Chronicles of the past 2024, September

Tsar Cannon

Tsar Cannon

The Tsar Cannon is an interesting exhibit. On the one hand, this is a sample of a giant 19th century props, on the other, one of the largest active medieval weapons. At the same time, she is a remarkable witness to the decline of artillery technology in the Middle Ages

Russia - the birthplace of pearls

Russia - the birthplace of pearls

Pearls, although a jewel, are not at all a stone. He does not live long. Thanks to this property, we can "calculate" some truthful information about the dramatic, but still great past of our earthly Civilization

Are all mammoths extinct?

Are all mammoths extinct?

There are mammoths today. They live in remote places, and people periodically meet with them. The main mystery: why does the "supreme" science not want everyone to know about it? What are they hiding from us? Maybe mammoths died out incorrectly?

Who burned down Moscow in 1812?

Who burned down Moscow in 1812?

By whose will the Moscow left to Napoleon burned? There is still no unequivocal opinion on this matter. However, traces of that fire and written eyewitness accounts give an unexpected answer that does not coincide with any official version of what happened

Atmospheric pressure and salt are evidence of a disaster

Atmospheric pressure and salt are evidence of a disaster

Who would have thought that common table salt, which we use in the kitchen every day, can provide answers to difficult questions. It turns out that global salt consumption is directly related to changes in atmospheric pressure. What does this give us in understanding the events of the past?

Who was born on Christmas Day?

Who was born on Christmas Day?

In Russia, before the victory of Judo-democracy, Christmas was celebrated very modestly and unnoticed. Only priests and strong believers organized some kind of circus with prayers and rituals, and the bulk of the population did not pay any attention to this, courageously getting out of the hangover after the New Year

Black sand

Black sand

Unusual stones with a vitrified surface were found on the sandy islands of the Kama River. The most interesting thing is that such stones cannot appear in any of the natural processes, but only as a result of nuclear explosions

Gorbachev's salary before he gave the USSR to be torn apart

Gorbachev's salary before he gave the USSR to be torn apart

What were the salaries in the country that I or we knew about then? My father, for example, working at a plant for the production of agricultural machinery, had an average salary of 180 rubles. If he stayed on overtime, he could bring in a salary of 230 rubles. In some months of shock labor, he could earn 270. He was a long-term "shock worker of communist labor" with all the letters and badges due then

Arkaim - Sintashta: axial time and axial space in the development of the Eurasian steppes

Arkaim - Sintashta: axial time and axial space in the development of the Eurasian steppes

Discovery of unique settlements and burial grounds of the 3rd - 2nd millennium BC in the Chelyabinsk Trans-Urals and adjacent regions of the Orenburg region, Bashkiria and Kazakhstan. posed a number of fundamentally new problems for researchers. Today we are ready to consider the phenomenon of steppe bronze

On the worldview of the ancient inhabitants of the "Country of Cities"

On the worldview of the ancient inhabitants of the "Country of Cities"

We talked with the head of the Arkaim expedition, Professor Gennady Borisovich Zdanovich about the worldview of the ancient inhabitants of the Country of Cities and modern archaeologists. Not without, of course, the Aryans, swastikas, mandalas, Eurasianism, geopolitics, but it turned out that you can talk about such topics

Second Ural Conference

Second Ural Conference

Announcement of the second Ural conference of seekers. Place, time and program of performances

Second Ural Conference of Seekers

Second Ural Conference of Seekers

The official announcement of the second Ural conference of seekers in Chelyabinsk from 19 to 21 October 2018

Once again about the "permafrost"

Once again about the "permafrost"

The formation of "permafrost" is controversial. Researchers put forward more and more theories of its formation, but most of them, alas, contradict the observed facts

Arkaim - "Country of cities"

Arkaim - "Country of cities"

Discovered traces of an ancient civilization that perished around 1700 - 1800 BC, it was named for its location - Arkaim. It was an ancient city of the legendary Aryan race, which is more than 40 centuries old, the age of Arkaim is equal to the age of the Egyptian pyramids of Pharaoh Cheops

The demolition of the cathedral and other events that Notre Dame has experienced since the 14th century

The demolition of the cathedral and other events that Notre Dame has experienced since the 14th century

On April 15, 2019, a fire broke out in Paris. The whole world watched as Notre Dame Cathedral burned. The building lost its spire, clock and roof. Thanks to the efforts of the firefighters, the interior of the cathedral was preserved. Not even the chairs were burned. And while the French government is discussing how best to restore the cultural heritage, and the famous French millionaire has already donated 100 million euros for this, we decided to recall how Notre Dame de Paris looked like in the 19th century and what events saw it from

Why does armor look like new in museums?

