Chronicles of the past 2024, September

Lukomorye - where is it?

Lukomorye - where is it?

Lukomorye is one of the first place names that we recognize in life. It is not found on modern maps, but it is on the maps of the 16th century. Lukomorye is mentioned both in "The Lay of Igor's Campaign" and in Russian folklore

Ladies, Lados, Ladies

Ladies, Lados, Ladies

Traditionally, it is believed that "palms" are distorted "palms". Actually, a simple game that accompanies the nursery rhyme seems to really involve the palms, so everything is logical. However, the word "palm" in Russian is relatively young, earlier it was pronounced differently - "dolon"

Malachite Chronicle?

Malachite Chronicle?

Amazing information was published in 1970 in the magazine "Around the World". An unknown master, using the micropainting method and special technologies, captured a large-scale picture with many figures on a malachite box, and the researchers found two layers of drawings, the second was only visible under ultraviolet light

Church and Horde

Church and Horde

Another act of great importance was the issuance of a charter of immunity, or a label, for the Russian Church [1266 - K.P.]. Following the commandments of the Yasa of Genghis Khan, the predecessors of Mengu Timur did not include Russian abbots, monks, priests and sextons as “counted” during the census. Now the privileges of the clergy as a social group, including family members, were established; church and monastery land LANDS with all the people working there did not pay tax; and all

Russian kaganate. Without Khazars and Normans

Russian kaganate. Without Khazars and Normans

The problem of the origin of the ethnonym "Rus" is one of the most complicated and confusing. And largely because this name is found in the Middle Ages in various regions of Europe, clearly denoting the same thing. The Arabs, the Persians, the Franks, and the Byzantines also know the Russes. It is very difficult to determine when these peoples first became acquainted with the Rus. On the one hand, in many later works, when Kievan Rus was already widely known, and then Muscovy, in stories about the events of the IV-VIII centuries. called

How our ancestors created books

How our ancestors created books

Our ancestors treated Knowledge very carefully, seriously. Before the Christian invasion, they created books in such a way that the information recorded in them at several levels was preserved without distortion for centuries, millennia

Description of the "Tatar-Mongol yoke" in historical documents

Description of the "Tatar-Mongol yoke" in historical documents

Even in sources recognized by official history, very strange Russian Tatar-Mongols with the Grand Dukes at the head are described

Tartary on Channel One

Tartary on Channel One

Why did they give a story about Tartary on Channel One? According to the authors, the plot is timed to coincide with the 80th anniversary of the first President of Tatarstan

Scandinavia - the country of the Rus

Scandinavia - the country of the Rus

Along with numerous monuments with Slavic-Aryan symbols scattered throughout Europe, there are also monuments with runic inscriptions, aged from two to one and a half thousand years. There are especially many such monuments in Northern Europe, in Scandinavia

The ancient country of cities in the Kama region

The ancient country of cities in the Kama region

Recently, amazing evidence has been revealed about the great past of the Kama region. A large number of ancient cities and settlements, mines, remnants of metalworking complexes leave no doubt about the development of our ancestors

Fraud in geography: who and why invented Europe?

Fraud in geography: who and why invented Europe?

Where did the name "Europe" come from, and why Asia, which is widely represented on ancient maps, was artificially divided into 2 parts of the world - Europe and Asia? It turned out that this was not without the machinations of the churchmen

Secrets of the petroglyphs of ancient Armenia

Secrets of the petroglyphs of ancient Armenia

Petroglyphs of Armenia are ancient images carved on stones and rocks. Traditionally, petroglyphs are called all images on a stone from ancient times up to the Middle Ages

Slavic-Aryan myth as a distortion of the history of Russia

Slavic-Aryan myth as a distortion of the history of Russia

The Russian population of the former Soviet territories has been undergoing rapid political, economic and social changes over the past twenty years

Slavs or tartars? Who cares

Slavs or tartars? Who cares

In the camp of adherents of academic science, the voices of those who, apart from the word "tartaria" have not heard anything about it, are often heard, but have a great desire to "guide the lost sheep on the true path," unaware that in fact tartare is such a "hell for ancient Greeks ". Truly, the one who said that the clever is trying to learn, and the fool is trying to teach everyone, was right. But this is an extreme degree of obscurantism. The overwhelming majority is trying to understand the flow of information, and separate speculation from reality

When Pra-Peter drowned. Part 2

When Pra-Peter drowned. Part 2

Continuation of the 1st part

When Pra-Peter drowned. Part 1

When Pra-Peter drowned. Part 1

A large article in 7 parts with an analysis of the facts on the problems of dating the death of the city on the site of modern St. Petersburg

The battle of Stalingrad, which is not customary to talk about

The battle of Stalingrad, which is not customary to talk about

Little-known facts about the Battle of Stalingad



A review of a copy of the globe presumably at the turn of the 16th-17th centuries

