Chronicles of the past 2024, September

Palimpsest - how they erased a verb and wrote Cyrillic over it

Palimpsest - how they erased a verb and wrote Cyrillic over it

Language and writing determine the peculiarity of the thinking and even the worldview of the people. Native history allows the people to be independent and independent, and to follow their own historical path

Joseph Stalin: a steam locomotive of the USSR that had no equal

Joseph Stalin: a steam locomotive of the USSR that had no equal

This locomotive is simply impossible to get around if you are at least a little interested in the history of locomotive building. At the time of construction, "Joseph Stalin" became the most powerful steam locomotive in Europe, designed to carry passengers. During its development, the latest achievements were used, competently combined with the existing developments: many parts were taken, without making major changes, from the FD series freight steam locomotives

Stalin's MEGA projects that were curtailed after his assassination

Stalin's MEGA projects that were curtailed after his assassination

In 2010, there was an active talk in our country about the need for de-Stalinization. This was also discussed in the immediate circle of the then President of the country Dmitry Medvedev. But it should be noted that this was not the first de-Stalinization. The first de-Stalinization began in March 1953

Devanagari - Old Russian language

Devanagari - Old Russian language

The state is usually built on a national idea, so the invaders are constantly working to disunite people and create new nationalities, tearing apart large states for this. And so that they do not mix back, new "empty" languages are created, for which the forces of Satan destroyed the original language and the semantic significance of its letters

7 main myths about the Great Patriotic War

7 main myths about the Great Patriotic War

Let's analyze the main false myths about the Great Patriotic War, deliberately invented or resulting from the illiterate reasoning of people who do not know or are trying to blacken the history of our country

Rare footage of the Russian Empire made by the Swede Karl Berggren

Rare footage of the Russian Empire made by the Swede Karl Berggren

Slides with views of Moscow and other regions of the empire, made by the Swedish military Karl Elof Berggren in the 1900-1910s

Myths about the Battle of the Ice

Myths about the Battle of the Ice

For many, the battle, according to the chronicles that took place on April 5, 1242, is not much different from the shots from Sergei Eisenstein's film "Alexander Nevsky". But was it really so?

Rare archival photos that will not be shown in history textbooks

Rare archival photos that will not be shown in history textbooks

Photography is the best way to capture a moment that is recorded in history. Do you love rare archival photographs as much as we do?

Military cunning in legends and history

Military cunning in legends and history

The Trojan War, according to legend, ended thanks to the cunning of the Greeks, who entered the city inside a wooden horse. Similar subjects were in the literature of the Egyptians and Persians

What the rich houses in Pompeii looked like

What the rich houses in Pompeii looked like

On February 18, 2020, the Archaeological Park of Pompeii inaugurated three new houses for visitors. But already on March 8, all museums, libraries, archives, theaters and other public cultural institutions in Italy were quarantined due to the threat of the spread of coronavirus. Now you can get to know the museum collections only on the net

Japanese castles and their siege

Japanese castles and their siege

Powerful walls, graceful towers, bloody attacks and siege tricks: all this was not only in Europe. And by the beauty of the fortresses, the Japanese can give the Europeans a head start

Morphine and coca leaves in service with the army of different countries

Morphine and coca leaves in service with the army of different countries

From time immemorial, war has been a serious test for both soldiers and commanders. Sometimes, for the successful completion of an operation or the rapid advance of troops, it was necessary to act beyond human capabilities. And then the stimulants came into play. At different times they were different, however, before the destructive effect of this "doping" was noticed, hundreds of thousands of soldiers were captured by dangerous addictions

Is Russia a Refugee Asylum?

Is Russia a Refugee Asylum?

If rivers of blood were spilled in Russia throughout its long-suffering history, then, perhaps, the Russians, saving their lives, somehow tried to escape from all the horrors? Emigrated to quieter and less violent states?

