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Live by Conscience
Live by Conscience

Video: Live by Conscience

Video: Live by Conscience

Let's see how conscience is written in dictionaries.

Big Encyclopedic Dictionary: CONSCIENCE is the concept of moral consciousness, an inner conviction of what is good and evil, the consciousness of moral responsibility for one's behavior. Conscience is an expression of a person's ability to exercise moral self-control, independently formulate moral obligations for oneself, demand from oneself to fulfill them and make a self-assessment of the actions performed.

All the words seem to be familiar. But not very clear. Too superficial. The moral obligations and self-esteem of the actions committed by each person can be different, especially in modern society.

Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language V. I. Dahl: CONSCIENCE - moral consciousness, moral sense or feeling in a person; inner consciousness of good and evil; the secret place of the soul, in which the approval or condemnation of every deed is echoed; the ability to recognize the quality of an act; a feeling that encourages truth and good, averting lies and evil; involuntary love for good and truth; innate truth, in varying degrees of development.

This is clearer and much deeper, it makes a person think. Think not only about your actions, but also about the meaning of your existence, about your purpose.

What is the purpose of man? What is the sense of life?

At each stage of life, a person consistently faces different goals and tasks that he solves. For example, to study and finish school, go to an institute (technical school, college), get a specialty, choose a profession and a direction of work, achieve success in it, start a family.

When you reach a certain step, you move on to the next. But if you look ahead, then the question arises, and then what? What should you strive for when you have passed these steps? What's next?

Sooner or later, every sane person thinks about the questions:

Why was I born?

What is my purpose, what is the purpose of my life?

After all, each person, passing different steps, and solving some local problems, strives for something important for himself.

People have different aspirations.

Some strive to achieve only their own benefits, their own well-being, in order to get settled well and live comfortably (very often - at the expense of others). You achieve great material wealth and live happily. The more property and money you have, the happier a person is, the more you can afford, the happier you live … until old age …

Others strive to make the world around them a better place, to bring blessings to close and familiar people, the people of their Motherland, and finally, the peoples of the entire planet. Such a person cannot live only for himself. He sees the meaning of his existence and feels satisfaction when it is good not only for himself, but also for the people around him, when he benefits and does good for others.

Two different positions. And each person has the right to choose his main goal and what he sees as the meaning of life.

What determines what position a person takes, what aspirations take possession of him?

Conscience … It is she who determines which way a person goes. And his actions, deeds are closely related to whether he listens to his conscience.

Here are quotes from some famous people who have left their mark on history, in the development of society:


M. Aurelius

A. A. Blok

L. N. Tolstoy

In the statements of these famous personalities, it sounds that conscience for them was their guiding star in their life, directing them to deeds.

Some will ask: why is all this - to live for the sake of something common, incomprehensible? And what does it give you? Life is short, you have to have time to live for your own pleasure. Why do something for others? And why listen to this conscience, it only interferes with knowing all the joys of life.

Let's see what conscience is, where do its roots come from.

Our ancestors about conscience

We, the Rus, (and the Rus are not only Russians, but also representatives of other Slavic nationalities), are the descendants of the Slavic-Aryans. Our history goes back to antiquity - hundreds of thousands of years, and not 1000 years, as the current historical science represents. You can learn more about this from the books of V. Chudinov, N. Levashov, V. Demin, A. Tarunin, L. Prozorov, O. Gusev and other authors.

Our ancestors - Slavic-Aryans - transmitted their wisdom in ancient scriptures, they say a lot about Conscience.

For example, one of the most ancient sources has survived - "Slavic-Aryan Vedas", some sections of which are more than 40,000 years old (the Vedas were translated from runic writing and from Glagolitic into modern Russian and published for the first time in the form of brochures in 1944).

The "Santiya Vedas of Perun" from the "Slavic-Aryan Vedas" says:

In the "Word of Wisdom of the Magi Velimudr" the same source says:

That is, our ancestors attached great importance to conscience. And the attitude to her was reverent, as to something very important that must be surely preserved. But why?

Why do we need to live by conscience

If you look closely at the word CONSCIENCE, then you can distinguish in it two parts "so" and "message".

"So" means together, together, together. For instance, withlabor (joint work), withexistence (coexistence), withexperience (experience with someone).

"Message" is a message, a message.

In the conjunction of CO-NEWS, a joint message is obtained. What's the message? From whom?

Let's figure it out.

Throughout the long history of our Motherland, our people have had to endure so many wars, as many attacks as not a single nation has ever suffered. Our people have always rebuffed their enemies, always emerged victorious from wars, although at times and at the cost of many sacrifices.

