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National idea of White Rus
National idea of White Rus

Video: National idea of White Rus

Video: National idea of White Rus
Video: Twenty-Seven Year Old Man Hasn't Reached Puberty -- The Doctors 2024, April

quick basics for adults over 40

Let's try to figure out how things really are in reality.

Nationality, nationality comes from the foreign (English) word nation - which in translation means people, country - that is, a society of people living in a certain territory. Consequently, the national idea is a social idea, generally accepted and supported by the majority of the people. The content of social ideas is different for different peoples, but there is a simple formula applicable to all societies - it was told to us by a wonderful person Vitaly Sundakov. It sounds like this: “Who are we? Where? and where?"

The answer to these three simple questions is the social (national) idea.

A few sketches from the recent past

Everyone knows the events of 1917 in Russia. A revolution, a split in society - on the one hand there are red ones - with an arc of whites, one is helped by one abroad, the other is helped by the other. There are also all sorts of Makhnovists and others like them. Another thing is of interest - presumably, even before the revolution, there was a group of strategically thinking generals and officers of the General Staff who proposed to the tsar to carry out reforms (in particular, to nationalize the military industry), after - they supported Stalin. This is evidenced by Fursov, indirectly Ignatiev in his "50 years in the ranks" and other sources.

Closer to us. The beginning of the 90s. The union collapsed. There are 201 divisions in Tajikistan, and the Taliban are gaining strength across the Panj River. In this setting (again an example of strategic thinking), the division's intelligence officers decide to organize the People's Front of Tajikistan movement to stop the northward movement of Islamic fanaticism and fundamentalism. Indirectly, and in some places and directly about it - in military memoirs.

From another area. Around the 70s, during the period of Brezhnev's stagnation, such simple ideas (postulates, axioms - the term is not so important) began to take root in the minds of our people: "everything is fine in the west - everything is bad with us", "Stalin is a tyrant and killer "," freedom ", etc. A large place there (in the heads) was taken by various variants of the idea under the general name "Money". In the 1980s, this trend intensified. The leadership of the USSR rotted away and could not oppose anything to the movement that could be called Divide and Conquer. The result is known. Followers of the Divide and Conquer idea have achieved significant success.

Continuing the previous story, but on the other hand. In the late 1980s, against the background of the dominance of the ideas of perestroika, freedom, "the market will adjust everything", etc. very different ideas began to appear in small sprouts. Their roots (presumably) can be traced in our ancient history (if anyone really knows it), in our traditions, in our fairy tales, folk songs, legends, genetic memory (a fashionable term today) … In the 90s, these ideas began to materialize in "Anastasievtsy", Rodnovers, Cossack associations and other similar manifestations. The development and strengthening of these ideas in the public consciousness continues today.

Hundreds of thousands of people are interested in history, our ancient traditions (judging by the number of views of videos on YouTube on this topic). Well, if you take into account the readers (there is a lot of literature and fiction and popular science), then we can already talk about millions. A clear awakening of the self-awareness of the people. All the various versions of these ideas can be reduced to one short form: “We are not God's servants. WE ARE GRANDSCONS OF GODS. " In our time of modern and contemporary history, this is a completely new point of view on life and world order. Surely she is not liked by the followers of Divide and Conquer, but she is gaining quite a lot of supporters. For the first time the idea (we are the grandsons of the gods) was formulated in the series of novels by Sergei Alekseev "Treasures of the Valkyrie" in the 80s.

More about the factors influencing public consciousness - about television and radio - in the USSR and now. In Soviet times (no matter how the leadership of the Union was hating now), they were very strict in the selection of announcers. Therefore, all the announcers of the central channels were with competent clear speech, calm confident intonation, radiated and broadcast the power, calmness and strength of the Great Country. It is not in vain that the story goes that Hitler planned to shoot Levitan either first, or second after Stalin when he captured Moscow. This comrade was far from being a fool, he was well aware of the importance of the method and form of presenting information. Well, now some girls are broadcasting from screens and radio receivers instead of adults and self-confident women and non-men - hysterics bringing chaos and hysteria into the heads of people in our already difficult time, additionally pumping and maintaining psychological stress. A typical representative is Malakhov with his Let Them Talk program. In Belarus, the situation is a little better, but much better - there are no professionals of the level of Balashov and Kirilov.

