Black wax, white snow
Black wax, white snow

Video: Black wax, white snow

Video: Black wax, white snow
Video: Dax - SELF PROCLAIMED 4 (Official Music Video) 2024, October

Rise above the world, or crush the world for yourself …

There is not much difference in the relative coordinate system.

Only now there are rumors: the theory of relativity is crumbling …

It happened in the most ordinary summer, which did not bode well for any surprises or surprises. I was then working as a designer in a printing house at a large factory. The weather that day was very warm and sunny. I passed the factory entrance and slowly walked to my place of work. The road took no more than ten minutes, and I had enough time to admire the manicured trees and shrubs growing along the road. A light breeze was blowing, birds were singing somewhere nearby, large white butterflies fluttered over the lawns. The mood was just wonderful. I walked past the honor roll, carefully preserved by the factory workers since Soviet times, and turned at an intersection. Ahead stretched the same idyll: flat green plantings in the sunlight and a bright blue sky with small snow-white clouds.

* * *

But … here, around the bend, I had a strange feeling, as if I had entered another, parallel, reality. I saw the road, trees and sky. But at the same time I saw a large, crowded city, the most ordinary city. But I have never been in it before, at least in this life. Unbeknownst to myself, I completely immersed myself in that world, imbued with its events and daily routine.

The first thing I remember is the abnormal heat. At the height of summer, all the lawns dried up, and the leaves on the trees began to turn yellow. Many people complained about their health, pharmacies and clinics struggled to cope with the influx of visitors. Pressure, migraine, heart … All this was quite predictable in such weather. But … alarmed patients with very strange symptoms began to come from everywhere: unusual spots of various sizes and shapes appeared on their bodies. These spots had suspiciously common features: a grayish color and a waxy sheen. They did not cause pain, irritation, or any other disturbing excesses. It is clear that this did not give people a reason to calm down, especially since the spots gradually darkened and increased both in size and in number. The strangest thing was that they appeared more often in those who, just, quite easily tolerated abnormal weather.

Medicine was never able to explain the reason for this phenomenon and delicately went into the shadows. No one else tackled this problem, unless, of course, you count the ubiquitous journalists, whose interests, as a rule, do not include the search for truth: they need sensations. So, alas, there was no one to turn to for help … But, fortunately, in the fall, the spots began to disappear as suddenly as they appeared. And everyone breathed a sigh of relief …

* * *

This strange waking dream was interrupted by a familiar sound. I turned around. A barmaid from the factory canteen with a large iron box on wheels crossed the road. At this time, she usually delivered pies, which she herself baked from early morning. She greeted me warmly and apologized for not having time to stop by our printing house. The pies rushed further, in the direction of the nearest workshop. I watched her go. Poor woman: she spins like a squirrel in a wheel in order to somehow feed her fatherless children. Silently, from the bottom of my heart he wished after her that luck would finally smile at her and her life would be made happy by a faithful and reliable person.

* * *

I continued on my way.. and again broke into this strange parallel reality. I saw another summer. Perhaps it was after the previous one, or perhaps they were separated by some time interval. This summer was also very hot. And again, to everyone's dismay, the very wax spots began to appear in people. Only now they almost immediately turned black. In some, the spots have increased markedly. Someone found them much less and secretly hoped that by now everything would certainly pass. But there were also those who discovered them for the first time.

Now connoisseurs of alternative medicine have joined the problem, although they could not offer anything effective either. It is not known where a whole horde of healers, sorcerers and shamans appeared. They all spoke with one voice about corruption, slander and a beaten aura. Of course, they offered their miraculous services, for a good fee, of course. True, all of them, as if on selection, suffered from the same problem. So, apparently, even their loved ones were not able to help.

Some of the advanced youth created a website dedicated to the problem of "Black wax" - this is how this mysterious anomaly was dubbed by that time. The materials on the site were devoted to finding answers: "What is it?", "Where is it from?" and "How to deal with this?" Not surprisingly, there were more than enough people willing to speak up. Some collected statistics, others tried to analyze it, and others shared their conclusions and assumptions.

