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Why is Christianity working today not to unite people, but to promote their separation?
Why is Christianity working today not to unite people, but to promote their separation?

Video: Why is Christianity working today not to unite people, but to promote their separation?

Video: Why is Christianity working today not to unite people, but to promote their separation?
Video: THE SIMPSONS. Russian Art Film Version // Симпсоны. Артхаусная русская версия 2024, April

The outrageous New Year 2018 scandal associated with the tragic death in Ukraine in the city of Zaporozhye of a two-year-old boy Zhenya, on the one hand, and the refusal of the priest of the Moscow Patriarchate church to serve a prayer service at the request of the parents of the deceased child, on the other hand, made it possible to highlight in modern Christianity the presence of more than three centuries Jewish heresy, - in the language of the same clergy!

Judge for yourself.

When the grief-stricken parents of the deceased boy turned in the city of Zaporozhye to the nearest church run by Moscow Patriarchate, in order to service little Zhenya before the funeral, they were refused on the pretext that the child was baptized in the church Kiev Patriarchate!"

Someone Tamerlan Russov commented on this news on the Internet:

In other words, church leadership Moscow Patriarchatecounts all churches Kiev Patriarchateillegitimate (non-canonical), and the acts of baptism of people carried out by them - illegal and lacking spiritual power!

Perhaps, formally, the leadership of the churches of the Moscow Patriarchate took the correct position from some side. But!

When I decided to delve into, on some such basis, the priests of the Moscow Patriarchate showed such blatant heartlessnessin relation to the deceased child and his parents - they were denied the funeral service for the innocent victim, the following became clear.

In the "ROC" there is a canon TO CONSIDER UNBAPTIMED people baptized in a non-canonical church, and children under 7 years of age are classified as "babies". In accordance with this, the ROC has a rule:

The fall of the Church itself, mired in Jewish lies, happened in Russia after the reform of Nikon, which began after 1650 according to the new chronology under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, and ended under his son, Tsar Peter I, who in 1700, according to the chronology he made, made the most real perfidyoriginal Russian Orthodoxy.

Due to the fact that more than three hundred years have passed since that perfidy, today the overwhelming majority of Christians believe that the Bible has always consisted of the New and Old Testaments. Absolutely the same today and our young children think about TV and the Internet, naively believing that these brilliant creations of human hands have always existed

Theologians who have fallen into the Jewish heresy help our believers to stay in this delusion, who convince believers that, as if the Old Testament is an integral part of Holy Scripture, and both books harmoniously complement each other almost since the time of the Apostles.

But this is not the case! Even at the beginning of the 19th century, the Old Testament was not considered a holy book in Russia, and, accordingly, all the conclusions of the clergymen, made with reference to the Old Testament, were considered unambiguously "Jewish heresy."

I will cite further a large fragment of an article by another author. "When the Jewish" Old Testament "became a" holy book "in Russia:

ROC version

However, once and for all, the Judaizing rulers of Russia failed then to resolve all the issues of replacing true Orthodoxy with a false, Western model. Although the "Moscow Bible" appeared in Russia, it was not accepted by society. The people doubted the correctness of the new books (more precisely, they despised and blasphemed them) and perceived their implementation as an attempt to enslave the country by the Jews.

In many churches, the Slavic versions of the New Testament, the Apostle and the Psalter were still used.

Elizabethan Bible

The Elizabethan Bible is a copy of the Moscow Bible, with a correction according to the Vulgate (Latin translation of the Bible). After the invasion of Napoleon, in 1812, the "Bible Society" was created, which began to distribute the Elizabethan Bible. However, the Bible Society was soon banned. The spread of the Bible with the Old Testament was opposed by Nicholas I. It is known that in 1825 the edition of the Jewish "Old Testament" translated and published by the Bible Society was burned at the brick factories of the Nevsky Lavra.

During the thirty-year reign of Emperor Nicholas I, there were no more attempts to translate, let alone publish the Jewish "Old Testament".


Synodal translation

The translation of the books of the Jewish "Old Testament" was renewed in 1856 during the reign of Alexander II. But it took another 20 years of struggle for the publication of the dual Bible in Russian in one volume in 1876, on the title page of which was: "With the blessing of the Holy Synod."

This text of the Bible is called "Synodal translation", "Synodal Bible"and it is being republished to this day with the blessing of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.

The Holy Synod, which gave its blessing for the distribution in Russia of the synodal translation of the Bible, containing under one cover two, artificially connected heterogeneous books, in fact signed the verdict to the Russian state, which is confirmed by all subsequent events, including the current state of Russia.

