What do the letters mean? 3. Consistency. The letter "P"
What do the letters mean? 3. Consistency. The letter "P"

Video: What do the letters mean? 3. Consistency. The letter "P"

Video: What do the letters mean? 3. Consistency. The letter
Video: The end of a superpower - The collapse of the Soviet Union | DW Documentary 2024, April

With the letter "P" and its meaning, we got acquainted in passing in the last chapter. It's time to talk better and get to know her better, after all, it is she who leads the largest army of words in the Russian language. For example, in Dahl's dictionary "P" completely occupied an entire volume of four printed ones. And no wonder. Having looked through it, it is easy to notice that a colossal proportion is made up of words led by prefixes. The letter "P" has almost a dozen of them, and this is not just the most, it is almost a third of the total in the Russian language. "Po", "Under", "Pere", "Pre", "Prev", "Pri", "Pro", "Pra". Each of these prefixes has its own unique meaning, which, as we already know, changes the meaning of any subsequent morpheme. Moreover, since "P" and its prefixes are ahead of the meaning not only of the root, but of all morphemes in general, then we can confidently say that their meaning is decisive for the whole topic of the word. But this is already very serious. Coupled with the fact that "P" conceives almost a quarter of all Russian words, this directly indicates its leading role in word formation.

It is logical to assume that the reason for such fertility is the meaning of the letter "P". Here we will dig. What is "consistency" and how do you use it?

Paul constantly sleeps at night. Olya's phone is constantly ringing. Dima listens to music all the time. In each of these examples, the consistency is obvious, and it consists in the regular repetition of the same event, associated with the same actors, after a certain period of time. Making a knot for memory: constancy - the repetition of the same events over a certain period of time.

The river flows. Wind is blowing. The trees are growing. The sun is shining. Here constancy is of a different kind. The river flows in its bed, and nothing changes in this process, it is constant. If she is a river, she will always flow. If there is wind, it will always blow, strongly or imperceptibly, it does not matter. A tree, if it is a tree, alive and rooted in the ground, will continue to grow continuously. From here we draw the second simple and logical conclusion: constancy is the immutability of the state of the same object in relation to its own properties and functions.

But sooner or later the calls will stop, the music will die out, the wind will stop blowing, the tree will dry up and fall, and some cataclysm will happen to the river. We are adults and we know that sooner or later everything ends, sooner or later, no matter how global the previously constant process, it will stop. Alas, nothing lasts forever, this is not our fault, this is the order of things, and this must be reckoned with. Let's take note of this property too: any permanence is temporary, that is, it has a time frame.

A few examples of diversity for the sake of understanding.


Despondency to the masses! Do you know that the word "despondency" is unique in the Russian language, there are no others like that. Speaking of the corpse. True, this is a Russian word, even an Old Russian one. And which is accurate, right? The body has acquired a permanent, unchanging state, has passed into the stage of decomposition, and this process is irreversible. What happened? Inside the body (T), a process (P) has begun, and this process indicates (Y) a current, obviously its own, constancy (P).


Let's swap a couple of letters and see what has changed. Instead of a hard, cold corpse, we got … an equally hard and cold … object. A twig is a thin branch of a tree. The ligament "Permanence (P) by process (P)" is likely to mean the constant growth and development of a tree, that is, the formation of branches, buds, leaves. Our twig also fits in here, as a special case of a branch.


Here constancy (P) is the cause that creates a strictly limited time action (D). By the way, here we again see "D", although the meaning seems to suggest the movement "D" again. After all, it seems that falling is a movement. But it only seems to be. Falling is a process. The constancy of "P" characterizes this process as constant, that is, not changing, and the action of "D" defines the framework of this process. After all, what has begun to fall will sooner or later fall. If something has begun to fall and cannot fall in any way, then either it is flying or it is in zero gravity. And this is a different process. If we delve into the meaning of the decoding and look at the interaction of the letters themselves, we will see that the constancy of "P" describes the action of "D" occurring in a given time frame, as constant. And while the object is within this framework, it performs a constant (P) unchanging action (D) - a fall. Confused? It's okay, re-read and unravel.


