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What do the letters mean? 3. Consistency. The letter "X"
What do the letters mean? 3. Consistency. The letter "X"

Video: What do the letters mean? 3. Consistency. The letter "X"

Video: What do the letters mean? 3. Consistency. The letter
Video: Soviet Modernism. Brutalism. Post-modernism | Short Film 2024, April

New achievements require new fighters. Let's invite them and get to know each other.

A cruciform creature ascended onto the deck, followed by a line of orphaned and wretched creatures: lame, thin, sickly, frail, braggart and cunning. Just one glance at this ugly brethren is enough to understand that you can hardly expect anything good from them. Indeed, if we look at the dictionaries, we can hardly find at least one word starting with the letter "X", which would have an unambiguously positive meaning. Here, take the trouble, look.

For example, "wanting". Many will say that this is just a healthy desire or need. No, friends, need arises when there is no object, and there is even nothing to replace it with. And desire is, first of all, the desire to receive. Desire is a whim, you always want something more than you have at the moment. And that's all I want.

"Bravery". First of all, this is fear, without experiencing fear, one cannot become brave. That is why "X" is in the first place in the word, as a reason. Courage is good, fear is bad. Yes, and if we compare it with courage, then it immediately becomes clear that courage is an everyday thing, and courage is manifested only on the battlefield. That is, it is not just fear, it is the fear of death. Fear of death always deprives a person of reason, and makes him commit reckless acts, even brave, even heroic deeds. In the very country Xe ", by the way, is also the letter" X ". If we compare, for example, with “stra feat”, it becomes obvious that it is the letter“X”that gives a negative connotation to this word.

The letter is "khѣrovaya" in the full sense of the word. Even, it would seem, there is a word "Good", but it also has its drawbacks. After all, as you know, the best is the enemy of the good. Anyone who fully understands the meaning of this proverb will agree. I'm not saying it's flat Xth word, bad words do not exist at all, everyone is needed. I just assert that it does not have an exclusively positive meaning, and moreover, it has a counterbalance - the word "better".

It is difficult to define a clear and precise meaning that would fit under the name "Хѣр", any word will miss something. At the same time, "Khur" herself describes herself at the level of sensations in the best possible way. If you feel that “Khur” has come out, then this is “Khur” and there is no other name for it.

“Bread, author! Bread! I found!.

Well, bread is so bread. Let's think together. From the very childhood we hear from parents and grandparents that bread is the head of everything. Whoever has bread is happy. If there is not a piece of bread, there is longing in the mansion. How did it happen that a word with a pronounced positive meaning got into the society of the sick and renegades. Maybe by someone's stupid mistake?

Before we blame anyone, let's find out what bread is and what may be wrong with it. This is a sourdough-based flour product. Flour comes from … Wait. It looks like we've already found the problem. Leaven. These are mushrooms, they spoil the original product. On the other hand, with the right sourdough, manufacturing technique and just a good attitude, the final product will become tasty, nutritious and healthy. Doesn't fit. Hmm … But here I was reading an entertaining book by Mr. Dragunkin a couple of weeks ago, and there he pointed to the Chinese word "gli-ep", which means rice grains, which, as you know, are eaten in the east as bread. "Г" and "Х" are actually similar in sounding letters, maybe we will try to replace it? "Glb" and "Khlѣb". Movement or Shit? The movement is ideal for fermentation, as the root cause and source of bread. The letter is in the first place in the word. As you wish, but such coincidences make me think hard. Maybe, in fact, our common friend is right: "The simplest answer is someone screwed up"?

It is interesting that the very word "Khur" means a cross. Before the revolution, the game "tic-tac-toe" was called "hѣriki-toe". In general, the definition of "Khur" is suitable for "violation of harmony", "inability to act well", "a certain disability", which does not allow to fulfill duties in full. Let's be realistic, not everything in life is smooth, not everyone succeeds, someone is unlucky, life is openly mocked at someone, someone is just hooliganism on the sly, in search of revenge or simply to survive. And this is very correct: to have at least one letter at your disposal, with the help of which you can describe everything that has not the most attractive shade or just a side side, which, in the end, must be reckoned with.


