Table of contents:

"For Russians, God is not in Heaven, but in their souls. For those who have a separate God, those are non-Russians!"
"For Russians, God is not in Heaven, but in their souls. For those who have a separate God, those are non-Russians!"

Video: "For Russians, God is not in Heaven, but in their souls. For those who have a separate God, those are non-Russians!"

Video: Jordan Peterson: "I'm Not Anti-Feminist" | Q&A 2024, April

This is a continuation of the article "In search of Truth, people have already expressed many guesses, let me say something too …" … Start here:

So, I was pushed to write this philosophical work at once by two articles published on KONTE, these are "Comments - Comte's throbbing blood" Natalia Lopatina and "Philosophy of Evolution" by Omega-Technologies.

The author began the last of these articles with the words: "The human mind finished the development of its thinking abilities many thousands of years ago …"

For me, this is the same as writing: "The divine mind finished the development of its thinking abilities many thousands of years ago …" And this is sheer delirium, if you understand that the word intelligence different from the word mind as strong as in mythology God differs from the devil.

Blogger Natalia Lopatina in his article "Comments - Comte's throbbing blood" published a whole collection of original statements by some readers and bloggers, which did not leave me indifferent, as did her.

Alexander Sidorov wrote: "The Creator created us to be dissimilar! To some the devil even put his hoof! The devil is a part of God, so we are all the same from God."

On this comment found somewhere Natalia Lopatinaimposed its resolution: "I agree. Paradoxical as it may sound, but the Devil is not an antipode, but a part of God, like each of us. Otherwise, God is not the Most High and not Almighty, if someone opposes him as an equal."

Further in the collection of Natalia Lopatina there is a comment from Michael Naida: "You know, Chemist, I will probably surprise you! For a Man, conscience is above the LAW. I will neither prove nor convince. But !!! Once upon a time in the blessed Empire it was like that."

And now a comment from the very Natalia Lopatina to this statement of Mikhail Naid: "For a Man, conscience is above the law - that's exactly how it is! I think this is our national idea, which everyone is looking for and cannot find."

Then she wrote: And then you can beat off on the tablets and this:

And one more thought in the collection of Natalia Lopatina "hooked" me:

Arbiter Elegantiae: " Do you know why such fierce debates are about the past? We are looking for the crystallization point of the nation in the past. We don't have it in the future. No goal, no idea. Need a rollback!"

And after all this, I read from the author of Omega-Technologies the very statement that literally became a "trigger" for me: "The human mind finished developing its thinking abilities many thousands of years ago …"

I am convinced of the following: the human mind, in principle, has not finished its development and will never finish, because it is constantly evolving! Another thing is that the overwhelming majority of the inhabitants of the planet have their minds trite off! More precisely, IT IS NOT INCLUDED! We are so arranged, alas and ah, that the mind must be switched on literally in every single person with the help of a special technique (psychotechnics)! But the saddest thing is that someone has been holding consciousness of all mankind, and the Russian people in the first place, in a kind of grip, counting on the fact that we will all gradually degrade and die out "naturally"!

Who is this collective villain, I showed with a private example in the first part of this article using statements of professor A. Klyosov, who very frankly told on camera who specifically from the Russian Academy of Sciences purposefully prevents him and other Russian scientists from studying the ancient history of the Slavs using the latest tool - DNA genealogy.

However, I must note that back in 1928 the same truth was just as frankly disclosed in one of the American magazines by Mark Eli Ravage, the personal biographer of the Rothschild family:


In the same place, in this magazine and in this article, Mark Eli Ravage just wrote: "WE HAVE IMPOSED A STOP VALVE ON YOUR PROGRESS!".

And this, unfortunately, is true! The STOP CRANE is imposed on our consciousness because the overwhelming majority of people live in the JEWISH CONCEPT SPACE.

Therefore, I am not at all surprised that today someone came up with the idea to write: "The human mind has finished developing its thinking abilities …" However, I note that the person who wrote this clearly does not know and does not even imagine what a mind is. He obviously thinks "mind" is synonymous with "mind." But this is not so!

To now clearly explain to the reader (suddenly he also does not understand) what is intelligence human, and how is it different from simple mind, i.e. "thinking skills", intelligence in another way, I will refer to the most authoritative scientist in modern Russia, professor, academician of the USSR and the Russian Academy of Sciences - Natalia Petrovna Bekhtereva (1924-2008).


Natalia Bekhtereva as a scientist was very interested in brain work, but she was even more interested in work of the mindalways associated with superpowers of man.

