Arkaim - "Country of cities"
Arkaim - "Country of cities"

Video: Arkaim - "Country of cities"

Video: Arkaim -
Video: Ukraine is not russia! F**k off, putin 🔥 2024, April

New and unexpected information about ancient civilizations that existed earlier on Earth is always of great interest. In 1987, in the Southern Urals, not far from Mount Arkaim in the Chelyabinsk region, it was planned to build the Big Karagan reservoir for irrigation of arid steppes. During a preliminary survey of the area, the researchers saw mysterious circles in the center of the valley. Further archaeological excavations, under the leadership of Gennady Borisovich Zdanovich, discovered traces of an ancient civilization that died around 1700 - 1800 BC, it was named by its location - Arkaim. It was an ancient city of the legendary Aryan race, whose age is more than 40 centuries, the age of Arkaim is equal to the age of the Egyptian pyramids of Pharaoh Cheops. This sensational discovery in the South Urals stopped the construction of the Big Karagan reservoir, and in 1991 the territory of the monument near Mount Arkaim received the status of a branch of the Ilmensky Reserve.


About 4 thousand years ago, the inhabitants of this mysterious place, for unknown reasons, suddenly left their homes, and the settlement of Arkaim burned down and collapsed, perhaps it was burned by the inhabitants themselves, or it died as a result of an enemy invasion.


Arkaim belongs to the settlement of sedentary pastoralists of the Middle Bronze Age. Together with the necropolises, the monuments of 25 cities of Arkaim make up the Sintashta archaeological culture of the Southern Trans-Urals and Northern Kazakhstan, for which radiocarbon dates of the 21st-18th centuries BC were obtained. e. The Sintashta culture demonstrates a very high level of metallurgy and metalworking of copper and bronze, a large concentration of metal objects, including weapons. The opinions of scientists about the purpose of the city of Arkaim were divided: some believe that Arkaim was an ancient sanctuary, while others - that it is an astrological observatory, like Stonehenge. It is safe to say that the unique settlement plays an important role in world history.


The idea of the ancient Aryans about the world order is clearly reflected in the golden royal pectoral found by the archaeologist Boris Mozolevsky in February 1971 in a large Scythian burial mound, which the locals called the Tolstaya Grave. It is located 10 kilometers from the famous Scythian mound Chertomlyk, not far from Nikopol. The golden ropes of the Scythian royal pectoral divide the surrounding world in concentric circles into dangerous and safe spheres of habitation - reflecting the existing world order. The ancient civilization of Arkaim included about thirty villages, their buildings were planned in the form of a swastika, perhaps this had a cult significance. The swastika cross was oriented strictly to the cardinal points, had two circles of defensive structures, and the rule of the golden section was used to construct the circles. Two circles of defensive walls, built in concentric circles, the wooden frame of the walls was plastered with clay. Interestingly, the length of the inner circle of the settlements exactly matched the geographical latitude of the ancient settlement! Another feature of this place is that Arkaim is located at the same latitude as Stonehenge in England and the Ardjan mound in Altai. It is not excluded that this latitude was something significant for the ancient astronomers.


The Arkaim settlement was built radially according to a preliminary plan; the diameter of the circumference of all city buildings was about 150 meters. Inside the city, close to each other in a radial order, houses with doors on the roofs. This is evidenced by the foundations of 60 destroyed houses located in a circle. The houses are all the same - apparently, there were no particularly rich and especially poor.


A moat filled with water ran along the outer wall of Arkaim. It was possible to cross the moat and leave the city along the wooden decks. The dwellings of the ancient inhabitants of Arkaim belonged to separate families, and, apparently, each family built its own house on its own. Streets, well-planned street crossings passed between the houses in Arkaim, the city was equipped with a sewerage and water supply system. Water was supplied to the city through an underground ditch, the sewage system ran through trenches and merged outside the city wall into an outer protective ditch.


Each house of Arkaim had its own well, almost each had a smelting furnace, in which bronze and products from it were smelted from a mixture of copper and tin ore - tools, weapons, mirrors, ornaments. The furnaces in Arkaim were of an amazing design, they were connected to a well, and due to the temperature difference, a strong thrust was created, which made it possible to reach a high melting point of the metal. It is difficult to imagine now that the ancient inhabitants of Arkaim smelted metal in a furnace at high temperatures at a time when the countries of future Europe did not even know about this method of metal processing.


