Chronicles of the past 2024, September

Lands and Gold: How the United States Expanded Its Borders in the Creek War in the 19th Century

Lands and Gold: How the United States Expanded Its Borders in the Creek War in the 19th Century

205 years ago, the Creek War between the United States and a group of Creek Indians known as the Red Sticks ended with the signing of a peace treaty at Fort Jackson. The Americans defeated the part of this people disloyal to the whites and annexed about 85 thousand square meters. km of Indian territory

The mystery of the death of "Terrorist number one" Osama bin Laden

The mystery of the death of "Terrorist number one" Osama bin Laden

Eight years ago, on May 2, 2011, the US authorities announced that "terrorist number one" Osama bin Laden had been killed that day

Pilot equipment, what is a silk scarf for?

Pilot equipment, what is a silk scarf for?

Since the advent of aviation, the pilot of an airplane has been and remains one of the most romantic professions. At the dawn of the 20th century, aviators were generally perceived in society as real heroes. Plus, they were some of the most eligible suitors ever! At that time, a white silk scarf became one of the most important elements of the romantic image of the pilot

Sources for the conquest of Kazan

Sources for the conquest of Kazan

The capture of Kazan became the most famous military campaign of the first half of the reign of Ivan IV. This event became the personification of a new era in the history of Russia, the era of active conquest campaigns on the eastern borders. The fall of the khanate was given great attention in the annals and chronicles

A special people of Mongolia - Khotons

A special people of Mongolia - Khotons

Among the peoples of the Mongolian nationality there is an ethnic group of people distinguished by their origin and culture. These are khotons. From the mouths of the khotons themselves and other documentary sources, the origin of the khotons has several options

Story about the "monk" Peresvet. Or how did the church cling to the Russian feat

Story about the "monk" Peresvet. Or how did the church cling to the Russian feat

Orthodox publicists love to remember the Kulikovo field. And if at this moment such a publicist denounces villains - "neo-pagans", then he will not fail to notice - they say, here it is, Mother Orthodox Russia, blessed for the battle by St. Sergius of Radonezh, with the monk Peresvet in front

General de Gaulle against the US Federal Reserve

General de Gaulle against the US Federal Reserve

When people talk about the collapse of the Bretton Woods system of international monetary settlements, they always remember the President of France, General de Gaulle. It was he who is believed to have dealt the most devastating blow to this system

Russian Cossacks in the service of the Chinese emperor

Russian Cossacks in the service of the Chinese emperor

They were considered some of the best warriors in the Qing empire, and their descendants still live in modern-day China

Gazyr or why do the Cossacks need breast pockets

Gazyr or why do the Cossacks need breast pockets

Special pockets on the chest were a distinctive element of the national costume of many Caucasian peoples, as well as the Cossacks. What did they store there?

Why did the Russian Cossacks wear oblong shaggy hats?

Why did the Russian Cossacks wear oblong shaggy hats?

Surely many have seen the strange furry elongated headdresses of the Russian Cossacks. At the same time, not everyone knows where the mysterious fur hat came from, what it is called and what it is needed for. In fact, with this hat, not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. It's time to learn more about one of the brightest attributes of the Russian cavalrymen

7 seditious facts about the Cossacks

7 seditious facts about the Cossacks

“We must give justice to the Cossacks, it was they who brought the success of Russia in this campaign. Cossacks are the best light troops among all existing ones. If I had them in my army, I would go through the whole world with them "- Napoleon Bonaparte

Posture education among the aristocratic class

Posture education among the aristocratic class

Posture is the facade of the soul. Perhaps there is no such underestimated health resource as a healthy posture. By adopting the correct posture, you instantly get an increase in testosterone, a decrease in cortisol, and an increase in serotonin and dopamine levels. Men look more masculine and women look more feminine. Stand in front of the mirror and straighten up easily

Cossacks and the Cossack Horde

Cossacks and the Cossack Horde

If historians try in every possible way to keep silent and even deny the existence of the Cossack people of ancient times, within the Caucasus and the Azov region, then it was considered a prohibition to say anything about the Cossacks of Central Asia. For example, Professor Vernadsky in his book: "The Experience of the History of Eurasia" dully mentions that the border guards of Turkestan were groups "like our Russian Cossacks"