Another comparison of the recent past and the present. In the USSR, on average, the public conscience was distinguished by calmness and confidence in the future, no one felt any fear, people were building the future together. When the first satellite flew, there was general rejoicing - it was a common achievement of the entire people and everyone felt it. But with our "sworn friends" everything was the other way around. One of our journalists (I do not remember his name) who lived in the West during the launch of the first satellite describes the state of Western society in this regard as panic. They lived peacefully overseas, all European wars did not concern them. The Cold War, the arms race - well, the USSR is so far away, they will not reach them, there were no wars on their territory, and they (for the most part) did not know what war was (though they don’t know even now). And then the satellite flew. We rejoice! And they suddenly (for the first time in modern history) realized that at any moment Soviet nuclear missiles could fly over their heads and nothing could stop them. And fear settled in them. For a long time, for whole decades. Samantha Smith was a good confirmation of this fear. A girl, a child (and all children are emotionally sensitive) felt this fear well in adults. Only with the collapse of the USSR did they breathe freely (well, We plunged into the dark 90s with fear and uncertainty in the future - such is the change of mood among peoples). True, now, 25 years after the collapse of the USSR, some confidence is returning to us, but oh, how far is it to the Soviet level …

Well, a little positive, as Zadornov says, in order to feel pride in your people. Churchill, an intelligent and experienced politician, said that if at least a tenth of what Russia experienced in the 20th century fell on Britain, then Britain would no longer exist. And he's right. Psychologically, we are much stronger than the rest, because we have only for the last 100 years:

then war, then revolution, then war, then revolution, then perestroika, then collectivization, then the collapse of the Union, then the cold war, then the dashing 90s, then the post-war devastation, then Chechnya, then Afghanistan, then now Ukraine and Donbass.

Only aliens are missing, maybe they are next on the list …

Man and woman

The basis of human society is the family. Divide and conquer followers are systematically and methodically destroying family and family values in the West. Europe, with its juvenile justice and sex education of children, is almost dead. There are no peoples - one population, instead of people - consumers. We are still holding on, but we also have problems.

In a normal family, the roles of man and woman are naturally distributed according to their natural functions. A woman is a wife, and a wife, as you know, is the keeper of the hearth, she warms her husband and children with her spiritual warmth, fills them with strength, surrounds them with love and care - and this is the main meaning and purpose of her life.


Recently, however, the Western democratic contagion along with its ideas of "freedom", "equal rights" has come down to us. (With a certain amount of humor and sarcasm, we can say that only small babies are really free - non-maul - they eat, sleep and defecate when they want, they have the right to scream when they lose their nipple or want to eat. From this it becomes clear that when any of our fighters for freedom, they begin to pump rights - then it was their nipple that just fell out)

But what happened to our women under the influence of the ideas of equal rights and freedoms? Nothing good - they have ceased to be women, have forgotten how to love and take care of the family.


Men without female support become weaker, lose their life goals, drink too much - they cease to be men.

But this is not so bad.

Another thing is much worse - children without maternal love and care grow up weak, frail and sickly, and sometimes even die in their youth without having time to leave offspring. While such a “free”, “modern”, “equal” woman makes a career, society loses the future generation - instead of strong, healthy and self-confident people, we are replaced by frail, allergic, painful nerds who will have to spend energy and money in order to they simply existed, and we will have to forget about what they can create and create the future. This is already a serious strategic problem, which entails large costs in the future for hospitals, medicines, benefits, etc. a lot of energy is required for a career and often such a family experiences a reversal of energy flows - the mother does not give the children the strength to live, but takes them away for her work - such is "vampirism")

Even modern mothers do not sing lullabies to their children. You can often see a young mother with a stroller sitting on a bench and buried in her smartphone. Well, if a modern mother walks with a stroller, then she either speaks on the phone, or looks at the screen while walking and has headphones in her ears. Well, these at least gave birth, but some girls today have not grown so much to women that they do not even plan to have children. "Freedom" and "equality" win, though they do not understand that they will forever remain children, because you can become an adult only by growing a new life (and more than one).