The technology of smelting durable bronze was a real discovery of Arkaim and gave a powerful impetus to the development of technology and culture, therefore the whole era is called the "Bronze Age". Needles and fishhooks were made from bone, clothing - from leather and fabric, which they themselves made from hemp. They ate mainly cereals, added the meat of wild and domestic animals, and fished in the river.


“For the first time, it was the Aryans who created the economic system to which we are accustomed - cattle, small ruminants. The inhabitants of Arkaim cultivated the land, and agriculture bore good results, says Zdanovich, - millet, onions, wheat and barley were grown in the Arkaim gardens. Archaeological investigations have found the products stored in the vessel and were able to restore an approximate recipe for the dish. It turned out that the ancient Arkaim people ate raw porridge, which was prepared from sprouted wheat. The sprouted grain of wheat was ground in mortars and served along with honey, berries and herbs. This dish is very satisfying and healthy, you can eat it literally from two spoons. The bones of animals found indicate that horses were bred in Arkaim, and the cattle and sheep that were grazed behind the first city wall, there was a moat. It was very important for them to surround themselves with water on all sides, cities were built near the river and surrounded by a canal, - explains Zdanovich, - apparently, it had a symbolic meaning.


Archaeologists have discovered not only living quarters, but also pottery workshops, a forge, and workshops for smelting bronze and stone processing. The craftsmanship and high technological level of bronze and stone processing are still surprising. In the center of ancient Arkaim there was a square where, according to archaeologists, religious ceremonies and mysteries were held. On a rectangular plot, sites for ritual bonfires were found, built in a special order. The found bones of sacrificial animals and ceramics with the image of the symbol of the ancient sun god testify to the development of the religious cult.


Everything here is permeated with symbolism, from ornaments from swastikas on ceramics to the city itself, built at once according to a single plan - and at the same time there are no drawings, images of gods, no inscriptions. It was a non-written culture of the spoken word. Nevertheless, the strength of the historical memory of this culture is already evidenced by the fact that when they left, burning their city, and then, after a generation, returned, then everything was restored as it was, every well, every pillar was put in the same place. And so several times in a row. The study of materials obtained as a result of archaeological excavations in Arkaim shocked scientists. It has been suggested that this is the ancient civilization of the Aryans, which could be the ancestor of the Russian nation. The secret remains not only the broad knowledge of the ancient settlers in astrology, but also in mathematics.


There are many legends about the ancient civilization that existed in Arkaim; many researchers consider Arkaim to be the cradle of the Aryans, the place from where the Aryan tribes dispersed across the land. The Indian priests considered Arkaim an observatory city, where the noble Aryavarta lived in ancient times. They knew about this city and had been looking for it for a long time, but, apparently, the homeland of the Aryans did not want to be found. The Ural Cossacks knew about this secret place, but kept the secret, considering it a secret mystical place. Judging by the excavations, Arkaim was a very beautiful city, the houses were built of large adobe bricks, dried in the air without firing. The brick was made from clay mixed with fine straw (adobe) and some manure - this is a non-conductive material for the walls of residential buildings and outbuildings. The walls of houses and city towers in Arkaim were painted, so the city was colorful.


During excavations in Arkaim, human remains were found, according to which it was possible to recreate the appearance of a resident of an ancient settlement. The inhabitants of Arkaim were representatives of the Caucasian race. Even the burials come across strange - a man and a woman lie embracing, while the woman has a battle ax in her hand, raised above the man's head. However, they were usually buried on their side - in the "sleeping" or "embryo" position, either hinting at a new birth, or at the fact that death is a dream.


All settlements of Arkaim are built on the principle of the starry sky, according to the signs of the zodiac. It was from here that the Aryans dispersed throughout the Indo-European territory. The chronicles claim that wherever the messengers of Arkaim appeared, they brought with them knowledge, religious culture, enlightenment, goodness and prosperity. The ancient Aryans were spiritual, religious enlighteners, and when meeting other peoples, they convey knowledge, religious rituals and traditions designed to protect the people and herds from extinction, and crops from crop failure. Thanks to their knowledge, skills and possessions, unique, for those times, technologies, the Aryans often occupied a high position in society. During the existence of Arkaim, and during the period of the settling of the Aryans in northern India, the oral epic of the ancient Aryans, the Rig-Veda, was first recorded in Vedic Sanskrit - the most ancient part of the Vedas, in which there are absolutely no features of Buddhism. Later in Ancient Persia, the sacred texts of the Avesta were written down, and the teachings of Zarathushtra, introduced by the Aryans, arose. According to the conclusions of scientists who studied the finds discovered by archaeologists during excavations, Arkaim stood on the territory of the South Urals for about 300 years. On the territory of Siberia and the Southern Urals, the ruins of several more cities, similar to Arkaim, were found, archaeologists called these finds "the Country of Cities". Immediately, the assumption arose that it was these places that were the famous country of Arrata, from which, according to ancient legends, the ancestors of the Sumerians came!