Why does armor look like new in museums?

If you study the exhibits of historical museums, it is easy to notice that almost all of them look quite presentable, without any damage, and some are generally like new. In this regard, a version appeared that the exhibition copies are a fake, made in our time

Clementinum in Prague - a treasury of medieval culture

Clementinum in Prague - a treasury of medieval culture

Prague is rightfully considered the center of science, culture and religion due to its amazing architecture, perfectly preserved to this day. Despite the rich heritage that every lane in the historical part of the city boasts, the most outstanding is the architectural ensemble Clementinum, which for many centuries has been and remains the main center of religion, education and culture

"Report from the XXI century": a forecast of the future from Soviet scientists

"Report from the XXI century": a forecast of the future from Soviet scientists

In 1957, the USSR published the book "Report from the XXI century", in which Russian scientists shared their forecasts for the future. 5 years later, an addition to the book appeared. Next, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the vision of our time by Soviet scientists employed in various industries more than 50 years ago

The Virtual Past: The History of Ancient Cave Paintings

The Virtual Past: The History of Ancient Cave Paintings

There is a place in Kuzbass where rock paintings made five or six thousand years ago have been preserved. They managed not only to be preserved, but also turned into one of the most modern interactive museums

The rich history of the sacred Slavic city of Surenzh-Art

The rich history of the sacred Slavic city of Surenzh-Art

Over the past thousand years, the Slavic peoples have lost the main positions of extremely ancient spiritual knowledge, which were the ideological basis of the process of Slav formation in the territory of Central-Eastern Europe in the 1st - 9th centuries of our era

12 seditious facts about the Slavs from Mavro Orbini

12 seditious facts about the Slavs from Mavro Orbini

The author of the encyclopedia examined all the monastic and private libraries available to him, as well as Italian archives, for example, the famous library of the Duke of Urbino, one of the greatest book collections of his time. Half a century after Orbini's death, Italy fell on hard times, and the unique library with great losses migrated to the Vatican

The secret of the Amur petroglyphs is revealed

The secret of the Amur petroglyphs is revealed

On November 12, 2014, the TV channel "Russia-1" showed the documentary television film "The Secret Code of the Amur Faces" from the cycle "Mysteries of Civilization. Russian version"

Atomic lake Chagan - an experimental project of the USSR

Atomic lake Chagan - an experimental project of the USSR

In the 60s of the last century, at the height of the Cold War between the USSR and the United States, both countries competed not only in the space sphere. As you know, this race ended with the fact that it was the Americans who landed a man on the moon. Both countries were actively testing atomic weapons

Why did Hall's English spy surrender a nuclear bomb to the USSR?

Why did Hall's English spy surrender a nuclear bomb to the USSR?

She did not receive a dime from the KGB. “I was just in love with Lenin,” she later admitted

Atomic projects of the USSR: how and why nuclear weapons were created

Atomic projects of the USSR: how and why nuclear weapons were created

Legendary writer and journalist Vladimir Gubarev, a witness and participant in the events related to the creation of the atomic bomb in the USSR, spoke in an interview with RT about the main stages in the development of the atomic project

Forbidden by Peter I, Amaranth was the food of the Gods, "denying death"

Forbidden by Peter I, Amaranth was the food of the Gods, "denying death"

The reforms of Peter I, among other things, prohibited the cultivation of amaranth and the use of amaranth bread, which was previously the main food of the Russian people, which destroyed the longevity that was then still in Russia

Exemplary overkill

Exemplary overkill

By killing civilians, the US political leadership tried to stop and intimidate the USSR

Why is the Swastika around in Asia?

