Fake history of mankind. "At the expense of the working people "
Fake history of mankind. "At the expense of the working people "

Video: Fake history of mankind. "At the expense of the working people "

Video: Fake history of mankind.
Video: Pope Francis Says Hell Doesn’t EXIST 2024, April

If you believe the history of the Second World War, the sacrifice of the Soviet people during the war knew no boundaries. People were malnourished, but they took their savings, valuables and salaries to the Defense Fund in order to bring the victory over the enemy closer. These funds were used to build tanks, aircraft and warships for the front.


Let us ask ourselves a question: how much could a tank or an airplane cost if a loaf of bread on the market cost 200 rubles, and a worker received 700-800 rubles a month. Yes, workers and employees, in addition to wages, received ration cards, but they only could not starve to death. And yet it was still necessary to feed the children and the elderly.


Collective farmers did not receive any money or ration cards at all, only natural products. But at the same time, tanks and aircraft were purchased for the front throughout the war. And not in single copies, but in columns and squadrons.


Can you believe all this? Not! This is beyond common sense. Soviet citizens brought their valuables not to the Defense Fund, but to the hucksters in order to survive. And where do the values come from? From 1905 to 1941, whatever troubles fell on the heads of the unfortunate people: the Russo-Japanese War, the First World War, three revolutions, the civil war, the Red Terror, the White Terror, intervention, dispossession, war communism, collectivization, endless monetary reform, industrialization etc.


I will willingly believe that during the war the state robbed its already poor citizens, forcing them to purchase government bonds and to deduct part of their salaries to the Defense Fund. As it always did.

How in a country with a socialist economy during a war could the population buy military equipment from the state? There were special factories that built tanks and planes only with workers' money? Or did the state cheat, secretly selling serial and free (for it) military equipment from the assembly line to its own citizens for a lot of money and immediately took it back as a gift from citizens?


It cannot even be called stupidity! And people BELIEVE all this !!! The means of production belong to the state, the subsoil belongs to the state, workers and collective farmers also belonged to the state, since they were assigned to their enterprises and collective farms as serfs and worked for food. For the state, workers' money was ordinary paper that had no price - after all, it itself printed as much as it wanted. The state bought military equipment from itself and gave it to itself?


The maximum that our native state could do for all these millions of people (which no one actually voluntarily donated to the Defense Fund) was simply to apply name stencils with oil paint on the towers and fuselages of serial military equipment that came off the assembly line. And this is a completely different story.



1. Soviet citizens could not donate their values and savings to the Defense Fund, since the poor population had neither the opportunity nor the desire to do this.

2. During the war, the state robbed its citizens, forcing them to purchase government bonds and transfer part of their salaries to the Defense Fund (what is the essence of this circulation of virtual money, I do not quite understand: to withdraw the excess money supply and increase the purchasing power of the ruble?).

3. Under the conditions of a socialist economy, the population, in principle, did not have the opportunity to acquire military equipment from the state.

4. If you take all this for the truth, then the state simply deceived and robbed its people during the war, increasing their suffering.