Bath: history and structure

Bath: history and structure

“Every year, on December 31, my friends and I go to the bathhouse …” The famous phrase from the equally famous film firmly connected the New Year with the bath theme, but more often our attention is focused exclusively on the Russian bath or its related Finnish sauna. But there are, as you know, options

How the Chukchi haunted Russian pioneers in Siberia

How the Chukchi haunted Russian pioneers in Siberia

The development of Siberia is one of the most interesting and unreasonably forgotten pages of Russian history. But the study of this issue sheds light on numerous problems, including those of a national nature. Today the Chukchi are only heroes, at best, ironic, and at worst, chauvinistic anecdotes

Why did women in the USSR wear hats indoors?

Why did women in the USSR wear hats indoors?

How can you sit in a restaurant wearing a warm headdress? It turns out that many people used to do this - and no one questioned it

The giants of North America, as elsewhere

The giants of North America, as elsewhere

Many peoples of the world in all parts of the world have preserved ancient legends and myths about people of gigantic stature who coexisted with ordinary people in time immemorial. North America is no exception, where the memory of the tribes of giants has been preserved in various parts of the continent

How capitalism was born and stabilized in the USSR

How capitalism was born and stabilized in the USSR

If you have ever wondered this question, then let me present you with an article by Maxim Lebsky, where you will find all the necessary answers

About Napoleon's campaign in Egypt

About Napoleon's campaign in Egypt

Napoleon Bonaparte, who became famous during the siege of Toulon and the campaign in Italy, went to Africa in 1798 to conquer Egypt

Tulip Crisis in Holland: One of the First Pyramid Schemes

Tulip Crisis in Holland: One of the First Pyramid Schemes

In the 1630s, an unusual investment frenzy swept across Holland. Tulips became the subject of grandiose speculation that ruined one of the most economically developed countries in Europe at the beginning of the 17th century

Remains of an unknown civilization discovered in India

Remains of an unknown civilization discovered in India

Thanks to modern methods of scanning the area, the possibilities of archaeological searches have increased many times over today. For example, we wrote how, among the jungles of the Yucatan Peninsula, scientists using lidar were able to find more than seventy thousand buildings of the Mayan civilization, which simply could not be done relying on the previous search tools

Questions and mysteries of the Kulikovo battle

Questions and mysteries of the Kulikovo battle

640 years ago, the largest battle of medieval Europe ended - the battle on the Kulikovo field. At the end of the 20th century, a number of historians said: it was a minor insignificant skirmish, and not at all a large-scale event that launched the formation of a single Russian state. In their opinion, there was simply no talk of any kind of struggle between Moscow and the Golden Horde in this battle: there is not enough space on the battlefield

Secrets of the closed cities of the USSR, which were not marked on the maps

Secrets of the closed cities of the USSR, which were not marked on the maps

There were many secrets in the USSR. One of them is a number of cities that cannot be found on the map. They were simply not celebrated. Moreover, they did not have their own names. Usually, for their designation, the name of another city was duplicated - the regional center, where they were located, but with the addition of a license plate. All points had the status of closed cities. The abbreviation stands for "closed administrative-territorial entity"

Cartography: From Antiquity to the Present

Cartography: From Antiquity to the Present

Despite the fact that a mistake in navigation sometimes leads to wonderful discoveries - thanks to Columbus for the hammock and pineapples - correct orientation in space using maps has always occupied an important place in human history. So let's take a look at what we know about cartography and how humanity has come a long way from murals to GPS

Ancient maps ahead of discoverers

Ancient maps ahead of discoverers

Earlier it was believed that Christopher Columbus discovered America on October 12, 1492. The navigator mistook her for India, in search of the "western route" to which his expedition set off. However, it was established that the first navigators from Europe, who appeared off the coast of America, and 500 years earlier than Columbus, were the Scandinavian Vikings from Greenland - Eirik the Red and his son Leif Eiriksso

What happened on February 23rd?

What happened on February 23rd?

