Table of contents:

Alternative for Russia
Alternative for Russia

Video: Alternative for Russia

Video: Alternative for Russia
Video: Inventions Of The Future That Will Soon Be Available To Everyone 2024, May

Part 1. The inevitability of change

See the danger

The agony of a consumer society is inexorably dictating its terms to the whole world. Every year these conditions are getting tougher, as the air and water in most of the planet become unsuitable for the normal life of people, the area of forests and fertile soils is shrinking, and non-renewable resources are being depleted. The situation is aggravated by the mass production of genetically modified food products, new, artificially created epidemics. large man-made disasters, recurring forest fires more and more often. Everywhere there is a growing and increasingly fierce struggle for markets and favorable living conditions.

The international financial mafia is well aware that the accumulated fabulous money will not help it survive in the face of the disappearance of the biosphere, the growing economic collapse and general chaos. Therefore, the owners of unjustly earned capital have recently begun to seriously think about finding a new and acceptable habitat for themselves.

Our country still possesses enormous natural resources and a large territory with a relatively good ecology. In this situation, Russia, of course, is a tasty prey for any world aggressor and there is no doubt that in the very near future, attempts will be made against it to finally disintegrate the country in order to completely seize its territory and natural resources. It should be remembered that if such a plan is implemented, the Russian people will turn out to be superfluous and, no doubt, will be subjected not to another massive repression, but to total destruction. Let's be frank: the country's national strategic raw materials no longer belong to the people. Now the turn has come to take away from him the last national treasure - land, water and clean air.

Under powerful pressure from the media, many of us live in a distorted reality and do not see the impending danger. Since any devastation, as you know, begins in the minds, the time has come for radical changes in self-consciousness, the time for revising traditional dogmas, the time for a sober assessment of the prospects for the country's future life. Otherwise, the plan to destroy Russia will become a reality.

The most dangerous thing today is movement by inertia, the worst is the “stability” of hopelessness. Without radical changes, Russia will simply perish - the country's life resource is running out.

Russia: no chance to survive?

The most important thing today is not shouting “Down with!”, But building an alternative.

The cause of troubles is chopped off roots …

Why do Russians live so badly? Why in a country rich in territories, water, forests, and fossils are there such dirty cities and villages with shabby ugly buildings, with bad roads, with dusty, stinking air? Why are the villages with dilapidated rickety huts so terribly wretched? Why are people always poor, sick, unhappy, dumb? Why does the Russian not live, but humiliatedly “survives”? Why, instead of changing life, the Russian babbles wretchedly: "What can you do?" "God endured and told us!" Why, instead of acting, is the Russian injecting, praying or drinking? And why does all this continue under the Tsars, Bolsheviks, Liberals?

The reason is that the Russians have their national roots chopped off and they do not live their own lives, trying to adapt to the life of a stranger imposed on them.

The Russians pray to an imported god, kneeling before him, voluntarily calling themselves his slaves, which is unusual for the Russians, and indeed for any other people in the world. The Russians honor the Bible - a book of myths of a foreign Jewish people - as their national shrine.

The Russians accept the foreign economic theory of Marx (Mordechai Levi) as their own and respect the non-Russian people of Ulyanov-Blanc and Stalin-Dzhugashvili who imposed this doctrine on them as their national leaders.

Today the Russians obediently rushed to the Rothschild sanctuaries - supermarkets and banks.

The commonality of all three formations (Orthodox monarchy, Bolshevism, liberalism) is discussed in detail in our works.

Information terrorism is the number one danger. Part 2. Traps

Slave of the matrix

How can one who mentally surrendered to the occupier, who has accepted his ideology, live? Only bad.