And this is due to the fact that a special inner core is laid in the Rus, which distinguishes us from other races. What is this core?

Nowadays, there are few ancient sources, the legends of our great ancestors. They, along with the chronicle of the events of our past, reflect the wisdom, national traditions and culture accumulated over millennia. Many of the springs have been mercilessly destroyed. Those that have miraculously survived to the present time (on gold plates, wooden plates, parchment, etc.) are currently trying to be recognized as a fake by the "official" science, although there is irrefutable evidence of their truth. And most people do not know about these sources, or do not believe that they exist. History has been deliberately rewritten and is still being rewritten. Why is this done?

This is done in order to defeat the Russians, only in a deceitful, dastardly way. To take away their national traditions, culture, in other words - the wisdom accumulated by their ancestors, to make them "blind, helpless kittens" who do not know how and for what they live, and by this to deprive the Russians of solidarity, to disunite them. And then it will be quite easy to crush the people, whose unity is broken.

But it's not that simple. In us, in Rus, the wisdom and orders of our ancestors are stored at another level - in the genetic memory. And the role of this "keeper" is performed by conscience … It retains the core of the "mysterious" Russian soul.

Exactly conscience tells us where to move and how to act in a given situation, gives direction. Deviation from the right direction also causes the so-called remorse, i.e. a person feels that he is doing something wrong. This is a hint-direction to a person on his life path, stored in his genetic memory.

But what does our conscience? What direction does it take? What is the deep meaning?

Conscience orders us act in the name of a kind … To act according to conscience means to act in the interests of a kind, in the interests of its preservation, development, improvement.

It is this core that makes the Rus invincible, helps the Rus to preserve their clan.

What is meant in this case by the word genus?

The word ROD here means the people of the Rus, the people living in our native Russian land, which at different times was called Rus, Russenia, the Land of the Holy Race. A people united by common traditions and culture, supported for many millennia.

"People live in nations, and they cannot live in another way - this is the way of existence of our biological species … The totality of people makes the people common for them culture is the "genotype" of a given nation. Each nation is unique and inimitable. The people characterize him psychological integrity, which distinguishes one people from another …

Our harsh nature and our harsh history have taught us to clearly understand: we can only survive and live together, as a single people and on the basis of the priority of society.

For the Russian nation, at all times is characteristic the meaning of life that goes beyond satisfying the physiological and everyday needs of people …

… the main values for us are People, Motherland, Peace (i.e. society), Truth, Justice, Friendship, Peace: “First think about your Motherland, and then about yourself”, “Perish yourself, but help your comrade” … (A. S. Volkov)

Thus, CO-NEWS is a joint message, a joint message of our ancestors, fixed at the level of genetics, recorded by the genetic code. This code has been formed for many thousands of years. It has been accumulated by many generations of Rus, Slavic-Aryans. He helps to preserve and develop his family.

What do "Western values" bring with them?

Recently, Western values have been intensively introduced into our society. And it is pushed into the minds of people, primarily through the media, that a free society is a society in which every person is free to do what he wants, without binding himself to any moral obligations or moral foundations.

Success is highlighted.

This means standing out among others due to the achievement of some material benefits - a monetary, high-paying job (it doesn't matter if you like it or not, honestly you earn money there or not), the ability to buy an expensive car, a cottage, go abroad to relax on a prestigious resort, educate their children in prestigious educational institutions (mainly abroad). This is what is valued (or rather imposed, what is valued). Moral principles behind all this are relegated to the background. Kind and honest relations between people, joint creative work for the benefit of the native country are forgotten. But what is behind all this? Emptiness. To live only for your own pleasure is to satisfy your own physiological and simplest emotional needs. And that's all. This is a dead end in human development.

But the worst thing is that, through Western values, disunity is being introduced into our people. This is the destruction of us from within. This is, in fact, an invasion with the aim of dismembering our united people, violating its integrity and cohesion. There is an imperceptible substitution of high moral principles (conscience, honor, striving for truth and justice) inherent in our people, the introduction of alien concepts of deception as a norm of life (relations in the same business), career growth and the desire for power for the sake of profit (the higher, the more material wealth), enrichment at the expense of others.

This is a direct attack on our inner core and the desire to kill in us conscience … Again - to defeat us, disintegrating from within, directing us to the path of moral degradation.

The fundamental principle of Western culture is unlimited "personal freedom", that is priority of individualism. This is the culture "War of all against all" even within one people. The main goal of a person is recognized self-affirmation, victory over others at any cost: you can push your elbows, trample others with your feet, climb up their heads - and even more so this is permissible in relation to other peoples and even more so to our "smaller brothers" (American Indians are far from the only people destroyed by Europeans, whales in the northern hemisphere are far from the only animal species they have destroyed).