February 23, declared by Stalin in 1938 as the day of the first victories of the Red Army, it would be more correct to celebrate in mid-September

How the antediluvian past of the Earth was replaced

How the antediluvian past of the Earth was replaced

The past will help us better understand the present, and the present will help us correctly assess the past

Criticism of "buried floors"

Criticism of "buried floors"

I will present to the reader only one, applicable to a large part of the "mysterious" basements, the most logical and adequate - the simplest of all "dug out" on the Internet

Thousands of years of history of the Slavs in the prism of ancient cities

Thousands of years of history of the Slavs in the prism of ancient cities

History, like any science, consists of two fundamental parts - the collection of material and its analysis. At the same time, historical science is deprived of such a form of research as a laboratory experiment in its main component - the study of the event series of certain eras

In the 13th century, people covered Prague at 7 m. The official version

In the 13th century, people covered Prague at 7 m. The official version

Not the usual official explanation for Prague's vast dungeons

TOP-10 filled cities. How did different cities of the world end up buried several meters?

TOP-10 filled cities. How did different cities of the world end up buried several meters?

People do not realize the absurdity of what is happening around only because they have been observing it from birth. Often we see architectural monuments, ancient buildings, admire their style, beauty of lines, but do not notice things that can radically change the idea of the history of the building. Such structures include houses submerged through the windows of the first and sometimes second floors into the ground

Secret corners in the Moscow metro

Secret corners in the Moscow metro

There were already classified places in the Moscow metro before his birth in 1935. The project of the second stage included the Sovetskaya station under Sovetskaya Square. between the stations "Teatralnaya"

The disappearance of the Kremlin: how the main goal of the enemy aviation was hidden during the Second World War

The disappearance of the Kremlin: how the main goal of the enemy aviation was hidden during the Second World War

Air raids are causing devastation on a colossal scale and enormous loss of life. The Great Patriotic War was no exception. However, there was one peculiarity in the work of the German aviation - they sought not only to level strategic objects and cities to the ground, but also often planned some symbolic conquests as an additional goal, for psychological pressure on the enemy. In the case of the Eastern Front, such a target was the Moscow Kremlin

Flood in Moscow in 1908 in old photos and postcards

Flood in Moscow in 1908 in old photos and postcards

Moscow was not flooded as often as St. Petersburg, and there were practically no serious destructive floods. Still, there are unique photos of streets filled with water

44 days at the edge of the abyss. How Moscow was saved from the smallpox epidemic

44 days at the edge of the abyss. How Moscow was saved from the smallpox epidemic

In 1959, exactly in the middle between the two great space achievements - the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite and the flight of Yuri Gagarin - the capital of the USSR was threatened with mass extinction as a result of an epidemic of a terrible disease. To prevent the catastrophe, all the power of the Soviet state was used

March of German prisoners of war in Moscow in 1944

March of German prisoners of war in Moscow in 1944

On July 17, 1944, the remnants of German divisions defeated in Belarus marched through the streets of Moscow. This event was supposed to instill in Soviet citizens the confidence that the enemy was already broken and a common victory was not far off

An official look at the mystery of the flooded cities of the Black Sea region

An official look at the mystery of the flooded cities of the Black Sea region

According to seismic survey and geological survey data, buried valleys of paleo rivers are traced on the Black Sea continental shelf: Dniester, Southern Bug, Dnieper, Don, Rioni and other rivers. They testify to the draining of a large part of the Black Sea in the Middle Pleistocene and the final formation in the Late Pleistocene, increasing the likelihood of the existence of Pontida - a land bridge between Crimea and Anatolia along the Andrusov shaft, now buried

How the Russians mined Chinese gold illegally

How the Russians mined Chinese gold illegally

For a whole year, the Chinese authorities did not even know that Russian gold miners had founded their own independent republic on their territory

The life and life of the Soviet rich

The life and life of the Soviet rich

So, friends - today there will be an interesting post about how the Soviet rich lived - that is, those who were considered wealthy people in the USSR. Honestly, the word "rich" can be put in quotation marks here - simply because Soviet "wealth" could not be compared with the rich life in normal developed countries - but in order not to put quotation marks every time