In order to study both, and the other, and the third (the human brain, mind and superpowers), Natalya Bekhtereva conducted various experiments at the Institute of the Brain, including on the instructions of the leadership of the USSR, and then Russia, and met with people who had some -or superpowers. Her famous saying: "I admit that thought exists separately from the brain, but it only catches it from space and reads it …" should be correlated specifically with work reason … Natalia Bekhtereva said about this: “We see a lot that we are not able to explain. I met with Vanga - she read the past, saw the future. According to the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the number of her foresight came true - 80%. How did she do it?"

The very statement of this question "how did she do it?" - a product of the activity of the human mind, but by no means the mind, because the mind, by its nature, tends to give a person an answer to any question.

The short story given below by Natalia Bekhtereva just very well shows the difference in work mind and reason.

Aunt Vanga


Vanga and Natalia Bekhtereva.

“Before the meeting with the seer, I wanted to concentrate and be silent, but, as luck would have it, my Bulgarian medical colleagues pestered me with meaningless empty conversations. Wang.

Blind, her face is asymmetrical and yet infinitely sweet and pure, like a child's. She called everyone on "you" and demanded that she be addressed in the same way. And at first the voice was angry and shrill - I didn’t bring a lump of sugar, which I had to carry with me for a day before the meeting, so that it absorbed all the information and passed on to Vanga. I gave her a present - a beautiful Pavlovo Posad shawl.

She grimaced in displeasure: “He's new! He won't say anything about you! What do you want to know?" I explained that I would just like to talk to her "for science." Vanga chuckled dismissively: “For science …”, but suddenly her face acquired a clear, interested expression: “Your mother has come, she is here. He wants to talk. " And my mother died in 1975, and I thought that now the "cunning" Vanga, on behalf of my mother, would begin to reproach me - why I hadn’t visited the grave for a long time. Many who visited Vanga told me about such reproaches.

I decided to get ahead of her: "She's probably angry with me?" - “No, she is not angry, and during her lifetime she was also rarely angry. It's all a disease, it's all a disease ", - Vanga exactly repeated her mother's words, which she apologized for her irritability, and in addition shook her hands and head strongly, depicting the symptoms of her mother's most severe disease called" parkinsonism. " "She had such a tremor paralysis, right?" And a slight chill touched my heart - how does she know?..

Vanga gave me two of my mother's requests - to order a memorial service from the monks in Zagorsk and go to Siberia. I was surprised - why Siberia, why? I have no one there. “I don’t know,” Wang said. - Mother asks strongly. And what is this place - Siberia? Town? Village?"

Quite unexpectedly, when I returned to Leningrad, I received an invitation to Siberia to read about my grandfather. Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev … I refused, busy with business, which I still regret very much - I feel, I know, if I had agreed, and much in my life would have turned out differently.

And Wanga also said that my father (Peter Bekhterev) did not die, but was killed, and suggested where to look for his grave. And she really struck me with the statement “Why are you going to the Deputy Minister, he is not your man. He will promise, but will give nothing. Go to the minister, this is your man. " Well, how was she to know which government offices her guest from Russia was visiting? It is impossible to guess about this. Life has shown that here, too, Wanga was not mistaken … " A source.

And I will give one more example, no less illustrative, but requiring further comment.

Journalist Igor Loginov, who once interviewed Natalya Bekhtereva, asked her: "Since you yourself have started talking about God, I cannot but ask you how you feel about religion?"

Natalya Bekhtereva replied: “I believe in God and had a chance to personally verify the possibilities of religion. I have never been a militant atheist, but this belief came to me after I experienced a lot of things that are beyond the limits of human endurance. And then what was beyond the power of the doctors - to get me out of my grave condition - was done in just ten seconds by an ordinary priest … A source.


The last words from the personal experience of Natalia Bekhtereva: "… it was done in ten seconds by an ordinary priest" I am obliged to comment now, otherwise some readers may completely misunderstand their meaning.

Modern name a priest comes from a sacrament called " ordination", this sacrament is associated with the awakening (inclusion) reason in the initiate. Today this sacrament is well known both in Christianity and among northern shamans … The old shaman, shortly before his death, imparts "strength" to the young through "ordination". The latter circumstance eloquently testifies to the fact that the sacrament of the awakening of reason in a person by means of "ordination" (ie, "priesthood") was widely known to various nations long before the birth of Christ. And there is nothing surprising in this. So it was originally from the creation of the World!

See now how this sacrament is explained in Orthodoxy: "Priesthood, or ordination, or ordination (from Old Greek χείρ - "hand" + Old Greek τονόω - "Give strength") - in the Orthodox and Catholic representation - consecration of a person, endowing him with the Holy Gifts and the right to perform sacraments and rituals. In all historical churches, only the bishop has the right to ordain as the successor of the apostles and through this the conductor of the grace of the Holy Spirit … "(Reference from "Wikipedia".).

That is, from the point of view of Christianity, priest a person becomes a person over whom another priest, already possessing “power,” performed the sacrament of initiation and thereby opened up to him the same access to “power” that the initiator already has.