… and the demolition of the national archetype

Why are so many people now enthusiastically recalling the Soviet years, despite all the shortcomings of that time, the numerous victims of the Bolshevik policy, repression, etc.? Why do so many people yearn for the time when the work or study team was a family, when they were friends with whole entrances and streets, helped each other, supported each other, opened doors wide open for relatives and friends? When did children respect their elders and show interest in studies, books, sports, Nature? The answer is obvious - socialism in Russia was really adjusted to the Russian archetype - solidarity, collectivism, broad-mindedness, openness, striving for justice. However, in 1917, people were only offered the illusion of justice. The unjust structure of society, the omnipotence of the parasitic party clans constantly came into conflict with the Russian archetype, which prepared the indifferent attitude of the majority of citizens to the collapse of the USSR.

In the 90s, the liberals proposed a new illusion: personal freedom, a beautiful and comfortable life according to the Western model of a consumer society. But the reforms broke the archetype of the Russian collectivist, broke, in fact, people too, imposing selfishness on them, making money for themselves as the main goal of life. Cottages with huge fences, expensive cars and a huge gap between people appeared - the super-rich and the poor, taking everything from life and powerless, omnipotent and disadvantaged.

For a market economy, large conglomerates of consumers - megalopolises - are beneficial. Here, large enterprises are provided with labor and infrastructure, the manufacturer and the seller save on communications and logistics. Here the speculator gets additional objects for speculation - expensive land and real estate.

But megacities are disgusting to Nature and man, they break the Russian, universal human archetype, contradict all the natural needs of man - in the fresh air, peace, greenery, silence. However, this is all - the categories are non-market and therefore megacities are expanding, forcing people to suffocate from gas pollution, suffer in crowded transport, in traffic jams, in constant haste, stress, struggle … People get tired of disunity, isolation from Nature, from the artificiality and falseness of modern life.

A person cannot live in a society that breaks his nature - that is why there are so many alcoholics, drug addicts, and suicides today. Here are some data from the "Secret Statistics on the Health of Russians": annually 69 thousand suicides, 100 thousand deaths from drug overdose, 120 thousand from low-quality alcohol.

Three imported cubes. Do not go there

Primordial Russia was lost a thousand years ago. The baptism of Russia by an alien criminal group destroyed the Russian mentality, the Russian way of life, the Russian system of values, where Mother Earth and the Family of ancestors dominated. The best gene pool of the nation was destroyed - the wise men, elders, witches, knowing mothers. All priestly sacred knowledge, reflecting ideas about the world order, about the cosmos were erased. The Russian national solar traditions and rituals were discredited and then banned, the true meaning of the holidays associated with the astronomical cycle was distorted. Genuine democracy in the form of the People's Council was replaced by the absolute power of the princes and the total arbitrariness of the Church. Baptism led to the mental and material enslavement of the people, to their physical and mental degradation. It legalized the unjust feudal estate slave system (serfdom), which closed the social lifts for talented people from the people, created a flawed backward economy. The worldview disfigured by religion, life in the world of myths - all this gave rise to infantilism, inability to assess the real situation, created the preconditions for the easy conquest of the country by another alien criminal group - the Bolsheviks.

Just like the baptists, the Bolsheviks were generated by Jewish speculative capital, it gave money for the "Russian revolution of workers and peasants." The Bolsheviks killed or expelled the Russian national elites into emigration, replacing them with non-Russians, created an unjust system with a total dictatorship of the Bolshevik party elites, slowed down the intellectual development of the masses, and gave birth to a backward collective farm-concentration camp economy. Stalin's great "achievements" - industrialization and the atomic bomb created ecological reservations in which one cannot live - Norilsk, Kuznetsk, South Ural, Semipalatinsk, etc. … civilization. The worldview disfigured by Marxism-Leninism, false propaganda, the Iron Curtain - all this deprived Soviet citizens of the opportunity to realistically assess the situation, made them infantile, which created the basis for the conquest of the country by the next alien criminal group: liberals - pseudo-democrats.

Both tsarist Russia and the USSR weakened the Russian organism so much that it was easily conquered by the liberal predators, turning Russia into a platform for plundering both state assets and private funds of naive Soviet citizens who became easy prey for financial pyramids. Today, the cadres of liberals who run the country, the Central Bank continue to channel the wealth of Russia into the United States.

