Chronicles of the past 2024, September

Where did the developed culture and civilization of the Etruscans disappear?

Where did the developed culture and civilization of the Etruscans disappear?

In historical circles, there is still no unequivocal opinion about where the culture and civilization of the Etruscans, developed at that time, disappeared. But historians agree that the Roman Empire emerged from its remnants. The versions in history and archeology are standard: the decline of civilization due to wars, conquests by aliens who conquered this territory, or epidemics and diseases

Why were the peasants not happy about the abolition of serfdom?

Why were the peasants not happy about the abolition of serfdom?

The abolition of serfdom in the village was met without much joy, and in some places the peasants even took up the pitchfork - they thought the landlords were deceiving them

Where did American-style settlements come from in Soviet Russia?

Where did American-style settlements come from in Soviet Russia?

Imagine the typical landscape of an American suburb or small town: two-story houses with a lawn and a backyard for a Sunday BBQ, low white fences and flat paved roads. And can you believe that such towns were in the Soviet Union, and in its most remote parts?

How did people spend their leisure time in the 18-19th century?

How did people spend their leisure time in the 18-19th century?

Entertainment of the modern era did not differ much from the leisure of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, but some bizarre innovations then appeared

Slavic patterns in Egypt

Slavic patterns in Egypt

What is special about Egyptian embroidery from the Museum of Oriental Art, University of Oxford? In Egyptian exhibits, both the structure of the composition, and the pattern-forming signs, and images are strikingly similar to the pattern of the Russian North, where it usually adorns festive ritual towels, wedding dressings on the bed, patterned belts, hem and shoulder shirts

What did the "spitters" do in Russia?

What did the "spitters" do in Russia?

In the old days in Russia there were many professions, one of such specialties can be considered "spitters". They appeared in Slavic villages and cities in pre-Christian times. At the same time, the last spitters met in a Russian village at the beginning of the 19th century. What did women with such an exotic name do?

Pinocchio prototype - disabled dwarf

Pinocchio prototype - disabled dwarf

In 2001, a group of American archaeologists conducting excavations in Florence, passing by the church cemetery, discovered the burial of a certain Lorenzini. On the tombstone it was indicated that he was known under the pseudonym Carlo Collodi and that he was the author of the world famous fairy tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio". Having stood in sorrow at the grave of the writer, the archaeologists continued on their way. But suddenly, one of the scientists called out to the others: Look, what a funny coincidence, very close to the ashes of Collodi rests Pink



The round dance is the most ancient ritual dance that embodies the principle of eternal rotation. In the Slavic culture, it also has the name "salting"

Burial in the ground - a Western custom introduced during the time of Peter I

Burial in the ground - a Western custom introduced during the time of Peter I

For many years engaged in the inventory of cemeteries in Russia, I have the largest database in the country CKORBIM.COM and a clear idea that there are three-hundred-year-old cemeteries only in St. Petersburg, and in general, our graveyards are no more than 200 years old. But then human bones will lie for a thousand years, if people are buried in some places for decades. And how is this to be understood?

To the shovel and to the oven! Slavic ceremony of baking babies

To the shovel and to the oven! Slavic ceremony of baking babies

Remember the evil Baba Yaga, who put Ivanushka on a shovel and sent him to the oven? In fact, this is an echo of the ancient rite of "baking a child", which, despite its antiquity, was very tenacious and in other places remained until the 20th century, or even longer

Slavic holidays of May - new life

Slavic holidays of May - new life

To rejoice in a new life that blooms on the verge of spring and summer, and to spend death outside the world of the living - this is the main essence of the May holidays of the ancient Slavs

Music and entertainment of a medieval man

Music and entertainment of a medieval man

The German theologian, the brightest representative of the late medieval society, Martin Luther once said: "He who does not love wine, women and songs, will die a fool!" The society of Old Europe is skillfully entertained

Scythians are Rus

Scythians are Rus

All over the territory of Russia and even beyond its borders are full of ancient Scythian burial mounds, fortified settlements, and even the remains of metallurgical production, confirming that not all Scythians led a nomadic lifestyle. And, of course, for the production of the same weapons and armor, it was necessary to have a developed metallurgy. This fact is confirmed by the numerous Scythian metal household items made in a highly artistic "animal" style

Nelson Mandela - a folk hero, a "prisoner of conscience" or a terrorist and racist?

Nelson Mandela - a folk hero, a "prisoner of conscience" or a terrorist and racist?

On July 18, 1918, a statesman and politician of the Republic of South Africa was born

Legal traditions of the Slavs: Dump and Veche law

Legal traditions of the Slavs: Dump and Veche law

Any sane person will agree that the current parasitic system of popular fooling must be changed. How to do this technically is another matter. Now we know one thing - the Russian people need to return direct democracy

Blue eyed pharaohs

Blue eyed pharaohs

The eyes of Egyptian statues are a rather intriguing mystery. Most are interested in the secret of making them from small fragments of rock crystal. But the point is not in technology, but in the fact that the genetics of the ruling elite of Egypt was very different from the genetics of the indigenous population

Sulakadzev: The History of the Forger of All Russia

Sulakadzev: The History of the Forger of All Russia

The first balloon flight was made by a Russian, and the Valaam Monastery was founded by the Apostle Andrew. These "historical facts" were invented by one bibliophile 200 years ago

The dark side of the Vikings

The dark side of the Vikings

The author of the article in Stern was deeply impressed by the fact that the Vikings were engaged in the slave trade and themselves used the labor of slaves, and, unlike the Romans, they considered them to be of the lowest class. He urges to stop idealizing medieval Scandinavians, relying on TV shows such as the sensational "Vikings"