We disassemble the album of Montferrand on the Alexander Column

We disassemble the album of Montferrand on the Alexander Column

This is a kind of continuation of my article in which I analyzed Montferrand's album in relation to St. Isaac's Cathedral. The essence is the same. We are looking for inconsistencies in the drawings of Auguste Montferrand. Pictures will be consistently like in the author's album

Mariinsky water system - a great artifact of antiquity

Mariinsky water system - a great artifact of antiquity

Once I saw the Onega and Staroladozhsky bypass canals, which run along the edge of the lakes and end in Shliselburg. These canals in many places are clad in granite, like the canals of St. Petersburg, there are bridges above them, locks and piers are arranged on the canals

Miracle bath, or how history is being destroyed before our very eyes

Miracle bath, or how history is being destroyed before our very eyes

We have already talked about a unique monument of Russian culture and history - Tsar Bath, located in the ruins of the Babolovsky Palace in the park of the same name. Unfortunately, this unique structure, like the park itself, is in a deplorable state

Interesting objects from seditious cards

Interesting objects from seditious cards

A small overview of interesting objects from seditious cards. This is a service that will help to make a virtual trip to the mysterious objects of the Globe, or plan a visit to those who have the opportunity and desire to go on a trip on their own

Who needs the myth of the sonicide tsar?

Who needs the myth of the sonicide tsar?

The story of Ivan the Terrible's murder of Tsarevich Ivan Ivanovich so firmly entered the public consciousness that today almost no one doubts: the Russian Tsar was really so bloodthirsty that he cruelly dealt with his own son, you can imagine how he dealt with the population

Ancient Giant Civilizations

Ancient Giant Civilizations

All over the Earth, the remains of past civilizations are found, the basis of which were people of Giant growth from 3.5 to 50 meters. Moreover, these testimonies in the form of paintings, mosaics, books and personal belongings of the Giants are in large numbers even before the middle of the 18th century

High Tech Megalithic Civilization

High Tech Megalithic Civilization

All over the World there are Megaliths - processed stone blocks, their weight exceeds hundreds, and sometimes thousands of tons, these are the remains of the High-tech Megalithic Civilization. Unified Megalithic technologies are present in Siberia, Japan, China, the Middle East and even America

The mechanism of the Global Flood of the 17th century

The mechanism of the Global Flood of the 17th century

On the maps of the 17th century, there is the Northern Continent, the legendary ancestral home of mankind, Daariya. It was the rise of this continent from the depths, and its subsequent flooding, that led to the so-called Little Ice Age, which was observed from the 12th to the 18th century, and a global catastrophe of the 17th century

Top 10 Technology Wonders of Past Civilization

Top 10 Technology Wonders of Past Civilization

Past civilizations created such Technologically Wonders that our civilization is now not only unable to repeat, but even to understand how these devices worked. The high level of technology was primarily used in the construction of the Temple complexes

Eternal Lanterns of Past Civilizations

Eternal Lanterns of Past Civilizations

All over the world there is a lot of evidence of the existence of "eternal lamps" of lighting fixtures that were used mainly in temples and tombs. Moreover, in the ancient chronicles these devices are referred to as a technology known to many that has been used since ancient times

Unique Technologies of the Sumerians

Unique Technologies of the Sumerians

The science studying the Sumerian texts has found confirmation that high technologies were used in the Middle East thousands of years ago both by the Sumerians themselves and by their gods. Some technologies, such as the control of devices with thought, teleportation or the creation of standing waves, are unknown to us today

Veto onomastics in history

Veto onomastics in history

“Know thyself” - reads the inscription of the Delphic temple. This truth is realized by everyone, and among all peoples we see the desire for a complete and comprehensive study of their present and past

Reflections on historical "battles"

Reflections on historical "battles"

The unexpected and sudden death of Paul I, on the night of March 11-12, 1801, saved England from the Russian invasion of India

The great thought of Catherine II continued

The great thought of Catherine II continued

7000 - 8000 millennia ago, it was from Turan that the dispersal of mankind across the continents began, part of the tribes went to the north - the Ural Mountains, Siberia. The evidence of this is the Orkhon - the Yenisei writing, and even traces have been left from North America

The great thought of Catherine II

The great thought of Catherine II

Who knows that Empress Catherine II devoted her royal time to science and literature, reading the works of great thinkers and people of the state. One evening in 1784, she came up with a great idea, which is very important for explaining the prehistoric fate of mankind, laying a solid foundation for a new science and refuting the faithfulness of the earliest biblical traditions.

Edge of vice

Edge of vice

But from the West a horde of a different kind was moved to us by the Viceroy of Christ, To erect a scaffold for the Russian people under the banner of the bloody cross

Confusion of French scientists

Confusion of French scientists

On this day, the Paris Academy of Sciences suffered such a strong defeat that it will not forget for a long time