Dirlewanger: Commander of the bloodiest unit in the Third Reich

Dirlewanger: Commander of the bloodiest unit in the Third Reich

The commander of the bloodiest unit of the Third Reich, SS Oberfuehrer Dirlewanger was an outstanding war criminal: his name has become synonymous with brutal violence

How Belarus was restored after the war

How Belarus was restored after the war

When at the end of July 1944 the territory of the BSSR was completely liberated by the Red Army from the invaders, the question arose at the union level about the prospects for the further development of the region. There were two options - to focus on agriculture in the development of Belarus, as it was four years ago, or to completely repurpose the republic, making it a machine-building cluster

Belarusian protesters: a history of symbolism

Belarusian protesters: a history of symbolism

Belarusian protesters and Lukashenka are flying different flags. National and Soviet symbols reflect different concepts of the country's development

Malevich! What a son of a bitch

Malevich! What a son of a bitch

From the very beginning of the story, I hasten to warn the reader that Malevich is not the author of this work. That. over what the most prominent art critics, the most common plagiarism, are puzzling over, and the study of the personality of the artist himself led to a legitimate question: why is a lie so tenacious?

The most unusual store in the USSR

The most unusual store in the USSR

"Isotopes" was the name of a specialized store in Moscow where radioactive substances were sold. And the demand for them was very high

How gladiatorial battles went from inception to decline

How gladiatorial battles went from inception to decline

The gladiators of Ancient Rome became one of the symbols of Antiquity. For several centuries, games have gone from ritual to entertainment of the townspeople

Berserker rage was reached from psychoactive substances

Berserker rage was reached from psychoactive substances

The aggressive behavior of the berserkers during combat may have caused the reception of the black henbane

How Russians saved the North Caucasus from Turkish slavery

How Russians saved the North Caucasus from Turkish slavery

Before falling into the zone of influence of the Russian Empire, the North Caucasus for centuries was the largest slave market in the world

The most famous traitors to Russia

The most famous traitors to Russia

Collaborator Andrei Vlasov brought the greatest harm to the country. With his assistance, tens of thousands of Soviet prisoners of war began to fight against their homeland on the side of the Nazis

Declassified CIA photos: USSR military equipment from American spy cameras

Declassified CIA photos: USSR military equipment from American spy cameras

The Soviet Union hid its military secrets just as closely as the United States did during the Cold War. Particular attention was paid to the conspiracy of military equipment and the latest weapons developments. In such an atmosphere, military parades were almost the only opportunity for American spies to see and photograph the latest developments of the Soviet military-industrial complex. Not so long ago, the CIA declassified part of the photos taken by its employees in the USSR

Why did Lukyanov in the USSR create a hydraulic integrator on water?

Why did Lukyanov in the USSR create a hydraulic integrator on water?

It has long been known that Soviet science was full of not only smart people, but also creative people. This trend has not spared the developers in the field of information and computing technologies. Of course, there is nothing out of the ordinary in the fact that it was in the USSR that the world's first device was invented that solved partial differential equations. Another thing is striking in this discovery: all the computational operations in this machine were carried out by … water

Adjunct Ivan Lepekhin and his point of view

Adjunct Ivan Lepekhin and his point of view

According to Ivan Lepekhin, the bones of found, not properly buried people, and the bones of elephants belong to the same time. We are primarily interested in this conclusion. He did not have the opportunity to identify the elephants they were mammoths. We now know they were mammoths

Performers of global falsification

Performers of global falsification

Sometimes, looking at frescoes, drawings, mosaics, engravings, "medieval" books, icons and other documents provided as historical materials to confirm the facts of history, it is difficult to get rid of the feeling that these are some kind of children's drawings, or drawings of novice artists. But this is not always the case

Washington shot WWI veterans in 1932

Washington shot WWI veterans in 1932

Recently, unique footage appeared, which confirmed that in the USA in 1932 in Washington, the police and the army defeated and shot with tanks the tent camp of World War I veterans

Bicycle Military Infantry: Highly Mobile Battle on Wheels

Bicycle Military Infantry: Highly Mobile Battle on Wheels

The bicycle military infantry has historically established itself as a combat-ready, highly mobile unit. The advantages of cycling formations have been appreciated by the largest armies in the world. Pedal war horses demonstrated military successes along with motors. What did the bicycle units do in the war and how they fit into the age of tanks and aviation - in our material

Anaplastology. How were prosthetic masks made for disfigured soldiers?

