Chronicles of the past 2024, September

The Mystery of the Phrygian Valley

The Mystery of the Phrygian Valley

This is the first time our four-person expedition has come together - we flew to Turkey to explore a number of ancient structures dating from the Hittites and Phrygians

Tree of the Heavenly KIND. Part 1

Tree of the Heavenly KIND. Part 1

We have no idea what and whom we worship, for the Gods have long been replaced for us … As F.M. Dostoevsky: "Rus will wake up, remember its Gods and then such a buildup will go all over the world …" What exactly did he mean ?

7 weird facts about Nazi Germany

7 weird facts about Nazi Germany

The coming of Adolf Hitler to power in 1933 changed the fate of not only the German people, but the entire world. Under the rule of the Fuhrer's special worldview, Nazi Germany became a country of strange experiments and preconceived beliefs

TOP-4 ancient civilizations about which science little is known

TOP-4 ancient civilizations about which science little is known

Many people know about the ancient civilizations of the Egyptians, Aztecs and Incas. However, there were many other civilizations that were not so famous, although they left traces of their existence. Here are just a few of them

Strange prohibitions from Soviet childhood

Strange prohibitions from Soviet childhood

Prohibitions that were in force in the USSR and applied to children and adolescents

The secret of the Bobruisk fortress

The secret of the Bobruisk fortress

During the construction of the Bobruisk-Arena ice palace, the builders encountered something that historians and archaeologists could not explain. When the workers began to remove a layer of earth near the 3rd landfill, adjacent to Karbyshev Street, at a depth of 5 meters, the excavator unexpectedly rested its bucket on the brickwork

How did you live before the revolution? Russian peasantry in ethnographic notes

How did you live before the revolution? Russian peasantry in ethnographic notes

Ethnographic notes about the life of the Russian peasantry in the late 19th and early 20th centuries show the existence of some white blacks in the country. People defecate in their huts right on the straw on the floor, they wash the dishes once or twice a year, and everything around in the house is teeming with bugs and cockroaches. The life of Russian peasants is very similar to the situation of blacks in southern Africa

ISIS destroys official history

ISIS destroys official history

Whoever prepares religious fanatics destroying supposedly ancient monuments in the Middle East, they are doing a disservice to official historians and archaeologists

Mysterious teachers through the eyes of aborigines

Mysterious teachers through the eyes of aborigines

The Hopi Indians in their legends captured four eras, in the last of which we live. Thousands of years ago, the ancestors of the Hopi lived on a continent that was washed by the Pacific Ocean. At that distant time, a war raged between the ancestors of the Hopi and the inhabitants of another part of our planet

Forbidden archaeological finds

Forbidden archaeological finds

In the 1840s, in France and Denmark, parts of human skeletons were discovered inside solid blocks of volcanic rock. The age of the volcanic rocks and the bones themselves has been determined to be "equal to two million years." However, this skeleton and, in particular, the well-preserved frontal bone of one of them

Artifacts of Truth

Artifacts of Truth

How do archaeologists attribute the finds to a particular culture? What are the guidelines for dating? Are there summary characteristic tables of the characteristics of the currently known cultures, or is the main thing only the place of discovery and the people living in this area, presumably for a long time?

Soviet project "Orion" - an analogue of the German "Ahnenerbe"

Soviet project "Orion" - an analogue of the German "Ahnenerbe"

It is known that in 1938-1939 the Nazis sent an expedition to Tibet in the hope of finding out information of an occult nature from the Tibetan lamas. It is alleged that, among other things, the lamas handed over to the Nazis this drawing of a hollow Earth with a passage from the South and North Poles. Although, to be honest, this diagram can be understood in such a way that the indicated "passages" were drawn by a draftsman so that the axis of rotation of the Earth passing through the South and North Poles could be seen in the figure. Only

Exploring the myth of "Unwashed Europe"

Exploring the myth of "Unwashed Europe"

If the Europeans really did not “wash themselves” for centuries, could European civilization develop normally and give us masterpieces? We liked the idea of looking for confirmation or refutation of this myth in European art of the Middle Ages

Why are the Mayan and Ancient Chinese calendar so similar?

Why are the Mayan and Ancient Chinese calendar so similar?

The ancient Chinese calendar and the Mayan calendar have so much in common that they are unlikely to have been created independently of each other, says David H. Kelly. David's article on this topic was published in Pre-Columbiana magazine

Hills-pyramids of Italy

Hills-pyramids of Italy

Almost every year in the news, on various sites there is information about the found new pyramids. Either in the jungles of the Amazon and Mexico, or not yet excavated in Egypt. There are practically no details with high-quality photos

Nickel mining will destroy burial mounds in Prikhopyorye

Nickel mining will destroy burial mounds in Prikhopyorye

Ancient burial mounds containing, among other things, burials of a little-studied log culture, dating from about the 15th century BC, can be destroyed at the beginning of nickel mining in the Novokhopersk region

A few questions about historical geography

A few questions about historical geography

The author of the blog "Notes of a Kolymchanin" shares his interesting thoughts on the topic of Hyperborea, Lukomorye, puts forward several of his hypotheses, which make it possible to look differently at geographical names from European maps of past centuries

Flag and coat of arms of Tartary. Part 2

Flag and coat of arms of Tartary. Part 2

We continue to understand what was depicted on the flags of Tartary, which are present in many reference books of the 18th-19th centuries. Who is depicted on these flags: a dragon or a griffin, a Slavic Semargl?