So we have decayed, weakened and gradually degrade.

I do not remember the author (may he forgive my forgetfulness) - he described how a woman gave birth in the 50s in Siberia. Winter, frost under 30, 10 kilometers to the regional center. The young woman felt that it was time, collected a bundle of things and went on foot to the regional hospital. Halfway through the road, labor began, she gave birth near the road in the forest, tied the umbilical cord and returned home. These were the people. (By the way, all her children grew up strong and healthy without any medicine). This is an example of a strong, chaste woman. Today this word is forgotten and completely in vain. After all, the chaste is the whole + wisdom - which means that wisdom is whole. Not in scattering yourself among boyfriends and girlfriends, in clubs, campaigns and small fussy business. Wisdom in preserving integrity, accumulating strength for future transfer to her husband and children. (No man wants to see an empty silly person next to him as a wife.)

Of course, in response to these reproaches, women will say that real men have died out, and around only mama's sons, infantile boys will be right. Men who can be called real, who have everything in order inside and who organize the space around them, from whom emanates strength and tranquility that even hysterical women calm down in their presence - there are few of them and they are not in sight. They are quietly busy with their business, their heads are not stuffed with any liberal nonsense, they never fuss and are responsible for their actions and words. They are the basis and support of our (and any other) society, and if there are enough of them (at least a tenth of all men) - then the people are alive, if few or not at all - hello liberal Europe, the death of the people and the transformation of people into consumer trash.

It will not be superfluous to remember the words of old people that male adulthood comes at 40 years old.

There is also a little-known saying: "By the age of forty, a person is either his own doctor - or a fool." It is clear that an adult real man is not a fool at all, he knows how to maintain strength and health and increase them.

It is with such a man that a woman will be next to her, and she will give birth to healthy children, and children will grow up strong, and then they themselves will give birth and raise real people.

If you think carefully about the above, you can come to an interesting conclusion - only that nation develops in which there is a strong masculine principle.

Inner essence

Behold at the root!

Kozma Prutkov

A good driver knows the structure of a car. A good doctor is the anatomy and physiology of the human body. Engineer - the device of machines and mechanisms, the principles of their creation and the properties of materials. “Learn the materiel” is a well-known army proverb; studying society you cannot do without knowing how a person works (we will leave the physical body to the doctors).

Now there is no longer any secret that a person consists not only of muscles, bones and internal organs. The energy structure consists of energy centers (the nucleus of consciousness, chakras), seven main ones of which are located along the spine, a cocoon - an oval (or ovoid) shape - a shell around the body, located at arm's length (approximately, for everyone in different ways) and the field (before it called biofield) - covers an area with a diameter of several meters, tens of meters, hundreds of meters, kilometers - depending on the state of health and the level of human development. There are legends about people with fields tens of kilometers long - if they exist, it is definitely outside our hectic society.

Confirmed the words that we are "created in the image and likeness", that "as above - so below." Just as stars and planets have a central solid (or fiery) core and a magnetosphere with a diameter of tens and hundreds of times the size of this core, so a person has a solid body, around him a dense cocoon (or an aura, a single terminology has not yet settled down), and then a less dense field for tens and hundreds of meters. The substance, the one of which the chakras, the cocoon and the field are called energy, sometimes force, even less often - spirit. Actually, this simple knowledge gives us the answer to the questions:

- how are we different from other nations?


- what is the Russian spirit and the mysterious Russian soul?

Everything is simple - these are just characteristics of people whose power structure is not destroyed and consists of pure streams of power not contaminated with foreign impurities and inclusions of various parasitic programs, that is, all chakras work well (not muffled), the cocoon is dense and not small, and the field is not 2 - 3 meters and at least a dozen or two, and this whole system works steadily under various external loads - mental and physical (some call this margin of safety as the tension or potential of the human energy structure).

In addition, for people who have reached a high level of development in the power structure, the work of the upper chakras prevails - saints, enlightened ones, or, as Seraphim of Sarov said, who “acquired the spirit of light”. Next to them is the smell of flowers, not sugary - the sweetish smell of death, which often accompanies seriously ill patients, namely, a light floral scent.