One of the main roles in the new translation of the Jewish Old Testament was played by Daniil Abramovich Khvolson and Vasily Andreevich Levison, a rabbi from Germany who converted to Orthodoxy in 1839.

One can imagine what forces were interested in giving the Old Testament the status of a "Holy Book", because they managed to process the members of the Holy Synod and convince them of the need to join the Jewish Torah (Old Testament) to the New Testament.

Someone was striving so strongly for this goal that they even sacrificed two rabbis who switched from Judaism to "Orthodoxy", but only formally, but in reality they continued their Jewish activities … By the way, the Jewish electronic encyclopedia speaks positively of them, and not as traitors to Judaism.

A source

The Greek Christian religion (the cult of Dionysus) began to be called the "RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH" only in 1943. Until that time, there was no "ROC" in Russia, but there was "a Russian Orthodox Christian church of the Greek rite."

REFERENCE: The Greek Catholic Orthodox (Right Faithful) Church (now "ROC") began to be called Pravoslavnaya only from September 8, 1943, during the Great Patriotic War. (This name was approved by Stalin's decree).

What then was called Russian Orthodoxy for many centuries?

To do this, one must remember what was in Russia before 1650, before the Reforms, Patriarch Nikon, who fell into the Jewish heresy.

In his previous article "It is very difficult to believe in it, but the religious story is one continuous falsification !!!" I gave the following facts:

I also recalled in my previous article that "Eastern Roman Empire", which for a long time was the center of Orthodoxy and formed with Russia a single Hyperborea (ancient analogue of the USSR), ceased to exist in 1453 according to the new chronology after the capture by the Ottoman Turks of Constantinople (the city of Byzantium, also called Constantinople). Hence, by 1650 the so-called "Eastern Orthodox Church" is already almost 200 years was under the influence and intervention of Western Rome. And what can happen by people and their consciousness in 200 years, we all know from our history. Over the past 100 years, Russia has experienced three revolutions, two World Wars, a terrible Civil War, piety imposed on the Russian people, then atheism, then piety imposed on people from above … And what could have happened in 200 years to the "Eastern Orthodox Church" in Greece is difficult even introduce. But, unambiguously, there could not be a transformation of the foundations of the Christian faith.

In this regard, the documented "Debate with the Greeks on the Faith" of the Russian hieromonk Arseny Sukhanov, who was sent by Patriarch Joseph and Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich to the East and specifically to Greece with an important ambassador mission to study the canons of the "Christian Church of the Greek Rite" there, is of great interest to us …


The 50-year-old Elder Arseny Sukhanov was a great connoisseur of the basics of Russian Orthodoxy, this became a decisive factor in choosing an envoy to the East to study the rituals of the local Orthodox Church. "On June 10, 1649, Arseny, together with Paisius and Hierodeacon Jonah, went to Constantinople with the task of describing church customs. However, Sukhanov failed to reach Constantinople - he returned to Moscow twice, first from Yassy and then, on December 8, 1650, from Athos. from the trip, Sukhanov handed over to the Ambassadorial order his "Disputes with the Greeks about faith", as well as information about the journey with a detailed description of the customs, customs of the local population, climate and vegetation, fauna, fortifications of the cities through which his path passed. " A source.

And this is what exactly he wrote in his embassy report "Debate with the Greeks about Faith" Arseny Sukhanov in 1650, after which treachery began in Russia:

Arriving on Mount Athos, Elder Arseny said to the Greeks: “You say that we have received baptism from you, and not because you are baptized with your hand. But when that vision was clouded with dullness, that is, heresy and the schism of the church, the Pope darkened and saw the right to see the light, then the four senses, that is, the patriarchs, and without vision, that is, without the Pope, live. we can now be without your teaching.”- Or was the Pope always pious and at that time whom he baptized, can they listen to the current Pope or not?

I consider it my duty to comment on this material, written by Arseny Sukhanov in 1650.

Russia was baptized, - wrote Hieromonk Arseny in his ambassadorial report "Discussion with the Greeks about Faith" - not by Prince Vladimir, as we are now being told, but by one of the first apostles of Christ - Andrew, nicknamed the First-Called, who, in addition to Kiev, was also in Veliky Novgorod, where "he spread his teaching about the faith of Christ, and baptized others." Pope Clement mentioned by Hieromonk Arseny and exiled to Korsun (Crimea) is considered "the fourth bishop of Rome" (the 4th Pope). And he was in this position, according to the official chronicle of the Roman Catholic Church, from 88 or 90 to 97 or 99. A source.

