Facts about a different history of Russia
Facts about a different history of Russia

Video: Facts about a different history of Russia

Video: Facts about a different history of Russia
Video: City mei Tornado aya ! (Cities Skylines Part 3) 2024, April

In addition, the description of completely incredible at first glance facts, which, if you include a little common sense, are explained and themselves interpreted by many seemingly unrelated non-academic scientific hypotheses.

The preface to the French Atlas contains unique information about Russia
The preface to the French Atlas contains unique information about Russia

Below is an excerpt from the description of the life and beliefs of the Bukharians. This is not a literal translation, but rather an incomplete retelling, quoting the most interesting passages. The map shows Big Bukhara, bordering Malaya in the southeast. Here we will talk about the inhabitants of the latter. The Frenchman distinguishes Greater Bukhara from Malaya. They are separated by the Hindu Kush (?) (Parapomisus).

The preface to the French Atlas contains unique information about Russia
The preface to the French Atlas contains unique information about Russia

Here is a description of the borders of Malaya Bukhara:

“Located between 36 and 42 ° N. In the east it borders with Mongolia and the Chinese deserts, in the south with the deserts of India, in the west with Big Bukhara and Persia, and in the north with Mongolia and Eastern Kalmykia. The country stretches for almost 1000 km. For reference: in the photo Bukhara is located under the 40th parallel.

curious control device Small Bukhara. Like the name of one of its rulers, Gypsy-Araptan (a possible reading is also Tsigan or Zigan. Zigan-Araptan), the nephew of Bosto-kham (khan? Bosto-Cham), who conquered the country with his Kalmyks.

For every 10 families or houses there was one foreman, ten foremen reported to their boss. The last ten, already in charge of 1000 families or houses, reported to the Great Governor, elected from the crown princes of Bukhara. Chiefs of all levels were required to report all incidents to their superior, to resolve controversial issues in their jurisdiction. Thanks to such an organization, peace and order reigned in the country.

The Bukharians were not a warlike people, but at the call of the governor they could quickly gather 20,000 soldiers, one from every ten houses. The armament consisted of bows, swords, spears. Some had guns or arquebus. The richest could afford to wear chain mail. The houses are made of stone, there is not much furniture. Food for the Bukharans was prepared by slaves captured or bought in neighboring countries, incl. Kalmykia and Russia.

Further, the author describes something that resembles … dumplings ("Minced meat, wrapped in dough, the product has the shape of a croissant"). In winter, if the people of Bukhara went on trips, the dumplings were perfectly preserved in the cold. Moreover, the cooking process is also described: the frozen dough with minced meat was boiled in boiling water! So much for Siberian dumplings. By the way, the people of Bukhara used tablecloths everywhere. And from drinks - tea, black tea with additions of salt, milk and butter.

The preface to the French Atlas contains unique information about Russia
The preface to the French Atlas contains unique information about Russia

The description of the inhabitants' appearance is curious. Most of them are dark-skinned and black-haired, but residents with white skin, slim and beautiful (fort blancs, beaux & bienfaits). Doesn't this fact best confirm the version expressed by A. Klyosov, N. Levashov and many others that the Aryans split up in Siberia, and one part of them, having rounded the Himalayas from the west, settled in the north of Hindustan, east of Iran and nearby regions ?! !

Another debunked myth about the primacy of French cosmetics: de Anville describes women who paint their nails in red, making varnish from a plant (Kena). Also, the Frenchman was amazed to find that all the inhabitants of Malaya Bukhara wear … underpants! A fact far from characteristic of the French themselves of that time. And soon for the future France. It was noted that residents wear extraordinarily light leather bootsmade in Russia.

But there is no limit to surprise at how deeply the cultures of the Russians proper and the Bukharians of that time intersect. "Their only money is copper pennies (Copeiks, with a capital letter in the text, and -s in French indicates a plural number), weighing one spool (Solotnik), about a third of an ounce." And let after such facts we are not told that there was united state Tartaria, in which the Russians were the state-forming people! And that the Russians lived in holes covered with branches …

And now, perhaps the most interesting thing, even somewhere shocking. Let's not forget that this atlas was compiled by order of the Jesuits who traded in China. The order was given in 1709 year. Therefore, the nature of the following retelling is dictated, of course, by the wishes of the customers.

“The language and religion of the Bukharians differs from the neighboring Persian and Turkic, but in some ways it has something in common with them. The inhabitants have their own Al-Koran (Alcoran), which is the essence of the Christian Old Testament, where many places have been changed or falsified."

Stop, we were taught in a completely different way: the Bible is one thing, but Koran - something else. This is the first thing. And secondly, let's use common sense. Who actually truncated the texts of the Old Testament, who falsified them, the Jesuits with other Catholics or the peoples of the desert and mountains distant from Rome and Byzantium?

Again: it is more logical to assumethat among, for example, Bukharians, there is hardly a sufficient number of Christian theologians capable of fundamentally reworking the texts of the Old Testament. Whereas nearby or in the Vatican itself, in numerous monasteries and religious schools in Europe, there are at least a dime a dozen such specialists.

Of course, the Jesuits insist that their version of the Old Testament is true. But is it really so? Are not the lines of this atlas evidence that the original version was preserved in the desert, and the Jesuit-Catholic one was a forgery? !!

