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China's white civilization
China's white civilization

Video: China's white civilization

Video: China's white civilization
Video: How Early Could Life Have Appeared In The Universe? 2024, September

Thousands of white people's mummies have been found in China. All finds speak of the most ancient, developed culture of the white race living in China. Even official historians, under the pressure of facts, are forced to admit that it was white people who gave impetus to the development of Chinese civilization.

"Tarim mummies", found in 1977. by Chinese archaeologists in northwest China, belong to people of the European race. This proves that the tribes of the white race, who lived according to the official chronology from two to four thousand years ago, moved eastward much further than historians are accustomed to believe - to the Taklamakan desert, located between Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tibet, the territory of modern China.

It was previously believed that the cities along the great trade route between Europe and China were founded by the Chinese, but these discoveries showed that the impressive ruins to this day, which “guard” the ancient caravan route in silence, are the traces of one of the disappeared “white” civilizations.

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The "white" presence in ancient China today can be considered proven, as well as the fact that it was it that gave impetus to the development of Chinese civilization

Before the discovery of tombs in China, these stories were considered nothing more than legends about blue-eyed and fair-haired leaders who professed Buddhism and were the founding fathers of the Chinese state.


The Chinese have always had a tendency to defend the independence and self-sufficiency of the Chinese civilization, but this thesis collapsed like a house of cards…

The first mummy was discovered, one might say, by accident, appearing on the surface as a result of shifting sands in the desert. It was the body of a white woman with long blond hair, probably mutilated in the course of an armed conflict. Excavations around the mummy revealed the remains of another 16 people, so well preserved in the hot sands that traces of tears were visible on the face of one of the children's mummies. The bodies were dressed in quality fabrics with checkered patterns, leather shoes, and there were also decorations. The desert so carefully preserved the contents of the burial that around the saddle discovered in it (probably the oldest preserved on Earth!) Lay dried pieces of bread. In one of the graves a saddle was found covered with a pair of pants, one of the legs bore images of people, including one with blue eyes.

This disappeared white people entered the historical science called Tokharov … The culture they created included large settlements, fortresses, centers of education and arts; they laid and was under their control the famous Silk Road.

By the early 1990s, more than a thousand mummies had been discovered in the Chinese province of Wapu, but in 1998. the Chinese government has banned further excavations, apparently out of concern that even more striking evidence of the presence of Caucasians in ancient China will be brought to light.

The current population of the territory in question is a national minority that speaks not Chinese, but one of the Turkic languages and is fighting for independence. The discovery of the white mummies only aggravated the situation, intensified separatist sentiments, and thus became an additional headache for the Chinese government.


Nevertheless, several mummies were included in the exposition of the local museum, and the rest are kept in storehouses, gradually deteriorating.

The new findings bring a fresh look at ancient Chinese written sources that describe real or legendary tall people with deep-set blue or green eyes, narrow noses, bushy beards, and red or blond hair. Until recently, the attitude of scientists to this information was rather frivolous, but the sensational findings were a clear confirmation of their reliability.

Based on ancient Chinese manuscripts, one can, for example, assume that the principles of Buddhism were brought to the Far East by the Tochars (as you know, the founder of Buddhism was the Indian prince Shakya Muni, that is, the "Saka" (Scythian) sage).


The presence of Tochars can explain another great mystery of China - the step pyramids near the city of Xian in the province of Ku Chauan. These pyramids have no analogues in China, but they are so typical for many "white" civilizations! Perhaps this is also the work of the Tochars?

Another intriguing evidence of the stay of Indo-Europeans in China is that the Swastika, the oldest Slavic-Aryan symbol of prosperity, is very common in China, and has a similar meaning, symbolizing good luck and prosperity.

The first foreign woman to receive permission to view and photograph these mummies in the museum was archaeologist Janine Davis-Kimbell at the Center for the Study of Nomads in Eurasia at the University of Berkeley in California.

