Chronicles of the past 2024, September

European antiquity is not old at all

European antiquity is not old at all

Historical science has turned everything upside down: ancient structures are declared a remake or simply hushed up, and remakes are persistently presented as antiquity. For example, Cologne Cathedral was built not in the 16th, but in the 19th century

Where did the gypsies come from: the mystery of a nomadic people

Where did the gypsies come from: the mystery of a nomadic people

The origins of the Roma are shrouded in legends, and history is full of examples of discrimination and genocide

Brothels of the Third Reich and the children of the occupation

Brothels of the Third Reich and the children of the occupation

November 1944. The Red Army liberated the USSR from the Wehrmacht. The invaders were driven out forever. But the descendants of the invaders remained - and became Soviet children

The USSR tried to move the Earth using atomic engines

The USSR tried to move the Earth using atomic engines

In the early 1950s, on a wave of euphoria from the "domestication of the atom", the famous Soviet scientist general, an admirer of Tsiolkovsky's ideas, Georgy Pokrovsky, figured out how to improve life on Earth. He proposed to install nuclear power plants at the South Pole or at the equator, which would knock our planet out of orbit and send it into free flight

Cylindrical houses: who and why lived in them in the USSR

Cylindrical houses: who and why lived in them in the USSR

A cistern house - a construction from the area of "inexplicable, but true", something unreal and fantastic. Or, if you look at it more simply, then an option for a person without a fixed abode. In reality, this is a fully equipped and comfortable dwelling, called the CUB. Cylindrical unified blocks were originally intended for human habitation

Unsinkable history: priceless relics of the Titanic

Unsinkable history: priceless relics of the Titanic

The tragedy that took place on the night of April 14-15 more than a hundred years ago struck everyone to the core. A lot of time has passed since then, but people continue to discuss the details of the terrible incident and revise the famous film, which has become one of the most profitable in the history of world cinema

Mandatory bans for citizens of the USSR while traveling abroad

Mandatory bans for citizens of the USSR while traveling abroad

Due to the latest events in the world, many were in isolation for several months. That is, traveling abroad was inaccessible. But for most people in the USSR, it was generally inaccessible. Well, those who were lucky enough to get a chance to get behind the "Iron Curtain" had to deal with some prohibitions

Cossack special forces: Plastuns

Cossack special forces: Plastuns

Plastuns or Cossack special forces for several centuries were a worthy defense of the Russian lands. They were a real threat to all enemies of the state for several centuries. Great military leaders admired their courage, skill, ingenuity and endurance. Why were the Turks, Circassians, Tatars and even European armies so afraid of the scouts?

Three curious incidents during World War II

Three curious incidents during World War II

World War II is the last topic in the world associated with funny incidents. Nevertheless, even in the darkest periods of human history, things happen that are frankly strange and, in a sense, funny

Levittown: wireframe "Khrushchev" in American style

Levittown: wireframe "Khrushchev" in American style

This article is about the city of the American Dream - Levittown. A city that was built from frame houses using American technology. The cheapest frame houses

"Women's Day" as a pretext for the beginning of the revolution

"Women's Day" as a pretext for the beginning of the revolution

The beginning of the February Revolution coincided with the celebration of International Women's Day: women played an important role in the revolutionary coup

How to execute an entire country

How to execute an entire country

450 years ago, on February 16, 1568, the Spanish Inquisition sentenced an entire country to death - it was the Netherlands. A cruel but senseless decision was included in the list of historical curiosities: how did they imagine it ?! However, it would be wrong to consider the Inquisition a kingdom of absurd arbitrariness based on a desire to quickly send everyone to the stake

TOP 5 worst years in human history

TOP 5 worst years in human history

Time magazine called the past 2020 the worst year in human history. Many of us will probably agree with this assessment - in any case, opinion polls confirm this

There were Russians - now there are Ukrainians. The violent history of Ukrainization

There were Russians - now there are Ukrainians. The violent history of Ukrainization

The Bolsheviks, who came to power in 1917 on the ruins of the Russian Empire, immediately took the national question under their special control. Following the new ideological formula, according to which tsarist Russia is a prison of peoples, and the Russian people is an oppressor people, the communist leaders began to build a state of workers and peasants on the foundation of a new national policy

The history of anesthesia from antiquity to the present day

The history of anesthesia from antiquity to the present day

Medicine changed a lot with the advent of general anesthesia in the 19th century. But how did doctors manage without anesthetics? It is known that in the II century, the Chinese surgeon Hua Tuo was the first to use anesthesia during operations, using a mixture of wine and some herbs, as well as acupuncture. What other methods of pain relief have existed in the past?