We put the letter "D" on the action, and "G" on the movement. Okay, okay, I put it down, and so far you kind of pretended to agree. So, a logical question: why then our clever ancestors, instead of the word “move”, denoting movement, would not use “hog”, which would directly indicate this movement, directly, would shout about it. Not a bad question. However, the word "move" indicates not so much the movement itself, but rather the properties of this movement. The word "move" concretizes the movement, makes an act out of the movement. Meaningful, purposeful action. They always walk only with a specific purpose, and this process is always limited in time. Rita goes to the store. Sasha goes to the cinema. We left the house, went to the store. The process is over, the goal has been achieved.

With a distracted glance, notice a clock on the wall. They are walking? Yes, they say that, because the clock has a purpose and purpose - to show the time. But do the hands of the clock go? No, the arrows are moving, the arrows do not need to show anything, they are generally in a different reality. The watch does everything for them. And what has a specific goal and a given time frame? That's right, act "D". Understood. Why "hѣr"? Probably because, there are ways to move in space much faster and more convenient. Balls, for example, roll quickly and at no cost. Birds are flying. And people do not know how to ride or fly, that's such a crappy way of getting around. By the way, you can run, there is no letter "X" in "running". Running is a good way to get around, it has an "G" in it.


The fact that the plow, as a plowing implement, is a compound consisting of parts, hardly anyone doubts. However, as we can see this "connection forms" something ambiguous. If we again compare, then the plow in relation to the plow, obviously, is a more primitive agricultural tool, and therefore shit. But an explanation after the fact is not the best explanation, because in theory the plow appeared later than the plow. And we are doing serious things here, by the way, although from the outside it still seems funny. The word "plow" also has more ancient meanings. A plow is a pole or just a stick used as a support, for example, for a fence, so that it does not fall. The stick connects to the fence. How long will this stick stand, and how long will it hold the fence that needs to be propped up? No, that's why they put this stick, so that it doesn't fall now, and props up with every dick that came to hand.

Suffix "-ih-"

It is difficult to say why the formation of definitions of the feminine gender is associated with “khѣrju”, especially if we consider that in these words the indicator of the feminine gender is their usual ending “a” - “creating”. Only one explanation at the level of sensations came to mind, which I will try to convey to you. For example, "elephant". The elephant is not an elephant, the elephant is not an "elephant", but she is associated with it insofar as. The merchant's wife herself is not engaged in buying and selling, she is married to those who are engaged in this. That is, we can say that "хѣр" in this suffix acts as a pointer to what the object, in essence, is not, but at the same time has a certain connection with it, thanks to which it gets its name. In another way, the suffix "-ih-" indicates that the object is not capable of adequately performing the functions assigned to it at the root of the word. This is also indicated by the fact that the feminine gender is a very conditional thing for animals. That is, the rabbit, of course, also creates her own kind, but to call her a woman in the full sense of the word, even the most inveterate defender of animal rights will not turn his tongue. From a rabbit a crappy woman, from a merchant’s crappy businessman. If a woman is engaged in cooking, then she is called either a cook, or, as usual, a cook, and it does not matter that she is a woman, it is important that she knows how to cook well. Such fame is not found behind a cook, rather, on the contrary.


We know that the ending "a" indicates femininity, the ability to create like oneself out of oneself. And it is true that the "moose" is a female moose. And the elk is the "container that forms the connection" on the head.

Actually, this connection on the head makes it stand out among many other animals. With this combination, he sunk into the soul and our ancestors, that's why they called him that. And by the way, this "connection on the head" makes it stand out from the background of females, because moose have no horns. And if not, then the moose is a crappy moose.

© Dmitry Lyutin. 2017.
