, but normal according to the official version of history, sculptural fashion 2-3 centuries ago, according to which the sculptures of the rulers of those years were made in the antique style. Moreover, their faces in most cases do not correspond at all to the originals

Treatise on the benefits of being

Treatise on the benefits of being

The question of where the world and each person in it is heading

Where did the inhabitants of Tartaria disappear to?

Where did the inhabitants of Tartaria disappear to?

How many people lived in Russia? Let's look at ancient statistics. 12th century - the first population census in Russia. Conducted by the Tatar-Mongols. 10 million people. 18th century - the population census was carried out by Peter. 15 million people. The end of the 19th century - the population census was carried out by Nicholas 2. The population of the state within the current borders is 67.5 million people

The first samurai were not Japanese at all

The first samurai were not Japanese at all

Few people know, but the Japanese are not the indigenous population of Japan. Before them, the Ainu lived here, a mysterious people, in the origin of which there are still many mysteries. The Ainu coexisted with the Japanese for some time, until the latter managed to push them to the north

It's time for Russia to print its paper money

It's time for Russia to print its paper money

Why is the lieutenant general of the tsarist army, economist A.D. Nechvolodova considered Russia's transition to paper money the greatest, and, moreover, completely peaceful turn of economic life?

Velesov stone

Velesov stone

Throughout the territory of Ingermanland, there are many ancient, cult places that have been revered by both the Slavs and the Finno-Ugric from ancient times. One of these places is the modern city of Volosovo and its environs. The city of Volosovo itself is located on the site of the ancient temple of Veles, hence the name of the city

How old are we?

How old are we?

How many thousand, hundreds of thousands, or millions of years is the history of man on Earth? Scientists of all countries are looking for the answer and conduct endless discussions, being unable to agree on a common opinion

Another history of the Earth. Part 3d

Another history of the Earth. Part 3d

In letters and comments, readers constantly ask the question of why we do not know anything about this catastrophe, if, as I argue, it happened relatively recently, in historical time. Let's try to figure it out and look for references in myths and legends of different peoples

First Ural Conference. Speeches

First Ural Conference. Speeches

From October 21 to 23, the first conference of thinking people was held in Chelyabinsk, at which Artyom Voitenkov, Alexey Kungurov, Dmitry Mylnikov and Ilya Bogdanov made presentations. A short report and the first part of already edited videos with recordings of performances

Another history of the Earth. Part 3a + b + c

Another history of the Earth. Part 3a + b + c

In letters and comments, readers constantly ask the question of why we do not know anything about this catastrophe, if, as I argue, it happened relatively recently, in historical time. Let's try to figure it out and look for references in myths and legends of different peoples

Another history of the Earth. Part 2d + 2f

Another history of the Earth. Part 2d + 2f

If relatively recently, in historical time, a large-scale global catastrophe occurred on the planet, which affected all continents, then many traces should have remained after it. And if you look closely, then we can easily find these traces everywhere

The first Ural conference of thinking people

The first Ural conference of thinking people

On October 21 and 22, 2017, the first Ural conference of thinking people will be held in Chelyabinsk. Keynote speakers: Artyom Voitenkov, Alexey Kungurov, Dmitry Mylnikov, Ilya Bogdanov

Another history of the Earth. Part 2d

Another history of the Earth. Part 2d

If relatively recently, in historical time, a large-scale global catastrophe occurred on the planet, which affected all continents, then many traces should have remained after it. And if you look closely, then we can easily find these traces everywhere

Another history of the Earth. Part 2c

Another history of the Earth. Part 2c

If relatively recently, in historical time, a large-scale global catastrophe occurred on the planet, which affected all continents, then many traces should have remained after it. And if you look closely, then we can easily find these traces everywhere

Buried cities, a professional's view

Buried cities, a professional's view

The article below was sent to me by one of my readers. This article is interesting primarily because it was written by a specialist in this field, a candidate of technical sciences, who has the appropriate education and experience in this field

Another history of the Earth. Part 2b

Another history of the Earth. Part 2b

If relatively recently, in historical time, a large-scale global catastrophe occurred on the planet, which affected all continents, then many traces should have remained after it. And if you look closely, then we can easily find these traces everywhere

Another history of the Earth. Part 2a

Another history of the Earth. Part 2a

If relatively recently, in historical time, a large-scale global catastrophe occurred on the planet, which affected all continents, then many traces should have remained after it. And if you look closely, then we can easily find these traces everywhere

