Common cause of cancer and the path to recovery
Common cause of cancer and the path to recovery

Video: Common cause of cancer and the path to recovery

Video: Common cause of cancer and the path to recovery
Video: Amphibian Man 1961 USSR Eng Sub 2024, April

There are diseases that cannot be treated with drugs, since they have a different nature and cause. - One of such diseases is cancer. We will talk about this below. But, first of all, let's say what medicine says about cancer today: “The main drawback of modern methods of treating malignant tumors is the lack of selectivity (that is, there is no way to distinguish between diseased cells from healthy ones).

Radiation and drug therapy kills not only cancer cells, but also normal cells in surrounding tissues and organs, which leads to serious side effects. In this case, the very cause of cancer is not eliminated! The chances of temporarily stopping cancer can be greatly increased if medicine learns to selectively get rid of tumor cells. But a complete victory over cancer will come only when they find out the reason and get rid of its deadly influence.

What thoughts does medical science offer today?

One of her approaches is to "teach" the body's immune system to recognize specific antigens localized on the surface of cancer cells. (Artificially label cancer cells). However, only a limited number of cancer cells are able to synthesize such antigens on themselves and in very small quantities. This greatly complicates their recognition by the cells of the immune system (i.e., the proposal is a dead end). The proposed proposal is very complicated, confusing, and the doctors themselves (to their decency) honestly admit that today guaranteed cancer treatment is futile.

In this place, regarding the modern thoughts of science about the treatment of cancer, it is appropriate to quote the words of the brilliant French thinker, philosopher, materialist of the 18th century Claude Helvetius: "Errors are sometimes such that their further construction requires more consideration and intelligence than the discovery of Truth."

It is obvious that medicine is struggling with an already arisen disease (with a consequence).

This is similar to “shoveling the incoming waves from the shore”, rather than finding and eliminating the root cause of cancer. To put it differently - "stop the wind that makes waves." Finding the cause of cancer to treat the disease and prevent its occurrence is a thousand times more productive. No reason - no disease. Put out the fire under the boiling cauldron and the water will cool down. Eliminate the cause of cancer - and you will recover!

Here and now, let's think together, analyze, compare and discover the cause of oncological (tumor) diseases.

What is known and what science says about cancer. -… The cell, suddenly, gets out of the control of the organism and begins to divide indefinitely, without hindrance - and this is how a tumor appears (a formless accumulation of cells). The complexity of treatment lies in the fact that in their biological characteristics, cancer cells are not much different from healthy ones. They are resistant to drugs and have defense mechanisms that hide them from the control of the immune system.

Cancer cells are uncontrollable cells.

They are native to the body, therefore, the immune system is not recognized as alien and is not detected. They are called unhealthy for one reason that they do not obey the commands of the body. - Why? - Just as they are in the “zones of emptiness” of the energetically destroyed field of the organism!

In any living healthy body, by nature, there are internal, governing factors that "direct" each cell along its strictly functional controlled path of normal growth and reproduction.

What factors "unknown" to medical science exist, direct and control a cell in a living healthy body? - In fact, these natural forces have long been known to man. They are applied and are successfully used in life, but they have not been identified in medicine in relation to humans so far. Let's take this knowledge and apply it to a person!

Let us recall an example known to everyone from childhood.

The compass needle points strictly to the poles along the invisible lines of force of the Earth's magnetic field. You can swing the arrow, but it will steadily (!) Return to its previous strictly oriented direction. If you bring any metal object to the compass that violates the magnetic lines of force of the field, then the arrow goes out of control. This phenomenon has been observed by many.

In the same way, a cell of a healthy body goes out of control of the body when the healthy field structure of our physical body is disturbed!

Uncontrolled by the structural field of the body, healthy cells begin to randomly multiply into energy voids. The energy of cells that is not in demand in the functional work of the body is used by them for other purposes - it is spent on uncontrolled unorganized division.

The complex, multi-layered magnetic biological field of the body (which is created by the energy network of all cells) "keeps cells in check". The brain generates energy into the network through nerve cells. With age, with weakening of immunity, from diseases, failures in life, from “blows of fate” and, as a consequence of this, nervous exhaustion, the activity of brain cells decreases, the body's energy greatly weakens, and field voids are formed in it. Therefore, with age, people are more prone to cancer.

From the school physics course, you can recall another unpretentious experience. - On the surface of the glass, metal sawdust is sprinkled in a shapeless layer with a thin layer. If a magnet is brought closer to the glass from below, then the sawdust is organized (!) Lined up along the lines of force of the magnetic field invisible to the eye. In this case, not a single particle can deviate to the side until this field is violated. The same law of physics acts both on the physical body and on the living cells of a person. - "In nature, everything is governed by immutable laws." (VI century BC, Pythagoras).