All three political formations - the Orthodox monarchy, Soviet power, liberal-market capitalism - are the essence of the hypostasis of one alien to Russia, parasitic in relation to the people of power. Each of them prepared the arrival of the next stage: there would be no baptism that undermined the strength of the people, it would not have been possible to enslave them with serfdom. There would be no Orthodox monarchy, the Bolsheviks would not overthrow Russia. There would be no Bolsheviks, there would be no civil war, no World War II, which weakened Russia so much that it fell under the occupation of the liberals. The task of all three formations is the same - to plunder the territory and clean it from the aborigines - it is not for nothing that the accession of each of these three formations was accompanied by the most brutal genocide of the Russians.

The problem was solved each time in the same way: people were forced to accept an alien ideology by blood, hunger, and the creation of conditions for accelerated extinction. To suppress the protests, massive repressions and a reboot of consciousness were carried out. Baptists, Bolshevik revolutionaries, liberals - all aimed at cutting out the Russian civilizational matrix based on the natural worldview, replacing it with an artificial ideologeme. Having lost their national spiritual roots, the people became a mental and then a physical slave of the invaders.

To preserve the “heredity” of the millennial period of occupation, calling it “Russian national tradition”, means leading the country to the grave.

However, today there are many people who want change, they only shuffle occupation doctrines, trying to seek salvation from liberalism either in the Orthodox monarchy or in the Soviet regime, which are a system of equal traps for the uninitiated. Centuries of mental violence have turned the brains of many citizens into three primitive cubes. For them, looking for a way out means over and over again shuffling these cubes, which have completely discredited themselves in the course of history. The statement that not a single cube is good, introduces them to a stupor.

Another popular way to look for a way out is to divide each cube in half. Tsarism is a "good tsar", but "bad landowners", Bolshevism are the great Lenin and Stalin - the defenders of the working people - and the bad Trotskyists. There are two towers in the current Kremlin - say the "statesmen": one is a good President who "raised Russia from its knees", the other is liberal-Westernizers, from whom all evil flows.

The admirers of the President divide the liberal period in two: the "dashing nineties" and the supposedly "uplifting" zero, although there is no fundamental difference in these periods - the destruction of the country continues.

The white half of the cube is designed to silence the "detractors of our glorious history" even if the black half outperforms the white one with a crushing score and, in fact, determines the life of the country.

The way out for Russia, its salvation lies outside the space of three imported cubes.

Part 2. How to organize a new life in Russia?

Recover lost roots

Russia cannot fit into Western civilization, which is parasitic in relation to all peoples outside the small group of world elites, murderous in relation to Nature - and this is a plus for Russia, its chance to survive. It shouldn't fit in there. The salvation of Russia is the restoration of its essence, its Slavic roots, a return to the Russian system of values, where Mother Earth and the Family of ancestors dominated. Caring for the Genus and for the native Nature should become a priority, the main meaning of life for every citizen. On this basis, Russia must build a new nature-responsive civilization.

This process is already underway - the attitude of people to the Earth is changing.

The original traditions, way of life, costume, handicrafts are being revived … More and more people celebrate natural solar holidays, build their lives in the rhythms of the Earth.

More and more of those who leave megacities, remember the experience of distant ancestors, try to revive their culture, lifestyle, traditions. People are ready to endure material and everyday difficulties, lack of comfort, lack of connections. People leave to come to their true selves.

These small streams can turn the whole country towards Nature. But they will bring tangible results only when nature-centrism becomes a national ideology, saving the planet becomes a state policy.

Make nature-centrism a national idea

A common feature of all three occupation regimes is anthropocentrism: a person and his interests, human relations. The unbridled consumption of the ruling elites became a role model for the popular masses. Social progress was viewed as more and more complete satisfaction of the growing human needs. The result of this ideology was a global ecological catastrophe.

The current situation in the world is a complete confirmation that anthropocentrism has reached its climax. Humanity can no longer follow this path.

The compass for salvation is to measure all human actions with the good of the Earth. Harmonious coexistence of man and Nature is the only possible way to live. Article number one of the constitution should be formulated as follows: "The main task of the state is the preservation of the natural environment."

