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Euronezhit ritually kills animals
Euronezhit ritually kills animals

Video: Euronezhit ritually kills animals

Video: Euronezhit ritually kills animals

In his article, the author of the blog "Notes of a Kolymchanin" asks about the meaning of such bloody rituals …

2014-26-06 "humanists" executed a bear cub in the Bernese Zoo. It's incredible. It goes beyond any scope. The world had not yet had time to cry all the tears for the brutally executed giraffe Marius, who was only guilty of being born unplanned. OK. So be it. But why did this do it demonstratively, in front of the children? People do not give due attention to the meaning of symbols, they underestimate their power and strength. The human brain is designed in such a way that even without being consciously aware of the mind, the nested command at the subconscious level is effectively absorbed. There is a setting, a kind of programming of further patterns of behavior. A person may even forget about the event itself, but the symbolism inherent in the newcomer will not let the person go, and will do his work against the will of the one who considers himself "the master of his own mind."

How it all started is difficult to establish, but for the public, the killing of the giraffe Marius was the starting point. This was not the first ritual murder, but the poor fellow Marius became known to the whole world, a kind of Jesus in the animal kingdom.

The reason for the execution was formulated murderously: - "in order to avoid inbreeding", that is, crossing within the same population.


February 10, 2014. Copenhagen. Zoo

The mechanism that is used to introduce cannibalistic sadistic ideas into human consciousness is called the "Overton windows"

(We recommend watching a movie that looks at this creepy technology - Ed.):

I cannot call this situation a random one. The zoo management did everything to cause maximum public outcry and literally infuriated the defenders of the giraffe.

Think about it. The giraffe lived for 1.5 years in the zoo. Adults and children came to him every day. Then the idea of the need for murder was voiced, well promoted and presented in the most terrible form. Those who do not need resonance will find a way out of this situation, because a rescued giraffe can become the “idol” of thousands of visitors. But someone needed just a dead idol and just an inbred idol, a sacred sacrifice.

But why exactly a giraffe?

The Giraffe is said to be a unisex symbol. Zhora-Dora. At the same time, it is one of the five most popular soft toys among children. This cannot be immediately discounted, but I tend to think that everything is much simpler. The giraffe is a symbol of foreboding, prophecy, wisdom and intuition.

And also, the old song of V. Vysotsky comes to mind. Remember? "The giraffe is big, he knows better." It all fits, doesn't it? Isn't it symbolic that the meat of the poor giraffe was fed to lions?

And mind you, the zoo management does not even hide that it is not at all a fact that Marius is the fruit of incest. Euro-liberal "humanists" say that it is "POSSIBLE", you know, POSSIBLE there was inbreeding, ugh the word is so vile …

A terrible scandal broke out. So what? Euroliberasts have calmed down?

A month and a half later, on March 25, the lions, which were fed to Marius, were also executed.

"Due to the natural structure of the pride and the behavior of lions in the wild, we killed two old lions and two lion cubs that were not old enough to get their own food."- said the administration of the zoo.

There is no strength even to comment on this nonsense. It is clear that this is another link in the same chain. New ritual murder.

Leo is a symbol of domination. What did they want to tell us? That the mighty of this world will devour those who are able to see and know more than others, they themselves will be destroyed? By whom?

Scandal again, but what about them, the performers? They were told - they did. And the third murder was the most complete mockery. This time at the Berne Zoo in Switzerland.

Coat of arms of Bern

There is no need to explain that Bern, like Berlin, is according to our "Medvezhyegorsk". Those. hail of a bear. And this time it was the bear that became the sacred victim. Someone would argue that by accident? The official version of the execution, as in the first two cases, is mocking: - His father by name MISHA (!!!) fell out of love with his child, and his mother, (attention!) by name MASHA (!!!) did not take care of the child enough.

There can be no doubt that this is another ritual murder! Especially if you know whose citadel is Switzerland, who and how rules the world, and also compare it with the events in Ukraine.

A bear is a symbol of Russia, even if you ask a Negro or a Chinese, they will confirm. In this case, the bear cub is the son of a big bear. Dad loved him very much … But the poor fellow was sentenced to Ukraine. Moreover, the teddy bear was turned into a scarecrow (so that science would continue), and dad was castrated! All clear. You don't need to specify what this means.

Here is what my good friend says about this: -

In my opinion, the message is very clear. It remains only to wait a little to find out how powerful they are so far, and whether they will carry out their vile threats.

Versions from comments:

I remembered that in besieged Leningrad, the workers of the zoo with their last strength nursed animals that they could not evacuate, by hook or by crook they got food for them (try, feed the predator with something other than meat!), Sheltered them from bombing, and the maternity hospital allocated half a liter daily milk for a newborn hamadrillet - and he survived! Against the background of the described sacrifices made by well-fed Eurotolerasts, this feat of hungry Leningraders is even perceived as something more significant, perhaps more symbolic.

and the giraffe and the lions and the little bear are above your head. These are constellations.

Magicians by ritual murders influence the influence of planets and constellations on a person. Marius (Mars) is also from the same series.

I think that Europe and Europeans are long overdue for retirement, since the level of mental degradation of the European population has reached catastrophic proportions. The total lack of education is striking, people simply live on animal instincts, to devour and copulate is the whole European set. Therefore, they can sniff anything you want, if tomorrow they will burn people in the squares, I won’t be surprised. By the way, cannibalism is very fashionable in France now among the so-called "elite." master of the house. Everyone is happy and satisfied. And it's not a joke.

Among the Italian "elite" from representatives of the government, business and doctors, it is now fashionable to have a lover of a transvestite, not even fashionable, but a necessity, without this being in this circle is not permissible.

Therefore, Adryukh can expect anything from the Europeans. For me, they have long ceased to be human.