If the magnetic biofield of the body is destroyed, then the integral "field skeleton" (body frame), consisting of a plexus of magnetic field lines, is disturbed.

Cells in the voids of the field lose orientation, control, begin to endlessly uncontrollably divide and in their mass form a formless heap of "uncontrollable" matter. This is how a tumor (cancer) arises. The location of the tumor is determined according to the principle - "where it is thin (field), there it breaks." Where the field is destroyed, there is chaos, and there is a new formation of unorganized cells.

Why are tumors accompanied by terrible pain? - Just as freezing water in a bottle tears apart the walls of a vessel, so uncontrollably growing cells tear apart living neighboring tissues of the body. This is where the pain comes from.

Human health is greatly influenced by his thoughts, which develop into a way of behavior and life. Constant doubts from immoral thoughts (primarily in relation to oneself), hidden grievances negative thoughts - all these emotional and energy impulses are capable of destroying a healthy biofield!

Since ancient times, medicine has noticed an inextricable relationship of vicious character traits, mistakes in actions and from this physical diseases of various organs.

Latent (often from one's own consciousness), deep moral and psychological illness from the patient's thoughts - destroys the human body at the level of its energy biofield, and also changes the healthy genetic memory of DNA in offspring.

If the birth of a child came from a parent with impaired information in the DNA memory, then the future child, who inherited a genetically destroyed field, is also at risk of cancer. In this case, it is much more difficult for a child to recover from cancer - he will need to put his energy biofield in order.

It is known that spiritual and moral people with their close presence, personal energy during contact with a cancer patient, give him relief. They only temporarily put in order the patient's field and strengthen it. But only the person himself, with healthy thoughts, can really act on his body (on his field). Man is the best doctor for himself!

With the discovery of the void-field cause of cancer, an effective way of treating it can be proposed. - It is necessary to restore the healthy state of the energy field (at the level of thought) lost by a person during his life. This will not require either painful unpromising medical intervention or material costs. The restoration of the healthy structure of the biofield is carried out consciously, but this process is not instantaneous. If there are no changes in the patient's personality at the level of thought, then the reason that gave rise to cancer will not be eliminated (the cells will continue to divide in an unorganized manner in the arisen energy voids of the body).

To put it figuratively - the brain is "a generator of current into the electrical (nervous) network of the body." Morality is the "wheel" that chooses the right path to health. Faith keeps the brain active. The density and strength of the body's field is the strength of the immune system against cancer. The cells of the body in a strong biofield are gentle, like "lambs in a herd" and obedient, like iron filings under a magnet.

Those patients who have been cured of cancer forever can remember that they, having gone through excruciating experiences, physical suffering - before medicine were cured at the level of thought. They changed their old life! We got rid of ourselves that destroys their field structure. Thus, they restored their biological healthy field. It was this circumstance that caused their recovery.

There are “miraculous” examples of self-healing of cancer patients at the last stage of their death, when they correctly understood the deep cause of their “illness”.

They were required to realize their mistakes and emotional stress.

As a result, a healthy worldview and a healthy, dense biofield returned to the patient's body (according to his personal strong desire to correct his life and himself).

The proverb says: "A healthy mind is healthy and a body." (Strong and biofield).

Everything, the same brilliant thinker, scientist, materialist Helvetius, wrote: … “Thinking and sensation are properties of matter that have arisen as its most complex formations. The limited human mind readily believes that relationships that it does not notice do not exist at all. To teach people, you need to either offer them a new truth, or show them the relationship that binds the truths that seemed to them to be disconnected."

For some, a kind teacher and a reliable guardian of their health will be the inner voice of reason and conscience. For others who are lost in consciousness and have destroyed themselves with unhealthy thoughts and are energetically weakened, the teacher will be illness.

So, the void-field cause of the onset and development of cancer is named.

Maybe someone will say that this is not what it is not, but in return he will not be able to offer anything else. He will only discourage and weaken the doubting patient more.

He will say that not only moral people, but also those opposite to them, have a rich strong energy. Yes, they do not get cancer, but other equally dangerous and fatal diseases await them from negative energy.

In your doubt is your emptiness of the field. Doubt - weakness and cancer.

Others will say that there are many causes of cancer.

In this case, they do not understand and confuse the cause with the effect (with the paths that led the patient to the disease). There are really many paths that lead to the destruction of the body's biofield.

Clap your hands, and the snow avalanche in the mountains is gone. But cotton is not the reason for the accumulation of a mass of snow. Ways to start the development of the disease, the destruction of the body's biofield, as well as "stones on a thorny path of life", which are easy to stumble over, are really countless.
