Alternative history of mankind
Alternative history of mankind

Video: Alternative history of mankind

Video: Alternative history of mankind
Video: Евгения Ермольченко (Genia) - Шагов не слышно и шорохов / There are no sounds 2024, September

An alternative study of the history of our civilization has been gaining momentum in recent years. This happens through the efforts of both individual scientists who do not want to bend their souls and strive to escape from the yoke of the official historical paradigm, and ordinary citizens, often far from historical science, but having an inquisitive mind and a burning desire to understand our past.

Today the history of mankind is an incredible mixture, an exotic cocktail of versions, hypotheses, guesses and real facts. Atlantis, Hyperborea, Tartaria, megaliths, pyramids, underground cities, hollow Earth, flat Earth, expanding Earth, giants, dwarfs, Aryans, aliens, reptilians, UFOs, unexplained artifacts, floods, dinosaurs, mammoths and much more are mixed here.

Now is the time to put some of this incredible amount of conflicting information in order at least a little with the help of such a research tool as logic. Unfortunately, many do not recognize her as such. The causal relationship of events is unshakable - this is the foundation on which the building of our reality rests. It is logic that is called upon to reveal the cracks in this foundation. And if the canvas of the flow of events has breaks, only logic is able to detect them. This is confirmed in the case of historical science: people simply believe everything written in school textbooks. This is the property of human consciousness. I will start only from the facts that no longer cause, as it seems to me, doubts among sane people.

So, what are these facts:

1. Megaliths.

Their incredible weight and method of processing makes us assume that builders have absolutely fantastic modern technologies and knowledge of tools for manufacturing and a method of controlling gravity to move such weights. Taken together, these facts undermine the laws of physics we know. This also includes the pyramids. They are, they stand, we walk around them, look and scratch in the back of our heads. And they were definitely not built by the Mayans, not by the Aztecs and not by the Egyptians - people generally have nothing to do with their creation.


2. The earth is a giant quarry.

There are already plenty of articles and colorful photos on the net that leave no doubt about this fact: our planet has been thoroughly rummaged by someone. Moreover, both the continents and the bottom of the seas and oceans. It seems that the entire landscape of the planet is the result of these developments. The presence of a huge amount of sand that came from nowhere is directly related to this. We cannot even imagine how this could have been done. But I don't think they were the giant mining excavators that some researchers believe.


3. Cities.

We live in cities, to the creation of which we have nothing to do. All cities on the planet are built in conventionally antique, Romanesque and Gothic styles. If the Russian peasants in bast shoes were not able to build St. Petersburg, then other peoples were not able at the same time to build Berlin, London, Tokyo, Sydney, Mexico City, Washington and so on. We are not able to build these cities even now with our capabilities. What to build there! We are not even able to restore this "historical" heritage. It is for this reason that the old Moscow, St. Petersburg, etc. disappear. In my lifetime, we have built up the country only with ugly brick and panel five- and nine-story boxes, as indeed it happened in the rest of the world.


4. The ground is covered with craters.

This fact became known to us as soon as we got access to space images. As an option: the Earth was subjected to carpet bombing by nuclear or other, based on a physical principle unknown to us, but equal or even superior in destructive power, or it is the consequences of hydrogen degassing of the interior of our planet. And what is most incredible - it was quite recently, in the memory of mankind, only we, for some reason, do not remember anything about it. Meteorite and karst versions explain the origin of only a tiny fraction of such craters.


5. Young forests.

The absence on the territory of Russia of forests older than 150-200 years, forest plantations that there was no one to produce and huge treeless spaces is completely inexplicable. It is also impossible to explain from any point of view the presence of non-growing glades in the forests, sometimes of great length.


6. Mammoths.

We "know for sure" that they were washed away by a giant wave. buried under meter layers of loess and instantly frozen. If we can still imagine the reasons for the formation of such a wave (earthquake, meteorite), then the mechanism of instant freezing of such a number of animals in such a vast territory and the formation of such an amount of loess is a secret for us.


7. Unexplained artifacts.

There are a huge number of them in museums and in the open air of all countries. These are items made with incredible tools using fantastic technologies.


8. UFO.

Something penetrates our reality from the outside and changes its physical properties, or is it an earthly phenomenon that affects human consciousness and sense organs?

9. Buried buildings.

This fact also defies any explanation. The children's babble of historians about cultural layers, floods and floods does not stand up to even elementary criticism. It is obvious that this cataclysm occurred only 70 years ago, but neither written nor oral evidence has survived about it. Why? We know almost every minute about the biblical events of 2000 years ago, but nothing about what happened to us quite recently. Strange, isn't it ?!


Where did I get 70 years from? Because the first floors of buildings not only of the Tsar's, but also of the Stalinist buildings are covered with clay! And, if our parents and their parents do not remember anything about these events, then I dare say: 70 years ago we (people), and possibly our reality, did not exist yet.


To the objections of opponents, who claim that this is a natural shrinkage of buildings in soft soil, I answer: buildings may well sink into soft soil, but at the same time the foundation breaks, since the soil is not water, but a house is not a submarine and on "level keel "cannot dive. Accordingly, there are cracks along the walls, the house becomes emergency and cannot be repaired. Even one-story houses, whose weight is small, are prone to such trouble, what can we say about multi-storey ones. The strength of the solution is not enough to make the box of the house monolithic and capable of withstanding the work of the levers of soil sections with different densities under the foundation. Please do not refer to the Leaning Tower of Pisa - people hardly built it.

And the statements that these are basement floors and were originally thought so are hardly worth considering seriously. I think that it is not only my head that does not fit the volume of soil that the builders of the city on the Neva alone should have extracted with the help of shovels, picks, wheelbarrows and carts!

Here are the main obvious facts that are hushed up, ignored or falsified by mainstream science and its high patrons. We can make an unambiguous conclusion that historical science is governed by forces that want to hide from us our true past (or its absence), deliberately distort the picture of the world and their goals are still unclear to us.

I am sure that all these, inexplicable from the standpoint of modern knowledge and common sense, phenomena are possible only in one single case: WE EXIST IN SOMETHING OR SOMETHING CHANGEABLE REALITY.
