Dogs understand human speech and this can be seen on a tomograph
Dogs understand human speech and this can be seen on a tomograph

Video: Dogs understand human speech and this can be seen on a tomograph

Video: Dogs understand human speech and this can be seen on a tomograph
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Dog owners probably thought at least once that their pets understood the meaning of certain words. There is a high probability that these guesses were true - a study by scientists from Emory University proved that dogs can associate words with certain objects.

The results of the work were published in the scientific journal Frontiers in Neuroscience. In the process, scientists discovered an unexpected feature of canine thinking.

The experiment involved 12 dogs of different breeds, trained to sit motionless inside a tomographic apparatus. The owners of the "good boys" were given the task of teaching them to bring different objects, hearing their names, for several months. To make it easier for dogs to distinguish objects, one of them was soft and the other hard. When the dog brought the correct item, it was given a treat. The owners were also given an additional task - to pronounce non-existent words and show objects previously not seen by pets.

Months later, the dogs were placed in a tomographic machine to study their brain activity at the sight of various kinds of objects. The study yielded several interesting results at once. First, dogs do understand previously learned words - this is what the brain activity metrics refer to. Secondly, they almost instantly recognize unknown words - their brain activity is significantly increased. Third, different parts of the brain are activated in different breeds of dogs. Researchers were surprised by the second result, because in humans everything happens the other way around - the human brain actively reacts only to familiar words, and treats unfamiliar words more calmly. It is believed that dogs pay more attention to unfamiliar words due to the desire to please the owner or receive a treat.

Scientists study with interest the thinking of dogs, but some of them believe that they are smart, while others are not. For example, recent studies have shown that dogs have feelings, but at the same time, scientists from the University of Exeter and the University of Canterbury have announced that four-legged friends are not as smart as they seem.