The preservation of the details is incredible,”says Davis-Kimbell. “At high temperatures and extremely low humidity, even the ornament made with ocher was preserved on the skin of the corpses. The mummies have not lost their human features, and, according to the archaeologist, one can guess their social belonging: they look not just like dried up corpses, but like wealthy warriors, merchants, artisans, peasants … They are wearing clothes made of fabrics woven from dyed woolen threads of blue, brown and green colors.

Checkered and diagonal patterns on fabrics are of the North European type, the archaeologist explains. - Together with the deceased, they put everything that a person needed in everyday life: pots, combs, needles, buckles and hairpins made of wood and bone, as well as whole loaves of bread and bundles of herbs. Weapons are rarely found in graves.


How did the blonde outsiders end up in remote areas of Asia? Where did they go then? Ancient Chinese manuscripts of the 2nd century BC report about tall aliens with deep-set blue or green eyes, long noses, thick beards and red or blond hair. The mummies prove that there is nothing fantastic in these descriptions. And the growth of the mummies also matches the descriptions: there was even one male, two meters tall, The 1st century AD rock carvings in caves in northwestern China represent red-haired horsemen who, judging by their appearance, may well have been neighbors or relatives of the mummified corpses of the Tarim Valley.

Mummy specialist Victor Mayr of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia is convinced that the advance of Indo-European nomads to the East began from the steppes of the northern Black Sea region. On the territory of modern southern Ukraine, about 4000 years BC. people have already learned to bridle horses. The oldest remains of horse-drawn carriages are about 3000 years old. Wooden disc wheels were also found in the graves where Tochars' mummies lay.

Judging by the finds in the burial mounds, these peoples really led a sedentary lifestyle. The nomads left behind practically nothing but burials. However, these tribes used the mounds for several centuries. This was their only anchor in the vast expanse of the steppes, and therefore the contents of the mound can say a lot about the tribe that buried their high-ranking dead in it. In several mounds on the territory of Kazakhstan, women of clearly very high social status were buried. In their graves, scientists found a large number of jewelry, which is typical of female burials and, oddly enough, swords!

"For these nomads, women probably belonged to power and property, they played the main role in rituals, hunting and fighting," the American Davis Kimbell, who led four archaeological expeditions in the Pokrovka region, on the Russian-Kazakh border, came to this conclusion. Together with her Russian colleagues, she examined 50 burials of the Sarmatian nomads, who in the 7th-111th centuries BC. lived in the steppes between the Don and the South Urals. Perhaps these courageous Sarmatian women were the legendary Amazons?

Around 450 BC the Greek historian Herodotus traveled to distant lands north of the Black Sea and later transmitted the story he heard there about the warlike horsemen, whom he called the Amazons. Compatriots-Greeks added to his story many more fictional details and gladly portrayed the Amazons in literary works, on bas-reliefs and mosaics.

… Six years ago, in the north of Mongolia, French archaeologists began excavations in the necropolis, which has several hundred burials. Their age is reached from 2000 BC. before the appearance of Genghis Khan in the 12th century A. D. During the excavations, scientists found a lot of interesting things, including a golden diadem and two monuments of the Bronze Age.

It was the interest of the Mongolian people to their roots that opened for Western archaeologists in the early 90s the opportunity to begin excavations on the territory of the Mongolian republic. Among other finds, archaeologists have discovered a burial of the 17th century BC. They were huge stones in a circle. The director of the archaeological expedition said that they were not able to establish exactly what kind of civilization existed here, but one thing is clear: it had close ties with the Scythians from the north.

Two interesting astronomical monuments have been found during the excavations of the last two years. At first they were mistaken for simple graves, but then it turned out that there was nothing under them. Later, scientists realized that these were astronomical devices. One of them was intended to determine the cardinal points, as well as to determine the summer solstice. The other had to do with the rising of the moon.

And, finally, the "pearl" among the finds, according to archaeologists, has become a diadem of gold, silver and coral, belonging to one of the local ethnic groups. Scientists claim that this diadem is of great historical value. This year, scientists will finish excavating 22 more burials in the necropolis. They really hope to get permission from the Mongolian authorities to start work next year in another necropolis …
