Power 2024, May

Even writers-historians are now being dragged to court for the word "Jews" in Russia

Even writers-historians are now being dragged to court for the word "Jews" in Russia

In modern Russia, the word "Jew" has become "the profanity of the Russian language", and after the 1917 revolution, Russian people were simply shot for saying this word out loud

Is it forbidden to criticize ethnic criminal groups in Russia ?

Is it forbidden to criticize ethnic criminal groups in Russia ?

If there are ethnic criminal groups in Russia

Restoration of meanings. What is money? part 6

Restoration of meanings. What is money? part 6

This part examines what happens to the surplus of produced products and how they are redistributed under the capitalist system

Restoration of meanings. What is money? part 5

Restoration of meanings. What is money? part 5

In his work "Capital" Karl Marx argued that workers produce "surplus value", the appropriation of which is the main goal of the capitalist. But profit can arise only in the process of the final sale and purchase of goods. What, then, do the workers produce? Let's look at this issue

Restoration of meanings. What is money? part 4

Restoration of meanings. What is money? part 4

Modern money is a means of accounting for the rights to receive goods. Therefore, when you do not have enough goods in your economy, this can lead to very serious consequences, for example, such as the destruction of the USSR

Restoration of meanings. What is money? part 2

Restoration of meanings. What is money? part 2

In our world, not only the history of our civilization is distorted, but also many other knowledge about the world around us. This is especially true in the field of economics and finance

Restoration of meanings. What is money? part 3

Restoration of meanings. What is money? part 3

This part examines in detail how tribute is collected from the colonial countries through the international financial system

Runit Dome - US hidden radioactive debris in the Pacific Ocean

Runit Dome - US hidden radioactive debris in the Pacific Ocean

There is a time bomb in the Pacific Ocean. A huge concrete dome filled with plutonium from US nuclear testing threatens the Pacific Ocean. And now it is bursting at the seams

Nuclear surface fleet: the largest strike cruisers in the world

Nuclear surface fleet: the largest strike cruisers in the world

A record displacement of 25 thousand tons, a nuclear power plant, the most powerful missile and artillery weapons - exactly 30 years ago, on April 29, 1989, the last of the four Orlan project heavy nuclear cruisers was launched. Today, the Russian Navy has two such ships. For what purposes they were built and what awaits this project in the future - in the material of RIA Novosti

Former CIA Officer Philip Giraldi on the Jewish Lobby in the United States

Former CIA Officer Philip Giraldi on the Jewish Lobby in the United States

Exposing Zionist Power in America Has Real Implications

Judaism in Russia

Judaism in Russia

In the USSR, Hasidism was banned. Under Yeltsin, the official leaders of the Jewish community in the Russian Federation were the oligarch Gusinsky and Rabbi Adolf Shaevich, both adherents of traditional Judaism. And only with the coming of Putin in 1999, Boroda and Lazar came to the fore. Never before have the Hasidim held such a high position in Russia

Is the statement true: "Judicial means Jewish" ?

Is the statement true: "Judicial means Jewish" ?

Did you know that translated from English Judas goat, which means "goat-provocateur"

Third wave. A lesson everyone should learn

Third wave. A lesson everyone should learn

Ron Jones taught history at a high school in California. While studying World War II, one of the schoolchildren asked Jones how ordinary people in Germany could pretend not to know anything about the concentration camps and mass extermination of people in their country

How to protect yourself from traitors in power and not ruin the Fatherland?

How to protect yourself from traitors in power and not ruin the Fatherland?

Social experiment to create a self-made institute of self-government

Five examples of popular self-government around the world

Five examples of popular self-government around the world

Many people today like to talk about cooperatives, self-organization and self-government, but it is often difficult to give specific examples. Below is a selection of 4 examples of how similar ideas were implemented in different parts of the world

Direct Democracy in Russian, in conscience - the future of Russia

Direct Democracy in Russian, in conscience - the future of Russia

Russia will have to create new bodies of local self-government on the ruins of the Soviets. Just as any living organism consists of cells, so the state cannot fully function without self-governing territorial communities on which it, the state, is based

Network parliament instead of the State Duma

Network parliament instead of the State Duma

You should immediately clearly identify the topic. Questioning the expediency of the existence of the State Duma in its current form, the authors in no way deny the need for the organs of democracy as such

Digging law and Cossack self-government

Digging law and Cossack self-government

Once upon a time there was COPNE RIGHT throughout all of Russia, but gradually the powers that be changed it, brought it into line with Western norms

Roman law - a concise vocabulary for slaves

Roman law - a concise vocabulary for slaves

Many have heard that the legislation of most states, including Russia, is based on the so-called "Roman law". But what is actually hidden behind this concept? And what is the difference between a person and a citizen, spelled out in the Constitution of the Russian Federation?

Criminal nationality - the problem of Russia and Germany

Criminal nationality - the problem of Russia and Germany

Chechen parliamentarians introduced a bill banning mentioning the nationality of terrorists

Ultra-religious Israel on the path of self-destruction

Ultra-religious Israel on the path of self-destruction

The upcoming Israeli elections to the Knesset may accelerate the ongoing process of self-destruction of the State of Israel in recent years and even formalize it. Constantly increasing due to high natural growth

RF is not able to pay debts on deposits of Sberbank of the USSR

RF is not able to pay debts on deposits of Sberbank of the USSR

The State Duma again extended the moratorium on full payment of compensation to Sberbank depositors whose funds were destroyed by the hyperinflation of the 1990s

They will no longer be imprisoned for reposts, and Russians can now not believe the scammers talking about the "Holocaust of 6 million Jews"

They will no longer be imprisoned for reposts, and Russians can now not believe the scammers talking about the "Holocaust of 6 million Jews"