We now read further the ambassadorial report of Arseny Sukhanov "Debate with the Greeks about faith", written in 1650:

January 8, 2018 Murmansk. Anton Blagin

Important application: "The Jews rejoiced early in the victory over Russia! Their penetration into the Kremlin was falling into a trap!"


Alexey Korobkin: somehow everything is mixed, mixed. On the one hand, I completely agree with the author that the "Old Testament" has nothing to do with Christianity. At one time, the Western Church needed it, so as not to work on describing the world order, taking as a basis ready-made Jewish scriptures, everything was too simple and practical there (for those times, now it is a complete anachronism). In fact, there is no smell of Christian compassion and humanity in the "Old Testament", but the times were harsh and dark, and therefore it came in handy. On the other hand, the author, for some reason, again bumped into the issues of chronology and Old Believers, which more likely distracts from the topic than contributes to its disclosure. Meanwhile, the topic is very interesting. Indeed, why did the church cling to the "Old Testament" so much, from which it is so wild and not ours?

AntonBlagin → Aleksey Korobkin: The ROC needed the "Old Testament" to bring the Jews to power over Russia. This should be obvious today.

First, these Jews with very colorful faces:


Then these Jews, too, with well-recognizable faces:


Then these Jews …


Western Rome was not only the initiator of this secret protracted war against Hyperborean Russia, to wage this war, it gave birth to Sephardic Jews in its peripheral lands - in Spain - and Ashkenazi Jews in Germany and Poland. I covered this in a separate article: "Why does the Polish elite hate any Russia - white or red?".

glum-mock: dear Anton Blagin! This is the second post on the same topic posted. I ask you to answer only one question: what are you trying to achieve with these publications, what is their ultimate goal?

AntonBlagin → glum-mock: What am I trying to achieve? Fulfillment of Christ's Prophecy of the Harvest! This one! "37 He answered and said to them: He who sows the good seed is the Son of Man; 38 the field is peace; the good seed are the sons of the Kingdom, and the tares are the sons of the evil one; 39 the enemy who sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers 40 Therefore, as they gather tares and burn them with fire, so it will be at the end of this age: 41 The Son of Man will send His angels, and will gather from His kingdom all the temptations and the perpetrators of iniquity, 42 and cast them into the fiery furnace; there will be weeping and grinding teeth; 43 then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears to hear, let him hear! " (Matthew 13).

Sektor: reading Blagin, I see that he himself, learning new facts, studies with us. After the concealment of a single world religion, it is very difficult to find the truth and knowledge of our ancestors. If you only believe in the wisdom of the Jewish people - believe it! But why bother others to seek the truth? Our story is fake - this is Anton's main idea.

AFG: to the question of the correspondent of the weekly VPK Archpriest Smirnov: "How can an ordinary person find the way to God today?" the answer was received: “Very SIMPLE. To do this, you need to read the four Gospels and go to church every day. If you fulfill these two conditions, then in six months you will be guaranteed to become a believer … At the same time, you should not read the Gospels mechanically. You need to try to see yourself in it, as in a mirror."

Following the good advice of Archpriest Smirnov, I carefully reread the Gospels. I read the entire New Testament and grabbed some of the books of the Old Testament. The dissonance is complete! In the first case, we are talking about God, with faith in Him, based on love and mercy for the weaknesses of people. In another, - about a god who is vengeful and envious of other gods of the "pagans", and who maintains faith in themselves on the fear of punishment of the "chosen ones" for their failure to comply with the darkness of prescriptions. D. Merezhskovsky "Jesus the Unknown" is an amazing book for converting to the Faith.

The leitmotif of the four Gospels is to become children so that the Gates to the Kingdom of Heaven may open before you! This means that children are sinless by the definition of Jesus Christ! Looks like theologians, establishing the current dogmas of the church, which they call Christ, have inattentively read the Gospels!

White Rus: I really liked the question from the reader of "glum-mock" in the comments: "What are you trying to achieve, Anton Blagin, with your publications? What are you itching to do?"

The answer to this, I hope, a clever, but ingenuous question You, Anton, laid on Jesus Iosifovich ("in their ugly furnace!" Etc., etc.). Meanwhile, this is a question of questions! What are we going to do with these sworn and Gd marked "our friends"? It is not appropriate, in my opinion, to carry out the weeding of others with the hands of some ethnic groups! It seems that that part of the Jewry, which at first deeply THOUGHTS about what is happening, and then THINKS, she herself among her fellow tribesmen will carry out lustration-weeding-cleaning in order to get rid of parasites. You can call this Godly deed Holocaust, but it is possible in another way. For example, "social detox", getting rid of parasites.