Changing the mentality of earthlings: from unlimited enrichment to minimalism should become the basis of life. Sufficient for human life and painless for the Earth is the basic rule of the new social order.

Bring Back True Democracy - Networked Governance (Interactive Veche)

Power in the country should be exercised by networks (people's assemblies-Veche). You don't need an intermediary - a deputy. The President is not needed. In today's highly complex informational situation, only collective management is possible.

Industries are governed by communities of qualified professionals: peasants must manage the agricultural complex, engineers and workers - industry, a community of scientists, teachers - science and education, communities of doctors - medicine. A managerial official must occupy a subordinate position in relation to the professional community and perform exclusively technical functions.

The supreme power in the country should belong to the Ministry of the Earth: a team of scientists of various specialties who study the state of the planet and direct the activities of the human community in such a way as not to harm Nature.

There cannot be a state religion, a repressive regime, an omnipotent leader.

It is obviously necessary to liquidate the State Duma. It will be replaced by several industry-specific professional expert councils working on network technology plus a small group of competent lawyers.

Get away from economic growth. The economy of a new civilization is anti-growth

On a planet of finite size, there can be no endless economic growth.

The basis of the new economic model is the shrinking of the human ecological footprint, the departure from the model of endless economic growth to anti-growth.

This is also the mainstream of the extraterritorial mass conveyor production with long supply chains. More promising are small local low-productivity, but environmentally friendly industries as close as possible to the sources of raw materials, manufacturers and consumers of goods - this will give a huge saving in natural resources, oxygen consumption and reduce harmful emissions by reducing traffic.

The revival of rural life, the restoration and development of villages, villages, small towns, the creation of tribal settlements are not the fantasies of romantics and hermits, but the need to provide people with a normal way of life, the market - with high-quality food. These measures should be associated with the resettlement of megalopolises and the improvement of the ecology of cities, since the city (small in size) should still remain the center of science, education, culture, and production. The countryside is capable of not only providing food, maintaining health resorts, boarding houses, eco-tourism bases, and folk crafts. It can become a place for industries that are not associated with large volumes of raw materials and products. This can be a place for scientists, software developers, computer technologies. Such an example is the Soviet academic towns, which should be modernized and diversified, including in the complex not only scientific institutes, but also enterprises, for example, for the production of natural medicines, so that the village does not consist exclusively of scientists, which is socially bad.

A person should have true freedom to choose where it is more comfortable for him to live and raise children, both in cities and in the countryside, equally good conditions should be created, the need to go to a metropolis to earn money should become a thing of the past.

Social development. Society

The policy of the state should be aimed at developing the potential of each person instead of turning him into a faceless office unit. Today, an employee is a servant, essentially a slave to his boss. He is deprived of the possibility of self-disclosure, creativity. Complete equality of all is unattainable, since people have different abilities. However, the state must ensure equal opportunities for all to receive quality education, choose a field of activity, change it if desired, engage in science, creativity, and entrepreneurship. In the new Russia, the most talented and resourceful people should come to the fore.

A healthy lifestyle should be an integral part of the development of society. Products saturated with chemistry, GMOs, drugs, alcohol, tobacco should go into oblivion. Only a person who understands that health is the main indicator of the quality of life will not pollute the environment.

Family and motherhood should be supported. A woman should be free from fear of losing her job, losing her qualifications due to motherhood. She should be able to leave her profession while raising children and return when she sees fit. People over 40 should not feel discriminated against in the labor market. Proactive and active people should have every opportunity to create new projects, implement business ideas, creative projects.

The Russian world must again return to the concept of "Rod" - a big friendly, close-knit, where they take care of the elderly and children and those of its members who are experiencing difficulties. Rod should once again become an alternative to nursing homes, orphanages and social services, the functioning of which will never replace what Rod can do for a person.