This principle of transferring "power" from person to person is similar to the transfer of fire from one burning candle to many unlit candles. According to the plan of Christ the Savior, who said that the "POWER OF DARKNESS" had come on earth (Luke 22:53), his disciples had to try to kindle the "divine fire" in all people!


What kind of "power" is transferred to the initiated person, which endows him with the "Holy Gifts", is not at all difficult to understand if we turn to the text of the Christian Gospel:

Natalya Lopatina: “I agree. Paradoxical as it may sound, but the Devil is not an antipode, but a part of God, like each of us. Otherwise, God is not the Most High and not Almighty, if someone opposes him as an equal.”

First, it's not the Devil to write correctly, but diaox, as in the Bible. This mythical character appeared in religious literature during the heyday of geometric science. This is a two-root word the devil has an antonym (a word with the opposite meaning) - Simox. The root "dia" means to divide, the root "sim" means to connect. Second, in geometry, the Latin word diabolus (Russian diaox) - meant the division of the whole in half. Some "theologians" once mentally divided the One God into a "good" half and an "evil" half. It was the same as dividing the whole in half. It turned out, in theory, loving everyone God the Creator and angry the devil, a zealot and avenger, as in the Jewish Torah he is characterized.

Only until now, for some reason, none of ordinary mortals sees that those mentioned in the Bible God and the devil - these are not halves of a single whole, but qualitatively different entities, such as fire and alcohol!

In the Christian religion God is the "spirit of truth". The manifestation of God in man is reason and conscience. You can serve this God only by being "in spirit and truth."

In the Jewish religion the devil - "the spirit of lust and selfishness", only the human body and his animal (biochemical) are subject to it mindinclined (in the absence of conscience) to deception and meanness. Hence the cult bloodlust of the devil. In fact, it is fleshly, lower spiritwho cannot even intersect with reason, that is, with the Holy Spirit! They are on different "floors"! And those people who staked on him in their religion - the Jews - did not come up with anything smarter (sillier!) How to write in their "holy scriptures" that their Lord loves the smell of meat burnt on fire. Like, this is a "fragrance" for the Lord!


Jews, the ritual of burnt offering of sacrificial meat ("Holocaust" in Greek)!

"… And burn the whole ram on the altar. This is a burnt offering to the Lord, a sweet scent, a sacrifice to the Lord." (Exodus, 29: 18).

Even this single entry in the Bible says that this Lord is the God of unreasonable people!

This is said about them by the Old Testament prophet Jeremiah: "… unreasonable they are children, and they have no meaning; they smart for evilbut they do not know how to do good "(Jer. 4:22).

Unreasonable means “without reason”!

But this phrase of Christ simply puts a seal on their unreasonable foreheads: "Your father is the devil, and you want to fulfill the desires of your father …" (John 8:44).

After all, it is directly emphasized in this phrase of Christ that the devil is the master of bodily lust, and for the Jews he is literally a "father"!

Can't the so-called believers see this? Or do they not understand ?!

In fact, the story of Christ and his apostles, described in the Bible and the Gospels, and the story of the Jews, described in the same place, is the story of the unequal opposition of those who had intelligence, with those who had only mind, and at the same time shouted that he was serving the Lord, without even having conscience! In the teachings of the Jews, there is not even such a concept!

What kind of Lord the Jews served and are still serving, we finally figured it out!


Now only a scoundrel and a liar will assert and prove that, they say, "Christians and Jews believe in one God!" This is a lie, insolent and monstrous!

And yes, remember that about the Russian people they always said: "STRONG IN SPIRIT"!

By the Holy Spirit!

July 10, 2019 Murmansk. Anton Blagin


Kolokolov Alexander: "It was the 21st century, the mentally retarded continue to believe in the supernatural … Hey judged, can you remind me under whose sign the Crusades were going? Witch hunts? And the capitalists exterminating millions of Chinese, Bengalis, Boers, etc.? And the Nazis and fascists?"

AntonBlagin: good question-request: "Can you remind me under whose sign the Crusades were going? Witch hunt?" Have you heard the expression: "the devil is the monkey of God" ?! Here are the biblical Jews, servants of the devil, the same "monkey" !!! They are the best parodists and imitators of human affairs! And they are also great lovers of mimicking - taking on the appearance of the one they are trying to destroy. This is the answer why the "crusaders" led by the Jewish leaders during the Crusades killed Christians with the name of Christ on their standards and banners, and why in the 20th century the same Jews, perching on the back of the German nation as on the back of a fighting elephant, rushed to kill the Slavs - the Aryans under their symbolism, the Aryans, the swastika ("rotating cross"), which is the most ancient symbol of the very "Holy Spirit" that is God.