This is what distinguishes us from the rest - the spirit that “inflates” our “auras”, while others, unfortunately, “blown away”. Independently, or who helped them (as lovers of conspiracy theorists believe) is not so important.

Our innate sense of conscience and justice (which in the West has long been drowned out) is also an external manifestation of the presence inside a person of pure and powerful strength (fortitude) and if we meet a manifestation of injustice, then it is always (ultimately) someone, spiritually weak, trying to profit ("vampirize" as it is now fashionable to say) by someone's strength, violating his cocoon and power (energy) structure. Intuitively, we feel this violation of someone's integrity and strive to restore what was violated. At least real whole people do that.

An additional result of the presence of a strong spirit is physical strength and good health (and a quick cure if any trouble happens), so that a large number of strong people are economically very profitable - huge expenses for medicine are not needed.

Actually, not so long ago, this knowledge was used in life. There is a document on the Internet with a list of external signs according to which people were selected for service in the NKVD. Whether this document was really applied or not - we do not know for sure, but what a knowledgeable person compiled it is obvious. It correctly lists the external manifestations of internal distortions of human energy.

In women, the power structure is almost identical to that of men, the differences are only related to the fact that women give birth and feed children and, of course, accumulate strength for this, and therefore, to maintain women's health, it is better for them to wear women's clothing - dresses and skirts. There are good and detailed works on this topic on the Internet.

With the "materiel" (who are we?) Sorted out a little. Now let's try to answer the next question.


Ivans who do not remember kinship

Here it is necessary to know well our past, history, but in connection with history, it will not be possible to ignore such a phenomenon as "alternatives". They began to emerge en masse 15 - 20 years ago along with the development of the Internet. Professional historians do not take them seriously - many versions of alternatives read like fascinating science fiction novels (Hollywood films are just children's amateur performances compared to them). However, during the same time, thanks to the massiveness and availability of information on the same Internet, geologists, metallurgists, engineers, military men with a sharp and inquiring mind have accumulated so much material that contradicts the accepted history and posed such technically competent questions to the official version of events that professional historians need to preserve honor, it remains only to sprinkle ashes on the head and commit hara-kiri (a joke, if anyone did not understand). Here you need to show understanding and condescension, because they are humanitarians, and therefore cannot delve into either the technical subtleties and sequence of technological processes, or their interrelation with each other. Without this, it is impossible to understand the level of development of the economy (economy), and without the latter - the breadth and depth of development of social consciousness (understanding of the world order) - which ultimately gives the internal structure of society. Such a long chain of meanings and its competent construction is not possible without the presence of "techies". Specific facts - all on the same Internet - hundreds of pages of texts, photos, videos, graphs, etc. Those who wish can easily find it. It is true that it is not always easy to separate fantasy from competent research - but this is easily solved by obtaining a good technical education and professional skills.

In addition, there is one more subtle fact confirming our ignorance of the past - this is the very existence of history as a separate discipline with its own subject of study: "Unknown past."

It is clear that otherwise there would simply be archives with chronicles. If a person wanted to know the details, he came to the archive, read it, and that's all.

However, not everything is so sad. There is a direct source of knowledge about the past (also distorted but not catastrophically) - these are our tales, proverbs and sayings, legends, folk songs and rituals. In addition to just information, they also preserved the spirit of the people and are therefore much more valuable than simple annals. It would be very good to study them in schools without fail, and in kindergartens too.

Here is such a vague picture of our past. The only thing that can be said with certainty is that we are the heirs of our ancestors:

- Soviet Union

- Russian Empire

- litvinov

- Drevlyan

- glade

- Krivichi


- Aryans


- and many others, in the depths of centuries and millennia

All this is our (albeit confusing) story.

Where we are going?

Camo beads

Heinrich Senkevich

Today we can say for sure and unambiguously - nowhere.