Anaplastology. How were prosthetic masks made for disfigured soldiers?

The First World War claimed the lives of millions of soldiers and civilians, and the medicine of that time faced a serious problem - many returned from the front with disfigured faces due to bullet wounds, burns, etc. Plastic surgery in the first half of the 20th did not yet allow performing complex operations, so prosthetic masks became the only way out for such soldiers

TOP-10 new generation guns of the CIA and KGB during the Cold War

TOP-10 new generation guns of the CIA and KGB during the Cold War

We are used to seeing Hollywood films about secret agents and their unusual devices. Of course, bulletproof umbrellas and X-ray glasses had not yet been invented, but American and Soviet spies had gadgets no worse than the famous James Bond

The crushing failure of an armored train during the Spanish Civil War

The crushing failure of an armored train during the Spanish Civil War

Armored trains were to become a formidable weapon of the Spanish militia in the Civil War. Dozens of them were made, sometimes they were converted vehicles and even tractors. However, the expected crushing victory did not come, and the armored trains turned out to be more a horror story than a real force

Popular misconceptions about the Russian Civil War

Popular misconceptions about the Russian Civil War

In the Civil War of 1918-1922, as well as in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, the question was decided whether or not to be Russia, to live or not to live for the peoples inhabiting its vast expanses

Horse archers of Alexander the Great

Horse archers of Alexander the Great

Horse archers, although they were not widely spread among the Greeks, were one of the most effective and maneuverable branches of the army in the army of Alexander the Great

8 finds shedding light on the history of Pompeii

8 finds shedding light on the history of Pompeii

How did archaeologists understand that it was Pompeii in front of them? How did a playful writing on a wall in a renovated house help change the dating of the Vesuvius eruption? And why did the ancient Romans wash clothes with urine?

Scythian Eurasian Empire

Scythian Eurasian Empire

Until recently, the civilizations of the Middle East were given too much importance. This region has long been distinguished by its high culture. But you shouldn't attribute all the achievements of mankind to him

The capital of Great Tartary is found in the Chinese Ordos. Part 4

The capital of Great Tartary is found in the Chinese Ordos. Part 4

Investigations of the location of the capital of Great Tartary, the city of Khanbalik, led me to the city and region of Ordos, located on the territory of modern Inner Mongolia, in the north of China. Relatively not far from here is the Great Wall of China, which also, according to the description of the then cartographers, stood very close to Khanbalik. It was from here, from the Katay region, that the power of the great boor spread over half the world. And if there is a place in the world that is similar in descriptions and consonance to the disappeared Shambhala, then uh

USSR helped future Nazis

USSR helped future Nazis

After the end of the First World War, the German army, once the strongest in Europe, was a pitiful sight. According to the terms of the Versailles Peace Treaty, its number was limited to 100 thousand soldiers. The Germans were forbidden to have armored troops, military aviation, submarine fleet, as well as to engage in military research and development

Where did the Turkish land come from?

Where did the Turkish land come from?

In this article I will try to put together all the facts concerning the territories at different times under the rule of the Ottoman Empire, Byzantium and Scythia, and finally put a dot on the "ı" in the question: "Where did the Turkish land come from?"

Who in the USSR was sent to uranium mines

Who in the USSR was sent to uranium mines

Surely everyone has heard that a career in a face at uranium mines does not add longevity to a person. There are even specific dark jokes on this score. Likewise, everyone has probably heard that after the start of the nuclear race between the United States and the USSR, mostly prisoners of the camps were sent to work at the uranium mines. Is it really?

Why do sailors have ribbons on their hats

Why do sailors have ribbons on their hats

The well-known headdress of sailors, the peakless cap, has one distinguishing feature - two ribbons fluttering in the wind. A familiar detail that was not always there. The history of its origin is ambiguous, but this does not make it less interesting and entertaining