Rampant consumerism and pleasure, openly proclaimed by Western culture as the highest values, not only completely emasculate the basic value of human life (after all, it cannot consist in stuffing the belly!), but they also directly threaten Life on Earth: the resources of the planet will not be enough to satisfy their unlimitedly growing appetites very soon. (A. S. Volkov)

In this regard, it is very appropriate to quote from the statements of Hitler, who came to power in Germany in the 30s of the 20th century:

What path did people take, led by such a motto and forget about conscience, and what this led to - everyone knows - the most destructive war in recent centuries, which claimed tens of millions of lives.

Knowledge, development and conscience

Let's go back to the question of the meaning of life. What is it? Why was life given to a reasonable man?

Thinking people will agree that a person came to this world to develop, to become more perfect.

Real development opens up new opportunities for a person, inspires a person to more and more stages of his improvement. And this is the special charm of life.

After all, when a person improves and achieves something previously inaccessible to him, which he could not do before, when he creates something new, he experiences incomparable satisfaction, uplift, and joy. And this is real happiness! Even just for this it is worth living!

But in order to develop, you need to learn new things, you need to cognize.

The "Slavic-Aryan Vedas" says:

… Awakening of a person is only in Cognition, and the eye of Knowledge saves him …

Having reached Knowledge, The Human Child looks at the Vedas again, and again becomes a debt

to Spiritual Life, and the head of all deeds becomes Conscience

Listening to conscience, he hates everything evil, from this Conscience becomes strong

and a person creates his own Happiness, in Happiness, man himself is created …

(Santii Vedas Perun, Santiya 8)

That is, learning new things, a person deeper understands the world, its laws, and develops. But the path of real, deep development, to the achievement of wisdom, lies only through high morality, the path of goodness, truth and justice, where base manifestations of lies, deceit, betrayal, and meanness are unacceptable. On the path of development "the head of all deeds becomes conscience"These are the laws of the evolution of reason, which our ancestors knew about.

To learn and improve, you need to make efforts and constantly work, work on yourself. Without the application of your efforts, you will not achieve anything.

But again, there will always be people who will say: why? It is better to enjoy life without much effort - it is easier to follow the path of less resistance.

Let's turn again to the Slavic-Aryan Vedas:

“The dark forces use two ways, which entice people and prevent them from developing in the Explicit World of Midgard, to create creatively for the good of the Family, to improve spiritually and mentally: the first is ignorance, and the second is ignorance.

On the first path, they do not allow people to learn, and on the second, they assert that knowledge is unnecessary and harmful for people."

(Word of Wisdom of Magus Velimudr)

This statement, uttered many thousands of years ago, is especially relevant now. Because the position of those who do not want to develop, i.e. the ignorant is the position of the weak, the position of the vanquished. This position, imposed by our enemies, to enslave people, to make the "dull cogs" of the parasitic system. Representatives of this system, alien to us, do not need thinking people, it needs ignorant performers on whom one can easily parasitize (the less they know, the easier it is to manage them, the easier it is to achieve their selfish goals by deception).

It is ignorance that makes people unfree, does not allow them to develop.

And here is what our contemporary academician Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov said about this at one of the meetings with the readers of his books:

And a person who does not know, does not want to work, does not strive to change himself and improve himself, succumbs more easily to vices - envy, greed, the desire of someone else, which leads him to the path of moral decline, ruins him:

“Greed destroys Knowledge, when Knowledge is killed - Shame perishes …

When Shame is killed, Truth is oppressed, with the death of Truth and Happiness will perish …

When Happiness is killed, Man dies …"

(Santii Vedas Perun, Santiya 8)

The meaning of development, life and death

There is one more position: why develop, improve, after all, we will all die anyway, what's the difference?

But who proved that after the death of the physical body, life ends?

Academician N. V. Levashov in the chapter "The Nature of Life After Death" of his book "Essence and Mind" writes:

“Man, like all living things, is doomed to death, and nothing can be done about it. This is the law of nature, although man has always dreamed of eternal life, he strove to find the elixirs of immortality, secrets, the solution of which would help deceive the "bony old woman" gathering her "harvest". First of all, I would like to note that immortalitythat most people dream of is actually death, more precisely evolutionary death, while death is the cause of evolutionary immortality.

Paradox?! Yes and no.

If we assume that with the death of the physical body everything disappears: the experience accumulated during life, knowledge, wisdom, our emotions, our memory, everything that allows us to be aware of ourselves as living, in this case there will be a paradox.