Putin's interference in the work of the judiciary and legislative authorities is an egregious case for Russia, because both branches of government have been removed from direct subordination to the President of Russia, they are in fact independent. However, the reason for such interference of Putin in judicial affairs was appropriate

The last word of Roman Yushkov, after which the jury acquitted him

The last word of Roman Yushkov, after which the jury acquitted him

During the last court hearing in the "Holocaust denial" case, the mental pressure of judge Oleg Akhmatov on the defendant and on the jury themselves was so high and completely unbecoming for a judge that the jury, perhaps for this reason alone, acquitted the defendant Roman Yushkov

How Uruguay's poorest president lifted the country from its knees

How Uruguay's poorest president lifted the country from its knees

This is how real getting up from your knees looks like, not propaganda

Officials of Yekaterinburg pay half a lemme to themselves bonuses

Officials of Yekaterinburg pay half a lemme to themselves bonuses

As one would expect, following the loud statements about “macaroshkas” and “you were not asked to give birth,” the deputies

Security officer on how the FSB and the Central Bank cashed trillions

Security officer on how the FSB and the Central Bank cashed trillions

Who helps budget embezzlers and criminal structures to launder money within the country and abroad? The answer to this question was given to PASMI by an ex-KGB officer, chief of operational work of a special "banking group" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This structure was created on behalf of the President to eliminate the illegal market for cashing money, through which trillions of rubles pass

Why you need to prepare for a big war. Part 5

Why you need to prepare for a big war. Part 5

What is happening now in Ukraine is the beginning of a great world war, although most of the official commentators, "analysts" and the media are making a lot of efforts to convince everyone otherwise. This war will be long and merciless. Why this will be so, I will try to explain in this article

Deep State in Russia - Reality or Utopia?

Deep State in Russia - Reality or Utopia?

The deep state is the political core of the ruling class that has developed historically in a particular state. The defining criterion here is the nature of the political system. The Russian imperial project is a historical inevitability, which means that a Russian deep state is inevitable. Its founding fathers are now working at their best, and the fruits of these labors will be seen in a new generation of politicians

Officials massively fail coronavirus tests

Officials massively fail coronavirus tests

For two months of the epidemic in Russia, they learned to massively and quickly test for a new infection. But even earlier, the epidemic itself turned into a harsh and merciless test for everyone. A total check in which the sample is all 147 million inhabitants of the largest country in the world

Single data ledger - undercover surveillance

Single data ledger - undercover surveillance

On May 21, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted in the third, final reading the law on the creation of a unified federal information register containing data on the population of Russia

Secret SBU prison found at Mariupol airport

Secret SBU prison found at Mariupol airport

RIA Novosti has found new documentary evidence of the existence of a secret Ukrainian prison at the Mariupol airport. According to known information, it belonged to the "Azov" battalion under the secret patronage of the Security Service of Ukraine. Details of the prison have been compiled in an investigation that will be published in several parts

Land ownership and state of Vladimir Zelensky

Land ownership and state of Vladimir Zelensky

At the moment, Vladimir Zelensky is the most talked about person on the political Olympus. An unexpected turn in the life of a famous showman, which brought him to the presidency of Ukraine, became news number one; as a result, not so much social and political activities are of interest to the inhabitants as their personal life, finances and real estate

Colonel General implicated in billions of dollars in corruption deals

Colonel General implicated in billions of dollars in corruption deals

The detention of a military leader of such a high rank as the deputy chief of the General Staff was carried out at the appropriate level. Khalil Arslanov was "taken" by the FSB military counterintelligence officers. The general is charged with a fraud in the amount of 6.7 billion rubles. Was he alone in this criminal scheme? Or is it just the top of the "military mafia", which is as invincible as the entire Russian army?

It touches to tears: Kudrin decided to feel sorry for the poor

It touches to tears: Kudrin decided to feel sorry for the poor

The head of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, Alexei Kudrin, as a person in power, was saddened by the fate of the poor in Russia, noting in one of his last interviews that our model of the state is bad, since people in it are primitively fighting for survival. They say that in a country where the population is 142 million people, as many as 20 million live below the poverty line. This is unacceptable for Russia, Kudrin believes, and the number of the poor should be reduced by at least 40%

The Governor and his Family became the Masters of the region. But tripped over the little prosecutor

The Governor and his Family became the Masters of the region. But tripped over the little prosecutor

Columnist "KP" Vladimir Vorsobin - about a story that could have happened in any region and republic of the country. And in many - it happens. Therefore, everyone will surely see

How could the new power system work without Putin?

How could the new power system work without Putin?

The amendments to the Constitution initiated by Vladimir Putin are being analyzed by many in terms of how it will help him personally manage political processes in the country after the expiration of his last presidential term. But how could the new system work without Putin?

Why are we feeding someone else's science under the sanctions?

Why are we feeding someone else's science under the sanctions?

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 682 dated May 15, 2018, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation carries out the functions of developing and implementing state policy and legal regulation in the following areas: higher education; scientific, scientific, technical and innovative activities, nanotechnology; etc

Yeltsin's pro-Western constitution will be amended

Yeltsin's pro-Western constitution will be amended

The Constitutional Committee of the Federation Council sent to the State Duma an opinion on the draft law on an amendment to the Constitution, the senators supported the document. We analyze what will change in the main document of the country, given that the experts of Constantinople have repeatedly stated that the ex-President of Russia Boris Yeltsin created the Constitution of the Russian Federation under the dictates of the West

Who was Hitler's main sponsor and created the Third Reich?

Who was Hitler's main sponsor and created the Third Reich?

Who actually financed Hitler's rise to power? Historians still do not agree on this point: some believe that the Nazis were secretly kept by the German Reichswehr, who cherished the dream of revenge after the defeat in World War I, others argue that the main sponsors of the Fuhrer were German industrialists