Naturally Appropriate Progress

Some enthusiasts of an ecological lifestyle propose to completely abandon progress - to return again to wooden huts, abandon mobile communications, cars, switch entirely to local products, originally produced in Russia … This often frightens off and causes bewilderment among ordinary citizens. Progress exists and there is nowhere to leave it, it is human nature to equip and improve his life, to create comfortable conditions.

Progress allowed us to get rid of the need for hard physical labor, which once took all the time, gave us the opportunity to do more self-education, creativity, sports … Progress allowed us to quickly move to other cities and countries, keep in touch with any person from anywhere in the world. Progress has added variety to food, clothing, everyday life, entertainment, etc.

The cause of all today's troubles is not progress itself, but the fact that it went side by side with ignorance, human egoism, the desire of certain social groups to parasitize on the body of all other humanity.

However, progress can no longer be combined with overconsumption and enrichment, a person must get away from the erroneous opinion that the main goal of life is the accumulation of capital. Many researchers confirm that wealth is not a source of happiness, psychological well-being, but, nevertheless, wealth is needed to feel safe, free and full of life.

But prosperity must coexist with a sense of proportion, which will never allow, using the resources of the Earth, to upset the balance on the planet. It was this path that our ancestors walked - they strove to live in abundance, but at the same time in harmony with Nature and in good conscience.

The super-rich and the poor, the powerful and the oppressed - these extremes appeared when a person lost his sense of proportion, the golden mean. It is not for nothing that in the Old Church Slavonic language the concept of "evil" was identical to the concept of excessiveness, excess.

The task of the Russian world is now to find the golden mean that would make it possible to cope with the ecological, economic and social crisis. The situation can be corrected only by reasonable, nature-appropriate progress.

Science of a new civilization - co-evolution of man and Nature

The human brain must be cleansed of the garbage of artificial political doctrines, religions, paralyzing natural thinking abilities.

We need complete openness of all knowledge. Hiding knowledge for the sake of political and religious clans should be considered a crime. The new Russia must freely study all periods of its history. Today it is necessary to actively restore the deliberately cut knowledge of the pre-Christian eras, the true traditions of the Rus, the original culture and language.

All scientific data should be publicly available. All projects must be considered.

Priority should be given to life sciences. The basis of science is to inscribe man into Nature as a non-destructive component, to develop an algorithm for the co-evolution of man and Nature.

To break the deadlock, we need environmentally friendly technologies in industrial production and agriculture, saving resources, avoiding materials that pollute the earth, alternative energy sources, and raw materials. And the beginning has already been made, both in Europe and here in Russia.

International relations - openness and cooperation

Russia can implement in itself and offer the whole world a saving project - a civilizational breakthrough: to get away from the disastrous path of an anti-natural anthropocentric civilization, to follow a fundamentally different path of building a nature-responsive world order. And many will follow this project, because the global ecological catastrophe is already obvious.

Preserving the environment, restoring Nature is a global priority that will eliminate hostilities, wars, the production of weapons, special services, conspiratorial structures (Masonic lodges, religions, sects, secret clubs, secret government …).

Openness, honesty, truthfulness should become the basis of world politics, since all peoples are one family, children of one mother Earth. An example of such a society was given by Ivan Efremov: see "Hour of the Bull", "The Andromeda Nebula".

Only worldwide cooperation, honesty, openness will save the Earth and humanity. Continuation of enmity is the path to general destruction.

Utopia? NO - a necessity

All of the above looks like a naive, unrealizable utopia, since it fundamentally breaks the modern geopolitical structure. The parasitic ruling clans, who have gained immense power, will never allow such a change. Their strength is irresistible. This is the most common point of view.


The last oxygen disappears in the air

The last water leaves the planet

The last forests are burning down and being cut down

The last animals, fish, birds are dying

People are preparing the most terrible death for themselves with their own hands - from suffocation, hunger, thirst

Either people will make a fairy tale about a just world that preserves the Earth come true, or there will be no people

And only the Network, the collective mind of people who want to live, can find a way from point "A" to point "B"

Ekaterina Kislitsyna

Lyudmila Fionova

Maxim Shubin
