Letter to the doctor
Letter to the doctor

Video: Letter to the doctor

Video: Letter to the doctor
Video: Was There A GREAT RESET In The 19th Century? Fake History (Of America) 2024, September

Dear doctor, help me evaluate the psychomotor and emotional development of my mother!

Mom - 25 y. 4 months

weight - 57320 g

height - 162 cm

the delivery went well.

I am almost 6 months old.

For the first 1, 5 months, my mother had obvious postpartum depression: she examined me with a frenzy, looked for defects and sores, obeyed the doctors (as a result of which she almost deprived me of GV, went on a diet, brought me to constipation, and then got rid of them), often cried, fed by the clock (she even woke up for feeding !!!), wrapped herself up, bathed every day in a hot bath with soap, called her grandmother and her friends every other day and listened to them too. Then I found the sites I needed (glory to the INTERNET !!!), and now it is almost adequate.

Now I will clarify on the List of development of a healthy child 4-6 months:

Motor development:

Turns me from stomach to back and back, gives me a massage and exercises.

Sits down, gets up and moves without the help of hands (because I am in the hands)

Standing at the stove with me in her arms without support

Reaches objects with one hand, holding me in the other

Shifts me from one hand to another, doing things with the other hand

Visual development:

Can't distinguish colors - otherwise why are almost ALL my clothes blue ???

Can watch for hours on sedentary objects (I mean myself)

Can't take her eyes off me

Development of language skills:

Responds to his own name less often than to a nickname

Distinguishes my emotions and intonations well enough

Makes its sounds in response to those he hears from me

Expresses in a voice unearthly joy in communicating with me and sometimes displeasure in communicating with dad

Doesn't babble, instead utters whole words and sentences

Development of the cognition process:

Finds hidden objects (my toys and daddy's socks)

Examines every diaper I use

Efforts to reach distant objects while breastfeeding

Social and emotional development:

Mom really likes playing together with me

Shows an increased interest in my images in the mirror and almost no interest in his

Reacts to other people's expressions of emotion towards me - rejoices when I am praised

Monitoring mom's development

I understand that every mother develops in her own way, so it is impossible to say exactly when mine will perfectly master this or that skill. Still, I want to get an idea of what to expect from my mom as I grow up.

I found the following of the following signs of a possible delay in the development of the mother of the child at the age of 6 months:

Mom is very weak physically compared to the first months of my life, because constantly trying to put me somewhere - on the floor, on the sofa, in the crib, etc., instead of carrying me in my arms (but I won't!)

Shows no love for people who don't look after me

Mom doesn't like being around other people without me

And now the moments that worry me about my mom:

Mom almost DOES NOT HOOL !!! Only occasionally and only with me !!!

Mom constantly kisses and squeezes me !!! I, of course, am pleased, but then how to wean it ???

Mom comments to me all her actions !!! Maybe he is afraid to forget what follows what ???

Mom ALWAYS smiles at me !!! (At about 2 months, I also decided to smile at her, so as not to look impolite, so she was SO glad that now I have to smile at her in response) What can this indicate ???

Mom sings and listens only to children's songs !!! Is it age-related or is there a cause for concern?

Mom constantly wants to sleep, falls asleep even during my feeding. How can I help her cope with sleep and stay awake like me all day?

Mom constantly takes pictures of me, I suspect, even in those rare hours when I sleep !!! Does she have a mania for persecuting babies ???