But, if we assume that with the death of the physical body, the essence is freed from the ballast that hinders further evolutionary development, no contradiction, no paradox arises.

"Dumping" a physical body does not mean the death of a living being

The death of the physical body is only a transitional moment for any living being. A legitimate question may arise. If life does not stop with the death of the physical body, then why is life in it necessary at all? Why do you need to incarnate again and again, starting everything practically from scratch? Why does the essence incarnate into a new physical body?

The answer to this question is very simple: without a physical body, an entity is not able to develop … The physical body is the source of the potential for development. In the cells of the physical body, there is a process of splitting molecules and the release of the primary matters of which they are composed. Primary matters, saturating the bodies of the essence, provide their work, they are a kind of "fuel".

So, the moment of death of the physical body is a transition point from the active phase of evolution to the passive one. A transitional point, but not the death of what we call personality, individuality. When a person dies from natural aging processes, the so-called natural death, there is simply a "dumping" of the old physical body, which is no longer able to provide evolutionary development, for the opportunity to develop a new physical body and continue evolution. The old physical body is thrown off by the entity, like a spent shell. And you shouldn't regret it."

In the book "Essence and Mind" N. V. Levashov in detail, on a foundation that summarizes the knowledge accumulated by society, an explanation is given of what the soul (essence) of a person is, death, reincarnation, conception in a new physical body, the essence of other "mysteries" of human existence, including karma, is outlined so far not explained by modern science. And as a result of this, the seemingly supernatural phenomena ascribed by religion to the almighty "Lord God" become understandable, which in fact are objective processes.

In particular, when revealing the topic of karma, N. V. Levashov explains how a person, by committing unseemly acts (deception, theft, murder), destroys his personality and, for objective reasons, degrades, weakens the essence, blocking the path to its development with his own hands. The person who read this topic in the book by N. V. Levashova, it becomes clear why you need to strive to always act according to conscience, and why people, performing certain actions, themselves determine their future destiny.

But now, in a society captured by a parasitic system, where everything is permeated with misinformation and deception, it is difficult for some people to understand how to act correctly in a given situation in order to preserve themselves.

On this issue N. V. Levashov writes:

"In order to preserve your essence from destruction, you can briefly advise not to do to others what I would not want to be done to you … If a "normal" person adheres to this rule, it is very likely that he will avoid "hell". A person receives the punishment for sin at the moment of committing a sin, and not after death. The changes occurring in this case, both with the physical body and the essence, are real processes taking place at the level of the physical body, the second, third and so on of the bodies of the essence.

At the moment of conception, the entity enters the biomass, the genetics of which correspond to the evolutionary level of the entity. This happens automatically at the moment of conception, so that in this case the Lord God "did not hold the candle." Therefore, nothing accidental and undeserved happens. The appearance of injustice arises from a lack of understanding of what life is. Each physical body is a temporary garment for an entity. If a person, having committed a murder, changes his costume, he does not become innocent from this. The crime is committed not by the “suit”, but by the bearer of the suit - an entity located in this physical body …"

In the Vedas we find the same thing, but said in different words:

"Each deed you commit leaves its indelible mark on the eternal Path of your life, and therefore, people, create only beautiful and good deeds …"

(Word of Wisdom of Magus Velimudr)

The development of a person, his essence is not limited by any framework. In his development, a person can reach more and more heights, acquire new seemingly fantastic opportunities. All this was well known to our ancestors. People who had "superpowers", who entered the path of creation by the power of their thoughts, were called earlier gods.

And each person can develop to high possibilities. This is achievable if you go the right way. Some go along this path quickly and can reach great heights during one life, one incarnation, others require more than one reincarnation for this. Now on our planet, completely shrouded in a system of parasitism, people do not even know what they are capable of, what opportunities will open before them, if they go the right way. In the world of deception, lies, betrayal imposed by the parasitic system, they do not know and do not understand where to go. People are sleeping.

But if this continues, then very little time will remain until the point when the parasitic system, like a cancerous tumor, will destroy our beautiful planet. It is necessary to wake up, and as soon as possible, to get ahead of this process.

If people understand what is really happening, they will come out of the torpor in which they are now, and will act as they are told conscience, very soon the parasitic system will collapse. Obstacles to the development of each person will disappear. A great leap forward will be made towards the development of our civilization, we will reach great heights that we could not even dream of before. The time will come for real freedom, freedom for the development of each and every one. And very soon our planet will blossom. But for this, people need to wake up and understand what is happening.