Medieval Medicine: A History of the Study of Blood

Medieval Medicine: A History of the Study of Blood

Why did our ancestors bleed each other with liters and how were they treated for anemia? What does a realistic portrayal of Christ's wounds have to do with Jewish pogroms? How did the first blood transfusion experiments end? And what did the author of the novel "Dracula" rely on? We talk about how people's ideas and knowledge about blood were formed

How King David was remembered

How King David was remembered

Talking recently with my son, I once again thought that you will stay in the future only in the form in which your own son will present you. That is, what your son tells about you will be true

Old Russian cities that were deliberately flooded

Old Russian cities that were deliberately flooded

There are many interesting pages in Russian history. One of them is the fate of cities that no longer exist. And although the reasons for the disappearance from can be very different, perhaps one of the most interesting is the history of those settlements that, as strange as it may sound, ended up at the bottom

Why did the Nazis harbor illusions that they would defeat the USSR in 2 months?

Why did the Nazis harbor illusions that they would defeat the USSR in 2 months?

The Second World War became the largest armed conflict, the most dramatic and darkest page in human history. It is generally accepted that the epochal conflict, which, in fact, became a continuation of the First World War, began on September 1, 1939. The most important stage of the Second World War began on June 22, 1941, when Germany launched a treacherous attack on the Soviet Union. The Nazis hoped that they could crush the country of the Soviets in just 2 months

Gas tanks - the purpose of the Wehrmacht metal cylinders

Gas tanks - the purpose of the Wehrmacht metal cylinders

Anyone who has watched old films about the war or seen documentary photographs must have paid attention to the fact that the German soldiers have a mysterious corrugated metal cylinder hanging on their belt or on a belt over their shoulder. It's time to figure out what it was needed for and how it was used by the Wehrmacht soldiers

Declassified Report: Hitler's Traces and Why Smersh Didn't Take Him Alive

Declassified Report: Hitler's Traces and Why Smersh Didn't Take Him Alive

The Russian military-historical society declassified the report of Marshal Zhukov to Stalin, how they were looking for traces of Hitler in the defeated Berlin. And why didn't Smersh take him alive

PR people of the Wehrmacht - organization of propaganda troops

PR people of the Wehrmacht - organization of propaganda troops

This article will not talk about Russian liberals or neovlasovites

Why England and France acted in the interests of Hitler and the United States

Why England and France acted in the interests of Hitler and the United States

"Crusade" of the West against Russia. The behavior of England and France before and at the outbreak of World War II is difficult to explain. It seems that the British and French are mad. They did literally everything to make their countries commit suicide in the interests of Hitler and the United States

Unique buildings of the Nazis. Bomb shelters in the form of a giant tower

Unique buildings of the Nazis. Bomb shelters in the form of a giant tower

Until now, on the territory of Germany, you can see strange structures left after the Second World War, which have no analogues either in the USSR or in any other country

US Fed and Bank of England financed Hitler for World War

US Fed and Bank of England financed Hitler for World War

70 years ago, the greatest massacre in history was launched, funded by the US Federal Reserve and the Bank of England

Photo report of the famous Tibetan SS expedition

Photo report of the famous Tibetan SS expedition

Thanks to the cooperation of wikimedia and the German State Archives, all 1,773 photographs brought by Ernst Schaefer from the famous expedition to Tibet in 1938-39 have been made available to the public. Here are some of them

Russian officer on the martial arts of China in the 19th century

Russian officer on the martial arts of China in the 19th century

In the 19th century, when the Europeans began to actively explore China, there was practically no reason to talk about the presence of a certain system of military-sports education in the European armies: even fencing on bayonets began to develop in the European infantry only in the first half of the 19th century, and the first gymnastic systems of exercises for soldiers began to be introduced at the same time