Film and theater actor: Modern cinema corrupts women

Film and theater actor: Modern cinema corrupts women

I would like to bring to the attention of my readers an interview with Georgy Zhzhonov 15 years ago

Romance and love in a Soviet way, or how young people used to meet and go on dates

Romance and love in a Soviet way, or how young people used to meet and go on dates

As in our time, Soviet citizens also faced an important problem - to find among the population of a huge country their destiny, a soul mate. And if now there are social networks and various dating sites on which people correspond, communicate, make an appointment, then in the USSR there was nothing like this. Therefore, our grandparents, mothers and fathers had to exert much more strength

Degeneration of the Habsburg dynasty due to related incest

Degeneration of the Habsburg dynasty due to related incest

The degeneration of the Habsburg dynasty, which was the most powerful family in the world, is one of the most famous cases of the consequences of closely related marriages among monarchs in history

Mythological Hospitality: Difficult Guests and Spirited Away

Mythological Hospitality: Difficult Guests and Spirited Away

Everyone intuitively understands what hospitality is. As a rule, we are attentive and helpful to those who are invited into the house: we are ready to offer them a treat and tell them the password for the wifi. And if something happens to the guest - for example, he gets hurt or drinks too much - it is the owner who will fuss around with a first-aid kit or a glass of water

How to shortcut a Jew?

How to shortcut a Jew?

Now, in this short miniature, I will prove that the Old Testament was written later than the New Testament and they need to be reversed, and even honestly admit that the Old Testament

Article about the cult practices of the Old Testament time

Article about the cult practices of the Old Testament time

The semantic content of the term "wine" in the Pentateuch of Moses based on the analysis of the cult practices of the Old Testament time

Unique photos of the children's colony of the NKVD

Unique photos of the children's colony of the NKVD

Photos from this album are published for the first time. Creating such albums was a very popular pastime among the NKVD officers. Photo sessions, as they would say now, of course, were staged. The photographer had to capture the happy faces of the prisoners who confidently embarked on a difficult and, at times, thorny path of correction

How young men were turned into Spartan warriors

How young men were turned into Spartan warriors

The upbringing of the children was very harsh. Most often they were killed immediately. This made them courageous and resilient. On raising children in ancient Lacedaemon

History of corporal punishment in Russia and mitigation of morals

History of corporal punishment in Russia and mitigation of morals

In Russia, there were many sayings justifying the existence of corporal punishment. And beating existed both under the despotic Peter the Great and under the "Tsar-Liberator" Alexander II. Spitzrutens, whips and rods have become firmly established in the life of a Russian person

"Bursa", "ShkID" or where our ancestors studied

"Bursa", "ShkID" or where our ancestors studied

High school is such a familiar place that it seems that it has always been the same as it is now: with spacious classrooms, a clear timetable, calls and changes. Therefore, in literature lessons, we were often perplexed by the names of institutions in which the characters of classic books studied

Is it true that in the past only women of easy virtue gave birth in maternity hospitals?

Is it true that in the past only women of easy virtue gave birth in maternity hospitals?

As medicine developed, the state sought to take control of such an important area as childbirth. How this happened in pre-revolutionary Russia, and will be discussed in this article

What could a 10-year-old girl do a century ago in Russia?

What could a 10-year-old girl do a century ago in Russia?

Our people have long said: "a small business is better than a big idleness." This principle was strictly adhered to in the upbringing of children. By the age of ten, both boys and girls in peasant families had already become an independent "economic unit" and had many responsibilities

7 examples of European cannibalism

7 examples of European cannibalism

Cannibalism has been practiced in European medicine for centuries, so it is not a modern invention introduced with Overton window technology. All this was in Europe just a few hundred years ago

Europe Better Not to Know

Europe Better Not to Know

Western values, which some now breathe about, have a long history of cannibals. Cannibalism, fornication, homosexuality, necrophilia are not a modern invention introduced with the Overton window technology. All this was in Europe just a few hundred years ago

Cannibalism of European fairy tales

Cannibalism of European fairy tales

Modern European fairy tales, known to most from books and Disney cartoons, had very unsightly originals. Famine, plague and other signs of the Dark Ages in the territory of modern France, Germany, Belgium and Holland served as the basis for the classic fairy tales popular today

Good old lady England has never been kind

Good old lady England has never been kind

The criminal legislation of England from the XI to the XIX century, went down in history, under the unspoken name - "The Bloody Code"

Another history of the Earth. Part 1d

Another history of the Earth. Part 1d

Today, many researchers of the real history of the Earth agree that quite recently a large-scale global catastrophe occurred on our planet. In my new work, I collected and analyzed the facts that prove that this disaster really was

What is the nationality of the main population of Rus?

What is the nationality of the main population of Rus?

What was the self-name of the people who lived in the vastness of the United Empire, which entered the western maps and sources under the name Great Tartary? What is the meaning of the word Rus in Russian? Who are the Slavs? Why now the people of the largest state in the world are called the adjective "Russian"?

The tale of how the horse tram replaced the horseless show jumping

The tale of how the horse tram replaced the horseless show jumping

Nikola Tesla - invented the wireless / wire transmission of electricity, or took advantage of the lost knowledge? We've all seen old photographs of trams without wires. Where did they go?

Bosnian pyramids and Tesla technologies

Bosnian pyramids and Tesla technologies

The article draws a parallel between the silence of Nikola Tesla's technologies and the Bosnian pyramids, which, despite numerous studies and confirmations, are not recognized by official science

Lost Technologies: Arc de Triomphe

Lost Technologies: Arc de Triomphe

Finally, another "wonder of the world" opened in Moscow. Thanks to the restoration of the Arc de Triomphe and the talkativeness of journalists, details of the industrial power of Russia at the beginning of the 19th century, carefully hidden for many years, became known