Even 40 years ago, we were going in an organized way towards a clear and clearly formulated (albeit hypothetical) goal - communism. The degree of organization, the level of the leadership's qualifications, the scale and complexity of the tasks to be solved are still beyond the limit for other countries and peoples (this is not even taking into account the fact that we lived in the coldest country in the world - who understands, of course). 30 years ago, they stumbled, lost their way, disorganized, then fled and since then we have been drifting to no one knows where under the influence of external forces. There are no real goals. The voiced someone else's goal - "Money" - is suitable only for degenerates with an animal structure of the psyche. Men are confused because of a pointless life, "thump", women are angry - and completely in vain. Our man was born for great deeds:

- go into space

- win the world war

- light up a new star

- fly to the center of the galaxy and drink to a meeting with local natives


And all sorts of ideas that we should educate a qualified consumer only say that random people who do not know our people at all have crept into the leadership. So scolding our men for what they do not want to earn money to buy unnecessary nonsense is a stupid business. Give a worthy goal worth living for, "and in response - silence …"

The situation is further complicated by the fact that the level of education of our children (both in schools and in universities) is falling, there are simply almost no healthy ones left - who is coming to replace us? How will this frail and illiterate generation live on and whom will it grow up to replace itself?

Even more alarming signs - according to seeing psychics, there are very few people with a good power structure, with a dense cocoon - and this is the main protection from external influences.

We grow smaller and weaker.

If we ourselves do not think about our future, someone else will think about it in their favor.

The truth cannot be said that the situation is absolutely catastrophic. There are some glimmers of hope. There are smart, thinking and patriotic people in the leaderships of both Russia and Belarus. They see and understand many problems, as a result:

- and Putin talked about the spiritual bonds of society and the creation of zemstvos, - and in Belarus the movement “Belaya Rus” was created to unite the society.

Yes, even in the same Europe, poisoned by liberalism, there are healthy forces - somehow a study flashed on the Internet several years ago about what percentage of homosexuals it is safe to have in governments, because when a certain limit is exceeded, the government becomes incapacitated, since these men are not able to make decisions and carry them out in life. Sanity has not yet completely died there.

The problem is different.

These sane leaders think within the framework of ready-made and long-standing ideas and concepts, come up with new options from these "kipichiks", but the bricks (ideas) themselves are old. We came to the current situation and problems together with these ideas. In addition, the presence of a huge number of current tasks that need to be urgently addressed (crises, sanctions, oil surges, finance, wars, etc.) do not allow the management to raise their heads and look ahead, and in general, in a calm atmosphere, to reflect on whether there is any either "forward" or not.

Here we need not thinking but thinking. People with a clean and powerful energy, who can restore distorted ideas, create new meanings and ideas (after all, as Stalin said, without a theory, we die - which is what life has confirmed). They let us down, because people of this level of power do not live in our hectic and chaotic society. Leaving us to the mercy of fate, they hid in the Himalayas, the Siberian taiga, somewhere in the Asian deserts, drive teas there, reflect on the transience of all things and laugh at our small (for them) problems.

In this situation, you will have to solve your problems yourself, without the "Neutons and Platons swift by the mind". Although judging by the books and films, from the 30-40s to the present, how the content of conversations, intonation, facial expressions change, and especially in the last 30 years, we cannot exclude the possibility that there is an implicit control over public consciousness, for ideas, meanings and their assessments in the minds of people. And periodically there are adjustments and turns of it. And now it looks very much like another turn. Where is it just? So they don't (most likely) leave us without supervision.

Practical conclusions

What to do?


In the absence of "Nevtonov and Platonov", what should ordinary people, ordinary leaders and ordinary rulers do in our current situation? We are poorly aware of our past and without a clear road to the future, especially since we are constantly frightened by crises, sanctions, wars, the ends of the world and other horror stories. Taking into account the fact that a society is only stable and develops stably when a strong masculine principle in it is properly organized.

The answer is simple, it lies on the surface, which is why no one notices it and is not guided by it.

It is necessary to form and develop a strong masculine principle, in individuals and in society as a whole, because our affairs in this area are not good. The tendency to “divide and rule” has reached individual people and tears them apart from the inside (where before a normal man would have just kicked in the face - today, under the influence of false tolerance and mythical “human rights”, he is embarrassedly silent suppressing his conscience at the sight of injustice and gradually becomes "Woman").