Blitzkrieg and the drug "Pervitin". The Third Reich did not sleep for two days

Blitzkrieg and the drug "Pervitin". The Third Reich did not sleep for two days

In 1939, the Nazis made an unprecedented move: they were able to occupy Poland in less than a month. In many ways, they succeeded thanks to a well-developed attack scheme. However, just a deliberate offensive was not enough. The Germans had another weapon that kept the soldiers awake for several days. Only it turned out to be as destructive as it is effective

Little Known Facts About Ancient Roman Gladiators

Little Known Facts About Ancient Roman Gladiators

Did you know that gladiator fights and sumo martial arts have a common cause, what role was assigned to women in battles, and how the people used the sweat and blood of gladiators? In this article, you will learn little-known facts about one of the most popular ancient spectacles

How a flying submarine was developed in the USSR

How a flying submarine was developed in the USSR

Since the requirements for a submarine are practically the opposite of those for a perfect aircraft - the detailed study of the project of such a vehicle was truly revolutionary

From Czechoslovakia in a Hot Air Balloon: A Family Escape Story

From Czechoslovakia in a Hot Air Balloon: A Family Escape Story

He was banned from performing in international competitions and ruined his sports career. And then the Slovak decided to flee the country with his wife and children … in a balloon

What were playgrounds like 100 years ago

What were playgrounds like 100 years ago

Initially, it was thought that playgrounds would help children develop social skills and manners, as well as strengthen physically. Agree, a good goal. However, I think that few of you would agree today to let your son or daughter go to such a playground

According to the laws of wartime physics: how they fought on the front of science

According to the laws of wartime physics: how they fought on the front of science

On April 12, 1943, the famous Laboratory No. 2 began its work in the USSR, the scientists of which participated in the fight against the enemy who came to our land on a par with the soldiers of the Red Army. On account of these selfless people - the creation of armor technology for Soviet tanks, mine protection of ships of the Navy and military equipment, the first radar reconnaissance systems to protect the skies of Moscow and Leningrad

"Cable of Life": How Female Divers Conducted Electricity to Leningrad

"Cable of Life": How Female Divers Conducted Electricity to Leningrad

The siege of Leningrad was one of the most dramatic episodes of the Second World War. For three years the city turned into an impregnable fortress, which did not surrender under enemy fire, enemy propaganda, and raging hunger. The feat of Leningraders should live for centuries, but we should not forget about all those who made incredible efforts to prevent the city from falling before the enemy, including sailors, divers and engineers who worked on the "Cable of Life"

"Exchange", or the second wonder of the World?

"Exchange", or the second wonder of the World?

Terabytes of articles have already been written about the masterpieces of "Petersburg" architecture, and several weeks of continuous video viewing have been filmed. The Hermitage, Montferrand's Column, Kazan and St. Isaac's Cathedrals have already been examined under a microscope. But there is one very mysterious building on the Spit of Vasilievsky Island, which has not yet attracted close attention of researchers. This is the so-called stock exchange building. But in vain it did not attract

The transportation of the Thunder Stone is a massive falsification. Proven

The transportation of the Thunder Stone is a massive falsification. Proven

This will be the final article on the topic of Thunder Stone. For there is no more sense in any controversy. Unambiguously and definitively - the whole story with the transportation of the Thunder Stone in the version as we know it is a blatant falsification. This is the answer to all those who adhere to the official historical legend. But first things first

How did slaves live in ancient Rome?

How did slaves live in ancient Rome?

Without the slave, his work and skill, life in ancient Italy would have come to a standstill. The slave works in agriculture and in craft workshops, he is an actor and gladiator, teacher, doctor, secretary of the master and his assistant in literary and scientific work. As these occupations are varied, so are the way of life and life of these people; it would be a mistake to represent the slave mass as something single and uniform

Pompeii, the history of the city from foundation to death

Pompeii, the history of the city from foundation to death

Already the ancients expressed different opinions about the origin of the name Pompeii. Some led him to a triumphal procession

Power and wealth: the most luxurious palaces in Europe

Power and wealth: the most luxurious palaces in Europe

Many rulers sought to immortalize the years of their reign in gold and marble. Sculptures, portraits and, of course, personal residences are not only the satisfaction of ambitions, but also a demonstration of power. Only some opened the doors of luxurious apartments for philosophers and artists, while others hid from the world with a handful of courtiers