Amazing map of Russia, Muscovy and Tartary

Amazing map of Russia, Muscovy and Tartary

Traditional historians begin to get confused in the testimony when they see maps where Russia is called the Great Tartary, and its ruler is the emperor of the world. Where are the hordes

Facts about a different history of Russia

Facts about a different history of Russia

Famous French cartographer Jean Baptiste Bourguignon de Anville

How pagan Russia glorified the defenders of the fatherland

How pagan Russia glorified the defenders of the fatherland

Soon, on February 23, all those who are involved in the honorary profession - to defend the Motherland, will celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. This is not a men's holiday. This is a holiday for all those who have ever taken the Oath of Allegiance to their people, upon taking on the honorary duty - to stand guard with arms in hand

The destroyed cities of Dauria (now the western part of the Amur region)

The destroyed cities of Dauria (now the western part of the Amur region)

In the Mugalskoy desert, near the city of Naun, in the direction of the wall, there are also the remains of ancient stone buildings with heavy columns and towers as high as a large house in Amsterdam. The peoples living here bring there in the form of a sacrifice headscarves, silk and other things dear to them

Tartary as the final link of the Great Eurasian Empire

Tartary as the final link of the Great Eurasian Empire

Tartary is one of the lost names of our homeland. Its territory is the great steppe of Eurasia plus the great Russia. But what do we know about her, besides the fact that she is on old maps? Dmitry will talk about its capital, coat of arms, flag, emperors, the history of the appearance of the two-headed eagle as the emblem of this great empire. In the XVII century. only two countries hold such a title - the Mughal Empire and Tartary

Russian translation of the Catalan map and the Fra Mauro map

Russian translation of the Catalan map and the Fra Mauro map

Translation into Russian of the Catalan map of 1375 and of the Fra Mauro map of 1490

Thousands of cities of the Mayan civilization

Thousands of cities of the Mayan civilization

There is a popular belief among tourists that South American cultures are famous for several stone pyramids and a few artifacts. However, judging by the number of excavated cities, the population density of the South American peoples at that time was comparable to that of modern Europe

Opinion: why is alternative history dangerous?

Opinion: why is alternative history dangerous?

Alternative history is a rather dangerous phenomenon when viewed over long periods of time. We all remember the example of the creation of an alternative historical myth about the "ancient Ukrainians", which significantly contributed to the launch of the anti-Russian propaganda machine. Was an integral part of it

Pompeii - How to Save Time and Money

Pompeii - How to Save Time and Money

Pompeii is one of the many tourist attractions with an invented history

Soviet soldiers raped German women in 1945 - a black western myth

Soviet soldiers raped German women in 1945 - a black western myth

Black myth about hundreds of thousands and millions of German women raped in 1945 by Soviet soldiers

Production history of Russian aircraft carriers

Production history of Russian aircraft carriers

The aircraft carrier is one of the symbols of America. But, like many other things in America, this symbol has Russian roots. Moreover, the Americans themselves recognize our priority

Who raped whom in Germany?

Who raped whom in Germany?

Lieutenant Vladimir Gelfand, a young Jew originally from Ukraine, wrote a truthful diary about the rape of German women at the end of World War II, published after the collapse of the USSR by all self-respecting countries

Blacks in zoos in Europe and the USA

Blacks in zoos in Europe and the USA

It is hard to imagine, but only in 1935-36 in Europe the last cells with blacks in zoos - in Basel and Turin - were eliminated. Before that, white people willingly went to look at blacks in captivity

How in the USSR military equipment was exchanged for bananas

How in the USSR military equipment was exchanged for bananas

Today bananas are no longer considered some kind of exotic fruit. You can buy them in almost every supermarket and small retail outlet. But there were also completely different times when this product was perceived as something special, festive and unusual

What kind of bread did Russians produce in the Middle Ages? Kneading and baking technology

What kind of bread did Russians produce in the Middle Ages? Kneading and baking technology

The Russian peasant, especially in his historical area - the Non-Black Earth Region - until the twentieth century, was always in need. His table is the best proof of this. The basis of food for the peasants was rye bread

TOP 7 microfunctional robots from the past

TOP 7 microfunctional robots from the past

It is difficult to find a person who does not know what robots are and most people consider them a modern invention. In some ways, this is really true, but it is worth noting that people have tried to build mechanisms capable of performing various complex actions since ancient times. Devices created by scientists and engineers of past eras still impress today with the creativity of inventors

Details of the largest tank battle in history revealed

Details of the largest tank battle in history revealed

The Battle of Kursk, also called the Battle of the Kursk Bulge, was fought from July 5 to August 23, 1943. In terms of its scale, forces and means, tension, and most importantly, the military-political consequences, this battle became one of the key ones in the course of the Great Patriotic War. It is enough to cite only one fact: over 2.2 million people, more than six thousand tanks and about five thousand aircraft took part in it

Why did the authorities classify the deadly tsunami in Severo-Kurilsk in 1952?

Why did the authorities classify the deadly tsunami in Severo-Kurilsk in 1952?

In Severo-Kurilsk, the expression “live like on a volcano” can be used without quotation marks. There are 23 volcanoes on Paramushir Island, five of them are active. Ebeko, located seven kilometers from the city, comes to life from time to time and releases volcanic gases

Why did Lenin come in a sealed carriage?

Why did Lenin come in a sealed carriage?

When the revolution broke out in Russia, Lenin had already lived for 9 years in Switzerland, in cozy Zurich

Why did the Germans place giant buoys with red crosses in the English Channel?

Why did the Germans place giant buoys with red crosses in the English Channel?

A military pilot is one of the most expensive military specialists in the most literal sense. During the Second World War, the German command was seriously concerned about the potential depletion of valuable military personnel. With the experience of World War I behind them, the Germans found an unusual solution to the problem

Novgorod chase of Ananerbe for holy oil

Novgorod chase of Ananerbe for holy oil

With the outbreak of World War II, specialists from the Heritage of Ancestors organization, following the units of the Wehrmacht, took part in the plundering of European museums and libraries. They primarily chose exhibits that are associated with ancient German history. Qatar