Another history of the Earth. Part 1c

Another history of the Earth. Part 1c

Today, many researchers of the real history of the Earth agree that quite recently a large-scale global catastrophe occurred on our planet. In my new work, I collected and analyzed the facts that prove that this disaster really was

Another history of the Earth. Part 1b

Another history of the Earth. Part 1b

Today, many researchers of the real history of the Earth agree that quite recently a large-scale global catastrophe occurred on our planet. In my new work, I collected and analyzed the facts that prove that this disaster really was

Version: Reconstruction of the events of the 18-19 centuries

Version: Reconstruction of the events of the 18-19 centuries

This reconstruction of historical events from Dmitry Mylnikov will be of interest to those who are already familiar with most of the materials on the topic of Tartary, the New Chronology, the research of Alexei Artemiev and Alexei Kungurov

How did Tartary die? Part 1

How did Tartary die? Part 1

Many publications and documentaries are devoted to the Great Tartary on our website, but this topic cannot be exhausted. The author of the article, using satellite images and topographic maps of Siberia, is trying to find the reasons for the disappearance of all traces of the cultural and economic activities of the inhabitants of the huge empire

A people out of nowhere - the true origins of the gypsies

A people out of nowhere - the true origins of the gypsies

Gypsies have been known in Europe since the 15th century. But where did Sinti and Roma come from and why they speak such an unusual language, few people know

Ancient ceramics found at the construction site of the Crimean bridge

Ancient ceramics found at the construction site of the Crimean bridge

Russian archaeologists are conducting research on the territory along which the railway will pass - the approach to the bridge across the Kerch Strait from the Crimea

To the origins of Islam

To the origins of Islam

It seems that everyone knows where Islam came from: hundreds of books, articles, daily and episodic TV and radio broadcasts … You can read about this in any ordinary and religious encyclopedia and even in the Atheist's Handbook. But the researcher of the history of the Great Steppe Murad Aji recently brought from Iran sensational confirmation of his hypothesis of the origin of Islam. His word

History of the USSR in retro photo of 1959

History of the USSR in retro photo of 1959

A selection of photographs with interesting and familiar moments from the Soviet past

How a real nuclear mortar was created

How a real nuclear mortar was created

Scientists who discovered the world atomic weapons capable of wiping out entire cities from the face of the earth, sooner or later had to create something similar to a monstrous device that shoots atomic bombs. This breakthrough period falls on the time of the Second World War

The inconvenient history of the Japanese American during World War II

The inconvenient history of the Japanese American during World War II

Americans hate to remember March 17, 1942. On this day, 120 thousand US citizens, ethnic Japanese or half-breeds, were sent to concentration camps

The unthinkable. In 1945, the "allies" planned to wipe out Russian cities from the face of the earth

The unthinkable. In 1945, the "allies" planned to wipe out Russian cities from the face of the earth

Moscow, Leningrad, Vladivostok, Murmansk, the very next day after the outbreak of the third world war on July 2, 1945, the largest cities of the Soviet Union would resemble ghosts, in which it is easier to find the dead than the living. Several million Soviet citizens were to die under air strikes, the same as the Anglo-American army destroyed Hamburg, Tokyo, causing a fiery devastating tornado with incendiary bombs

How the Kurils were recaptured: a landing operation on the Kuril Islands

How the Kurils were recaptured: a landing operation on the Kuril Islands

The Kuril landing operation of the Red Army in the Kuril Islands went down in the history of operational art. It was studied in many armies of the world, but almost all experts came to the conclusion that the Soviet landing party had no prerequisites for an early victory. The courage and heroism of the Soviet soldier ensured success

The history of circumcision

The history of circumcision

The operation of removing the foreskin is one of the most ancient in the history of mankind: among some peoples this procedure was considered "a tribute to a cruel and evil deity who needs to sacrifice a part in order to save the whole, circumcise a child in order to save his life." It is no coincidence that researchers believe that circumcision at that time served as a successful alternative to the cruel pagan rite of human sacrifice

Encrypted manuscripts from all over the World

Encrypted manuscripts from all over the World

The creators of these mysterious manuscripts were Magyars, Americans, Germans, and they created mysterious works for dedicated readers, not counting on literary fame. Who such authors could be - historians and specialists in the field of cryptology still argue about this

The same "Progressors" in different cultures

The same "Progressors" in different cultures

Despite the fact that there are many similarities between ancient cultures around the world, scholars believe that the cultures of Africa, America, Europe and Asia were not interconnected in ancient times. But numerous archaeological finds suggest otherwise