All the Aryan priests were skilled healers, knew the healing properties of many herbs and plants, knew magic magic spells and prayers of the Rig-Veda, for this they were called magicians.


In Vedic Sanskrit: Kud, kudati, kudat, kudda, kuddata = cud, cudati, cudat, cud-da, cud-data - to ask, encourage, incite, help, intercession upon request. Kudayati - codayati - to speed up a request, cause quick action, induce, incite, (RV.) (Related words in other Russian language: KUDO - miracle, kudesy - miracles, magician. KUD - leader; in Russian: to play magic). Kud, kudayati - kud, kudaiati - to lie (related words in other Russian language: KUDO - miracle, kudesy - miracles, magician. KUD - leader). The wizard-healers of Arkaim wore white robes, this tradition was passed on to other peoples, for example, the Druids, who also wore white robes. Sorcerers-healers and druids were supposed to educate and train young people, and transmit their knowledge to the next generation orally, as their ancient ancestors did. The ancient magi and sorcerers performed rituals of sacrifice, they knew the order of all rituals, so they were addressed with various requests and questions, they could administer judgment and ensure a stable world order. In the temple of nature there were also women priestesses, they were called priestesses of the god Agni (Fire), they supported the sacred Fire of the whole clan, tribe in the altars, and distributed fire to the inhabitants of the city to kindle the hearth. This custom of honoring the spirit of fire and preserving the fire in the altar was preserved in ancient Hellas, the goddess Hestia was considered the keeper of the fire of the hearth. An unexpected find in Arkaim was the swastika, the inhabitants of Arkaim painted it everywhere - on pottery, bronze and stone products.


Both Arkaim and Stonehenge were part of the structure of "megalithic cultures" that significantly influenced the development of world culture and technology. The tribes of the ancient Aryans from the territory of the Southern Urals gradually spread not only across Asia Minor and Hindustan, but settled throughout Europe, enriching other peoples with their knowledge, religious ideas about the world order, and the culture of oral myth-making.


Traces of the Aryan civilization of Arkaim were found on the territory of modern Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. Today, scientists no longer doubt that in ancient times Indo-Aryan tribes lived in the South Urals, which in the II millennium BC followed two migration routes. One way of the Aryan tribes lay through Ancient Persia (Iran), where the texts of the Avesta were written. The second path led the Aryan tribes to northern India, where the texts of the Rig Veda were written in the native language of the ancient Aryans - Vedic Sanskrit. The Vedic Sanskrit of the Rig Veda underlies all the Proto-languages of the Indo-European group of languages, and first of all, the Russian language.


In Vedic Sanskrit: id - id - offering of sacrifice, prayer. Id, ide, itte, Yiddish, Yiddishyate, iditum, ille, ilishe - ID, IDe, ITTe, IDiSe, IDiSyate, IDitum, ILe, ILiSe - to pray, ask, ask, ask, inquire; praise (RV). (related words in Russian: idol, go, or, deprive) The head of the Arkaim expedition, Professor Gennady Borisovich Zdanovich tells how the Aryans came here from the West, probably from somewhere on the Volga, and then moved to the Middle Asia. He believes that their famous sacred drink, catfish, was a decoction of hemp in milk with the addition of ephedra. - Why did you decide that these were the Aryans who later came to India and Iran? - I ask Sergey. - The texts of the Rig Veda and the Avesta describe the ancestral home of the Aryans, similar to our climate, and the plant world - birches, many elements of material culture and ornaments, the use of the swastika. Burials and skeletons in Arkaim of the Indo-European anthropological type.


Another unique, key feature is the chariots, which at that time were only owned by the Aryans. Comparing the texts of the Rig Veda and the Avesta with the data of our excavations of Arkaim, we reconstruct mythological plots. I believe that the most ancient verses of the Rig Veda were formed on the territory of the Southern Urals, the very oral source of the Rig Veda and Avesta that all specialists are looking for …