Personal development, development of society

In isolation from society, a person cannot develop to a high level (an example of this is children raised by animals - Mowgli children who could not even really learn to speak). For development, a person must absorb the experience of their ancestors, assimilate the necessary knowledge accumulated by previous generations. The mechanism and conditions necessary for human development are also described in detail in the book by N. V. Levashov "Essence and Mind".

That is, human development is impossible outside of society, outside of a kind.

But developing and improving a person must contribute to the development of the family. In turn, developing his kind, a person develops himself. Everything is interconnected. Only together does the genus develop and give rise to even more talented, creative people. Moreover, if a person seeks to give his strength to his family as much as possible, this gives him additional potential, accelerates his development many times over.

Here it is appropriate to quote from one of the eastern currents about the genus:

This quote reflects the ideas of our ancestors about the inextricable connection of each person with his family. And although the quote is taken from the so-called "Eastern knowledge", it is known that the origins of this knowledge come from the ancient knowledge of the Slavic-Aryans, transmitted by them to the Dravids and Nagas during a campaign in Dravidia - ancient India.

A person develops at every stage of his development conscience tells you how to move on. The more a person is developed, the more opportunities he has, the more he must take responsibility for himself - so he orders conscience … And inaction, if you can do something, also causes "remorse." If you can - act, make the world a better place, help others to develop and move forward, otherwise you will not develop yourself, these are the laws conscience.

Religion and conscience

Very often the concepts of conscience and religiosity are identified, i.e. a believer is equated with a highly moral, moral person.

Does this always happen in reality?

Of course, one cannot say that all believers are bad and dishonest people. But such people practically cut off the path to knowledge for themselves, limited themselves. Blind faith, not confirmed by knowledge, does not provide a path to development.

Yes, in the commandments of Christianity it is forbidden to commit sins (do not kill, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not covet someone else's, do not bear false witness, etc.), and hardly anyone will doubt the correctness of these prohibitions. But there is a trap: it is not explained why it is impossible to do this, but it is said that "the Lord" ordered so, otherwise there will be punishment. Who will punish and for what? People do not develop a complete understanding of the objective processes of what is happening and how. An "information vacuum" is being created. They demand from people a "stupid" acceptance on "faith", not letting them know, suggesting that this is not accessible to the "mere mortal" for understanding.

If you carefully read the stories from the Bible, you can see that the actions of the heroes from this "holy book", from which it is proposed to take an example, by no means shine with high morality and purity. Unfortunately, most believers have never even read the "holy book" of the Bible themselves.

If you look at the "high officials" of the Christian Church, there is also no feeling of respect for their high spirituality and infallibility. The recent statement of Patriarch Kirill about the Slavs that "they are barbarians … these are second-class people, they are almost like animals" does not delight any native inhabitant of our country. And if you look at the biography of Kirill, then hard-hitting facts become known, in particular, that he participated in the duty-free trade in alcohol and tobacco products from abroad.

And this person has the status of "patriarch of all Russia", that is, personifies the highest spirituality and infallibility …

Oleg Satov speaks out very sharply about Christianity:

And here is what L. N. Tolstoy in a letter to the teacher A. I. Dvoryansky on December 13, 1899 on the terrible harm inflicted on the soul of a child by religion:

Religion is a dead end in human development, it is a path into ignorance.

Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov at one of the meetings with the readers of his books said:

Why do any religions talk about obedience? "You are a servant of God." "Everything that is done happens according to the will of the Lord." Why?

Because obedience to the Lord always turns into obedience to those who speak on his behalf. Social parasites need a flock - herd animals, unable to control themselves, their lives, or their own thinking.

Without reason, without knowledge, without understanding, good becomes blind!


In conclusion, I would like to quote the words of Svetlana Levashova from her book "Revelation":

- a person will smile with joy, knowing that people can only bring him good …

- when a lonely girl is not afraid to walk the darkest street in the evening, not fearing that someone will offend her …

- when you can open your heart with joy, without fear that your best friend will betray …

- when it will be possible to leave something very expensive right on the street, not being afraid that if you turn your back, it will be stolen right away …

Svetlana fought against evil, fought in such a way that her enemies were terribly afraid of her. She died in this struggle, giving her life in order to bring closer the future she dreamed of.

A wonderful time awaits us, of which Svetlana dreamed. It is waiting for us. There will be a revival of our Motherland, there will come an end to the calamities and humiliation of the Russians and other peoples. But if we do nothing to make such a time come, then nothing will work out. It is difficult, but it can be done. And it depends on each of us, on everyone in whom the conscience … Those who are awakened and aware of what is happening must awaken others. There will be more and more of us, and a turning point will come when we shake off the parasitic system. It will happen, it will definitely happen.

Andrey Kozulin
