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Lack of Nature
Lack of Nature

Video: Lack of Nature

Video: Lack of Nature
Video: Radical new gene therapy restores sight to patients with rare eye condition - BBC News 2024, May

You cannot build a bright future without taking the path of unity with nature. Any path departing from this unity, such as modern technocracy, is a path to a dead end leading to the self-destruction of mankind.

Nature heals

What most of the conscious humanity suffers from is an acute lack of Nature.

We spend 24 hours a day under arrest and office arrest, work under artificial light, eat indoors, move from home to office in transport, and generally do not step into nature. And if we step, then this nature looks like a predictable geometric park with cement paths and benches along the edges of the lawns, where it is written: "Do not walk on the lawns!"

Most of us still remember the good old days, when as children we played as a robber in the yard and came home only to sleep and eat. These times are already in the distant past, and our children are unlikely to also carelessly run to the yard for a walk, because it is dangerous and because the yard is dirty or because the game battle is more interesting. And we, office workers, habitually inhale the air circulating between our nose and the air conditioner and a little exhaust gas on the way home and believe that it is happiness that we have this job (after all, our standard of living has risen so much!).

Disease prevention without a return to nature is simply impossible. For all of us and especially for the children. Children more subtly feel the inferiority of city life and express this in the form of allergies, frequent colds, poor academic performance.

Nature does the prevention of diseases, and nature heals, but which of the traditional doctors attributes healing to nature ?! Magic remedies for healing are:


Without sunshine, you and I would not exist. We are literally children of the sun. Therefore, we need healing rays for at least 10 minutes a day. For the production of vitamin D3 (one of the most amazing substances yet discovered by humans), which is a natural prevention of cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes, increases bone density and improves immune function. It also prevents infectious diseases much better than any vaccine. To get vitamin D in its natural form, you just need to spend more time in nature.

Sounds of nature

Singing birds, rustling leaves, crunching branches, murmuring a stream, chirping grasshoppers, rustling grass underfoot - has a therapeutic effect, reduces the level of stress hormones and blood pressure. Some of the most healing sounds are the sounds of water: waterfalls, streams, rain, thunderstorms, the sea. You can record and listen to all this while working at the computer, but how can the audio sea compare with the real one?

Colors of Nature

Scientifically speaking, colors are electromagnetic radiation, differing in wavelength, that hits the retina of the eye and is interpreted by the brain as colors. This electromagnetic radiation carries healing energy, the energy of color. It is very good if every day you can touch the colors of the whole spectrum, look at flowers, plants, animals, the sky. It heals you and stimulates your brain. If you observe colors and shades in nature, then your brain begins to function at a higher cognitive level. People who spend the whole day in a room where nothing changes have no such opportunity to stimulate their intelligence.


Spending time in nature, we are forced to move: walk, run, ride a bike, swim, climb a mountain. The beautiful landscape makes any physical exercise enjoyable. If you're doing your morning jog in the woods, it seems like it's just a quick walk. Movement gives us a second youth, improves blood circulation, increases bone density, makes us more flexible, mobile, enhances lymph circulation, improves mood.


The qualitative difference between indoor air and the fresh air of a forest or meadow is enormous. The indoor air is tainted by gases emanating from synthetic materials: carpets, furniture, paints, varnishes, adhesives, etc., and is also filled with mold spores that inhabit bathrooms, kitchens, window sills and under wallpaper. Forest air is completely different in composition! There is more life, vigor, health in the forest air.


Traditional medicine has drummed into us that sterile cleanliness is the key to health. We believed that we can be healthy only when all microbes in our environment are killed by detergents, antibacterial soaps, pharmaceuticals. Some germs are an integral part of our lives and our wellness!

By being exposed to microbes, we train our immunity and bring the entire body into balance. The best way to give our body a sense of the microcosm is to get out into nature. Traditional medicine has taken us down the wrong path to sterility. But nature is filled with "dirty" bacteria, viruses, infections and other representatives of the microworld.


This energy is less noticeable. Think about why a big city devastates us, takes energy, and instead gives us vanity, angular geometry haunts us? And why does the forest leave us filled with strength, joy, life? Bioenergy is felt in contact with nature. Walking barefoot, hugging a tree, touching a flower, contemplating sunrise or sunset, lying on the grass or in the snow - this makes you a part of the planet.