It is imperative to study our fairy tales, songs, starting with the children's gardens and further in schools, in more detail and deeply delve into the rituals and traditions of ancestors.

Schools for boys must be separate and only with men as teachers - since a man can only be raised by a man and only by personal example. (Now teachers are solid women - wonderful and selfless teachers, they really love their students and quietly (but reliably) instill in boys a female type of thinking and behavior). In addition, in such schools, all cleaning, minor repairs and maintenance must be entrusted to the students themselves, instilling independence and responsibility from the elementary grades, and parent meetings should be held only with fathers as the main educators of new men. And so on …

If we now start to act in this direction, then there is a chance that in 50 years we will not disappear as a people and turn into an indefinite herd of consumers without a past and a future (like Europe already today), but for now we are slowly drifting there.

This is the groundwork for the future.

However, there is one more task that can and should be solved today. It was well voiced by Zadornov: "People are one people, and the government is another people." Although he is satirical, he is still a writer, an “engineer of human souls,” which means he feels the emotional moods of people well. Indeed, such a gap exists. It seems that people also get into the leadership from the common people, it seems that the government is working for the benefit of the same people, but in reality people themselves are spinning as best they can, and the government is without the support of the people (they do not like the leadership in our country - it just so happened) and works worse, and makes mistakes, creating unnecessary tension in society, which is completely unnecessary - the time is already difficult.

Here we absolutely need a connecting link. Which

- would unite society in the presence of constant external threats (only the lazy does not speak about Ukraine now, our "sworn friends" did a good job there), - would explain to people the intentions and plans of the government, - collect the opinions and wishes of people and transmit them to the government, - it would be a school and a reserve of personnel for the country, there are problems here, "there are few real violent", - and so on …

Such a connecting and strengthening society can only be the unification of adult successful men who live here, on their land, are not going to run anywhere in search of a better life, live under their own roof, raise at least two heirs, strong in spirit and body. In general, which women are talking about is a real man.

It is just such people who are difficult to drive into any party or movement, they already know life well themselves and do not listen to various political chatterboxes.

This is the mainstay of our society, the truth is latent and does not work in full force. The task is to launch it at full capacity.

At first glance, this is a difficult and almost impossible task. However, if you follow the step-by-step method, well described by Boris Tsekhanovich in the story "Spetsnaz reluctantly", then the task is quite solvable in about five years:

1 year - consolidation of text materials - the foundation of ideas.

Year 2 - the formation of the nucleus of the association (movement, party …).

3 year - branches in regional centers.

4 year - branches in regional centers.

5 year - that's the beginning of the actual work "in the field".

At the same time, one must well understand why all this is being done and keep in mind the ultimate goal in a pure, undistorted form - then everything will work out.

"Cadres are everything." They must be dealt with because the only real value of a society of people is people, and if we ourselves do not take care of ourselves and our children, someone else will take care of, and in their own interests. The history of the last 25 years, well, so clearly it shows that there is nowhere more clearly - and we are all waiting until the thunder breaks out louder, or the cancer hangs somewhere on the mountain (we have already waited a little further south).

As the leaders of the proletariat said: "Marxism is not a dogma, but a guide to action."

Well, as always, it was necessary to start acting yesterday.

P. S


Modern teenage slang

A very curious observation is that in all of the above, there is not a single personal thought or idea of mine. All this is clearly (or not so) in the air, televisions, the Internet, books, movies and conversations. Actually, this is our "national idea".

If we really generalize it in a philosophical, worldview sense, then it turns out that

- we are flesh of flesh and blood of blood, not only of our fathers and mothers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers and ancestors, we are flesh of flesh and blood of the blood of the animal world, the plant world, the world of minerals (solid matter), the world of wave and field structures and so on - this is all our common home and the source of our life, - we develop for a very long time - from waves and light, through the stage of solid matter, then living matter, then the community of people and, finally, the level of intelligent life loomed on the horizon, but there is still a long way to go and there is still a lot of work to do.

Let's not forget that to the stars - only through thorns.

Duben S. E.

Minsk 2015