So, a dozen examples, and we have a rough picture of what consistency is. It is not a process or action, and certainly not an object. This is a property that characterizes and describes processes, actions and, of course, objects, as constant. It is expressed in the immutability of the properties and functions of an object or process, as well as in the repetition of the same action over a certain period of time. Simply put, if constancy describes a process, then this process in a certain period of time proceeds unchanged in relation to the observer and his point of view.

But tell me, in what way can we give such an assessment of the action? How can we characterize a process or describe an object in oral and written speech? This can be done, for example, using a bunch of verbs and nouns, making up a dozen of the same type of sentences.

The umbrella opens. The umbrella is closing. The umbrella does not leak. The umbrella saves from the rain. The umbrella saves from the sun. The umbrella is made of nylon. The umbrella handle is made of wood. The umbrella handle is non-slip. Etc. It can be done, however, and it will even be somewhat like an assessment or a characterization. But tell me, do you, really, in everyday life, in order to say that "a quality umbrella" use such a verbal disgrace?


Moreover, even 100 sentences from verbs and nouns will not be able to indicate that “the umbrella is a miracle!”. Because “good” is a personal relationship to an object from the point of view of feelings, and not from the point of view of the functions performed by the object. For one, the umbrella is good, because you can walk with it in the rain. For another, this same umbrella is bad, since you cannot carry bricks or cook soup in it. This is a personal qualitative assessment of the observer, no matter how crazy it is. And this assessment can be expressed only with the help of one part of speech - the adjective.

So our constancy "P" is a qualitative personal assessment that characterizes or describes an object, action or process from the point of view of an observer. That is, if the observer sees that the properties and functions of an object do not change over time, he will consider the state of this object constant. If, from the point of view of the observer, the ongoing process does not undergo visible changes, does not change the vector of the direction of its own development, he will consider this process constant.

Well, what can we take "P" as an adjective when decoding? Let's try on old acquaintances for whom we invented a subordinate relationship.


"Prut" is excellent! "Corpse" - unsatisfactory. We conclude that it is not always convenient and not always clear. Let's take a closer look and find out why and what is the difference; when to use an adjective and when not to. It is convenient to describe a noun using an adjective. White sail, stale bread, life principle. If you describe a verb with an adjective, nothing good comes of it. The artsy gushes, the merry climbs, the blue whitens. It's funny, but such sentences do not carry an understandable semantic meaning. This means that if there are two consonants next to each other, and one of them is "P", then it can be deciphered as an adjective. If there is a vowel after the "P", then it is better to use "P" as the noun "constancy." Everything is correct, as in life.

And in life, we usually place an adjective before a noun to make it easier to understand the text. First the adjective describes the noun, then the noun acts with the verb. "The green elephant has flown." We do not say "The green elephant has flown." This means that in decoding it will be logical to start from the same logical scheme. In the word "prut", the adjective "constant" (P) comes before the noun "process" (P), forming a bunch of "pr", which is read from left to right: "constant process." And only after that is the verb "indicates" (U). The correctness of this logic is also indicated by the fact that in our language there is NOT a single word that would begin or have inside itself unshared by meaning feedback link "pn", which could be deciphered "constant process".

Now it also becomes clear why the letter "P" has a huge number of words starting with prefixes, and so few without them. After all, the property of constancy in the form of an adjective can be given to almost any word starting with any letter and denoting any action, process or object, simply by adding a prefix that is appropriate in meaning. Conversely, while not being an "independent" process or object, "persistence" is not able to create a large number of words without using prefixes.

Let's see how it all works.