Many were inclined to believe that "Black Wax" manifests itself in people prone to negative emotions, which, in their opinion, burn from the inside of their owner. Excessive lust for money, power, and pleasure were also considered high risk factors. However, this apparently applied to all kinds of passion and fanaticism. Selfishness and consumerism, as well as the opposite extreme - to live for the sake of others, to the detriment of oneself, according to some, upset the delicate balance of a person with the outside world, thereby destroying him as a person. Alcoholic tobacco was also blamed for what was happening. The preachers of healthy eating argued that by consuming meat, people absorb the energy of death, with all the ensuing consequences. Someone cited a direct link: pure speech - pure aura, referring to the well-known experience of how swearing, jargon and the introduction of foreign words tear the protective shell of a person to shreds. We also talked about how addiction to the virtual society is off scale for some: this, of course, is fashion, advertising, social networks, and further down the list. Well, lies, deceit and cruelty - this was already a sentence without options …

The site talked not only about how bad and wrong everything is. A special section was created where people shared their opinions, and sometimes - real experience, how and how to defeat this disease. They talked about the feeling of love and gratitude, which works wonders, about inner peace and mental balance. They called to turn to face nature, bowing before its beauty and grandeur. We were convinced how important ancestral ties are, which give us powerful energy protection. It has been argued that the main mantra is optimism no matter what. And some just posted beautiful music and soulful photos …

There were many opinions and advice. Someone warmly supported the voiced opinions, someone called it all nonsense. Someone was in no hurry to draw conclusions and preferred to ask questions. In a word, life on the site was in full swing …

Despite the fact that such a phenomenon as "Black wax" has become far from isolated, people, nevertheless, tried in every possible way to hide the ill-fated spots from others. We bought up all the perfumes, invented original styles of clothes, hung all kinds of decorations on ourselves …

By the fall, everyone waited with hope and trepidation that everything would disappear again. But … this time the miracle did not happen. The spots seem to have stopped growing, but have not gone anywhere.

* * *

A car rushed past me with a crash, and I again flew out of this strange parallel world. In a brand new black foreign car sat an almost bald-haired, well-fed ruddy guy, imposingly leaning back in his chair. Apparently, it was the owner of one of the small firms that leased warehouse and workshop premises at the plant. From the car, rattling with its entire body, some simple song burst out, clearly not burdened with deep meaning. I looked after them in half-abandoned thought…. Music is simpler, thoughts are shorter, desires and interests are written off from commercials. Life values easily fit into four simple words: buy, sell, eat, have fun … Now he is on horseback and in business. With appetite, he eats up the legacy of his ancestors and the future of his descendants. And tomorrow … Yes, there is no tomorrow: they simply have nothing to create it, and they have almost eaten the present.

Accustomed to being a user, this guy is unlikely to be able to offer the world a future that the Universe wishes to fill with the energy of life. This means that it has already been marked for deletion …

The black car disappeared around the far corner, taking with it the primitive melody. But I was already quite far from here …

* * *

The third time I ended up in the same city. It was summer again and probably the hottest I've ever seen. Despite the heat, the trees and grass were surprisingly lush and green. And the sky was somehow especially blue.

The story of black wax, almost frozen by winter, again became the main subject of everyone's attention. The spots began to show clear dynamics. For some, they noticeably decreased, for others, they disappeared altogether. Apparently, many began to realize the reasons for their appearance. Those who did not draw conclusions from life and stubbornly adhered to their habits, values and passions, watched in horror as the spots grew and covered their bodies. Moreover, black wax suddenly began to change its properties: it began to show through any clothes and objects. And it was already impossible to hide it.

Some members of the elite began to obsessively spread the opinion that these shiny black spots are not at all some kind of disease or anomalous phenomenon, but, on the contrary, a special sign of being chosen: it is not for nothing that the richest, most stylish and most famous people are most often marked with these "noble signs." Some clutched at this version as a saving straw. Others whispered that all this propaganda was just an attempt to hide their fear, despair and envy towards those who found the will and strength to get rid of the disease.

Summer went on. The heat did not stop. Events continued, and their scenario became more and more predictable. The preachers of “chosenness” have sometimes turned to aggressive attacks on those who did not share their philosophy and system of values. Some of them publicly called for repressive and punitive measures against the "infidels" and even tried to implement their threats. But every day they were less and less able to influence the consciousness of the crowd: their fear, impotent anger and black envy of the present and full-fledged were too noticeable.

They no longer heard or realized anything. They flatly refused to acknowledge the causes of their problems. What killed them was dearer to them than life. And, defending these values of theirs, they were ready to destroy anyone, even themselves.