Why is the Swastika around in Asia?

Today in Asia, tourists now and then come across the swastika symbol, depicted not only on buildings and structures, but even on faces. This symbol hurts the eyes of a Russian tourist, and this is understandable: our people encountered the swastika in its rather disgusting manifestation. But why do Asians love her so much?

How the Russian Yargu-swastika was banned in 1922

How the Russian Yargu-swastika was banned in 1922

During the war, special detachments of the NKVD seized things with a swastika from the rural population and destroyed them. Until now, the indigenous people of the North keep the memory of the 40s. the last century, when they were forbidden to embroider a cross with curled ends on clothes that originally existed in their culture

Egyptian pyramids were concentrating the solution

Egyptian pyramids were concentrating the solution

I think every person at least once asked himself the question: why were large-scale stone pyramids built in Egypt? There are many versions. From the official about the tombs for the pharaohs, to the most daring and fantastic, like the dematerialization of physical bodies in sarcophagi

War of the Gods: Molten Brick

War of the Gods: Molten Brick

Some photographs of polygonal masonry in Peru show traces of an impact unknown to our civilization, which made the stone plastic in a local area, not only along the surface, but throughout the entire volume of the masonry

A brief history of the origin of coins

A brief history of the origin of coins

We hold them in our hands every day, but mostly we only pay attention to numbers. Meanwhile, coins are not just money, but also a cultural phenomenon, living evidence of the history of the technological development of mankind

Swastika Slavyan

Swastika Slavyan

No country in the world has so many varieties of Vedic symbols as in Russia. They are found everywhere throughout its vast territory, within its modern borders, from east to west and from north to south, from ancient times to the beginning of the 20th century

How three heroes fled from the GULAG

How three heroes fled from the GULAG

Without this escape, Ivan Solonevich would not have become what he has become - a brilliant writer and thinker. And he would have remained only a famous Russian athlete. But after the mocking escape, committed by him and the same athletes-heroes - his son Yuri and brother Boris - simultaneously from two camps

The origin of the 1977 Russian flu is a political mystery

The origin of the 1977 Russian flu is a political mystery

In November 1977, the world's attention was captured by another influenza pandemic. Soviet doctors were the first to report it, so in the West the strain was immediately dubbed "Russian" and even "red" flu. And soon it was noticed that the virus infects almost exclusively youth of draft age. And although the symptoms of the disease were very mild, the press immediately started talking about the malicious spread of the disease, aimed at undermining the defenses of the NATO bloc

How the USSR helped vaccinate the Japanese

How the USSR helped vaccinate the Japanese

The most effective polio vaccine was invented by an American scientist - but tested it, despite the Cold War, in the USSR

The mystery of ancient metal clamps

The mystery of ancient metal clamps

Ancient block clamps are found all over the world and are one of the most unsolved ancient mysteries. Who and when taught our ancestors to use this technology? And how did this technology appear in pre-Columbian Peru and Bolivia, in ancient Egypt, and no less ancient Cambodia thousands of years ago?

Soviet actors who fled from the USSR

Soviet actors who fled from the USSR

The Russian proverb "where he was born, he came in handy there" is refuted by Soviet actors and directors, who, due to dissatisfaction in the profession, became defectors, like Andrei Tarkovsky, or emigrants, like Oleg Vidov or Savely Kramarov. But was it so good for them abroad, let's remember

Inventors of the phantascope and the largest brainwashing machine

Inventors of the phantascope and the largest brainwashing machine

Many have tried to become famous on television or get rich with it. But only a few succeeded. Silvio Berlusconi is the media king in Italy, Silvio Santos is in Brazil, and who doesn't know Rupert Murdoch and Ted Turner?

Real memories of the prisoners of Auschwitz

Real memories of the prisoners of Auschwitz

For some reason, the memories of former prisoners of the camps of non-Jewish nationality are always fundamentally different from those of the miraculously surviving Jews. Firstly, they never mention any gas chambers, and secondly, they indicate that the most cruel accomplices of the Nazis were Jews - capos and members of the Sonderkommando