By a simple analogy with “falling”, we can say that while the object of the “pair” exists, it constantly (P) creates (A) a process (P), for which it is actually created. What a deep thought and what a deep word, right? Only by being in cooperation with something or someone, you can start any process. The action can be performed alone, but the process always involves several participants, at least two. To drink water, you need a man and water. For procreation, a man needs a woman. To light a candle, you need fire, air and, in fact, a candle. Several compulsory subjects leading to the desired result. By the way, this is probably why we often mean by the word “couple” not two people, but “about” two, more than one, but not more than the minimum amount sufficient to start a certain simple process. Consciously or unconsciously, but the couple always starts some kind of process. Therefore and therefore they are a couple. The two boys are called a pair of robbers, because, being next to each other, they visited the neighboring garden and stole apples. And last week they painted the school wall with obscene inscriptions and set fire to the grass on the hike. A guy and a girl are called a couple, because, being together, being a couple, they are constantly engaged in the duties of a guy and a girl. By the way, the word "guy" itself is looking for a couple, ept.


The breed is the constancy of the formation of the genus. Interesting word, isn't it? We didn't even need to decipher the root word "kind" to understand the meaning. The constancy of the birth of children within one family from generation to generation led to the formation (appearance) of the breed. That is, these people by birth have a certain characteristic or status, thanks to which they can be attributed to this particular genus.


A seal is such a thing that, by its existence, makes the observer feel the constant presence of the owner of this seal. As long as the seal exists, and the observer sees it or knows about it, the sense of the presence of its owner will not disappear. As a definition, it is both better and clearer. Well, here we are, we were tormented with this "constancy".


Walking is a constant way of walking. Again. This is becoming a trend. If someone goes somewhere for a long time (constantly) or constantly walks somewhere, then this is a hike. As long as there is a hike, walking will be constant. By the way, the letter "X" is probably also a definition, a qualitative assessment of an action, process or object, therefore it would be quite reasonable to use it as an adjective from time to time, if necessary, according to the same logical rules.


Yes, adjectives are much better, especially if they are next to another consonant. One has only to clarify about "crying". The receptacle, obviously, means the receptacle of tears, and the receptacle is permanent. The tears in him will never completely end. And in a day, and in two, and in a year, and in ten, this container will weep in a suitable situation, or at least will have such an opportunity.

It is impossible to give an objective assessment or achieve a complete understanding of the process without comparing it with a similar process. So let's take a word, and then add the letter "P" to it, and see what happened.


Meadow Is a vast area with perennial grasses. Used as fodder for hayfields or grazing for livestock. That is, it is a container (L), indicating (Y) where to go (D) to mow or drive cattle, because there is grass there. And the meadow itself is not moving anywhere. Absolutely not. The roles are set.

Plow Is an agricultural tool for cultivating the land. Here again "the receptacle (L) indicates (Y) the movement (D)". Let's start with movement (D). Since we know the meaning of the word, we can say for sure that the "plow" is an indication of the wrong whereyou need to move, this is an indication that what need to move. The plow itself must be moved. Okay, next.

Is the plow a container? "Nuuu … uh …". No, the plow is not a container; rather, the plow is a compound. Then what container are we talking about? Let's think. Let us assume that a person is meant by "permanent container". Then we get: "The person points to the movement." Something is not clear at all, what does the agricultural equipment have to do with it. Wait, have we forgotten anything? The plow turns the earth, this is its purpose. He moves, the earth moves with him, and in the earth there are bugs, spiders, worms, there is humus and so on. Since there is something in the earth, can we call it a "receptacle"? Oh sure! Can we be a "permanent container"? How can we! These bugs and spiders are always in it. Hooray! This means that our first logical assumption based on knowledge of the meaning of "plow" was wrong. The plow does not indicate the movement that must be applied to it in order to use it. The plow indicates the movement of the permanent container (soil) that occurs when using the plow.

And I repeat again, this is not a different logic, this is a different understanding of the world. The people who created the words that we use until now thought in images, not objects, as we do. Another thinking gives rise to a different picture of the world, and it is incredibly difficult to enter it with the informational baggage of the modern world without preparation. You have to get used to this gradually. One by one, slowly and consistently. And the first step, I think, we have already done together.

Tell me, have you really tried to substitute the found letter meanings in the names of simple household items and not smile at the same time?


© Dmitry Lyutin. 2017.