Most of the summer has already passed. Everyone who was marked with wax secretly hoped that it would soon get colder and the problem would be frozen at least until spring. But instead of the long-awaited coolness, a new wave of abnormal heat suddenly appeared. And this time something happened that, it seems, even the most desperate soothsayers did not expect … The black wax began to melt. More precisely, he just began to disappear. But where there were spots, people did not see the usual outlines of the body. There were no scars or scars. No. There were just holes. Large and small, small and deep, even and ragged … And all of a sudden everyone immediately realized that this was the point of no return.

Despite the terrible wounds, they somehow continued to live, contrary to any logic of nature. If, of course, it could be called life. But their strength was running out before our eyes. And all that remained in them was fear and hatred.

These people did not feel pain. Didn't feel at all. Probably, they no longer felt their bodies. … Although, nevertheless, no, there was pain. Intense, terrible pain. But spiritual pain, piercing despair, burning resentment against life and eating away the remnants of the mind with anger against those who, in spite of everything and in spite of everything, still managed to preserve the Light in themselves.

I saw a young girl sitting on the pavement, whose outfit and makeup spoke of her belonging to an elite circle. She sat in a ridiculous position among the city debris, leaning against the dusty fence. With her hands, the girl held on to her stomach, in which a huge, deep hole gaped. She whispered something indistinctly through her teeth, looking at me with sunken, darkened eyes full of hatred and anger. I shuddered at this terrible picture and involuntarily quickened my pace. No, I've had enough time to see enough of these things. But, apparently, I will never get used to it …

* * *

… I just walked, trying not to pay attention to anyone. He walked, stubbornly telling himself that everything would be fine. I looked up into the sky as if I was looking for help and support in it. A small white fly flew right in front of me. She smoothly sank down and disappeared into a flowerpot. I went a few more steps. Another white fly crossed my path, then a few more … My God, it's snow! I couldn't believe my eyes. After such a heat, the snow seemed like something from the realm of a fairy tale. I put my palms forward. Snowflakes fell softly on my hands. Surprisingly, they seemed warm. There were more and more of them, they were bigger and more beautiful. It was already snowing. Blindingly clear snow quickly covered the sidewalks, roads and rooftops.

Still in disbelief, I stood and looked around. There was a strange feeling that the whole world was reborn, and everything started again, with a clean slate. Only here and there on this soft white carpet were strange dark spots visible … These were some figures, somewhat similar to people, but very distorted and as if badly damaged. Large fluffy snowflakes fell on them, and the figures melted. One of them, lying next to me, disappeared in a matter of minutes without a trace … I looked at the snow and could not remember what had just been the subject of my attention. I guess I was just thinking …

I looked up at the sky again. It was still a piercing blue. Strange: the snow seemed to come from nowhere. There were no clouds, no clouds, but he was walking. A bright Sun shone in the sky, very kind and calm. Everything was filled with light. It came from everywhere: both above and below, it was around and it shone from within. This light erased from memory all gloomy thoughts and memories, filling the heart with a feeling of some kind of quiet delight. Probably a similar feeling is experienced by a child who first sees a rainbow or a butterfly circling over a cornflower meadow …

I once again breathed in with my whole chest the incomparable smell of fresh snow and went towards the Sun. Only now did I notice that I was not alone. To my left and to my right, people walked, gently and calmly stepping on the snow, only sometimes carefully stepping over the dark irregularities melting before our eyes on the snow-white ground. Their gazes were fixed on the light. They were happy. They walked with me, walked into a new world, pure, like this dazzling white snow, into an eternal world, a perfect and infinitely beautiful world ……..

* * *

…….. The vision was slowly melting away… I gradually returned to my present reality. Birds sang somewhere nearby, and a light breeze swayed the thick branches of young trees. The sun was shining just as brightly.

I stood at the entrance to the printing house, trying to comprehend what I saw. Yes, it will take me a long time to realize all this. And more than once you will have to return to this difficult dream that has come in reality. No, I didn't take black wax as literal. Most likely, this is a certain symbol that clearly and sternly speaks about us and our possible future. Bursting into my world, he made me slow down and think about many things, look at everything anew, as for the first time, and impartially evaluate every step I take. He also reminded that each of us, whoever we are in this life, will have one impartial and merciless exam at the end of the road. And the reward for all who passed it is also the same - … Eternity …

© 2017

Pavel Lomovtsev (Volkhov)