It is said that we get rid of static electricity by walking barefoot on the ground, which creates white noise in our bodies and interferes with healing. But our ancestors did not wear sneakers, they walked barefoot. And they did not suffer from degenerative diseases.

Children especially suffer without communication with nature

The life of our children takes place in an enclosed space, among computer games and social networks on the Internet. Very few children can boast that they spend most of their time outdoors. Working parents can, at best, offer their children a summer camp or go to the sea for a week. Few can afford to go on a hike with a child for several days, sleep in a tent, swim in a cold river, or make a fire. Few people want to acquaint a growing person with nature and, together with him, plunge into a completely different, living and extraordinary world and teach some useful things.

Even if the plot is 6 acres, then it is 600 square meters for living. And in the city it is only meters of an apartment. In modern cities with houses over 5 stories high (and they start further than 9, 12 and higher), the entire space below is filled with cars. Schools, kindergartens are trying to protect themselves with tall fences. The whole earth is divided. And one more, not named in the main record, disappears: FREE SPACE FOR WALKING.

Yes, there are lawns, the flower beds are magnificent. But nowhere to walk!

And a child is like an animal, he needs to wander. He lives in nature, in the wild space of grasses, trees, paths, stones …

Radiy Pogodin described this childhood sensation perfectly in his story "What Senka had":

What Senka had

- And he had a mother and a father.

The dog Yasha, a free country breed - both good and bad.

Cat Tonya with kittens.

Dawn is a cow.

Vaska is a pig.

Ten simple sheep.

Rooster Petya with multi-colored hens.

The hut is high. And there are white curtains on the windows.

Senka had a vegetable garden with a garden and the village of Malyavino - plank roofs that smelled through and through of honey from the outskirts of meadows and hot pies.

All the villagers were Senkins.

All the birds are sedentary, all the birds of passage, all the insects and golden bees, all the creatures of the forest and the lake, and the one in the river, the one in the streams and swamps, according to Senka's young mind, they lived - they tried for him, Senka. And trees, and motionless stones, and hot dust on the roads. And the sky. And the sun. And clouds.

Behind the village, which Senka felt right through to the last crack in the fence, to the accidentally dropped nail, a different world began - bigger than Senka. Senka penetrated it only from the very edge, near the village.

The big world lay on a large space, invisible to Senka, since it was blocked by large forests, and behind the forests, as they say, the earth was bent. In the big world, everything was big: villages, cities, and rivers. Probably the trees and grasses were also larger.

In the modern city of Sen'kin, the world is limited to an apartment, behind the iron door of which a larger world begins.

The best we can do for our kids right now is get rid of the TV. TV is our enemy. An enemy replacing real reality with a fake one. The more time we spend watching our favorite TV shows, the less time we have left for being in nature.

Go to nature, communicate with real people directly, look at the sky, listen to birdsong, breathe fresh air! Nature gives health!

Lovely Green

The film forces us to rethink the role of Mother Nature.

The alternative is terrible …

How can you imagine the culmination of the technocratic world?

A rigid system in which people do not see the meaning in the family or the families created are destroyed due to a frenzied lifestyle. Intensive study and introduction of GMO (genetically modified) food, which will grow everywhere and in large quantities, in separate buildings, even without direct sunlight. Robots will extract and process resources in mines and they will also monitor the cultivation of GMO production, that is, provide humanity with food and resources. Humanity will enter the phase of an incomprehensible existence, maybe someone will be engaged in science, and someone will sit in virtual reality and sell themselves or some services, well, or do not understand what. Subsequently, people being in their Khrushchev will be in the virtual world, well dressed and living like a completely rich person, having the opportunity to really feel everything that is happening there. Then, especially, Western (diabolical) values will come into force - the abolition of the traditional birth of children, for which they program people with such news about an incubator child among the stars of show business (it began with surrogate mothers carrying a child, through the introduction of a ready-made zygote into the uterus (fertilized egg), attracting the benefits of this by preserving the girl's body); common children and the absence of families. The meaning of a person's life will be to satisfy their desires, since there are no worries and responsibilities in anything, an endlessly increasing dose of virtual reality, which will bring closer the receipt of what you want. And then - watch the video:
