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Space of life and ecology of consciousness
Space of life and ecology of consciousness

Video: Space of life and ecology of consciousness

Video: Space of life and ecology of consciousness
Video: Russia: History, Geography, Economy and Culture 2024, May

In today's rapidly changing world, new terms and concepts that did not exist before began to appear more and more often. But only a few of them are dictated not by fashion, but by the dictates of the times. These concepts include the ecology of consciousness. Before talking about the ecology of consciousness, let us try to recall the classical definition of the philosophy of consciousness and the concept of "consciousness" as a separate phenomenon of the Universe. Wikipedia gives this definition: The philosophy of consciousness is a philosophical discipline, the subject of which is the nature of consciousness, as well as the relationship between consciousness and physical reality (matter, body).

Within the framework of our topic, we will not delve into the jungle of the philosophy of consciousness, which gives many complex interpretations of related definitions of thinking, mind and consciousness. For now, some generalized definition of consciousness will be enough for us, which looks like this: With regard to a person, consciousness is a kind of universal phenomenon (the substance of the Higher Mind), which determines the essence of its existence in a single cosmic system of interaction: Nature, Mind, and the Universe.

And now let's compare our expectations of universal prosperity on Earth and the achievements of human thought in the field of psychology and philosophy over the past 100 years. Is there a clear dissonance here? The answer, of course, will be yes. Yes, there is such a dissonance, and that's why …

Over the past century, mankind has accumulated a huge potential of knowledge in the field of cognition of the depths of human thought and perception of the surrounding world. First of all, we should mention here such luminous thinkers as Kant, Hegel, Feuerbach, Nietzsche, Schopenhaur, Soloviev, Berdyaev, Florensky, Bulgakov and other theorists who laid the foundations of the modern school of philosophy and from different points of view formulated a general approach to the problem of knowledge a person of the surrounding world in all its contradictions and complexity. A huge contribution to the theory of psychoanalysis and the study of the depths of human thinking was made by foreign scientists Freud, Jung, as well as domestic physiologists Pavlov, Bekhterev, psychoanalyst Bondar and others. The development of the properties of the human psyche from the point of view of individual and mass (social) psychology followed in the works of Le Bon, Merleau-Ponty, Husserl and Sartre, who created the concept of “phenomenology of spirit” and the theory of sublimation of the inner unconscious “I” (“alter ego”). Unlike philosophy, orthodox natural sciences either deny the existence of consciousness (Reason) as an independent phenomenon in the Universe, or cannot explain the nature of its physical essence. Dead end? Yes!

Without going into the specifics of one or another theoretical direction of the listed philosophical studies, it can be noted that the overwhelming majority of theoretical studies in the field of philosophy and natural sciences of the late 19th and early 20th centuries were carried out under the auspices of humanism in relation to the human person as a unique creation nature.

It would seem that an important milestone has been passed in the process of human cognition of his inner capabilities, and now civilization will rapidly follow the path of progress and universal prosperity. But, alas, this does not happen. Moreover, technological progress with the advent of new media has become a brake on the human striving to comprehend the truth. Paradox? Yes! Why did this happen and what are the reasons for such inhibition?

To understand these reasons, you will have to explain the essence of the changes that have taken place on the path of technological progress. Simply put, nature was originally created in order to be cherished, respected and respected, and material things in order to be used intelligently. The trouble happened when things became more important to people than Nature. Today people have become slaves-fetishists of things to the detriment of Nature, which they mercilessly exploit and use as a means of obtaining this or that material fetish. The vicious circle is complete. Is there a way out of this circle? Yes, there is also this way out connected with the ecology of consciousness. In other words, a way out exists in the head of each of us, and only after clearing out the garbage in it in the form of artificially created doctrines, dogmas or ideologies that have accumulated there, one can begin to clear the material garbage created by the consumer society. Otherwise, picking up physical garbage turns into a local one-time action, doomed to failure. And this is understandable, since the mental garbage in the head of each person will inevitably contradict the natural worldview, originally genetically inherent in each individual, which means it will produce new mistakes at the mental and behavioral level. As a result, new material fetishes and new millions of tons of physical debris will appear in the real biosphere of the planet. Thus, the ecology of consciousness is a key concept and an important factor in the formation of the modern concept of the eco-civilization of the future of planet Earth.

Now that we have come close to understanding the main paradox of the 20th century, we will consider the connection between the processes of human thinking and ecology. As you know, ecology is the science of protecting the natural environment of a person from the undesirable consequences of technological progress. We are talking about the pollution of air, water, soil, flora and fauna (i.e. biosphere) of the planet with harmful industrial waste. Until the size of the population and the level of industrial production reached critical values, environmental issues were hardly discussed. It should be noted that until relatively recently, the consumer attitude towards Nature was not only not condemned, but was encouraged in every possible way by public morality under the slogan of accelerating technical progress. This continued from the middle of the 18th century and lasted for over 150 years. At the turn of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, the problem of pollution of the natural habitat became so acute that today the fate of the further survival of all mankind depends on its solution. If only some 200 years ago it was possible to speak of the habitat of any living organisms on planet Earth as something constant, i.e. a certain constant given to us once and for all, today few people will deny the influence of an increasingly aggressive anthropogenic factor on the conditions for the necessary life support of the biosphere. From a one-sided type of interaction, in which a person was a passive witness to a relatively stable state of the biosphere, there was a sharp transition to a two-way type. At present, we have an active and two-way algorithm for the interaction of the "Man - Biosphere" ecosystem. The essence of the two-sided algorithm can be represented as follows: the population of the Earth is growing rapidly, the rate of consumption of non-renewable biological resources and energy resources of the planet is increasing, and along with them the load on the Earth's biosphere is growing. It is now clear that there are threshold values for the degree of negative human influence on the reproductive function of the biosphere. As the anthropogenic factor approaches the threshold, the Earth's biosphere responds to us with an intensification of hard-to-predict climatic and technogenic cataclysms.

We already observe examples of such negative interaction in various parts of the planet and they show extremely unfavorable prospects for the future of human civilization. What to do? It is urgent to change the concept of interaction of the ecosystem "Man - Nature" and this change will largely be determined by the ecology of consciousness. Today the time has come to abandon the outdated definition of "habitat" and move to a more precise and relevant concept - "living space". Of course, any living space is unthinkable without its main components and their harmonious interaction, namely Man, Nature and Space. The proposed terminology, moreover, is well associated with such a more general human concept as the sacred worldview concept - “Space of Life”, in which Mother Nature is primary, and man is her rational son and guardian. It is in this formulation that it is proposed to understand the modern term “Ecocivilization” and its basic concept “Ecology”.

Since we are talking about such "divine" categories as the phenomenology of the spirit, the intuitive perception of the world, the sublimation of consciousness and the inner "I", one cannot but pay attention to one strange circumstance. In fact, over the past 1, 5 millennia, mankind has been diligently and purposefully moving away from such vital philosophical concepts as natural worldview and harmonious perception of the world, based on the triad Man-Nature-Space. Someone replaced them with artificially created religions, ideologies and dogmas, such as: God the Father - God the Son - Holy Spirit, theories of the division of society into social, religious and other antagonistic groups or classes: slaves and their masters, employers and their employees, communists, socialists, monarchists, anarchists, fascists, democrats, market people, Muslims, Buddhists, etc. It is quite obvious that someone is successfully conducting such a division. The personality of the global "conductor" plays a secondary role in our reasoning, although it is not difficult to calculate it. It is much more important to understand its main purpose. In this case, the goal is obvious: power over human souls and material resources.

For those who are accustomed to thinking in terms of transformed religious consciousness, the following explanation is possible. Since the divine principle is originally laid down in the genetic memory of each person and in his natural program of life, the transformation of consciousness through the creation of artificial dogmas and teachings cannot be a Divine manifestation of the forces of Good. On the other hand, the replacement of originally created divine categories with artificial ones is certainly beneficial to infernal entities, or the forces of Evil. The result of the substitution of basic ideological categories becomes clear - this is the seizure of power over the world by the forces of Evil and the impending collapse of the planet's biosphere. Unfortunately, not all people understand this. Alas, the level of social culture of a modern person came into conflict with his growing needs in the material sphere. The cult of the consumption of material goods and the achievements of technical progress to the detriment of the Nature and the biosphere of the planet has led civilization to an inevitable dead end, in which the body of a rational man (homo sapiens) began to exist in spite of and even to the detriment of his mind. In the case of further deepening, this contradiction will inevitably entail a narrowing of the human living space on the scale of the Planet, and in the future, the complete disappearance of mankind. The solution to the problem has no alternative and lies in the sphere of human thinking.

Man is a unique creation of Nature and Space with his own unique individual consciousness, given to him by birthright. This consciousness is formed at first at the level of unconscious perception of the real world, and only by the age of 7-10, the child begins to show the ability to adapt to difficulties and analytical thinking. At birth, each person receives a genetic memory, which already contains the fundamental (basic) principles and rules of life in the world around them and in a society of their own kind. The basis of these principles is a life-affirming worldview (inner mental "I"), based on a harmonious perception of the system of interaction between Mind, Nature and Space.

It is important that, in contrast to the internal sublimation of the unconscious intuitive "I" according to Freud, a harmonious natural-natural mental "I" is formed at the genetic level in the womb and is a completely conscious phenomenon of every normal person. Each child is initially a little God, since he has a pure consciousness, not clouded by any theories or dogmas, and, at the same time, at the genetic (subconscious) level, he understands the difference between good and evil. Further development of the child's personality usually occurs in the family, where he receives from his parents the initial information he needs to develop and realize his individual qualities.

Initially, “ecologically clean” (ie, natural) human consciousness is a unique basic program, in which there are no far from harmless marks of external influences in the form of politicized teachings, religions, philosophical beliefs or ideologies. As a person grows up, he inevitably falls under the influence of the state and society, and, starting from this period, his thinking undergoes a purposeful transformation. The purpose and depth of such a transformation is determined by the degree of development of the moral attitudes of a particular state and society, and, ultimately, by the degree of development of the entire civilization of the planet.

Unfortunately, since the middle of the 18th century, mankind has followed the technocratic path of development, to the detriment of the spiritual development of the individual. To a large extent, this was facilitated by artificially created ideological dogmas and religious teachings that ignore the harmony of the interaction of Man, Nature and Space. Profit making at any cost, the barbaric exploitation of natural resources and the overthrow of the principles of a humane attitude towards Nature and the individual, could not but affect the attitude of the state towards human consciousness as an inviolable substance that is not subject to aggressive external influences. Slogans - the material is primary, and the spiritual is secondary, the cult of power and profit, disregard of public morality, the achievement of benefits at any cost - these immoral principles have broken all the barriers separating the moral foundations of modern society from the obscurantism of the Middle Ages.

Moreover, the physical violence, coercion and torture of the Inquisition were replaced by effective mind control technologies invisible to the eye. Today, new technologies of mass consciousness control, which are extremely dangerous for the human psyche, have appeared, aimed at suppressing individual thinking. Managing the behavior of each individual and society as a whole has become the coveted goal of the international financial-oligarchic mafia, striving for power on the entire planet.

A number of technologies for managing mass consciousness are not only active and harmful to the individual mental health of an individual, but also socially dangerous, because are based on electromagnetic irradiation of certain objects or territories with the help of powerful transmitters specially designed for these purposes. Many publications of domestic and foreign authors are devoted to the analysis of methods and means of active influence on the human psyche, in which the principles and consequences of such influences are disclosed. Today, such terms as information warfare, information aggressor, information terrorism, information influence, electronic psi-weapons, mental slavery and artificial zombies have already become everyday. And this is not the limit …

In their frenzied striving for world domination, transnational financial structures are constantly initiating the development of new, universal in principle of action and total in terms of mass coverage of technical means of influencing the human psyche in order to control, and, in the short term, enslavement of human consciousness. We are talking about the creation of ultra-compact electronic devices capable of building a system of remote control of the thoughts and actions of every inhabitant of the planet through a global satellite communications system. Already today, the media openly discuss the use of the achievements of modern technologies to facilitate personal management. We are talking about the use of so-called universal electronic cards instead of traditional passports, as well as microchips implanted in every child at birth. And all this is supposedly created in the name of the same technical progress. But does humanity need such "progress"? Each of us will have to answer this question very soon, and only ecologically clean consciousness can help in this.


The ecology of consciousness and the inviolability of individual thinking today seems to be no less, and maybe even more important, for humanity than the ecology of the environment. For those who doubt this statement, I would like to clarify: according to the forecasts of ecologists, the complete collapse of technocratic civilization at the current rate of pollution of the planet's biosphere will occur in about 85-110 years. At the same time, the growth rates of modern information technologies make it possible to predict the achievement of total control over human consciousness within the next 25-30 years. This means that mental slaves (and, in the long term, this is a large part of the planet's population) will no longer be able to influence the further process of degradation of human civilization. The powerful and obedient media outlets try not to raise this problem, but this does not mean that society should come to terms with aggressive technologies of manipulating mass or individual consciousness.

A quite pertinent question arises: What to do?

First, do not sit back and wait for the situation to completely get out of the control of the world community. Secondly, it is urgent to initiate the development and adoption of a package of laws at the international level, excluding the use of aggressive methods of influencing the mass consciousness. Thirdly, to create at the UN the appropriate control bodies authorized to identify and suppress the actions of public and private structures, as well as individuals, aimed at infringement of human rights in the field of ecology of consciousness.

Household recommendations:

Remember the uniqueness of your own thinking.

Learn to think for yourself, and not under the influence of the media.

Learn to critically interpret the information received, comparing its reliability from different independent sources.

Learn not to make hasty conclusions from the information received and not succumb to the tricks of information aggressors.

Use, whenever possible, only verified sources of information or primary sources.

Expand your general educational and socio-political horizons.

Form your own view of world events.

Recommendations at the socio-political level:

To actively participate in the life of the country.

To seek from the authorities the adoption of laws prohibiting the use of any aggressive methods and means of external influence on a person's mental health and consciousness.