There is even something more here. It's time to remember N. Vashkevich, who was always amazed by the fact that it was precisely and only in Russian it is possible to explain the etymology of those Arabic words (and to an even greater extent - in the Arabic language the meaning of words and expressions we do not understand), about which the Arabs themselves cannot say anything. One such word is precisely "Koran".

“In general, it must be said that outside of Islam, the general idea is that Islam begins with Mohammed. This is fundamentally wrong. Muslims themselves say that their religion begins with Ibrahim. It's just that people did not immediately understand its establishment.

In the Arab sense, Allah first gave the book to the Jews. But they didn't understand her. This is the Old Testament. Then God gave another book. Christians. But they were not up to par. Allah had to give one more book, this time in the original language, in Arabic. This book is called the Qur'an, which means in Arabic - "Reading matter" … But, if you read this word the other way around, in Russian, you get DRUGwhat does it mean in Russian COVENANT (V. Dahl).

And that's not all. If you read the title of the book of VEDA, in Arabic, you get again "TESTAMENT" (وع د VED). So there were not two, but four covenants !!! One way or another, it is advisable to distinguish Islam and Mohammedanism …»

But Vashkevich's last phrase is clearly illustrated in the atlas:

“Bukharians believe that the Al Quran was given to them not by Mohammed, but by God himself, who transmitted the book through Moses and the prophets. However, they are convinced that Muhammad gave many explanations on the book and highlighted the moral side contained in it. All this they have to admit and follow."

Wow, after all, N. Vashkevich definitely could not read this text, because he does not speak French, and his conclusions coincide with those written by an eyewitness 300 years ago! No, it was not for nothing that the crescent moon was placed on the crosses of old Orthodox churches, no matter how the churchmen explain this fact today … Let's pay tribute to Fomenko and Nosovsky, who asked many questions about the connection between Russia and Arab artifacts in its history.

However, we will not go deep and find out why in A. Nikitin's "Voyages across the Three Seas" Russian freely turns into Arabic script and then vice versa, but let's get acquainted with the cartographer's story about the Bukhara version of the birth of Christ.

“So, the Holy Virgin was a poor orphan when her distant relatives were deciding who would take her up. They could not agree, and then they threw lots: a feather was thrown into a jug of water, which soon sank. In turn, each dipped a finger into the water, and the one who pulled out a finger with a feather adhered to it took the girl upbringing. Zakaria won.

Once he went away for three days on business, locking the girl in the house and completely forgetting about her. When he returned, he was very afraid that she had either already died or was dying. Imagine his amazement when he found a table bursting with food in a locked house.

According to the girl, God himself sent this to her.

When she was 14 years old, she began to have natural female problems. The girl ran into the forest and began to swim in the forest lake. Then an angel came down to her, who announced that the girl would soon give birth.

As a result, her son, Isaiah, grew up to become a famous prophet and studied many sciences. However, he was extremely unloved in his hometown, he was simply hated. And this hatred was so high that one day two robbers were hired to kill Isaiah at any cost. God, knowing this, took him to his heaven, and gave the criminals the image of Isaiah. The last two were dealt with by the people themselves …"

How fundamentally different from the current Jesuit version is that God is so cruel that he allowed the martyrdom to kill his own Son! Here again you ask yourself the question: who actually falsified the Old Testament?

The next consideration. According to the Frenchman, in every Bukhara house there was a copy of Al Quran or the Old Testament with an unfamiliar text to us. The equal sign between these books is still surprising, a sign placed at least three centuries ago. Those. they are by no means Catholics, Franciscans or Jesuits who brought these specimens to the outskirts of Christendom.

Remember the population estimate? 20,000 warriors in one out of every 10 houses, which means at least 200,000 houses … The same number of copies of the book! For that time - mind-boggling numbers of book … printing or rewriting?

This means that the source of the texts is somewhere relatively close. Again we recall the hypothesis of Fomenko and Nosovsky, as well as numerous other versions and works, which say that Christ is either Andrew the First-Called, or someone else, but precisely Russian man, someone who grew up in the midst of the Russian Civilization.

As we are assured, the first large-circulation printed book in Russia "The Apostle" appeared in the middle of the 16th century. However, reasoning logically, if Tartary was absent in our history, academic history, then, of course, there was no printing in Tartary, right?

Then how else to explain the presence, if not hundreds of thousands, but at least tens of thousands of copies The Old Testament, the content of which, according to Catholics, is far from canonical? And this is only for one Small Bukhara, and there was also Big (Great) Bukhara in the neighborhood, there were other countries nearby, the same Kalmykia, not to mention the vast expanses of Siberia, where at that time there were a great many cities. Who, then, to them, the apostates of Rome and Byzantine, printed books? After all, such a number cannot be rewritten, especially in the desert …

There are a lot of interesting things on the dozen pages of the preface to the atlas of China, Chinese Tartary and Tibet. For example, that polygamy among the population was allowed, but they looked at it extremely disapprovingly. That the people of Bukhara are convinced that God dwells not only in heaven, that he is everywhere. That the husband, dissatisfied with his wife, could send her back to her parents, while he was obliged to give her all of her property, including the gifts made to her during their life together. And a woman could leave her husband, although she could not take anything with her.

There are many interesting things, but let's try to comprehend what has already been written. It already has too much food for thought. The whole universe …
